Gargantos Heroic Boss Event Impressions



  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 829 Critical Contributor
    As someone else nicely stated , a lot of players are deer in the headlights without Polaris or BR. These are the major negative feedback to this event .Also the “if I can’t use the players I paid for why play ?” argument is flawed . This is a F2P game , you don’t PAY for anything . However if you choose to voluntarily throw your money away by DONATING ( huge difference) to the game that’s a personal expectations problem .  Me donating to my church does not give me any say on where to spend my donation nor how to run or manage the church . I personally will be looking forward to more of these similar events with new ideas in the future . The stagnant monotony of too familiar battles has been lifted for at least a few days . 
  • statnut
    statnut Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    First, kudos to Broken Circle for listening and adapting so quickly. That's a good sign for the future. Second, I'm all for the Heroic roster limiting events. However, in my opinion, they should never be alliance events. Reason being, these kind of events are everyone pulls on the rope for the greater good kinds of things. When you limit people's rosters, you potentially limit how much some (newer) players can help their alliance, which, IMO, is a bad thing.

    I will say, hopefully Broken Circle bringing back Heroics means some of the other PVEs that have disappeared (Enemy of the State, Amadeus Inferno, Gauntlet) might return at some point.
  • Gracktbnarkt
    Gracktbnarkt Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    I am not having issues completing the event so far, my main concern is the effect this may have on alliances. 

    We have built a decent little “casual” alliance. We usually place alright (172 in the last PVE), but I will be surprised if we get complete alliance rewards on this event. 

    we will take in newer folks as people drift away and a lot of them will likely not have the leveled characters for the later rounds. Will this cause alliances to purge “lesser” rosters to prepare for the next one of these?

    I will not be kicking folks for not having a deep older roster but I would bet this will not be universal. I would hate to see the game become a colder place for newer players. 

    I and some friends eventually had to form our own alliance and wait for it to build, as the even back then finding a decent alliance with folks who actually play did not seem to be in the cards.

    I would be curious at the end to see how many alliances make max rewards. I have always liked the inclusive nature of alliance event, and I would hate to see them completely replaced by something that leaves out the bulk of the players after the early rounds. 
  • nixed
    nixed Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2022
    Been a member since 2017. I played 250 days, then quit. Been back now for about 2 months and been going VERY hard in this game. I play every PvP and PvE event and grind it all out. I'm in 3-star champs territory and rostering 35 out of 126 4-stars. I clear almost every puzzle gauntlet. I like to think I'm an intelligent player. I usually enjoy a challenge. I almost never post on these forums.

    I am doing so because i NEED to express how upset I am about this event. I went from thinking about spending an additional $20 on the offer that was available to me yesterday, to now thinking about uninstalling the game for good.

    This is not an intelligent challenge. It's beyond frustrating. Not a good direction.


    1) Why did 1-green cover Gargantos remove THREE AP per each tentacle thrash tile when my 1-cover gargantos removes only ONE AP? Not only are our rosters severely limited, but his abilities are BUFFED above baseline?

    2) I see that you lowered his blue nuke damage, but it was outrageously high, and I lost a full day of progress already. It seems most of my alliance, which has *mandatory* boss events, has already quit. 7 AP for his blue nuke doing 30k damage is absurd on it's face, even with full rosters.

    3) So... Dark Avengers... Really? If you don't have champed Eddie or champed 5-stars, then what in the world am i supposed to do? In the previous Gargantos event I managed to clear all reward nodes even with my extremely limited roster. In this one I'm getting washed repeatedly. I've had some limited success with loaner characters by using boosts and team-ups, but if you get unlucky and fail to be able to deny blue you're just nuked instantly. Is my 2-star Bullseye or powered up 3-star Daken supposed to be able to kill this boss in any reliable way? Non-Samurai Daken is the biggest trap in the world; Gargantos hunts green, forces strike tiles, then Tentacle Teeths you to death if you neglect to deny black. And if you do deny black, you might miss the opportunity to deny blue.

