Gargantos Heroic Boss Event Impressions



  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022
    He's picked up bad habits from meta players.  His post already showed what kind of synergies he is expecting. BRB/Polaris - match protect tiles to get free +1 blue/green aps. 

    And once again, 7 aps is expensive. 

    This kind of mentality exists in meta chasers.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022

    Sure, you can overdose on AP boosts to have more to start with, but it's all the same because you can't keep the AP coming.

    It's just not fun.
    If you think that wasting 200 iso on equipping AP it's not worthy of 2 5* covers, then I have no more questions.
    And if it's just not fun... well, this is the same game than a week ago.
    Only that now it's forcing you to think another play.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2022
    Bad said:

    Sure, you can overdose on AP boosts to have more to start with, but it's all the same because you can't keep the AP coming.

    It's just not fun.
    If you think that wasting 200 iso on equipping AP it's not worthy of 2 5* covers, then I have no more questions.
    And if it's just not fun... well, this is the same game than a week ago.
    Only that now it's forcing you to think another play.
    I said that AP boosts changes nothing. All they do is to give you a start, nothing more.
    With +2 AP at the start you can fire a power slightly earlier than expected, and that's it. But without an AP battery, you can't keep the wheel rolling. And there's no purple battery among the DA heroes.

    I am a meta chaser, who isn't? That doesn't automatically render all of what I've said invalid.
    I didn't always rely on Polaris + BRB to win most of my games. How do you think I did when I was in 3* land? I used 3* Spidey + Witch. That carried me a lot.

    For one PvP event I even used 5* Murdock + GSBW because both of them were boosted and GSBW's red and green triggered DD's green countdown tile. Now THAT was fun.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2022
    He's picked up bad habits from meta players.  His post already showed what kind of synergies he is expecting. BRB/Polaris - match protect tiles to get free +1 blue/green aps. 

    And once again, 7 aps is expensive. 

    This kind of mentality exists in meta chasers.
    I've said I don't want a "Polaris + BRB meta" kind of synergy.

    All I wanted for this event was some kind of solid/fun synergy. If you really think that Eddie + 3* Bullseye is good synergy or even synergy at all, no, you're wrong. I mean that's no real synergy. Eddie's enemy protects are there just to let Bullseye use his purple, just that. That's all. Eddie enables Bullseye, but doesn't make him deal more damage than normal, or keep him going with more AP, or anything special.

    you've done better in the past.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the difference lies in our definition of synergy. 

    What about OMD + Eddie Brock + Bullseye?  OMD fires red, replaces Eddie's protect tiles with strike tiles, which can be removed by Bullseye to deal damage?  
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    It's better than I expected but still not enough to win. I lost again with that.

    The only good thing about the loaners is not having to spend health packs after the loss.
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2022
    I can speak on this event from two perspectives.
    I have an account where I have everybody rostered, nearly all 4s champed and a solid group of champ 5s.
    I've been using a nearly champed Yelena, Scorpion and Agent Venom. No problems at all. Haven't died once. Looking through the thread it seems alot of people are using Scorpion and Agent Venom.
    My daughter has an account as well. And she doesn't have any of the 5s or 4s. It sucks. If the nodes get progressively harder (she is seeing +300 enemies right now) with just champ 3s and 2s its gonna suck pretty bad.
    I guess that is the cost of not having one of the 6 out of 196 characters in 4/5 tier that they allowed for this event.
    I'm not gonna hit progression because my alliance which always hits progression has pretty much decided to sit this out. The same for her alliance.
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 829 Critical Contributor
    Is synergy really that important downing one 12K enemy ? Even if this was a 1 on 1 battle Samurine and a support would be kicking him 99 times out of 100 two turns after you make 2 black matches . Every battle through stage 5 was 5 to 7 turns long ( a red match 5 at start activates insta-kill).
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Is synergy really that important downing one 12K enemy ? Even if this was a 1 on 1 battle Samurine and a support would be kicking him 99 times out of 100 two turns after you make 2 black matches . Every battle through stage 5 was 5 to 7 turns long ( a red match 5 at start activates insta-kill).
    I believe it is.

