Supports are coming to PVP



  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker

    I freely admit it's a compounding issue for me: I'm early in 5* territory, so I have usually neither godboosted characters - too few 5* champs yet -, nor do I have good supports due to having been on hiatus. That combo made the vast majority of teams very threatening. Last week, even when I avoided all boosted iHulk, at least I did fine vs the non-boosted teams. Not so today in this event, where the non-boosted teams had also threatening supports and ate my health packs.

    Neither of these issues is likely to go away frome event to event this season, therefore my somewhat bleak post above.

    I hope you're right that we end on them being offense-only. I'd be totally fine with the supports on offense, but on defence they sure are a pvp entry hurdle.

  • 658_2
    658_2 Posts: 235 Tile Toppler

    Ran into my first supports buzzsaw. Guy had three rank 5s. He had doubled me and tried tripling in the time it took me to play a side node in Simulator, so I hit him twice. Both matches he started with 10+ purple. He was using 3* May, 1* Spidey. First match he took out my boosted Sinister turn 1 with a 220k+ crit match. I got a nice cascade from Phylla and did hold on and won that. Second match he did a 240k+ crit match and took out my Phylla his turn 1. I wiped hard that time. I don’t mind wiping, and I went into supports in pvp with an open mind, but c’mon, eating 200k+ crit matches turn one is stupid and not fun.

  • 658_2
    658_2 Posts: 235 Tile Toppler

    I don’t care about the competitive aspect for myself, but above 900 is very obviously going to be a no go zone for anyone who isn’t collaborating or who doesn’t have their own rank 5s (to go along with heavy duty rosters). I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic. They’ve done a lot of rich get richer stuff over the years (that I’ve admittedly benefited from) but this is extreme and way out of balance imo. Funnily enough, it will probably be most miserable for players at the very top end. I get and respect that the devs need new things to sell, and maybe they can get players feeling the squeeze to shell out, but one pvp in and it already feels like a drag to me.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2024

    (Disorganized) first impressions:

    • saw a ton of weird/random/non optimized supports. A lot of players haven't figured out how to do this yet
    • did not see the Aunt May team at all
    • free AP supports were very strong in general, but free AP supports+ boosts produced a bunch of non-games
    • the purple infinity stone is crazy on characters whose powers cause cascades
    • I didn't get any turn 0 wins but there were some games that were pretty much over turn 0
    • edit: Chasm does NOT shut down supports. All of my supports fired their start of battle effects against him as normal
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ArchusMonk said:
    I prefer a quick loss to a long drawn out one. A long drawn out loss is a total waste of time to me.

    A quick loss is better than a slow win.

    Rule 1 of placement mpq.

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t care about the competitive aspect for myself, but above 900 is very obviously going to be a no go zone for anyone who isn’t collaborating or who doesn’t have their own rank 5s (to go along with heavy duty rosters). I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic. They’ve done a lot of rich get richer stuff over the years (that I’ve admittedly benefited from) but this is extreme and way out of balance imo. Funnily enough, it will probably be most miserable for players at the very top end. I get and respect that the devs need new things to sell, and maybe they can get players feeling the squeeze to shell out, but one pvp in and it already feels like a drag to me.

    The 900 and its relationship to 1200 is a very intentional decision and part of an age old ELO MMR discussion. Under the the hood, there a dev choosen K number that sets a limit (the math people can describe this better) Once your score exceeds that number alot of weird match making becomes possible. Thats why MMR is sim feels different than MMR in LRs or events.

    I don't want to get too into the weeds beyond saying, high value players congregrate because its the only way they can acquire other similar high value targets to make progress to 1200 and beyond.

    There alot of theoretical game and match theory at play and who knows if old assumptions are true with the rng of supports included. Yes its far more nuanced, but the consistent value ques (really the only way high value players can meaning gain points late in events) are the only meaningful way to compete for placements. (and I'm ignoring the issues of grills etc. lets simply just say a 75 pt cc is the same as a 75 pt sniper whale)

    Objectively, I haven't seen scores drop and or leaderboard names change. Yes they are playing in a different pattern but they are also plenty experienced with fast hops between shields.

    There has been a long discussed theory that #of matches below the K number is what drives the number of points per slice. Now that smaller whales can reasonably hit super rosters, I'm curious to see if that changes what size can float and how does that effect number of points in the slice at any specific time.

    I know the season has been disruptive, but interesting to see how whales change there playstyles.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic.

    Of course they don't care about that demographic, if they did they would remove names from PVP in some form. The collaboration is cheating, gaming the system, gaining an advantage that a huge portion of the player base have no idea exists.

    Would have preferred this be addressed first before supports in pvp.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    Not a fan of this so far. Maybe I'll mess around with it more, but it will probably push me to do even less PvP.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic.

    Of course they don't care about that demographic, if they did they would remove names from PVP in some form. The collaboration is cheating, gaming the system, gaining an advantage that a huge portion of the player base have no idea exists.

    Would have preferred this be addressed first before supports in pvp.

    There is no way they do this.

    The game doesn’t have that many people left who are hardcore PvPers but those who are, include the remaining whales. They enjoy the competition, the roster comparisons, trying to push past each other. It’s not just coordinating.

    If you literally removed their ability to know who they’re fighting they would enjoy the game less. Probably spend less.

    Not to mention it would be a major game overhaul, aka a lot of work with no upside except making some players who don’t spend money a little happier when they can place better.

    Spoiler: the people who coordinate would still find a way to coordinate.

