Please nerf 5* Gambit



  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker

    His red is an extremely solid power but since he doesn't generate his own Charged tiles, I don't think it's game breaking.

    Except it does create his own charged tiles.  And when he hits any tiles, charged or otherwise, it generates AP.  So even without his absurdly broken unconditional AP gen and drain, his red is a 7 ap cost that returns anywhere from 2-6 ap per turn and deals 16k damage at the low end of the champ scale hitting 2 charges.  It’s an OP power.  Not the biggest of his issues, but still an issue.

    And pair him with any charge tile maker and that’s still a stupid cheap power doing significant damage.

    Black needs to be dramatically overhauled.
    Red needs tweaking like no AP return from the tiles hit.
    Purple needs to do less damage or not target every single type of special.
    Complete agree with LifeofAgony. All three abilities are extremely problematic & GamGods red is almost as disgustingly broken as his black. Purple is the lesser of the three evils but still ridonkulously OP & gamebreaking. Just nerf him hard already D3 this is absurdly drawn out.  Please transfer the design team for Gambit over to the 6* committee because they obviously have no grasp of the current 5* tier and the nightmare gambit has caused across the board. 
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    It’s not about the single issue with the purple.  It’s the combination of all them combined.  Purple on its own is fine.  Red as stand alone is OP.  Black on its own is game-breaking.  Sorry if my previous post seemed to indicate purple just as a single entity being an issue.  

    And not to be too specific but BW purple doesn’t hit invisibility tiles, so gambit purple is still more powerful in what in can do.

  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,494 Chairperson of the Boards

    Huh, I didn't realize that there was such a diversity of opinion on just how broken Gambit was. >shrug< That's fine, people are definitely entitled to their own opinion.

    I'm on the fence regarding the Red, but I still think it's ok without the feeder passive.  Yes, it generates it's own charged tile after one casting, but individual tiles are frequently destroyed and if you don't have someone who generates either many charged tiles (a. la. GT, Lockjaw, or the Silver Surfer,) or generates them regularly (Bolt,) you're going to be frequently casting the Red with one or zero charged tiles.  Even with the first group it's still going to happen.  This balances it out somewhat - his red is very meh with one charged tile and does almost nothing other than charging two tiles with none.

    I think his purple is mildly overcosted without his Black.  I don't know how often 3 turn CDs resolved (does anyone have statistics?)  but anecdotally it feels like less than half the time.  I know that's a risky stance to take - everything feels worse than what it is, but I suspect it's not far from wrong.  That means that you're getting very mild damage from it, so the selling point is really the tile replacement.  For 11ap I don't think it's unreasonable - it's only 3 tiles and without the black feeding it 11 purple is going to happen only a few times per fight.

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I was talking on line with my alliance and this is what I can up with for Gambit.  The problem with Gambit is his black is a passive that generates AP and feeds his other abilities as well as destroys enemy AP.  This means you need to mirror match Gambit in order to feel confident about beating him especially in PVP.  My suggestion is this
    For gambit they just need to make his black and active instead of passive.  For 6 black he gains 3 red and 3 purple and destroys to random enemy AP.  Then he places 2 charge tiles on the board.  Boom he is balanced strong but not broken.  You can remove his ability to stop others from using red or purple and you can also add a passive to do damage when a charge tile is matched by the enemy.  He would still be strong and useful but not broken and would also play well with other 5*