Gargantos Heroic Boss Event Impressions
Think I can give y overall thoughts on this now that I’m finished, and my alliance is almost done.
Previously this event was way too easy. Everyone cleared it without issue the last time it was around.
Now it was painful before they hot fixed the damage issues. After the hot fix it still was annoying but manageable.
The side nodes in the last tiers can be nail biters if you don’t get a good board.I think about 75% of my alliance will finish this which is not normal.
I think maybe a change in the future that would work better would 2 required and 1 free slot. Not everyone has a fat roster and it could alleviate some issues.1 -
There really does seem to be a bit of cognitive dissonance when members start their complaints with "I've played this game for four years and..." when they are angered by a three-day event.
It's three days. A regular PVE will be available this time tomorrow. If you can't play this one at the level you wish, go read a book or something. Normal service will be resumed.2 -
It’s not about time invested. It’s just about the imbalance compared to the previous boss events. It was clearly too hard before the hot fix.
An unlucky cascade could wipe your team within the first four turns… in round 1.Paired with the neutered roster choice it was seemingly going to be overly difficult around round 6 or 7.1 -
We're almost done, so time for a recap
Event was fine after the adjustment to Garg blue.
Heroics are fine - even meta chasers should have 300+ 4s from opening all those LTs.
And a level 300+ Agent Venom and Scorpion was all that was needed to compete.
Smaller rosters can contribute with the loaners.
All of the backlash could have been avoided by not springing this on the playerbase on such short notice, and explaining what Heroic means.
After adjusting my expectations that I will never have to use a health pack on a boss event, ever, it was fine.
Heroic Juggs next, please!3 -
Blergh said:@Double_O_Revan Just out of interest, would your initial reaction to the event have been more positive if it was more clearly communicated in game how the mechanics between this event and the previous run differed?
Say like you a got a small five node tutorial event, where you got a tiny drop of iso for participating, talking you through the limited roster, how it worked while also explaining it was going to be a puzzling/challenging event.
Just wondering how much of the initial reaction was people anticipating the ease of the first event but getting a spike in difficulty in the second run due to new mechanics they didn't understand.My initial reaction was similar to most I think. I started and it was round 2, I picked what I thought was a decent team, and I wiped in no time. Shock I would say. I guess if they warned us more in advance, and gave us a breakdown of the usable characters, I would've still been disappointed because of the limited pool, but at least we would've known something. I think a lot of people stated this should've been listed as a Heroic Event and not a boss battle. In 3 years I've played, boss battles have been pretty reasonable. Very few problems. But this came out of no where and surprised a lot of people. I'm fine with boss battles having the nodes that require specific characters, but for the whole event to require nothing but a slim few, that's annoying to say the least. I feel like this should've been it's own event. Advertised and made for the more dedicated crowd.DAZ0273 said:Hopefully you can get some 4* covers for a great 4* in Scorpion. If you are strictly casual then the 5* isn't really that important to you? It honestly is doable but you might just have to prepare to lose once in a while. I don't know how hard it will get and obviously we have another dreaded boost to the side nodes later today but the first run of this event was a joke. Something had to change. If you got 5* covers from that then really you should be looking at this as OK I got paid up front so maybe now is the time to get to work. Obviously you may not see it that way which is of course fine.scottishhaig said:
I'm not big on strategy. SCL10 is mostly Kitty/Pol/Grocket. I don't delve too far into the Puzzle Gauntlet - my 4* roster is just not deep enough (champed toons) and as I've noted, not big on strategy. I have 6 champed 5* w/ two more at 12 covers. Sadly the 5* for this event are at best 3 covers and I do not have a champed Scorpion or AV.
3 -
Tony_Foot said:Bowgentle said:We're almost done, so time for a recap
Event was fine after the adjustment to Garg blue.
Heroics are fine - even meta chasers should have 300+ 4s from opening all those LTs.
And a level 300+ Agent Venom and Scorpion was all that was needed to compete.
Smaller rosters can contribute with the loaners.
All of the backlash could have been avoided by not springing this on the playerbase on such short notice, and explaining what Heroic means.
After adjusting my expectations that I will never have to use a health pack on a boss event, ever, it was fine.
Heroic Juggs next, please!
I think too long has passed and as great as it was they tweaked the numbers, well you know this player base and expectations. The only heroic event that would suffice would be okoye, ihulk, kitty, Polaris, bb
You mentioned in another post that people can't be bothered to learn new tactics. I agree with that in part, but you also have to give people a chance to change. It's like going from learning fractions in elementary school and then straight to AP calculus in middle school. Most people would just throw their hands up and not bother. I'm certainly not saying this game is as difficult as calculus, but hopefully you see the analogy.
