*** Captain America (Super Soldier) ***



  • Red doesn't scale at all with more covers.

    It does, actually. Something small like 5% more per cover.
  • Why is his yellow STILL 19 AP though? It should cost 14 AP.
  • Because red effectively costs 2 AP (or possibly even 1) it shouldn't do something like 1000 damage or you'd just be throwing shields at people for 1K every other turn for 2/1 AP once you hit the threshold, and that's pretty broken too. It's usually very safe to deposit your new tile at the bottom corner.

    My guess is red is going to leave a modest strike tile behind as you get more covers while doing relatively little damage, though it's obviously impossible to say anything for sure at this point.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    Because red effectively costs 2 AP (or possibly even 1) it shouldn't do something like 1000 damage or you'd just be throwing shields at people for 1K every other turn for 2/1 AP once you hit the threshold, and that's pretty broken too. It's usually very safe to deposit your new tile at the bottom corner.

    My guess is red is going to leave a modest strike tile behind as you get more covers while doing relatively little damage, though it's obviously impossible to say anything for sure at this point.

    Maybe not? viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5085&p=86542#p86542
  • Updated the OP with the cover details.
  • Looking at the level 1/2 covers, only blue received a significant overhaul. Doesnt bode well for lazycaps future...
    Au contraire, mon frere!

    Ballpark max level stats:

    7250 health (IM40/Doom/BP equivalent)
    Red: ~1600 damage
    Yellow: ~400 protect tile
    Blue: 291 protect tile (IceIX leaked this earlier)

    I'm going to assume that leveling up the powers increases returned AP and placement restrictions as the 2* does. In which case, yellow still seems pretty terrible because it costs so much and the lack of yellow generators (Thor doesn't count), but blue looks pretty dominant -- 2 turn stun and you can place the tile so it's likely to stick around even if it's a 3-turn countdown, and the protect tile is massive, negating all match-3 damage. At 1600 damage for net 1 red AP, his red will be the best damage/AP by far in the game, and the closest competition is Daredevil's, which obviously isn't nearly as good due to the trap mechanic.

    3/5/5 and pair him with IM40 for happy fun times.

    I think the HP will follow the standard already set. 2* to 3* results in a 162% increase in HP. Its that way for Thor, Mags, Spidey, and Black Widow. So HP will likely by 7,209 unless of course they change his 2* as well. Also looking at Thor and assuming the same relative buff in damage (192%) I would guess Red: 1179 Damage.
  • Thor's damage increase between 2* and 3* is way out of the line for balance and should not be used as a standard. As is he has pretty much the strongest yellow and green attack in the game while possessing the second highest HP in the game and there's no way that should be used as a standard to compare against. HP values are clearly dependent on what HP classes you're in. For the 3* we have:

    Extra tough: Hulk
    Tank: Thor
    Sturdy: IM40, Black Panther
    Normal: Punisher and a lot of other guys.
    Sort of fragile: Black Widow
    Extra fragile: The Hood

    For the 2* we got:
    Extra tough: nobody
    Tank: Thor, Ares
    Sturdy: Moonstone, Captain America
    Normal: Wolverine and a bunch of others
    Sort of fragile: Black Widow
    Extra fragile: Storm

    Captain America falls under sturdy classification so should have same HPs as IM40/Black Panther.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,313 Site Admin
    Phantron wrote:
    Captain America falls under sturdy classification so should have same HPs as IM40/Black Panther.
    His balance pre-release currently falls even with that, yes.
  • CptNoraa wrote:
    Why is his yellow STILL 19 AP though? It should cost 14 AP.
    Because then he would actually be useful.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    One 291 protect tile, triggered by a countdown?

    Calling in Classic Mageto, both Storms, Moonstone, Bullseye, 5-green Thor, Classic Hawkeye

    **and Old-Fashioned Captain America with a 5-cover blue or red**

    To take care of that right quick.
  • agent86ix
    agent86ix Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    wuming79 wrote:
    What is so god about captain America??? He is so slow....

    He's definitely a "slow burn" or "late game" hero, but I like him because he's so flexible. At 5 covers, his red replaces any tile on the board - that includes enemy countdowns, strikes, etc. I can cut an attack off at the pass by holding onto some red.

    He's got a stun, which I like to use when my health is high and I have OBW on my team. I can stun instead, especially when I'm down to just one person on the enemy team. Then I get a lot of my blue back after the countdown expires.

    His yellow is crazy powerful, I can essentially invalidate anybody with strike tiles (Daken, for instance) if I keep 3 or 4 of those tiles on the board. Even crits don't really hurt.

