Supports are coming to PVP



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think some of the best supports for defense will be the ones that heal/reduce dmg by a %. Like The Dead Pool or Eros’ Arrows.

    Things that unavoidably lengthen matches and allow the AI more chances to stumble into a win.

    Thor will continue to be important since she nukes all specials.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:

    This is the kind of silly stuff that's suddenly going to matter a whole lot when you're building defensive teams, and I guess the strategy is cool at first. But it's going to be solved and disseminated really fast and then we're all going to be stuck facing the same teams with the same supports.

    This. When speed is the most important factor, diversity goes out the window and players will resolve to use the same teams. PVP will become a mirror of PVE.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 25 June 2024, 00:29

    Was thinking about the fact that currently we have a 3 in the middle most pvps. For 5* players they die very quickly….something to consider with supports etc. Running a loaner means one less support means maybe a more significant difference on defense vs now where it’s often basically negligible.

    Aka more health pack need/use may be coming. Depends on your competitiveness etc.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,112 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:
    Was thinking about the fact that currently we have a 3 in the middle most pvps. For 5* players they die very quickly….something to consider with supports etc. Running a loaner means one less support means maybe a more significant difference on defense vs now where it’s often basically negligible.

    Aka more health pack need/use may be coming. Depends on your competitiveness etc.

    Put a support that has a chance to grant ap at the beginning of the battle on the 3 star and it won't matter if they get ko'ed, they already did their job.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 25 June 2024, 02:06

    This is true! Until they ban the AP gen supports….

    Anyway it’s something interesting. Maybe you put Eros’s Arrow or the Dead Pool on the 3 to extend their life, for example.

  • SaïntP
    SaïntP Posts: 4 Just Dropped In

    I don’t see this going well at all. Most likely the end of the game for a lot of folks. We are down to a 2 team PvE and now PvP has no point in building a roster. They may want to reconsider. I see revenue going way down for them.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,519 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:
    This is true! Until they ban the AP gen supports….

    Anyway it’s something interesting. Maybe you put Eros’s Arrow or the Dead Pool on the 3 to extend their life, for example.

    I think they are looking to rebalance those supports since they have mentioned support rebalances several times.

    I have a stinking feeling those types of supports are going the way of the dodo.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,341 Chairperson of the Boards

    @SaïntP said:
    I don’t see this going well at all. Most likely the end of the game for a lot of folks. We are down to a 2 team PvE and now PvP has no point in building a roster. They may want to reconsider. I see revenue going way down for them.

    I'm assuming you think that 5Aunt/Emma is the 2 team PVE? But what do you mean by PVP has no point in building a roster? I don't understand that one.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler

    @LavaManLee said:

    @SaïntP said:
    I don’t see this going well at all. Most likely the end of the game for a lot of folks. We are down to a 2 team PvE and now PvP has no point in building a roster. They may want to reconsider. I see revenue going way down for them.

    I'm assuming you think that 5Aunt/Emma is the 2 team PVE? But what do you mean by PVP has no point in building a roster? I don't understand that one.

    When the weekly boosts started 3 years ago, it heralded a new dawn for PVP. Players were no longer restricted to a meta team. Depending on which characters were boosted, players were encouraged, even motivated, to try out new teams utilizing the rosters they've built. The boosted characters for the week became the meta du jour teams.

    When Supports come to PVP, it will undo all of this. If Aunt May/Emma becomes the fastest team in PVP, as many believe it will given that pair's dominance in PVE, it won't matter which characters are boosted because everybody will use the same team.

    This is what I meant by diversity going out the window. Unless the devs restrict which Supports can be used in PVP or, heaven forbid, rebalance (nerf) Supports to minimize their impact on the PVP landscape, we will see the same teams. Over and over again. The way it used to be before the weekly boosts.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,184 Chairperson of the Boards

    @SaïntP said:
    I don’t see this going well at all. Most likely the end of the game for a lot of folks. We are down to a 2 team PvE and now PvP has no point in building a roster. They may want to reconsider. I see revenue going way down for them.

    Nobody ever actually quits this game. We'll all be miserable and complain about it endlessly, but it won't impact revenue or anything else that's important.

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,341 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Wolvie171 said:
    When Supports come to PVP, it will undo all of this. If Aunt May/Emma becomes the fastest team in PVP, as many believe it will given that pair's dominance in PVE, it won't matter which characters are boosted because everybody will use the same team.

    As someone with a 550 Aunt May, unless she is boosted, there is no way that AM/Emma will be the fastest team in PVP. The boosted health won't allow her to down them even with 30 AP. Aunt May and Emma is not a very good team with zero AP. They are quite slow.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 800 Critical Contributor

    Just noticed the limit of 3 support swaps is currently disabled. Hope it stays that way when the new season starts Thursday.

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 449 Mover and Shaker

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    Just noticed the limit of 3 support swaps is currently disabled. Hope it stays that way when the new season starts Thursday.

    They changed that a while ago.

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 449 Mover and Shaker

    @LavaManLee said:

    @Wolvie171 said:
    When Supports come to PVP, it will undo all of this. If Aunt May/Emma becomes the fastest team in PVP, as many believe it will given that pair's dominance in PVE, it won't matter which characters are boosted because everybody will use the same team.

