New Event - Support Circuit Updated (1/28/19)



  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Frankly, if they replaced all the 2* covers with Rank 1 supports, the 3* covers with Rank 2 supports, the 4* cover with a Rank 4 support, bumped all existing supports in the vault up by one rank and replaced all the iso-8 with red iso, I’d be much happier with this event.  Considering the lackluster power of Rank 1 supports, there’s no
    reason that flooding the players with them would wreck anything.   You would still need to chase higher supports, but there would be at least one artificial layer of scarcity removed. 

    FWIW, I did get a Beginner token (usable Rank 1 Tinkerer), two 2*’s and some iso-8 with my tokens.

    The real question for me is how the event plays out when it isn’t during a 48hr sub of the normal PVE?
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    rixmith said:

    So my suggestion for improving the acquisition of supports would be to just have a daily node added to DDQ that gives a draw from the support circuit vault, with a hard node every five days that gives an advanced token. Even though that would overall be less rewards (no CP, no ISO, no RISO) I think it would make the player base happier.
    But it is like Dpdaily.  Here  progression is 4x9 matches 36 total (once a week) Plus 3 large 1x pins.  

    But under dpd daily you play 6 matches every day for 5 days. Plus 1 cott. Or 31 total. Matches

    no one has to play the last 3 clears unless your going for placement.

    i agree there should be one advance token per weekly cycle,  but overall

    doing 4 matches for progression once a week is pretty comparable to playing dpd daily for the 5 day cycle.

  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    For the love of God stop putting nodes so close together.
    Playtest on an actual touch device to see how hard it is to hit the nodes that are next to the big one.
    I play on Steam and I find the second section of Deadpool and every section of Strange to be frustrating. Why they cramp all the nodes together in the strange PvE is beyond me. And the second sub event of Deadpool has a node half hidden at the top that I cannot suitably scroll to.

    As for the event...silly me not actually looking at the times before hitting the middle one out of muscle memory and finding it starts at 2am GMT. No idea what the others are. Eh, I'll give it a go but hoo boy is that support vault awful. Gotta love the six defined supports in there that are only half as rare as getting a 4* cover, but three of them are only 1* supports.

    They really just do not want people to have these things, do they?
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    I played in SCL7, which is my normal PVE level, but looking at the rewards, seems like SCL5 is just as good (I don't try for placement). Anyone see a reason not to, that I missed?

    Oh and one support gained - a 1* Royal Talon Fighter, which I have equipped to Okoye now
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    between pve and pvp this game already consumes too much of my time. now in order to probably not get something the event is supposed to help me get, i have to do another 6 clears! if it's going to be 6 clears the event should be open all week. if you want a one day event, it should be 1 clear, with a guaranteed support as the reward for the effort.

    at this point, supports can disappear. they had their chance to make it something worthwhile and it's not. complete trash feature and a waste of time, money and resources to continue doing. just kill it with a stick and try something else.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got some tokens and some ISO and some HP and some CP and some XP for opening tokens and applying covers and even a decent handful of red ISO.

    I had fun playing the large pin, even if I kept tapping it by accident trying to tap nearby nodes (and I don't play on a tiny phone, I play on a tablet, so I can't imagine how annoying it must be on a smaller device).

    But I didn't get any new Supports from this event. I'll probably get a vault token at the end. And the daily deals and event vault tokens will add up, especially since we get a month with the vault and three more events. It's a tiny bummer that it'll take the daily deals to make that seem worthwhile, and that bad RNG could make it still a complete waste, but I'll gladly spend my HP on daily deals for this instead of hoping to get another 4* cover I don't really need in normal event vaults. I mean, it'd be better if the Support vault were valuable enough I wanted both and might contemplate buying more HP, but being able to shift my daily deal pulls towards something I'd like to collect more is a good thing, at least.

    I can see this being a bit more tedious if not in the middle of a 2-day sub event where it's tacked on top of normal PVE. And the offset times means the people I compete with in normal Story events have time to do this as well (if we had to choose, there'd be a chance I could place better in one because other competitive players are choosing the other, you know? instead the people who can beat me in one event can beat me in both if they've got the free time)

    Ultimately I wish they'd stop treating Supports like something for high end players to chase, and made them something more alongside characters (so 3* players could reasonably get Beginner tokens and could be leveling their rank 1-3 supports at the same time, moving onto 4* characters and rank 4 supports at the same time, instead of having 5* players fighting for a pitiful chance of any support, and only the top end actually getting the rank 4/5 versions). It feels like a great system that's hampered by the devs being too stingy to give us enough of them to make them work.

    Also, they should really go back and give Supports rank 2 and 4 perks. I don't know where they got the crazy idea that fewer/stronger perks was a good idea (when the problem was "we don't have enough of them or enough red ISO to get to feel how strong they are in the first place"), but I can't imagine going through all of this and finally pulling a Master token and getting a rank 4 support that doesn't even have a rank 4 perk. I feel preemptively disappointed, and that's not a good thing for the game, you know?