    The outcome you imagine would not result from this.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2024

    @WhiteBomber said:
    I started a PVP match with stormbreaker on her and she did like 100k on spawn. The match was over before it began, good stuff.

    What is spawn. Mostly using Emma aunt may get up to ,25;wins or so and stop don't really care about placement

    So far really never found a good defence team

    Only thing I hate about supports is now I have to read them and really used them

    Only way to make all happy is to make two pvps. Supports or non.

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor

    Didn't find my first event that different than usual. Still found that in the first part of the climb here's lots of variety and it's not too hard to 10-15 wins. Then I do a 2nd push to 1k/25 wins on the last day. As points get higher it's back to cycling through the same 2-3 players to find 1 reasonable target with ok points. The support addition didn't seem to add any more players or variety to the mix in the latter part of the climb.

    I found some fight easier when the opponents didn't have supports attached and the odd fight where cascades and supports seemed to quickly give the edge to the opponent. Otherwise, it was mostly business as usual when fighting similar levels, supports and characters, the player has the edge over the AI.

    The only downside was the odd fight were certain opponent supports seemed to fire lots of random stuff. I find keeping track of all the different supports and abilities way too much of a chore, so these odd occasions just slowed things down and got annoying when you're not sure what is triggering them.

    I didn't see any obvious "turn zero" teams on defense. Mostly just the standard mix of the better boosted characters with the odd mthor thrown in.

  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 544 Critical Contributor

    Boosted characters in pvp are not necessarily a bad thing.
    Supports in pvp are not necessarily a bad thing.
    But both combine is ridiculously broken.

    As mentioned by others people are running with spider and double purple ap generators doing planet destroying damage on their first turn. Adding salt to that wound is it's a character that can be purchased, making this game into a pseudo pay-to-win condition.

    Just remove supports from regular pvp and make a separate event for it where rewards and placement don't matter. And no, nerfing the supports is not the solution either, Unless they plan to remove the competitive nature of pve too.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bluewolf said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic.

    Of course they don't care about that demographic, if they did they would remove names from PVP in some form. The collaboration is cheating, gaming the system, gaining an advantage that a huge portion of the player base have no idea exists.

    Would have preferred this be addressed first before supports in pvp.

    There is no way they do this.

    The game doesn’t have that many people left who are hardcore PvPers but those who are, include the remaining whales. They enjoy the competition, the roster comparisons, trying to push past each other. It’s not just coordinating.

    If you literally removed their ability to know who they’re fighting they would enjoy the game less. Probably spend less.

    Not to mention it would be a major game overhaul, aka a lot of work with no upside except making some players who don’t spend money a little happier when they can place better.

    Spoiler: the people who coordinate would still find a way to coordinate.

    The outcome you imagine would not result from this.

    Removing names wouldn't stop coordination. It wouldn't really even make it that much harder.

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 909 Critical Contributor

    It still warms my cockles that I could of annoyed somebody and I'm not even aware of it.
    I swear some of you pvpers need anger management.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2024

    @Bzhai said:
    Boosted characters in pvp are not necessarily a bad thing.
    Supports in pvp are not necessarily a bad thing.
    But both combine is ridiculously broken.

    As mentioned by others people are running with spider and double purple ap generators doing planet destroying damage on their first turn. Adding salt to that wound is it's a character that can be purchased, making this game into a pseudo pay-to-win condition.

    Just remove supports from regular pvp and make a separate event for it where rewards and placement don't matter. And no, nerfing the supports is not the solution either, Unless they plan to remove the competitive nature of pve too.

    This game has been pay to win since literally Day 1 of its existence. It's no more pay to win now than it's been at any other time.

    I ran 672 Juggernaut/Spidey, with red and purple supports! I don't think there's a way to get 6 red on turn 1 reliably, but one red match would've given me enough for either a 250k headbutt or Spidey's 120k red.

  • dazzer86
    dazzer86 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In

    Im a big fan of supports in pvp! Easy climb to 1.2k today. Pvp has become a bit of a chore for me over the last year or so, please keep the supports in pvp :)

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2024

    @bluewolf said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @Tony_Foot said:

    @658_2 said:
    I don’t know how the devs expect newer players to compete, if they still care about that demographic.

    Of course they don't care about that demographic, if they did they would remove names from PVP in some form. The collaboration is cheating, gaming the system, gaining an advantage that a huge portion of the player base have no idea exists.

    Would have preferred this be addressed first before supports in pvp.

    There is no way they do this.

    The game doesn’t have that many people left who are hardcore PvPers but those who are, include the remaining whales. They enjoy the competition, the roster comparisons, trying to push past each other. It’s not just coordinating.

    If you literally removed their ability to know who they’re fighting they would enjoy the game less. Probably spend less.

    Not to mention it would be a major game overhaul, aka a lot of work with no upside except making some players who don’t spend money a little happier when they can place better.

    Spoiler: the people who coordinate would still find a way to coordinate.

    The outcome you imagine would not result from this.

    It would hurt one group of players but not the people coordinating. The snipers would derive less joy because it would be much harder to enforce but the folks putting out grills would benefit by being harder to spot. Points would go up in the coordinating slices and down even more in the free for all slices. Folks do not want to hear about unintended consequences though.

    Personally enjoying supports in PvP but I like the challenge.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 387 Mover and Shaker

    I assume that the game ‘captures’ which support you have on a character as you win a PvP match, and that it doesn’t dynamically update when you switch support on the same character for a PvE match later. But I don’t know this for sure. Has anyone confirmed this?