    The Loaners are my only realistic option and i've been able to kill him a handful of times using the loaners if I get a lucky board and boosts. Rush 7 black for Samurai Daken and then try Yellow/Green for Venom's abilities. Usually it does not work before either 1) all my AP is drained from tentacle thrashes or 2) I am unable to stop him 7 blue so Samurai gets nuked. 

    Really profoundly disappointed in this event. So much so that it changed how i will view this entire game going forward. Feels like you either didn't playtest this AT ALL, or you did, and want to make things deliberately out of reach for newer players, once again. Either way it's unacceptable and has made me a lot of faith in Broken Circle.

    Thanks for reading, Cheers.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good job getting the patch rolled out to nerf Gargantos, and the buff to the rentals for those of us without the best teams for this.

    Now it’s possible that not everyone focuses on good synergy, or even knows what good synergy is; but it’s clear that synergy is part of what many of us enjoy about the Puzzle Quest games.  Most of these characters are some of the oldest characters in the game, from back before there was a 4* meta, and 5* were a fantasy.

    The Dark Avengers (and many early Villains for that matter) were intentionally designed to have poor synergy because they were (at least at the time of design) intended to be the player’s primary opponents.  There was a time some
    of us remember when outside of PvP you NEVER faced anyone who wasn’t a Dark Avenger or a Goon.

    My alliance is only in Round 4 now, so I can’t say how things will shake out in later rounds; but it seems to me that this event would have been an opportunity to balance the Dark Avengers for the modern Meta.  None of them have any skills in their kits that work well against Gargantos like as an example Hood who generates AP passively, or anyone who works against invisible foes (beyond AoE attacks, which a large number of the DA have Team Damage tied to those).

    It’s been a LONG TIME since we had a Heroic event, but I don’t recall them being limited down to literally 2-3 options per Star level; if memory serves it was more like double to triple that. Since this event is SO LIMITED, perhaps boosting lower Star characters more akin to Balance of Power would have made this more enjoyable while pushing us out of our usual comfort zone.  If 2* Daken or the 1*’s  could run with the 4*’s and 5*’s with a comparable power to what is needed for this, I’d expect fewer of the reasoned complaints about this event (the unreasonable complaints would have been unaffected).

    Again I applaud the new developers for trying something new and quickly attempting to resolve issues as they come to light.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 829 Critical Contributor
    .Also the “if I can’t use the players I paid for why play ?” argument is flawed . This is a F2P game , you don’t PAY for anything . However if you choose to voluntarily throw your money away by DONATING ( huge difference) to the game that’s a personal expectations problem .  Me donating to my church does not give me any say on where to spend my donation nor how to run or manage the church .
    This argument is wrong on so many levels.

    (a) You aren't "donating" to a corporation.  You are buying something.  When I go to McDonald's, I don't "donate" to get a burger.  I buy a burger.  Similar to this, I am not "donating" when I buy shards (for example), I am buying shards with the expectation that the money goes to the company selling it.  This is not a donation or a handout.  It's a transaction.  Now, that doesn't mean I am legally bound to always allow that character to be used but in no way, shape or form is it a "donation".  I am pretty sure in the US, the IRS would frown on trying to write off these purchases as a "donation".

    (b) Not sure which church you go to but donating in our church (or tithing or giving offering) absolutely does give you say.  We have biannual meetings where we talk about where the donations go.  We have removed funding to some groups, voted on refurbishing our parlor vs a gym, etc.  If you actually have no say in where your church donation goes, I would be very surprised.
    There is a difference in buying a burger 🍔 which isn’t free and giving to a game which is FREE to play. Presuming I was poor and had to still eat at McDonalds , if the burger was free I would eat it. Me choosing to donate $30 to them for an extra pack of ketchup is an optional personal choice that subjectively makes your burger taste better but has no relevance to the cost of a free burger. And no, my church has no meetings like that . Those decisions are made on a much higher level in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is this game free to play? I'm just realizing it now. We could try to not spend nothing anyone of us and we can start the chrono for to see how many days runs before announcing the shut down. 
    Another thing, the loaner DA actually have sinergy: eddie can spam enemy protect tiles and Bullseye can destroy them, or samurai can remove them and spam strikes, depending on how it goes the play.
  • Xerobulll
    Xerobulll Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2022
    I like the idea but the execution is bad. As others have said, it’s not as fun without synergies. The new Devs should have rebalanced the Dark Avengers before trying this out. And the rewards… I mean, Ragnarok as the first three alliance reward tiers? Why not just mix in different 3-stars instead. He’s horrible since his nerf back in the day. At least sweeten the pot with tons of rewards.  