    As someone with a 550 Aunt May, unless she is boosted, there is no way that AM/Emma will be the fastest team in PVP. The boosted health won't allow her to down them even with 30 AP. Aunt May and Emma is not a very good team with zero AP. They are quite slow.

    Yeah I don't think they can do more than 150k aoe when May isn't boosted. Maybe 200k, 672 juggs will laugh that off, and then down her with 6 red of his own 🤣

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 800 Critical Contributor

    @Pantera236 said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    Just noticed the limit of 3 support swaps is currently disabled. Hope it stays that way when the new season starts Thursday.

    They changed that a while ago.

    They did? Not even 2 weeks ago I had a support lock on me. Oh well, glad it happened, it's a good change.

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 449 Mover and Shaker

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Pantera236 said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    Just noticed the limit of 3 support swaps is currently disabled. Hope it stays that way when the new season starts Thursday.

    They changed that a while ago.

    They did? Not even 2 weeks ago I had a support lock on me. Oh well, glad it happened, it's a good change.

    Yeah I didn't change them much before I started using India for pve but I think it was like last December or January that I started using him and switched supports many times a day.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited 26 June 2024, 16:42

    @Wolvie171 said:

    @LavaManLee said:

    @SaïntP said:
    I don’t see this going well at all. Most likely the end of the game for a lot of folks. We are down to a 2 team PvE and now PvP has no point in building a roster. They may want to reconsider. I see revenue going way down for them.

    I'm assuming you think that 5Aunt/Emma is the 2 team PVE? But what do you mean by PVP has no point in building a roster? I don't understand that one.

    When the weekly boosts started 3 years ago, it heralded a new dawn for PVP. Players were no longer restricted to a meta team. Depending on which characters were boosted, players were encouraged, even motivated, to try out new teams utilizing the rosters they've built. The boosted characters for the week became the meta du jour teams.

    When Supports come to PVP, it will undo all of this. If Aunt May/Emma becomes the fastest team in PVP, as many believe it will given that pair's dominance in PVE, it won't matter which characters are boosted because everybody will use the same team.

    This is what I meant by diversity going out the window. Unless the devs restrict which Supports can be used in PVP or, heaven forbid, rebalance (nerf) Supports to minimize their impact on the PVP landscape, we will see the same teams. Over and over again. The way it used to be before the weekly boosts.

    Though this has the possibility to be true we should consider the new teams we might get to play offensively rather than against. Some characters need supports to be usable outside of PVE and this has the possibility to let some characters see play time that typically wouldn't.

    Could be the less popular opinion, but I would rather endlessly play any Emma team over MThor if it means I get to try different characters. Who knows though, everything here is all speculation, and as a game, I say evolve or slowly die, I'm sure it will be the same people in the top 10 anyway.

  • obikenobi12
    obikenobi12 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In

    what is this 5* May/Emma team people are talking about and why is is so good? I'm not familiar with it. Is it the 5* Emma Frost with her that boosts ability damage? If someone could explain this combo and why it is the fastest in pvp i'd really like to understand that. Maybe there is a counter to it even with supports?

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,057 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 26 June 2024, 21:19

    @obikenobi12 said:
    what is this 5* May/Emma team people are talking about and why is is so good? I'm not familiar with it. Is it the 5* Emma Frost with her that boosts ability damage? If someone could explain this combo and why it is the fastest in pvp i'd really like to understand that. Maybe there is a counter to it even with supports?

    Emma is there for her Red passive (boost damage by 17% per Red AP).
    Aunt May is there to fire her Red (deal 14500 team damage@550 + 35% per 2 AP drained up to 30 so could be 15*35% =525% extra damage).

    You boost +2 all AP (14 AP total), +2 R/G (4 AP total) +2 Blue/Green (4 AP total) for a grand total of 22 AP at battle start. If supports give more starting AP (ideally Red) you can start with 30 AP to get max of 14500*6.25 = 90625 team damage from from Aunt May. Then if you got say 10 Red (4 from boosts and 6 more from supports) you'd get another 170% damage from Emma putting the final damage in the 250K range (I think Emma stacks on top of Mays 90625) to the enemy team. Thus you win immediately.


  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 449 Mover and Shaker
    edited 26 June 2024, 21:45

    @KGB said:

    @obikenobi12 said:
    what is this 5* May/Emma team people are talking about and why is is so good? I'm not familiar with it. Is it the 5* Emma Frost with her that boosts ability damage? If someone could explain this combo and why it is the fastest in pvp i'd really like to understand that. Maybe there is a counter to it even with supports?

    Emma is there for her Red passive (boost damage by 17% per Red AP).
    Aunt May is there to fire her Red (deal 14500 team damage@550 + 35% per 2 AP drained up to 30 so could be 15*35% =525% extra damage).

    You boost +2 all AP (14 AP total), +2 R/G (4 AP total) +2 Blue/Green (4 AP total) for a grand total of 22 AP at battle start. If supports give more starting AP (ideally Red) you can start with 30 AP to get max of 14500*6.25 = 90625 team damage from from Aunt May. Then if you got say 10 Red (4 from boosts and 6 more from supports) you'd get another 170% damage from Emma putting the final damage in the 250K range (I think Emma stacks on top of Mays 90625) to the enemy team. Thus you win immediately.


    Emma's red boosts 70% plus 2% per red ap. The math on a 550 May with 30 ap 8 of it being red (4 that you bring and 4 from a 4*+ Krakoa support) is 169,644 aoe damage.