Time Gem Season Updates *Updated (10/19/17)



  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    How many angry pms haev you recieved @bowgentle???

    Even better, how about you @corytutor???

    I feel like when that happens to me it will be a crowning achievement
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Tony Foot said:
    Bowgentle said:

    This is when we laugh, shrug, and ask who really is going for t5.

    Snipers etc make stuff unpredictable anyway.
    But we ARE fighting amongst ourselves.
    If you laugh shrug and co-ordinate who is actually going for T5 well then you aren't really fighting amongst yourselves then are you? But yes you are right I had no idea the lengths you were going to with arrange who was going to win.

    I don't see the issue then, you still all have your CP sewn up, you deserve it having to play a match 3 that way :)
    Again, the CPs is the issue. This isn't about some of the top end players.  This is about some of the lower level 5* players, 450-455 and high end 4* players in our ally's. You think we just think of ourselves?  There are very few stand alone ally's in the top 25/50 for pvp. Most of us have 2-8 (looking at you LL and KA) that we are trying to figure out how to tell our guys and gals what's to do. This is the issue. If the CPs were at a win progression, all good, but they are not and this will help keep rosters lower if you do not spend.  
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    I will PM you @Milk Jugz
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Milk Jugz said:
    Bowgentle said:
    Tony Foot said:
    Milk Jugz said:

    This post reeks of ignorance of the communication between top end players. You honestly believe they will all slum and fight each other for placement?? Haha!! They will coordinate with each other to spread out as evenly as possible and you will find the top 10 of every bracket in every clearance level 5-8 filled with 5* rosters. The only exception will be if you get lucky enough to catch a bracket flip near the end of the event. Good luck!!
    Oh absolutely I know they will still fill the top slots, but I have never aimed for that anyway. As they spread themselves out as I said it made it so much easier for me to get better placement as in T20-50 in higher CL. But perhaps your post sheds some light on why they have their knickers in a knot, imagine how little fun it would be to have to co-ordinate to those levels to spread thin and make sure you don't actually have to fight other top rosters for T10. I think if I had to go to those levels I'd be a bit miffed too.
    You really have no idea.
    Occasionally, even with coordination, we end up with 15+ friendlies in a bracket.
    This is when we laugh, shrug, and ask who really is going for t5.

    Snipers etc make stuff unpredictable anyway.
    But we ARE fighting amongst ourselves.

    It's not like coordination works out every time, right spectator, gmp72
    I got called a sniper by one of my alliance mates after I hit someone 3 times in a row to get to 1200 in one of the off-season events and that person sent a SS to my commander via Line..... Haha.... I don't coordinate, I hit anybody except alliance mates as many times as they pop up and are worth decent enough points..... But I'm also not trying for top 10....
    I dont think I've ever once looked at the name of people I hit. I simply look at the points. I just dont care as long as they are worth it. 
    The targets are far fewer in the highest tier. You see the same names a lot.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017
    smkspy said:
    Already 20 wins into storm, basicly just get someone with a roster you can beat and they have that can beat yours back. Just becomes a back and forth for wins on each side.
    This happened to me during the second test. I forgot how many wins I had at that point, but I was seeing nothing but teams of 2 boosted 4*s. Someone then beat me with a Peggy40 team, and I did the same. We traded wins for the rest of the event. Now imagine people doing this to each other with 3-stars, or some other cupcake like team, and voila, you have the new strategy of battle chat groups to deal with this change. 

    You give people a system that forces them to play the game more than they want to, after they worked day after day to get to a point where they didn't have to play the game more than they needed to, and of course you're going to get people finding a new way to exploit it. If you thought people who used LINE had an edge before, I promise you've seen nothing yet. Haven't quite decided yet what I want to do as I watch the PVP world burn...
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Milk Jugz said:
    How many angry pms haev you recieved @bowgentle???

    Even better, how about you @corytutor???