    I’m playing but I can say my alliance isn’t exactly pumped to keep going. I take in random people when someone goes inactive for a while and I have people on the alliance that are just filling in their champion three stars. It’s hard for them so they just peace-out on the event. 

    Here’s the biggest problem. You have to play fast and boost to win. If you try to go slow and build up colors for a power combo you get eaten alive. As others have said, Gatgantos is OP in this event for the roster we’re allowed. 

    Three out of five stars. That’s a 60% grade which won’t pass the class. Try harder, plan better, new devs.  
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    There're synergies among DA. It's just not the kind of mindless synergies like Polaris/BRB or Hulkoye.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
    There're synergies among DA. It's just not the kind of mindless synergies like Polaris/BRB or Hulkoye.
    Please enlighten me.  You keep pounding on people for wanting to play Polaris/BRB and Hulkoye but don't help them in providing any examples.  Personally, my team is strong enough to still brute strength it (GG/SamDak champed) but I don't see any synergies worth providing to others as possible help.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I posted videos in the tips for Gargantos thread. As of now, they are still working well in Round 4.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2022
    There are no SOLID synergies among DA members that I know of. Their "synergies" are of the type "Sentry uses his yellow that cuts his own lifebar down to create a strike tile that 2*/3* Daken reverts into a normal tile when he uses his blue".

    Like many others I am beyond frustrated with this event. Why? Why Dark Avengers only? Is this the Dark Avengers' month or what?

    Why not giving us access to regular Avengers or something better?

    Oh yeah they increased the boost for DA members and loaned characters. Boost is still useless. They still get wrecked.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Define Solid synergies.

  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Define Solid synergies.

    I'm not asking for "Polaris + BRB" type of synergy, just something like 3* Spidey + 3* Witch where Spidey creates protects when matching purple tiles that then Witch uses for her big AOE nuke + random stun.

    Or 3* Witch + GSBW.

    Something like that
  • Wyntre
    Wyntre Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
     I know a rising tide raises all ships but the disparity in players rosters would be much more minimized.

    Um, feature, not bug
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daken creates two strike tiles whenever a green match is made. Prioritise blue, and fire his blue when there are 4 strike tiles, which will remove 4 strike tiles from the board and turn 2 blue basic tiles to green. 

    You could also use Bullseye to deal damage with his purple and you can throw in Ragnarok to create blue for Daken which allows him to do the above. If you don't like Ragnarok, use Scorpion. Use his green to power up your strike tiles, then fire his purple, then fire Daken's blue. I've gone 12-0 ever since I use 3* Daken and 3* Bullseye.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2022
    3* Bullseye creates strikes only when he downs an enemy which of course is completely irrelevant against Gargantos. If you've killed him you no longer have to use Daken's blue.

    Unfortunately I don't have Scorpion. My only 4* Dark Avengers are both Venoms, Eddie and Flash. And because I have neither of them champed atm, they're useless.
    The bulk of my DA roster is 2* and 3* characters with really weak synergy (think Sentry + Daken as I described it earlier).

    To make things even worse for myself, just a few weeks prior to this event I had resetted my 3* Daken as he had reached the level 266 cap. So I don't even have a champed 3* Daken now.

    The bottom line is that the majority of DA are 2* and 3* characters that are all too weak to defeat Gargantos.
    3* Bullseye's black passive is useless against Gargantos.
    Any kind of health regen (Daken, Ragnarok) is useless for the most part. This really hurts the 3* Daken + Rag team a lot because they both use health regen and it's one of that team's selling points.

    Sentry himself is a bad character.