Please nerf 5* Gambit



  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    tiomono said:
    When fighting a level 506 Medusa, 540 Thor, and 450 Gambit........I take out Gambit first.  That's pretty telling.
    I would target a hood that was 100 levels weaker than one of his allies first as well. Any character that is that low level wise will have less health and makes a good priority.
    Any character that manipulates AP is a priority target.

    thedarkphoenix said: [a bunch of stuff in this and another thread]
    I don't want Gambit made weaker. I want the devs to remember how the game works, realize they broke it, and unbreak it. Conditionless, automatic, free AP circumvents the basic premise of the game. Everything else about Gambit is fine, it's fodder for power creep. 5Gambit's damage numbers would have been OP last year, but will be pedestrian next year.

    And yes, I do think Thanos should be nerfed as well. When 1 character in a game with 148 or 149 or 150 (depends when you're reading this LOL) shifts the meta in all game events, in a way that becomes permanent, that's a problem. Hell, way back when a character released into a much smaller game had that kind of impact, they were nerfed, invariably. Even tho it's obviously much easier for a new character in a game with only a couple dozen characters to have that impact, they were nerfed. Only court death when a power is fired? Sure. Only court death when he kills someone? Even better. Just like how 3BE was nerfed .... no more knives for everybody ;)

    Gambit is and will continue to have a disproportionate impact, not to the degree of Thanos, but every bit as persistent. Due to the free AP, he will be hanging around like a bad cold permanently ... unless they release more OP characters in the same free AP vein.

    FWiW, BP is just a coattail rider.

    Anyway, this thread is about the Gambit screwup, not any other mistakes..
    Sounds like you want a very boring game, a lot of the characters on this game do the same thing the same way already, meta shifting is going to happen not matter what, doesn't matter what you think the condition for it should or shouldn't be.

    Also gambit's AP gneration is not Condition less, he prevents others from using powers of the same color. Now how that should work or how well it works is another story.

    Hood was the closet thing to a 
    Condition less requirement for AP...but even then it required a certain amount of colors on the board and for the opponent to have those colors

    I do think gambit should be toned down a bit, but I like when a company pushes the boundaries for there game play mechanic's. If every character just matched some color's and fired a power...yeahhhhh i'd be long gone as would alot of other people i think.

    In a nut shell I think anyone that can passively affect AP in anyway needs to be good at that and not a bunch of things like attacking, CC and Ap generation. That's the same problem hood had, he was good at getting AP, he did damage with his yellow and it board shake with CC and he reduced counter timers. That's too much... and gambit is another case of doing to much but too much with good health.

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    So maybe they just need to release a character that passively reduces the enemy's purple and red AP by 3 every turn.  Problem solved.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards

    And to complete the chain, who better to be scissors than Hela? 

    Give her crazy strike tiles that would make R&G's look like plastic kitchen knives, an anti-Silent King active ability that disables the powers of a selected enemy character for a set number of turns with a de-motivation tile, and a nuke ability that increases in power for every friendly tile on the board. 

    You've just quasi-combined Cloak and Dagger and 4-star Star-Lord.
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    I am still undecided on this. IMO opinion power creep is necessary to shift the meta and for players to unhoard for a very good character. Peggy was considered broken when released. C4rol was the same. Thanos was considered stupidly OP when released.

    The creep helps move the meta along and I think players have certainly had their fill of panthos.

    Gambit gives a means for new 5* territory players (who don't have panthos) to play with the panthos guys. Being able to abuse the AP gen is a totally different story. Tie the AP gen passives to red and purple respectively and come up with a black which doesn't boost him further. That should solve most of the problem many have.

    However I wouldn't expect them to change anything soon, since he is the latest and greatest and the backlash would be humongous (100x worse than OML).
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    madoctor said:
    I am still undecided on this. IMO opinion power creep is necessary to shift the meta and for players to unhoard for a very good character. Peggy was considered broken when released. C4rol was the same. Thanos was considered stupidly OP when released.

    The creep helps move the meta along and I think players have certainly had their fill of panthos.

    Gambit gives a means for new 5* territory players (who don't have panthos) to play with the panthos guys. Being able to abuse the AP gen is a totally different story. Tie the AP gen passives to red and purple respectively and come up with a black which doesn't boost him further. That should solve most of the problem many have.

    However I wouldn't expect them to change anything soon, since he is the latest and greatest and the backlash would be humongous (100x worse than OML).
    I have Panthos and hardly ever use them in PvP (or PVE for that matter) anymore except for clearing grills.  Anyone who unloaded a hoard for Gambit will also have Daredevil and either Thor/Spidey.  Any combination of those (or a balanced Gambit) will be more than sufficient to reliably defeat Panthos teams.

    Interesting idea about tieing the ap generation to red/purple.  If they did that and gave  Gambit a black that was in some way detrimental but less so at 4-5 covers it could help to balance him.  Reducing his health to Dr Strange levels would also help a lot.
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    It's so painfully obvious when you can freely climb with GamBolt but the second you switch to anything without Gambit you start taking hits left and right.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Being that there has been no blue name responses to an 11-page thread that hasn’t denigrated into trolling or name calling should clue you in to how tone deaf they are.  Same had they actually play-tested the absurdity of Gambit.

    This will not get fixed until the spending on him stops so figure it’ll be AT LEAST until he leaves latest, and probably longer.  And that’s a big if given how little they understand about their own game.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why do people keep saying Thanos was considered OP upon release?  This is just not true.  Thanos was considered garbage upon release. 
    I remember that...Thanos was considered garbage mainly because his Court Death did more total damage to your own team than it did to the enemy team at LVLs 1-4, I believe.  It switched back at LVL 5, but there was still a LOT of self-hurt from his Court Death ability.  Once that got switched around, and that happened relatively quickly (much quicker than the length of time Gambit's been busted), he improved greatly.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    GrimSkald said:
    Thanos never dominated the meta like Gambit does now....
    There's more to the game than high-end PvP meta (really, I swear :D ). Thanos is due a nerf because of his function in and effect on PvE, LRs, seeds, DDQ ... Court Death is the most ridiculous and abused passive in the game. He's MPQs Easy Button, dull boring, won't go away anytime soon. He's a crutch and a time-saver, sure, but he's turned PvE into a joke.
    I can't see your team in PVE, so I have no idea what you use. :)  Speaking for myself I rarely use him in PVE unless I want to barrel through the nodes at high speed. For the trivial nodes he shaves of very little time compared to another 5* team, and for the harder ones it usually takes more than one hit - at least at the CL I play at (9.)  Sure, he speeds things up, but at the cost of Health Packs.  I really don't think he makes things a joke.  I suppose for the really competitive players he helps as they want to clear as fast as possible, I can't imagine he takes more than a 10-20 minutes off of a clear, total.

    DDQ is the same as trivial.  If I use Thanos instead of another 5*, I shave off 40 seconds of play.  Hardly worth it.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    The tinfoil hat is telling me that if Gambit is to be nerfed, it won’t be till he leaves Latest Legends and they’ve milked as much money out of the OP as possible. 

    That said im still team Never Nerf. #NeverNerf