    It's a bummer thinking that this is something that'll be good when the devs reluctantly change it in 12-18 months. Thanks for the extra CP, though, that's nice.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker

    Also, as others have noted, Nodes 1, 2, and especially 9 are close enough to the Big Pin that it's difficult to reliably select them. This has been a reported issue in multiple other events. Why are new events being made that still have this problem?
    Because they pay so **** little attention to what their playing community tells them that it beggars belief.
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    Day 1 results:
    Daily deal: 500 iso. Yawn.
    4 tokens: 500 Riso, 1500 Iso, 3* Luke Cage, 5000* Iso.
    Nothing to get excited about, and more sadly, much better than most will get.

    None of the times are good for me. Not because of when they start, but because of when they end. I'm going to have to do my 5th-6th clears 3 hours early. Given the greater apathy for this event, that will probably still get t200.

    On the plus sides...

    With lots of goon nodes, I was able to take my recently champed 5trange out for a spin.
    I liked seeing Lockjaw in a node with guard dog mutations. Small points for being clever there.
    Round 7: Blade, MEHulk, & The Thing. Interesting combo for making us deceide what order to kill in.

    If I can force myself to look at this as just an extra chance to farm resources then It's pretty fun.

    I won't rehash the negatives. Everything I would say has already been covered by others.
    Hopefully all the feedback is taken into consideration and we wind up with something much better for the next season. Kind of kile saved covers. That feature started out blah and became excellent.
  • Dashiva
    Dashiva Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    So, apparently that Doom is way too much for my roster...
  • Loosie
    Loosie Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    Shintok17 said:
    From doing 4 clears on all the nodes and completing the Big Pin I got 4 Support Circuit Tokens. The results are 2* Bullsey, 2* Thor, 1,500 ISO, and 4,000 Red ISO. Not putting at least a Beginner Support Token in the Progression Rewards was a mistake. Making the vault have 240 rewards while having 106 of them being 2*'s was another mistake. Making the event be just like any other PVE event with the 24hr timing and same amount of nodes and clears was a mistake. With all these mistakes how can anyone get excited about Supports or the false attempt by the Devs at making them more "Available". This like many other things is such a missed opportunity at giving us something great and getting people to happily accept Supports, but again the Devs show how out of touch they are with the MPQ player base. 
    You did better than me on your pulls...

    I got 1,500 ISO, 1,000 ISO, 500 ISO and a 2* Human Torch.
  • Pr0spect0r
    Pr0spect0r Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    The grind is so much worse than regular pve. I gave up and just did one clear to get to the boss pin which was the only node worth playing 
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Has it been mentioned if these tokens roll over like taco tokens do? Meaning, if you play the event for six months (or however long it would take) to get 240 circuit tokens, could you then pull them the next time the event was live and empty the vault?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Devs, forget about making most of the players use their CP or HP to dip into Support HfH bundles.

    HP is for roster slots/Comic Packs only and CP is for opening LT or Classics.

    They are not going to spend real cash for Support tokens too.

    Rank 1 to Rank 3 are useless. Rank 4 might not be not really useful because Rank 5 Perk is locked out.

    What does this leave the devs with to make them happy? Give them Rank 5 Supports of their choice, preferably levelled up to 250, through non-placement PvE progression rewards.

    As long as you don't give them Rank 5 support of their choice, with the following conditions:

    1) no placement required
    2) not having to touch their HP/CP/cash at all 
    3) no RNG

    I'm afraid these are all the feedbacks you are going to see for the rest of the year, and that's a long road ahead.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    PuceMoose said:
    Has it been mentioned if these tokens roll over like taco tokens do? Meaning, if you play the event for six months (or however long it would take) to get 240 circuit tokens, could you then pull them the next time the event was live and empty the vault?
    The Support Store tokens will update alongside the Support Store content during their rotation cycles. Vault tokens are the only ones tied to their respective vaults.
  • killercool
    killercool Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I have done the initial run through in SCL9 and was able to do everything with the single team of Kitty, 4* R&G and Medusa (no health packs used in the entire 4 clear run).  It was fun to see some new teams and the challenge level seemed reasonable.

    I have to say that after having another look at the prizes for the various SCLs I can not see enough benefit to the SCL9 prizes to make it worth my time.  From what I can see I can drop down to SCL5 and sacrifice a single vault token in return for a much faster clear.  Quality of life tells me this is a simple trade off to make - SLC5 for all future Support Circuit events (with a humble apology to all those level appropriate rosters that may be there with me).
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,859 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got 1 duplicate support in exchange for basically having to do PvE twice today. 

    I don't like complaining about extra cps and hps, but holy moly.... Swing and a miss on this one, guys.