Supports are coming to PVP



  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 313 Mover and Shaker
    edited 19 June 2024, 23:31

    This is going to go for exactly one event, then the poopstorm will be bigger than the one from shardsgate

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,040 Chairperson of the Boards

    I’m all for it! Can’t wait.

  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 585 Critical Contributor

    Boosted 5s are AMAZING. they are literally the best thing that's happened to PVP.

    Honestly, I'll wait to see how this works. at least the opponent can't get AP bonus at the start as well, so.... we'll see.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,184 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Omegased said:
    Boosted 5s are AMAZING. they are literally the best thing that's happened to PVP.

    Honestly, I'll wait to see how this works. at least the opponent can't get AP bonus at the start as well, so.... we'll see.

    They've said that supports will be on defensive teams, and there's a screenshot in the post of supports on defensive teams. The AI will be starting off with free AP.

  • tupacboy
    tupacboy Posts: 126 Tile Toppler

    does this meant a new engine is coming soon?

    more chances for 5 star supports?

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler

    Whoever thought this was a good idea for PVP is in for a rude awakening. Experimentation is fine, so long as there is adequate response when feedback is given. Waiting for an entire season, or likely longer, until adjustments are made is just adding insult to injury

    The Supports with free AP will wreak havoc across the PVP landscape. Were there any serious inputs solicited from the player base? Because the writing is on the wall for this one :/

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    One concern I come back to is that supports add more RNG to the matches. Even the best supports that give AP only do so about 3/4 of the time at most. So you could mirror supports and characters and miss getting AP, but about 3/4 of the time you miss the AP, the AI would get it and be able to use their power against you.

    I don't look forward to losing because my support didn't give me AP while the AI's did.

  • Wolvie171
    Wolvie171 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler

    It's not only the free AP, but the abrupt losses that will create confusion and distress among players. More wipes & more health packs without a clear understanding of why creates a bad experience. Very, very bad experience

  • Banquetto
    Banquetto Posts: 29 Just Dropped In

    I’ll be taking a break next season, then.

  • dxanders
    dxanders Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    I'm happy for that rebalanced banner.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,519 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think this is a terrible decision, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    I wonder what the knock-on effect will be for PvE when they start to rebalance some of the widely used supports.

  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 585 Critical Contributor

    so intersting how negative people think it will be, but forgetting how powerful we may be instead.

    there's some supports where you can win on turn zero (along with AP boosts). that means PVP will be insanely quick.

    I'm cautiously waiting to see. i don't think it'll be better, I'm not 100% sure it'll be worse.

  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,175 Chairperson of the Boards

    So...I guess that lv550 Aunt May just increased in viability.

  • Pottsie1980
    Pottsie1980 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In

    Looking forward to the next season. It’s going to be like the Wild West!

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,843 Chairperson of the Boards

    Man I don't even know what most Supports do...

  • SaïntP
    SaïntP Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    edited 21 June 2024, 06:29

    They got ***** running MPQ apparently. What a terrible idea. Feel like the end of an era.

    Mod edit: removed political reference.

  • LHammer
    LHammer Posts: 98 Match Maker

    This is a bad idea.

    Perhaps you should test out a few bonus PVP+supports events first to see how things work out and how many people actually want to step into this nightmare before inflicting them on the normal cycle?