New Event - Support Circuit Updated (1/28/19)



  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2019
    Well, I have a higher * thank the featured 3*, so this vault is a no thanks for me.

    That possibility of targeting a specific Support, but I only see 4 different supports and most are only the 1* version.

    For a vault of this size (requiring nearly a week of daily deal 40packs) just to clear it out along with all the garbage in there...

    Please re-think this. And then think about it some more. Then phone a friend.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    It would appear that I had incorrectly listed the SCL 3 - 5 Rank 1 Placement rewards as having Advanced Support Tokens. They are actually supposed to be Beginner Support Tokens.

    I have updated the charts to correctly reflect that. Apologies for any confusion.
  • supergarv
    supergarv Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Oh the grind. Thanks so much. Thanks for reading player feedback. We all want more node replays in our lives, I appreciate having another 60minutes a week, where 40mins is confirming button prompts and reselecting the same node.
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Also, when looking at the vault at the possible supports (and the announcement threads for them as well, for that matter) can we stop listing the value of the support at 250?  it is just another laughable example of being out of touch with the player base.  I thought a couple of them were really great when i looked at what they were giving out (for what i thought) at 1* and 2* levels.  that's borderline bait and switch, imo.  Supports have been out for almost a year now, and i would wager that the percentage of 5* supports rewarded, versus total supports in general, has to be less than 1%.  showing us what they *could* be doing, even though we have almost no real way to get there, is pretty disingenuous. 

    In the announcement threads, they should have have the levels broken down for us, hidden behind the spoiler tag if they want to save space, to give us honest ideas of what we will be getting.  In the vaults they should just show the max ability for that level.  
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    OK, so after 4 clears of this new Supports event my 4 Supports tokens revealed 2 beginner supports (both dupes of old ones) and a 2* storm and a 2* Cap America. 

    Well that was worth it. 
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    For the love of God stop putting nodes so close together.
    Playtest on an actual touch device to see how hard it is to hit the nodes that are next to the big one.
    Specifically the Large pin is super close to pin 9.  Its hard to tap correctly
  • Liftoff
    Liftoff Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    For my playing I got 3 2*.  Yep, I’m rolling in supports now!!!!!!
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
      I thought this event was pretty streamline.  Taking away yellow and essentials means  it’s a lot simpler to optimize your team based on the actual opponents and your working roster.

    large pin opponents were fine. 515 is a good matchup 3v1

    alot delpends on how well curated the actual matches are.  If txs intelligent curated opponents then 9x7 matches are fine for comp players.  Taking out the yellow and essentials basically eliminates the slowest and least fun nodes in pve.

    cons.  I dislike that this event only runs mon-tues.  

    i personally dont don’t care about the leaderboard structure so long as the rules are consistent week to week.  I have a pretty good ides on what optimal will look like.

    overall,  I would prefer this format and structure to replace the std pve sub mission.  I though it was simpler to play more oblivious and I could play at a consistent pace vs switch teams every 4 matches
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    Couple questions for the devs

    - Many players have shown a desire for less time determined way of playing. Also seen people ask for some kind of skill/challenge type of games. Don’t you think this could have been abosolutly perfect for both of this?

    - You obviously planned the slice times, so they dont coincide with normal pve. Thank you very much for that! But Im sure, or hope you do, you know players discuss these start times, to get an advantage for new brackets for instance, usually referred to as s1-5. Im very curious why you thought it would be ideal to mess with this, so that s1 now becomes s5? Why not just have it start an hour before start time as normal pve? This just makes discussion through many timezones unnecessarily complicated...

    - Not really a question, but also wanted to echo 2 things mentioned above. First, clicking the node you want to play, doesnt have to be a game on its own, so please, no need to have them all cluttered. Second, you might wanna focus rewards and what you advertise the event being all about. Iso —> riso, recruit token —> support token, 

    Having no illusions that Demiurge ( @Demiurge_Anthony ) will ever even read this topic, but at least it off my chest...
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Phumade said:
    txs intelligent curated opponents
    What is that?
    If it’s intelligently curated opponents.  

    If they need a week to curate a good list of simulator/gauntlet style opponents.  Then it’s time we’ll spent.  I never felt that I had to use **** slow chars.  I could use my best teams where appropriate.
  • gentgeen
    gentgeen Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Just did 4 clears for each node, plus the 3 'boss' clears.  (happen to have server outage at work, and all I could do was twiddle my thumbs).   

