Supports are coming to PVP



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,185 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic.

    Of course they don't care about that demographic, if they did they would remove names from PVP in some form. The collaboration is cheating, gaming the system, gaining an advantage that a huge portion of the player base have no idea exists.

    Would have preferred this be addressed first before supports in pvp.

    There is no way they do this.

    The game doesn’t have that many people left who are hardcore PvPers but those who are, include the remaining whales. They enjoy the competition, the roster comparisons, trying to push past each other. It’s not just coordinating.

    If you literally removed their ability to know who they’re fighting they would enjoy the game less. Probably spend less.

    Not to mention it would be a major game overhaul, aka a lot of work with no upside except making some players who don’t spend money a little happier when they can place better.

    Spoiler: the people who coordinate would still find a way to coordinate.

    The outcome you imagine would not result from this.

    Removing names wouldn't stop coordination. It wouldn't really even make it that much harder.

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 714 Critical Contributor

    It still warms my cockles that I could of annoyed somebody and I'm not even aware of it.
    I swear some of you pvpers need anger management.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 30 June 2024, 20:49

    @Bzhai said:
    Boosted characters in pvp are not necessarily a bad thing.
    Supports in pvp are not necessarily a bad thing.
    But both combine is ridiculously broken.

    As mentioned by others people are running with spider and double purple ap generators doing planet destroying damage on their first turn. Adding salt to that wound is it's a character that can be purchased, making this game into a pseudo pay-to-win condition.

    Just remove supports from regular pvp and make a separate event for it where rewards and placement don't matter. And no, nerfing the supports is not the solution either, Unless they plan to remove the competitive nature of pve too.

    This game has been pay to win since literally Day 1 of its existence. It's no more pay to win now than it's been at any other time.

    I ran 672 Juggernaut/Spidey, with red and purple supports! I don't think there's a way to get 6 red on turn 1 reliably, but one red match would've given me enough for either a 250k headbutt or Spidey's 120k red.

  • dazzer86
    dazzer86 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    Im a big fan of supports in pvp! Easy climb to 1.2k today. Pvp has become a bit of a chore for me over the last year or so, please keep the supports in pvp :)

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    edited 1 July 2024, 05:06

    @bluewolf said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic.

    Of course they don't care about that demographic, if they did they would remove names from PVP in some form. The collaboration is cheating, gaming the system, gaining an advantage that a huge portion of the player base have no idea exists.

    Would have preferred this be addressed first before supports in pvp.

    There is no way they do this.

    The game doesn’t have that many people left who are hardcore PvPers but those who are, include the remaining whales. They enjoy the competition, the roster comparisons, trying to push past each other. It’s not just coordinating.

    If you literally removed their ability to know who they’re fighting they would enjoy the game less. Probably spend less.

    Not to mention it would be a major game overhaul, aka a lot of work with no upside except making some players who don’t spend money a little happier when they can place better.

    Spoiler: the people who coordinate would still find a way to coordinate.

    The outcome you imagine would not result from this.

    It would hurt one group of players but not the people coordinating. The snipers would derive less joy because it would be much harder to enforce but the folks putting out grills would benefit by being harder to spot. Points would go up in the coordinating slices and down even more in the free for all slices. Folks do not want to hear about unintended consequences though.

    Personally enjoying supports in PvP but I like the challenge.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 287 Mover and Shaker

    I assume that the game ‘captures’ which support you have on a character as you win a PvP match, and that it doesn’t dynamically update when you switch support on the same character for a PvE match later. But I don’t know this for sure. Has anyone confirmed this?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,843 Chairperson of the Boards

    @revskip said:

    @bluewolf said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic.

    Of course they don't care about that demographic, if they did they would remove names from PVP in some form. The collaboration is cheating, gaming the system, gaining an advantage that a huge portion of the player base have no idea exists.

    Would have preferred this be addressed first before supports in pvp.

    There is no way they do this.

    The game doesn’t have that many people left who are hardcore PvPers but those who are, include the remaining whales. They enjoy the competition, the roster comparisons, trying to push past each other. It’s not just coordinating.

    If you literally removed their ability to know who they’re fighting they would enjoy the game less. Probably spend less.

    Not to mention it would be a major game overhaul, aka a lot of work with no upside except making some players who don’t spend money a little happier when they can place better.

    Spoiler: the people who coordinate would still find a way to coordinate.

    The outcome you imagine would not result from this.

    It would hurt one group of players but not the people coordinating. The snipers would derive less joy because it would be much harder to enforce but the folks putting out grills would benefit by being harder to spot. Points would go up in the coordinating slices and down even more in the free for all slices. Folks do not want to hear about unintended consequences though.

    Personally enjoying supports in PvP but I like the challenge.

    The Devs confirmed in one of the Q & A that co-ordination is absolutely fine with them and so there is zero chance at this time they will do anything that interferes with it.

    I haven't really gotten a feeling for this yet. It probably doesn't help that this is a bad boost week and I haven't got my head around optimising Supports from what I have.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,057 Chairperson of the Boards

    @JimboJambo said:
    My main request is to be able to click on the supports that opponents have equipped so that you can see what they do before the battle. I know you can go into their roster and scroll through their supports but as a QoL feature, it would save time to be able to do it directly from the battle screen so you can make a quick decision about whether to fight or skip.

    As an aside, we also used to be able to click on each enemy character to see their stats before the battle but this was taken away when there was a UI update. I wish they would bring that back too.

    You should ask about this in the Monthly Q&A. I can't imagine anyone wouldn't want this feature.


  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    @KGB said:

    @JimboJambo said:
    My main request is to be able to click on the supports that opponents have equipped so that you can see what they do before the battle. I know you can go into their roster and scroll through their supports but as a QoL feature, it would save time to be able to do it directly from the battle screen so you can make a quick decision about whether to fight or skip.

    As an aside, we also used to be able to click on each enemy character to see their stats before the battle but this was taken away when there was a UI update. I wish they would bring that back too.

    You should ask about this in the Monthly Q&A. I can't imagine anyone wouldn't want this feature.


    It’s certainly worth asking although I suspect the answer will be something like “once we get the new engine we can look into it”.

  • JimboJambo
    JimboJambo Posts: 131 Tile Toppler

    I will ask the question and see what they say. I did think of asking but only after the deadline had passed for this month.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards

    If they have to be on defence, I would rather they were handled like TU's. Randomly assigning them from a players pool. Not sure of that can be done but it would cure a lot of the issues for me.

  • danielrandkai
    danielrandkai Posts: 90 Match Maker

    Used to be a huge Puzzle Quest fan. Did some time in some of the big alliances, honestly don't remember which ones. Quit around Chasms first iteration. Still keep tabs on the forum to see what's going down, and log in to get free covers and so on and holy moley this is gonna be bad. But I can't wait to see the fallout! Good luck out there.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    @slidecage said:

    @WhiteBomber said:
    I started a PVP match with stormbreaker on her and she did like 100k on spawn. The match was over before it began, good stuff.

    What is spawn. Mostly using Emma aunt may get up to ,25;wins or so and stop don't really care about placement

    So far really never found a good defence team

    Only thing I hate about supports is now I have to read them and really used them

    Only way to make all happy is to make two pvps. Supports or non.

    On Spawn is basically just game lingo for as soon the the characters load in / match start.

    As expected, I love it (for now). I have never seen so much diversity nor have I got to play so many different characters in PVP. I acknowledge this could be drastically different for others rosters etc. I also just so happened to have gotten my 13th cover for Sinister right before this started... that helps ALOT.