    OMD (loaner version)'s red merely tickles Gargantos. Venom and Bullseye do hit harder, but not hard enough to win.

    If you need video proof for this, go to Twitch and search for my channel called "leadblast".

    Watch the last video I made. 2 attempts on Gargantos with the loaner team, both of which were losses. I used a full set of AP boosts both times. Still I lost.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    So I had another go at Gargantos. I decided to use my own rostered Eddie and Bullseye, but this time, I equipped them both with damage-enhancing supports. 150ish level Taskmaster's sword for Venom and similarly leveled Atlantis for Bullseye.

    For the first time ever, I scored a win. Bet the supports had something to do with it.  :tired_face:
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 829 Critical Contributor
    Is synergy really that important downing one 12K enemy ? Even if this was a 1 on 1 battle Samurine and a support would be kicking him 99 times out of 100 two turns after you make 2 black matches . Every battle through stage 5 was 5 to 7 turns long ( a red match 5 at start activates insta-kill).
    I believe it is.

    OMD (loaner version)'s red merely tickles Gargantos. Venom and Bullseye do hit harder, but not hard enough to win.

    If you need video proof for this, go to Twitch and search for my channel called "leadblast".

    Watch the last video I made. 2 attempts on Gargantos with the loaner team, both of which were losses. I used a full set of AP boosts both times. Still I lost.
    I could see that. But hopefully by now a recent 5* release like Samurine should be better covered. ( He’s actually my 3rd strongest at 453). Most of the people here in the forums have been playing twice as long as me and their rosters dwarf mine. Possibly it’s just dumb luck I have 2 of the 3 5* champed (only 20% are although I champed Sersi today ) and my roster is already  sufficient even though almost everyone here agrees I have absolutely no clue how to play the game.
    Maybe next month’s event will be different with Dr Strange being last month’s news and we probably won’t see Gigantor as a boss for a long time.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2022

    I saw your video.

    You would have won if you saw the green match-6 and made a match-3 TU at 2:00 mark.

    On the second match, at 8:06 minute, you matched tu tiles instead of purple tiles. That caused you an extra 13xx damage to Gargantos.

    You would won both matches, but carelessness caused you.

    Edit: and also, why did you use loaner Bullseye when your Bullseye is much more powerful? Instead of dealin 13XX damage, I think your Bullseye would have finished the match (deals ~5k damage(?)) before 8:06 minutes.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2022

    I saw your video.

    You would have won if you saw the green match-6 and made a match-3 TU at 2:00 mark.

    On the second match, at 8:06 minute, you matched tu tiles instead of purple tiles. That caused you an extra 13xx damage to Gargantos.

    You would won both matches, but carelessness caused you.

    Edit: and also, why did you use loaner Bullseye when your Bullseye is much more powerful? Instead of dealin 13XX damage, I think your Bullseye would have finished the match before 8:06 minutes.
    I reviewed my first match. Hah I failed to see that 7-match. It was a 7-match. But I had to match away some TU tiles to make it.

    Yeah my Bullseye is much stronger than the loaner, yet I was still losing with him. Would have made no difference.

    Anyways it seems I'm finally hitting my stride with my Bullseye and Venom, but only because I've attached damage supports to them both so they can punch the octopus harder. Not what I would call a great strategy but it's working.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    It makes huge difference. I think Loaner Bullseye deals 13xx damage but your Bullseye will deal around 5k damage, which is almost half Gargantos' health. At the end of the match, Gargantos had less than 2000 health left. With your champed Bullseye, he would be down even before you make the tu match at 8:06.

    Keep a lookout on his cd tile, its surrounding tiles and the overall board colour. It moves to the next adjacent tiles and signals you the next ap that could be reduced. 

    It's very obvious you will be able to win matches. You were just a little careless, that's all.
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Yeah I can win now, won my second game now but still. I'm dealing boosted damage with 4* supports that not everyone has.

    Everyone in my alliance is now talking how bad this event is.
  • Blergh
    Blergh Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2022

    I saw your video.

    You would have won if you saw the green match-6 and made a match-3 TU at 2:00 mark.

    On the second match, at 8:06 minute, you matched tu tiles instead of purple tiles. That caused you an extra 13xx damage to Gargantos.

