New boss battle rewards?



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Zarqa said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    It's funny because I often hear people say "if it wasn't for my alliance I'd have quit a long time ago," except they don't play PvP with their alliance mates, they merc out for better rewards every single event in PvE (including subs), and whenever they spend money they do it in a buyclub.

    Like, what is your alliance for then? Is it just your friends that you talk to sometimes? If you don't do anything with them in the game, what's the point?

    I merc for PvP, and for me it just means a larger group of people I get to play with. Sure I don’t interact with them as much as my main alliance, but plenty with a few of them nonetheless. Not sure I see your point. It’s the opposite of sad for me.

    Do you make sure your alliance mates place well in PvP? Do you snipe anyone who passes them? Do you enforce against anyone who attacks them? If they need an easy fight to get to a particular score, do you give it to them? Worse, would you give an easy fight to someone trying to pass your alliance mate?

    When you spend money, do you spend it in your alliance so everyone's rosters can grow? If an alliance mate can't put up a good score in PvE, do you merc their spot, or does everyone take less so that they can get more?

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Zarqa said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    It's funny because I often hear people say "if it wasn't for my alliance I'd have quit a long time ago," except they don't play PvP with their alliance mates, they merc out for better rewards every single event in PvE (including subs), and whenever they spend money they do it in a buyclub.

    Like, what is your alliance for then? Is it just your friends that you talk to sometimes? If you don't do anything with them in the game, what's the point?

    I merc for PvP, and for me it just means a larger group of people I get to play with. Sure I don’t interact with them as much as my main alliance, but plenty with a few of them nonetheless. Not sure I see your point. It’s the opposite of sad for me.

    Do you make sure your alliance mates place well in PvP? Do you snipe anyone who passes them? Do you enforce against anyone who attacks them? If they need an easy fight to get to a particular score, do you give it to them? Worse, would you give an easy fight to someone trying to pass your alliance mate?

    When you spend money, do you spend it in your alliance so everyone's rosters can grow? If an alliance mate can't put up a good score in PvE, do you merc their spot, or does everyone take less so that they can get more?

    You’re conflating two things. ”if it wasn't for my alliance I'd have quit a long time ago” can be true without any of the things you just mentioned above. Being in an alliance brings a huge extra dimension to me and many others, and I don’t believe your glory days of alliance wars are needed for that. And I think that you can merc (I do) and buyclub (I don’t) without it impacting the social aspect.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    What's the point of the social aspect if you don't play together? At that point it's just a chat.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    So to summarise the "Top end" MPQ game:

    Versus - this involves players hiding in secret internet rooms colluding their way to "earn" safe points that involve minimal actual battle in a way that makes "Aldi price matched" seem like a real competition is going on and not a secret handshake fixing scandal

    Story - players armed with spreadsheets and too much time on their hands 9-5 points and then stand on the street corner flashing their knickers at the end to land some extra loot from thirsty corporate shells who have no brand loyalty to their trademark name

    Quite why the Devs have decided to give the big boys yet more corporate bonuses with this new race to finish Boss battle is anyone's guess but I guess the remaining 99% can enjoy the trickle down.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't know if there's much mercing for PVP - the rewards are extremely pitiful.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,227 Chairperson of the Boards

    My personal view on this is that the 2nd Boss Event is fine. It will have netted me an extra 24 CP and gives me something else to do on the game until tomorrow apart from grinding for 2.5k ISO every 8 hours.

    I won't bother with Demastered now we've finished it but if we get a few extra rewards for the Alliance in Remastered, then great. I doubt I'm going to trouble anyone in the top alliances any time soon, with or without them getting an additional cover from this so it makes no difference to me.

    And, most importantly, they're putting in the effort. It's not like they're getting it just because they're in a top alliance. The current top place has 3 times more points than my alliance.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    It sort of doesn't fit with Entrail's the Devs don't give a toss about the top end players theory though as they have introduced an event that is literally just for them!

    I don't particularly care and am happy slumming it in my Alliance, I just found this amusing. 😀😎

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,746 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    The drop off from 25th to 26th is too large to keep anyone but people like myself in an alliance desperate for another cover going. It's surprising how hard the top alliances have gone for this, nah of course it's not. They won't give up a couple of covers. Rex at 490 is better than 488!

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,746 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    What's the point of the social aspect if you don't play together? At that point it's just a chat.

    Agree and I had a hard time with this when I started. I was recruited to help make a T100 alliance T25. Every time we got around T25 the main alliance would poach the best scorers. The goal was always a lie. Then the 'top' alliance would shred more players due to scoring pressure and the cycle was repeated. I found somewhere else to play.