I would be more concerned with the newer players that have been around for only a few months. This would have been a considerable wake up for them. Similar to receiving horrible service at a restaurant and vowing not to go back (at least for a good while). Hopefully, they see that this isn't an every day occurrence.
I think a previous post I saw that suggested splitting this event into normal and heroic with awards adjusted accordingly would be a good way to go. Or maybe have the Boss / Heroic events have SCLs like the standard scenarios. Those that wanted the challenge could select SCL 10 and get 2 5* covers and others could select whatever they felt better fit their play style w/ awards adjusted accordingly. It should never have to be all or nothing.
Quick edit to add: When I restarted this time I checked out guides and other resources to see how to best approach what toons to level and focus on. Obviously said guides called out the best toons in their respective tiers. Kitty, BRB, Okoye - Polaris, Medusa, Juggs - Strange, KK - etc. In not one guide did I see any indication I should be concentrating on ALL toons so why in the world would I (or anyone) consider trying to get shard, covers, etc. for GG, Yelena, Samdak or the other toons for this event? The only exception I would have considered is Scorpion, but even he is considered less than stellar versus 10+ other 4*. Just another perspective to offer. I'm not saying any guide is a be all expert on the game, but something to consider.3 -
As this event is coming to a close, I’ve come to realize why I’m not enjoying it.I remember when I first started playing SCL7 so that I could get more 4* covers… it’s difficultly level exceeded my roster’s ability, so it took time, strategy, and a willingness to accept that I wouldn’t always win and couldn’t always beat every node. It was a challenge, and 3* Wolvie, 2* Magneto, and 2* Black Widow did a lot of heavy lifting.This boss event isn’t that. It’s frustrating. Beyond the usual frustrations. Cascade into blues or match-5s? Frustrating but that’s part of MPQ’s DNA. Gargantos’ CD causes cascades and matches, especially as it allows him to gain AP that’s immediately available for use? Frustration x2. Gargantos is depleting your AP on already bad board making 7 AP unobtainable? Frustration x3. Gargantos easily destroys your special tiles and punishes you for having them, negating the best synergy available for the Dark Avenger? Frustration x4. The boss doesn’t take damage for 2 turns after hurling himself into the screen? Frustration x5.
I don’t expect a cakewalk, I don’t mind long matches, and I love being tactically and strategically smart. This boss event just has too many frustrations built into it.6 -
HoundofShadow said:Here are the top 3 responses towards this event, pre-firefighting from the dev:
1) threatening to quit the game for good
2) threatening to stop spending money
3) call this event p2w --> I lol'ed at this. Some 5* players are losing even when they have at least one of those 5* champed. Even if you have the money to champ all 5* (Yelena/OMD/GG), it doesn't guarantee a win.
Other responses:
I can finish scl 9/10 pves; therefore, I should be able to complete this event.
For those who love Heroic events, this is the top 1 anti-Heroic response:
1) Why am I not allowed to use my hard-earned (either via cash or in-game rewards) characters?
This is what happens when players only know how to Polaris/BRB or Hulkoye for the past two years and calling other non-meta characters a 'Skip'. You throw them a challenge, take away their meta teams and you get this.
How is the dev supposed to create challenging and unique events with these kinds of threats?Bad said:The patch is live now. Gargantos match damage downed and loaners levels increased.
This is what happens when you think and you do constructive criticism, and treat devs with respect.1 -
Heh i thought I’m the one who always brings up the Shartgate fiasco
Also to be fair to @Bad, I believe what they mean is that when we players are respectful and civil about our criticisms, the devs will respond in kind, as in how they were so quick to make amendments.
Basically, be a nice person. And if the other party can’t reciprocate, that’s an issue with them, not you.1 -
Daredevil217 said:Umm no. Please see what I quoted from Hound above. This is an outcry almost as bad as the Shardmas debacle which you LOVE to bring up often. There have been very few “constructive” or “respectful” posts from the anti camp.
And read at the first pages. Not really the most respectful comments, or something expressed towards getting valuable feedback as most comments now.
To communicate them the way to fight this event (boosting the loaners) was something valuable,and look at the coincidence, I think it was me the one who did. So I was remarking that positive attitude.0 -
Come on.
The outrage posts were mostly from people with less than 10 posts, many registered to just post how terrible it is.
Disregard those, and you have a much more sensible reaction from most people.2 -
Bowgentle said:Come on.