    You would won both matches, but carelessness caused you.

    Edit: and also, why did you use loaner Bullseye when your Bullseye is much more powerful? Instead of dealin 13XX damage, I think your Bullseye would have finished the match before 8:06 minutes.
    I reviewed my first match. Hah I failed to see that 7-match. It was a 7-match. But I had to match away some TU tiles to make it.

    Yeah my Bullseye is much stronger than the loaner, yet I was still losing with him. Would have made no difference.

    Anyways it seems I'm finally hitting my stride with my Bullseye and Venom, but only because I've attached damage supports to them both so they can punch the octopus harder. Not what I would call a great strategy but it's working.

    Ignore the back seat tile matching. The analyst is being a little careless in their assessment.

    They are failing to account for chaos theory and the fact that if you had made that seven match, the rest of their winning formula wouldn't have existed.

    You may have had a board that would have been a lot worse and died sooner. About the only person that could ever know, is Dr Strange...

    Well done for getting the boss that low, not sure I would have with that team. I think some of these raid events are designed with idea that a single hit point knocked off the boss is a win. 

    If you having some fun, you're playing it right.

  • bahamut685
    bahamut685 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    I'm mostly in the "Kudos to the Devs" club for this one (aside from that better communication *beforehand* would have been nice)...
    However, some of the folks on 'Team Devs' are saying **** that sounds stupid.
    1) The game is free-to-play, but it makes you a big ol' turd if you claim that people who spend money on the game (and therefore KEEP IT RUNNING) aren't spending money on it.
    2) You're being facetious if you claim that RNG gifting you enough yellow to make your team invisible against Garganatos ONE TIME means that "it's easy, everyone can clear it with loaners" EVERY TIME.

    That said, this event hasn't been apocalyptic, and the devs ARE listening to the feedback. As such, while this event may be very unpleasant and a "skip" for a number of players, giving the feedback is useful, and we can probably afford to skip the pitchforks.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,866 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've just beaten Round 6 Gargantos with Loaner Daken, Loaner Venom and Sentry, no Supports. Guys you can all do this!!!! I have faith in you! Kill that Squid!!!
  • Double_O_Revan
    Double_O_Revan Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    I guess I never registered for the forums before and had to wait a few days to have my account verified, so I missed most of the early bickering. But I did want to put my input out there. 

    I'm just about to hit 3 years playing. And I,  like many, am not enjoying this event. It's not as bad as the immediate reactions. It took a little bit to figure the characters out, but it's still more frustrating than it should be. The limited usable characters, which are made even more limited by the fact that half of them are dups. To top it off, they're one of the least fun groups in the game.

    The only people that seem to be relishing in the challenge are the players of whom this is their primary game. They play heavily every day and do everything they can. For me, this is a game I play while walking the dog, or sitting on the toilet. This game is a time kill for me. I'm not looking to beat my head against a wall to finish a node. And I know I'm not alone in that level of play.

    So to release an event that is this frustrating, really alienates a good chunk of your player base. And a big thing no one else really brought up, you also released Puzzle Gauntlet at the same time. Which can be challenging in itself. A different level of challenge, but still it's own level of frustration. So now there are 2 events, with limited character choices and a level of difficulty that can be a big turn off to a large percentage of your user base. With nothing else to do in PVE for a few days. 

    I'm trying to get through it for the sake of my Alliance. We have a pretty even split of 1/3 veterans who have been playing for 5+ years, 1/3 of 2-4, and the rest a year or less. I'm working through it, but I'm struggling. I don't see how the lower level people are going to make any real impact. I feel like you kind of wrote them off right from the start.

    I was extremely excited when during the last boss, the rewards got bumped to guaranteed 5* vs the LL token. Nothing sucks more than putting in all that hard work only to get a random 4*. But if this is the trade off in order to get those rewards, I'd rather go back.
  • Aueio
    Aueio Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Everyone saying they're using loaners only and more or less can breeze through up to phase 6-7-8, can you please tell me how you're coping with overpowered enemies with health pools 4 times as big as yours, enemies that can 1 shoot you, while your loaner skills only tickles them for 1000 damage here and there?