    It still happens but I've adjusted my play accordingly. I always like the departing speeches "thanks for having me 'Alliance B' I've loved you guys and playing with you but I'm off to 'Alliance A' I will always be an 'Alliance B' player at heart.

    I don't mind the buy club thing as I understand why it exists but the actual alliance portions and mercing makes it a bit pointless. Lock in. You are locked in with alliance boss events and that's where you stand to lose the most. Lock in for PVE and PVP and actually reward the teams that can keep a team together.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2023

    @entrailbucket said:
    It's funny because I often hear people say "if it wasn't for my alliance I'd have quit a long time ago," except they don't play PvP with their alliance mates, they merc out for better rewards every single event in PvE (including subs), and whenever they spend money they do it in a buyclub.

    Like, what is your alliance for then? Is it just your friends that you talk to sometimes? If you don't do anything with them in the game, what's the point?

    It's still true, at least for my alliance. A significant portion is of the team have been together for 5+ years. It definitely makes it easier for me to return from retirement every time. We don't talk in the Line chat as much as we used to, but most of us have gotten married and had kids since we started the alliance!

    As for Mercing, I'll say that being apart of a larger Alliance has perks because we can easily flip flop players as needed to help our alliances get the needed awards. As long as we don't get dropped from T100, it doesn't matter to me if someone who busted their butt has enough points to temporarily move to another alliance for higher rewards.

    As for Buy Clubs, well I'm guilty of that. Returning from long retirements require a significant amount of HP for all the roster slots. If I gonna spend $100 then I want the most bang for my buck so I'll join a Buy club for the "free" 120 CP. Plus with all the various Offer-Chains giving up-to 15cp per buy, it's foolish not to take advantage of a Buyclub. I don't agree with discouraging our alliances mates from gaining better rewards for their money.

    Overall, when you have an alliance that you trust will put in the work to get us placement, while also communicating when they need to drop off for an event (e.g., cruise, work, etc.), it makes this game much easier.

  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,202 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tony_Foot said:
    The drop off from 25th to 26th is too large to keep anyone but people like myself in an alliance desperate for another cover going. It's surprising how hard the top alliances have gone for this, nah of course it's not. They won't give up a couple of covers. Rex at 490 is better than 488!

    Yeah from 2 5* covers to none... Ugh, I think we're going to fall in the 25-50 range 🤦‍♂️

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 796 Critical Contributor

    @bigjojo04 said:
    It’s been a while since they ran the Arcade boss but if my memory serves me correct wasn’t it run just like Civil War was before? Where you’d get the same individual and alliance progression for both sides?

    **Edit: actually now that I’m remembering, i reckon the demastered side had similar rewards but I think gave shards as the final reward for individual progression and remastered was the normal boss rewards. Some one smarter than I can maybe confirm this?

    I have the rewards jotted down or screenshot from the first run of the Arcade event last year. I'll find them and update later in the day, but you're pretty much remembering correctly

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    I dunno, I really don't mean to put down anything that anyone does now. This is firmly in "old man yells at cloud" territory and I acknowledge that fully.

    I do feel that something has been lost, though. The most fun I've had with this game was team play (not team chat, although that's fun too, of course) -- when MPQ was me and my 19 teammates vs everybody else at the top of the game, and everybody else at the top of the game had their 19 killers backing them up. Or when everybody who wasn't our 20 was the enemy, and anything we did to them (in game only, people who do out of game stuff were always lunatics) was not just acceptable but expected.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    I dunno, I really don't mean to put down anything that anyone does now. This is firmly in "old man yells at cloud" territory and I acknowledge that fully.

    I do feel that something has been lost, though. The most fun I've had with this game was team play (not team chat, although that's fun too, of course) -- when MPQ was me and my 19 teammates vs everybody else at the top of the game, and everybody else at the top of the game had their 19 killers backing them up. Or when everybody who wasn't our 20 was the enemy, and anything we did to them (in game only, people who do out of game stuff were always lunatics) was not just acceptable but expected.

    Go visit s5, have an alliance war there.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    I dunno, I really don't mean to put down anything that anyone does now. This is firmly in "old man yells at cloud" territory and I acknowledge that fully.

    I do feel that something has been lost, though. The most fun I've had with this game was team play (not team chat, although that's fun too, of course) -- when MPQ was me and my 19 teammates vs everybody else at the top of the game, and everybody else at the top of the game had their 19 killers backing them up. Or when everybody who wasn't our 20 was the enemy, and anything we did to them (in game only, people who do out of game stuff were always lunatics) was not just acceptable but expected.

    Go visit s5, have an alliance war there.

    I don't have 19 killers anymore (and lord knows I'm not one either, these days)! Is s5 like s2 was?