The outrage posts were mostly from people with less than 10 posts, many registered to just post how terrible it is.
Disregard those, and you have a much more sensible reaction from most people.Bowgentle said:Come on.
The outrage posts were mostly from people with less than 10 posts, many registered to just post how terrible it is.
Disregard those, and you have a much more sensible reaction from most people.
Certainly take those that just fumed and whined (even after being offered suggestions as to how to approach the event) with a grain of salt, but to ignore all new posters outright I feel is a disservice to those players. I noted some that praised the devs for their quick reaction to concerns, but still offered respectful feedback as to why the event wasn't for them.6 -
Yes Feedback is appreciated and important.
I just wanted to avoid the usual white Knights running with like two posters to say "ALL PEOPLE HATE THE DEVS! You're all so mean, you don't deserve interactions with the devs!"
Reasonably worded feedback is always good.0 -
TheRiddler said:I can speak on this event from two perspectives.I have an account where I have everybody rostered, nearly all 4s champed and a solid group of champ 5s.I've been using a nearly champed Yelena, Scorpion and Agent Venom. No problems at all. Haven't died once. Looking through the thread it seems alot of people are using Scorpion and Agent Venom.My daughter has an account as well. And she doesn't have any of the 5s or 4s. It sucks. If the nodes get progressively harder (she is seeing +300 enemies right now) with just champ 3s and 2s its gonna suck pretty bad.I guess that is the cost of not having one of the 6 out of 196 characters in 4/5 tier that they allowed for this event.I'm not gonna hit progression because my alliance which always hits progression has pretty much decided to sit this out. The same for her alliance.
And to me as someone who is a 300 day player but is putting in TONS of work every single day, that feels really, really, really bad.1 -
Daniel2121 said:HoundofShadow said:It's not theory. I've already posted videos of me clearing Gargantos with 3* Daken/Bullseye. Veteran players who have problem with 3* Daken don't know the word "strategy". Theoretically speaking, 3* Daken looks like a terrible choice. In practice, 3* Daken is the MVP for 3* players. They just need to strategise.
3* Bullseye's purple is just way too expensive to rely on it. By the time I am able to use it, I got my team down by one member.
I just gave up already on this event since I inevitably lose against Gargantos no matter what team I use. The best synergy 3* DA guys have to offer is already shut down by the one-eyed octopus. And everything else is just... garbage.
The side nodes are definitely at a point where you'll need boosts and some luck. But the boss node is totally doable.1 -
nixed said:TheRiddler said:I can speak on this event from two perspectives.I have an account where I have everybody rostered, nearly all 4s champed and a solid group of champ 5s.I've been using a nearly champed Yelena, Scorpion and Agent Venom. No problems at all. Haven't died once. Looking through the thread it seems alot of people are using Scorpion and Agent Venom.My daughter has an account as well. And she doesn't have any of the 5s or 4s. It sucks. If the nodes get progressively harder (she is seeing +300 enemies right now) with just champ 3s and 2s its gonna suck pretty bad.I guess that is the cost of not having one of the 6 out of 196 characters in 4/5 tier that they allowed for this event.I'm not gonna hit progression because my alliance which always hits progression has pretty much decided to sit this out. The same for her alliance.
And to me as someone who is a 300 day player but is putting in TONS of work every single day, that feels really, really, really bad.3 -
DAZ0273 said:nixed said:TheRiddler said:I can speak on this event from two perspectives.I have an account where I have everybody rostered, nearly all 4s champed and a solid group of champ 5s.I've been using a nearly champed Yelena, Scorpion and Agent Venom. No problems at all. Haven't died once. Looking through the thread it seems alot of people are using Scorpion and Agent Venom.My daughter has an account as well. And she doesn't have any of the 5s or 4s. It sucks. If the nodes get progressively harder (she is seeing +300 enemies right now) with just champ 3s and 2s its gonna suck pretty bad.I guess that is the cost of not having one of the 6 out of 196 characters in 4/5 tier that they allowed for this event.I'm not gonna hit progression because my alliance which always hits progression has pretty much decided to sit this out. The same for her alliance.
And to me as someone who is a 300 day player but is putting in TONS of work every single day, that feels really, really, really bad.
But it doesn't make *this event* feel any less bad for me, as someone with a limited roster who is trying to grind out as much as possible every day and contribute to my alliance. If i get a lucky board with Loaners and boosts I can beat gargantos; If i get an unlucky board I get wiped in one turn.
Maybe if it wasn't an Alliance-based boss event I wouldn't care so much. I'd say "oh well guess this is out of reach for me," and continue about my day, probably playing much less over this weekend.