    That was pretty much a waste.    "We want to give players a way to earn Supports on a more consistent basis."   Well I got 1 support for 39 clears.  Not even something to get excited about, I got a token from the clear, which "won" me another token, which turned into a Korg (which was a duplicate).  YA! Fun!   (Sarcasm in case you meter was broken)

  • KenshinUK
    KenshinUK Posts: 91 Match Maker
    From the vault tokens after the grind I got 2x 2* covers, a beginner support token and an advanced support token.
    The beginner gave a dupe 1* support, the advanced gave a 3* Dora Milaje (meh).

    Anyone else notice the new beginner supports are different from the old ones? i.e. different vaults.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    Shintok17 said:
    From doing 4 clears on all the nodes and completing the Big Pin I got 4 Support Circuit Tokens. The results are 2* Bullsey, 2* Thor, 1,500 ISO, and 4,000 Red ISO. Not putting at least a Beginner Support Token in the Progression Rewards was a mistake. Making the vault have 240 rewards while having 106 of them being 2*'s was another mistake. Making the event be just like any other PVE event with the 24hr timing and same amount of nodes and clears was a mistake. With all these mistakes how can anyone get excited about Supports or the false attempt by the Devs at making them more "Available". This like many other things is such a missed opportunity at giving us something great and getting people to happily accept Supports, but again the Devs show how out of touch they are with the MPQ player base. 
    If I could upvote this 1000x I would.

    Making this a placement event is whatever but annoying - I won't play for placement anyway.  Forcing us to do 4x clears on notes 1-9 to claim all progression awards is just lazy design - I'd prefer having 36 unique nodes or 9 much harder nodes (and again, no placement, but Demi is Demi).  Gee, it could have been a remade Gauntlet (as others have suggested).  

    Today I did notes 1-9 (one time only) plus completed the big pin (and yes the big pin was unnecessarily hard to tap).  So I got my two vault tokens, which turned into ISO and rISO and no supports.  It makes me not even care about doing it next week - even on the small chance of opening another 2-4 more tokens for the vault (and of course, no hoarding cause that would somehow be cheating?).

    And that, devs, is what you don't want - apathy.  You've turned a brand new event into apathy for me.  Which frankly lowers my interest in supports and my engagement in the game overall.  In the future, I may play to see what's in the Big Pin just for the heck and challenge of it, but I will not do it for some reward which is so clearly overvalued and hidden behind layer upon layer of RNG so as to be pointless.

    Most of us don't want to just be handed free stuff.  Feel free to challenge us.  But this structure needs to be retired until it can be made useful for what it purports to do.  Until then, I'll be playing something else and waiting for it to improve.

  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Very many good criticisms and a few good compliments so far. 

    I'd like to add, please make the Boss pin a repeatable mission (even for -0- further rewards).
    I mean, I won't have time for it now that we have all of this additional grinding, but on the off chance I could manage it, that's a fun node for testing teams etc. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,589 Chairperson of the Boards

    I like the big pin mode, that was fun! I would play that every day! Otherwise, uhm, yeah, couldn't we just have tokens or y'know actual Supports in normal PVE?

    I don't have time to do any PvP now but then again as it is She Hulk's maybe the Devs did me a favour. Off to open my 2 stars  tokens from this, wish me luck (probably will not help).
  • Carnifexx
    Carnifexx Posts: 110 Tile Toppler
    We need to be able to earn supports not RNG them. Please fix this.  
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,705 Chairperson of the Boards

    I played it, it was interesting.  I do like that there's more variety of opponents, it definitely changes things up a bit.  I earned 4 support tokens and a bunch of other things, I drew one advanced, one beginner, Hawkeye, and Iso.  Neither token gave me anything useful, though - the beginner a rank 1 and the advanced a rank 2, both I already had.

    Largely the value of the event is to give draws of that Vault, really.  It's 4 per, and the vault stays open for 5 weeks, so that will give you 20 draws if you never spend any HP.  I buy the daily deal for 1x, so that's another 28 draws... even for a 240 item vault that's a significant yield.  So I guess that does mean in general players will be getting a lot more supports and tokens - not directly of course, but the law of averages means you will be getting more.  Of course, unless you spent on the 3 day support vault while they were open, you got practically none, so almost anything is more...

    It's a start, I think, but it's not a solution in and of itself.  I also don't like the change to the odds on the Master tokens - it means that Rank 5 supports are still ridiculously rare compared to their relative value...