Supports are coming to PVP



  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 27 June 2024, 18:49

    People all pissed supports in game

    New 5 star. Passive (all support damage done to team reflected back to other team

    Rank 1. 10 percent
    Rank 5. 100 percent

    Now everyone happy

    I miss my yoki (stuck with an ugly dog lol)

    How do you get all colors plus 2

    My aunt may 47o. I think Emma 454 I'm lucky to do 60k

    What doing wrong

    Woo cold meds

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think we all need to know which cold meds he’s taking.

    Just y’know. For reasons.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,215 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @slidecage said:
    People all pissed supports in game

    New 5 star. Passive (all support damage done to team reflected back to other team

    Rank 1. 10 percent
    Rank 5. 100 percent

    Now everyone happy

    I miss my yoki (stuck with an ugly dog lol)

    How do you get all colors plus 2

    My aunt may 47o. I think Emma 454 I'm lucky to do 60k

    What doing wrong

    Woo cold meds

    I'm no longer convinced this is down to any meds. I am starting to think you are an alien mold colony looking to slowly infect us with this assault on English. Wait. Why are there mushrooms on my tablet? Oh no....I have said too much...

    (Compliance achieved, assimilation complete).

    Nothing to see here, now everyone happy, aunt may.

    No really am at work and eithervtook too much cold **** with my pain pills or something major wrong. Can't keep simple **** straight in my head today

    But really
    Why couldn't they make a 5 star that reflects all powers done by supports

    How do you earn that one boost plus 2 all colors

    Rest of the stuff can't we adopt a dog on Tues was cuter one today . They got a limit of one dog per 30 days so mostly a joke to myself. They had a yoki today

    My aunt may is 470 my Emma is 454 saying I'm lucky to hit for 60,k even with supports figureing how to make hightt

    Even typing this is hurting my head who knows what it does to you reading it but is that anymore clear. If not I try back tomorrow if. Feel better

    Spinie spinie room weee

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 800 Critical Contributor

    Are supports live for shield sim as well this season?

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,491 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    Are supports live for shield sim as well this season?

    ading lrs to that question?

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Phumade said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    Are supports live for shield sim as well this season?

    ading lrs to that question?

    No to both per Discord devs.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 800 Critical Contributor

    @bluewolf said:

    @Phumade said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    Are supports live for shield sim as well this season?

    ading lrs to that question?

    No to both per Discord devs.


  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 714 Critical Contributor

    Well I for one love the change
    Was able to get 13 wins in one sitting, I'll probably get absolutely annihilated but 10 cp in the bag

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards

    25 wins in one hit, fast with a lower than normal amount of Health packs used for this first one with five turn 0 wins on the trot. Not using AP boosts or the May team.

    Yet I still hate they are defence as well as offence. I'm not engaged with this form of pvp at all and this will not change that. It's a souless pve experience pretending to be pvp.

  • Nero
    Nero Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

    For the moment i like the addition of supports thing to PVP. It's refreshing.
    Supports give me a way to face stronger and problematic teams.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards

    People will get a lot more blues from me! I retreat as soon as I don't get my AP. It's less damage that way.

  • obikenobi12
    obikenobi12 Posts: 38 Just Dropped In

    Looks like the counter to all the supports that grant bonuses right away at the beginning of a match is Chasm. He really makes those supports much less problematic. I like how Chasm is a good counter to that and also MThor + Beta Ray + Polaris

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker

    I'm liking it so far. I don't care about placement though really, so letting me breeze to 25 wins fairly fast.

    One thing I've noticed is that most of the people I'm playing against don't have good supports equipped. Like..stormbreaker on mthor, or an infinity stone on one character but nothing on the other.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 800 Critical Contributor

    @Seph1roth5 said:
    I'm liking it so far. I don't care about placement though really, so letting me breeze to 25 wins fairly fast.

    One thing I've noticed is that most of the people I'm playing against don't have good supports equipped. Like..stormbreaker on mthor, or an infinity stone on one character but nothing on the other.

    Noticed that too, but I haven't started my climb yet so I imagine it will change. Probably just threw a support on or maybe they don't have many options?

    What's the problem with stormbreaker on mthor? I've had her equipped with it since I champed her.

  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    I started a PVP match with stormbreaker on her and she did like 100k on spawn. The match was over before it began, good stuff.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Seph1roth5 said:
    I'm liking it so far. I don't care about placement though really, so letting me breeze to 25 wins fairly fast.

    One thing I've noticed is that most of the people I'm playing against don't have good supports equipped. Like..stormbreaker on mthor, or an infinity stone on one character but nothing on the other.

    Noticed that too, but I haven't started my climb yet so I imagine it will change. Probably just threw a support on or maybe they don't have many options?

    What's the problem with stormbreaker on mthor? I've had her equipped with it since I champed her.

    A lot of people like Omnipotence City on her. If you’re running with a special tile maker, maybe Carol’s Communicator. Might be worth considering The Power a stone if she’s tanking.

  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards

    As a passive pvp player that only plays when necessary, supports in pvp makes me hate pvp even more.

  • TheXMan
    TheXMan Posts: 162 Tile Toppler

    Too much random stuff happening. I personally don't know what all these even do.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,229 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'm quite enjoying it. Gives me something to think about and a way to punch upward.

    I don't know what it's done to MMR though - I seem to be encountering anyone between two 550s and a couple of baby champs.