I am not trying to be dramatic or threatening or anything. I'm simply stating a fact that this has made me definitely question the direction of the game going forward and how much I should spend caring/paying money/playing from here on.2 -
nixed said:DAZ0273 said:nixed said:TheRiddler said:I can speak on this event from two perspectives.I have an account where I have everybody rostered, nearly all 4s champed and a solid group of champ 5s.I've been using a nearly champed Yelena, Scorpion and Agent Venom. No problems at all. Haven't died once. Looking through the thread it seems alot of people are using Scorpion and Agent Venom.My daughter has an account as well. And she doesn't have any of the 5s or 4s. It sucks. If the nodes get progressively harder (she is seeing +300 enemies right now) with just champ 3s and 2s its gonna suck pretty bad.I guess that is the cost of not having one of the 6 out of 196 characters in 4/5 tier that they allowed for this event.I'm not gonna hit progression because my alliance which always hits progression has pretty much decided to sit this out. The same for her alliance.
And to me as someone who is a 300 day player but is putting in TONS of work every single day, that feels really, really, really bad.
But it doesn't make *this event* feel any less bad for me, as someone with a limited roster who is trying to grind out as much as possible every day and contribute to my alliance. If i get a lucky board with Loaners and boosts I can beat gargantos; If i get an unlucky board I get wiped in one turn.
Maybe if it wasn't an Alliance-based boss event I wouldn't care so much. I'd say "oh well guess this is out of reach for me," and continue about my day, probably playing much less over this weekend.
I am not trying to be dramatic or threatening or anything. I'm simply stating a fact that this has made me definitely question the direction of the game going forward and how much I should spend caring/paying money/playing from here on.3 -
nixed said:DAZ0273 said:nixed said:TheRiddler said:I can speak on this event from two perspectives.I have an account where I have everybody rostered, nearly all 4s champed and a solid group of champ 5s.I've been using a nearly champed Yelena, Scorpion and Agent Venom. No problems at all. Haven't died once. Looking through the thread it seems alot of people are using Scorpion and Agent Venom.My daughter has an account as well. And she doesn't have any of the 5s or 4s. It sucks. If the nodes get progressively harder (she is seeing +300 enemies right now) with just champ 3s and 2s its gonna suck pretty bad.I guess that is the cost of not having one of the 6 out of 196 characters in 4/5 tier that they allowed for this event.I'm not gonna hit progression because my alliance which always hits progression has pretty much decided to sit this out. The same for her alliance.
And to me as someone who is a 300 day player but is putting in TONS of work every single day, that feels really, really, really bad.
But it doesn't make *this event* feel any less bad for me, as someone with a limited roster who is trying to grind out as much as possible every day and contribute to my alliance. If i get a lucky board with Loaners and boosts I can beat gargantos; If i get an unlucky board I get wiped in one turn.
Maybe if it wasn't an Alliance-based boss event I wouldn't care so much. I'd say "oh well guess this is out of reach for me," and continue about my day, probably playing much less over this weekend.
I am not trying to be dramatic or threatening or anything. I'm simply stating a fact that this has made me definitely question the direction of the game going forward and how much I should spend caring/paying money/playing from here on.
Long-term vets of this game know your frustration, but it's an inherent part of any progressive-power game. Any D&D/RPG gamer knows that you don't go after Demogorgon with a team of level-6 players. You might get 1/10 of the way into his lair, collecting loot and XP, but it's not going much further than that.
And, closer to home, I'm guessing you're not playing CL10 PvE -- but that you're OK with not getting those prizes. Think of this boss event as CL6-10 compressed into one event. Rounds 1-5 or so you'll do great. But Round 7-8, where you'll be getting 4* and 5* covers as rewards, are not yet within your reach. That is perfectly normal.
Check back with us at day 1,300 and let's see how you're doing in these events then.0 -
Tony_Foot said:As I’ve said somewhere on this forum, I’ve been seriously impressed how some of my alliance have done with no 5* champs and very very baby four stars. They requested nuke team ups and played smarter. Most of them have got to 800k currently.
There was a 5* with 9 covers (being good or not doesn't change that fact).
If I was a new player I'm totally sure I'd had used that tool to make my way. Taking samurai, venom, and any other else I'd had fought my way, as this was the first boss battle offering such loaners.
And, as I proved, until round 6 it could be done.
Look if I'd could have enjoyed this event being a new player in the fact that actually I've fought with the loaners in order to check it, increasing the difficulty of a battle that I have won before hand with my roster.0
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