    Alternatively, I can use his moves (especially his yellow) to create crit tiles and do massive damage.

    He's got decent HP and damage, so he tanks well.

    He's not perfect, and there are certainly heroes I'd rather have, but he hasn't been riding the bench often for me. I put him in with OBW and Punisher and have a balanced team that covers all colors. I used to fall back to OBW/CA combo in "flavor of the week" nodes, but now I'm leaning more towards Punisher as I've got him past level 100 with 5 in green.

    This 3* incarnation will probably find a home in my roster, if I can get enough covers for him. Given how hard it has been to get "flavor of the week" 3* covers, I'm not so sure it will be easy. However, I've got the HP to open another roster slot (and I've got some dead weight as it is) so I think I'll be getting and holding 3* cap'n for a while yet.
  • This Character seems awesome! You guys know what the fastest path to a fully covered and upgraded 3* Capn Crunch is? Well to Join the 5DeadlyVenoms today! We guarantee Captain America covers to all our members. We also have free snacks and free internet.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    Shameless self-promotion, eh klingsor?

    To stay on topic, what's so good about him is how he hates on countdown tiles. At max covered red and blue, you can really lock down goon teams by overwriting their countdowns. He's also buffed frequently in pve events.
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    I'm thinking he'll be right in the middle of the rare characters as far as tiers go. Great once you get the AP cycling, but that'll take a long time to set up.
  • Depending on what his red skill finalizes at, I could see him being a solid defensive player. Two skills generating stun / protect tiles for annoyance. He'd be like a lesser version of Invisible Woman, but more HP.
  • I'll be blunt - disappointment before he's even out. Why? Nonunique color combination being contributed to the 3* pool. At least Thor was unique in that he has a green/red/yellow (actual skill, Patch can't do jack with yellow), that last one is what makes him stand out so thoroughly. I do admit we have waaaay too many 3* heroes with red/green/X though: Thor, Wolverine, Ragnarok, Punisher, and Hulk. Not sure I'd want to run 3* Captain America when 3* Iron Man exists, I'll gladly take a party nuke and single target burn alongside some AP generation over a shoddy rebounding damage and a stun. Nobody's going to bring Captain for his Yellow, not while the cost is hilarious.

    Hoping to see a Yellow/Purple/Black or Red/Purple/Black character soon, that would fill up some unique spots that I could build my roster around... okay pretty much any purple/black/X character would make me happy, 'cause Loki is too niche and scrawny for my taste. "Go Patch or go home" says Loki, while he contributes nothing on his own bar shuffling shenanigans.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well if his Blue shapes up to be something, then he would be another option instead of Spidey for Stuns, and with net returns he could Stun cheaper than Spidey (in Theory). As is, in terms of Hero's, his blue looks to be top tier when compared to others. A 10-12 AP, that stuns 2 turns, and leaves a protect tile, that you get your AP back would be very nice, his red won't be very useable as current meta has enough red damage but guess where old Cap is nice, he is a pretty decent counter to all those OBW's, why?

    1. You can stun her
    2. You can dump your red and blue AP so she can't steal it, and you'll get it right back
  • Also, and this might seem kind of lame...but playing with Captain America is fun. My standard anti-goon squad is the Captain, Moonstone, and Modern Storm, and the variety of abilities those three add to the game is a lot of fun to throw around. I haven't used the Captain against active opponents since the last time he was buffed, but I fondly remember playing with him in the Reinforcements tournament. I don't know. Adding functional tiles to the board and being able to deny your opponent specific resources is more interesting (if not more effective) than just blasting folk.

    This will probably end up costing me HP. I want to throw shields at people as soon as possible.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well lets say he is pretty much the 2* version except as we know he will leave a protect tile from his blue, and we know that damage goes up per lvl for red.

    Assuming yellow stays the same but stronger

    I'm thinking this Cap, if he mirrors his 2* counterpart is going to be somewhere between the 7250 hp and the 5800 hp, I'm thinking he's going to end up with about 6500 hp, and he's going to be a defensive machine very similiar to IM40, but with more active skill usage. I'm still thinking I'll want to go 3/5/5 but we'll have to see where everything ends up. I do see him being a staple character, maybe not top tier like Patch, Punisher, C.Mags for damage but in terms of a defensive player I see him higher up than BP, IM40, or Hulk because he will be able to do some nice things, like destroy tiles, stun opponents, and store AP away from theft, I'm really looking forward to this guy.
  • His yellow is strong but the problem is it doesn't stop anyone from gaining AP and one shotting you or otherwise dismantling your team. So for that reason it is not worth 19ap