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 796 Critical Contributor

    First and only other time this alliance event ran was 10-10-2022. Here's the rewards for each. Gonna list point thresholds followed by the Remastered then Demastered, individual progression then alliance progression.

    5,000- Recruit Token Remastered Vault/ Recruit Toke Demastered Vault
    10,000- 100 Iso / 50 Iso
    20,000- Power Boost / Power Boost
    30,200- 1x Health Pack / 1x Health Pack
    49,000- Stockpile / Stockpile
    73,200- 140 Iso / 140 Iso
    101,900- 3Emma(Yellow) / 3 Colossus(Yellow)
    134,500- 140 Iso / 100 Iso
    170,500- Recruit Token Remastered Vault / Recruit Token Demastered Vault
    209,500- 140 Iso / 100 Iso
    251,500- 2700 Riso / 100 3* Colossus shards
    296,500- 150 3* Emma shards / 1000 Riso
    344,000- 500 Iso / 140 Iso
    393,500- 175 3* Emma shards / 3* Emma(Yellow)
    445,500- 30 HP / 4000 Riso
    500,000- 4* Cyclops(Red) / 125 3* Emma shards
    529,500- 6300 Riso / 4000 Riso
    570,500- 500 Iso / 250 Iso
    617,500- 175 4* Wolverine shards / 75 4* Cyclops shards
    668,000- 150 4* Cyclops shards / 100 4* Wolverine shards
    722,500- Recruit Token Remastered Vault / 30 HP
    779,000- 6300 Riso / Recruit Token Demastered Vault
    838,500- 1000 Iso / 750 Iso
    900,000- 5* Emma(Red) / 375 5* Emma shards

    R1 70,000- Recruit Token Remastered Vault / Recruit Token Demastered Vault
    R2 120,000- 3* Emma(Purple) / 3* Emma(Purple)
    R3 350,000- 3* Emma(Blue) / 3* Emma(Yellow)
    R4 880,000- 3* Emma(Yellow) / 3* Emma(Blue)
    R5 1,800,000- 4* Wolverine(Yellow) / 4* Cyclops(Yellow)
    R6 3,000,000- 4* Wolverine(Black) / 4* Cyclops(Blue)
    R7 4,800,000- 4Wolverine(Green) / 4Cyclops(Red)
    R8 aka Iron Man's car 9,700,000- 5* Emma(Purple) / 5* Emma(Purple)

  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 804 Critical Contributor

    I have to laugh at you talking about lack of team work. KA Prime is going to win this by about 2M points. Want to know how? We acted like a team from start to finish. When I say I’ve stayed in this game because of my alliance it is because we act like a team Also this **** about shell alliances and whining about PvE alliance awards. KA Prime in any PvE is made up of KA members from other KA teams you know like pinch hitters. That’s teamwork too. We do allow those who don’t make the cut to join with some other alliances so they can get t10 PvE awards. This again came from our team leaders finding a solution so the most KA members get t10 rewards. As for pvp it is pick your play style. Want points s1&4 are there with lots of alliance support to help our members achieve their placement and point goals. Same thing happens in s3&5. This isn’t unique to KA I know other alliances who do the same. I’ve been in KA for 8 of my 10 years in this game it has been my idea of a team every day of that time.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    So any team member who doesn't "make the cut" gets kicked for a "pinch hitter?" Truly, sounds like a valued member of the team!

  • StanleyBurrell
    StanleyBurrell Posts: 143 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2023

    @justsing said:
    Remastered Boss - Alliance Placement Rewards
    T2: six 5* covers + 150 5* shards
    T10: four 5* covers + 100 5* shards
    T25: two 5* covers + 75 5* shards
    T50: 50 5* shards
    T100: 25 5* shards

    That's a ridiculous drop off in rewards. Why isn't the reward distribution more gradual? T25 gets two 5* covers and 75 5* shards, but if you happen to be right outside of T25, you only get 50 5* shards. Never mind that you and your alliance still played hard. Honestly, I would have been better off not playing Remastered side at all than going hard all weekend and getting lower than T25.

    And because you're not locked into the alliance you joined the boss event for alliance placement, the boss event just became another typical PVE event with people swapping around and mercing for better placement.

    I would have preferred the old Civil War style of rewards to this next setup. At least with Civil War, the rewards I got were proportional to the time and effort I put in.

    Could you please reevaluate the rewards system for the next run? @DevpoolMPQ_BCS @IceIX @MPQBlaine

    Hard to disagree with any of this honestly. At the absolute least alliances should be locked in with the 20 they started with and I would argue that it should always be the case. Are you really “worthy” of placement cause 1/2 your team is garbage but you move some people around.