    I feel like when that happens to me it will be a crowning achievement
    Can't speak for bow, but I'm pretty sure @corytutor has never gotten a nice pm.   :D
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker

    That hurts stax.  


    I get some good ones. Usually merc room related.

    I get a lot of bad ones. Usually for playstyle

    Then my favorite, the really good bad ones where some poor soul loses their poo and goes nuclear. 

  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    corytutor said:

    That hurts stax.  


    I get some good ones. Usually merc room related.

    I get a lot of bad ones. Usually for playstyle

    Then my favorite, the really good bad ones where some poor soul loses their poo and goes nuclear. 

    I think I should feel bad about this, but I don't...... I really want a "loses their poo and goes nuclear" pm...... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yay easier placement in clearance level 8 for me with no 5*s fully covered.
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Hit someone 4x on a hop. If they can find you they'll pm
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll give it a shot
  • dudethtsawesome
    dudethtsawesome Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    corytutor said:
    Hit someone 4x on a hop. If they can find you they'll pm
    With this new system, if someone has a team I can win with, you bet they're going to keep getting hit until I can't see them anymore. Blame d3 when you get your feelings hurt. 
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    corytutor said:
    Hit someone 4x on a hop. If they can find you they'll pm

    Hit them every time they hop in an event.  Then they'll find you, your commanders & threaten to hunt your entire alliance :blush:
  • reapermort
    reapermort Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    fmftint said:
    corytutor said:
    And 6. And 5. 
    What a surprise. Whales and super developed rosters crowding out the clearance levels that were intended for the development of high 3 and beginning of 4's just like they do in PVE.
    You didn't think you'd snatch up 15 command points in T10 easily did you? 
    It's not about getting T10 for me. It's about getting pushed out of top 50 and even top 100, now. Clearance level pushed me down a bracket level, required 5stars are pushing me out of the top fifty or 100. This is just one more case of the haves pushing down on the have-not. PVP was already bad enough with the out of game communication requirements, baking and grilling etc.
  • Recognizzle2
    Recognizzle2 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2017
    sinnerjfl said:
    Brigby said:

    Progression Rewards Based on Wins

    First off, we want to thank everyone that participated in the Versus Tournaments that featured the Progression Rewards Based on Wins format. We received a lot of feedback from players, both in the forum and through the results of these test events.

    Based on this information, we have determined that the previous iteration of Progression Rewards Based on Wins was ultimately a good structure that offered players flexibility in play-time, while still providing the elements necessary to drive competitive spirit.

    Starting with the Time Gem Season, all Versus Events will now give progression rewards based on how many wins you complete (instead of Points). This includes S.H.I.E.L.D. Simulator and Season Rewards.
    Lies lies lies lies.

    Good job ruining PVP, not much left to destroy at this point.  

    Let me guess, its still 40 wins and 15 CP is only offered for top10 placement despite about everyone telling you this is a TERRIBLE IDEA so that means its gonna be that.

    sinnerjfl said:
    Brigby said:

    Progression Rewards Based on Wins

    First off, we want to thank everyone that participated in the Versus Tournaments that featured the Progression Rewards Based on Wins format. We received a lot of feedback from players, both in the forum and through the results of these test events.

    Based on this information, we have determined that the previous iteration of Progression Rewards Based on Wins was ultimately a good structure that offered players flexibility in play-time, while still providing the elements necessary to drive competitive spirit.

    Starting with the Time Gem Season, all Versus Events will now give progression rewards based on how many wins you complete (instead of Points). This includes S.H.I.E.L.D. Simulator and Season Rewards.
    Lies lies lies lies.

    Good job ruining PVP, not much left to destroy at this point.  

    Let me guess, its still 40 wins and 15 CP is only offered for top10 placement despite about everyone telling you this is a TERRIBLE IDEA so that means its gonna be that.

    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I'm sorry I was only able to post this information late in the evening. I'll be sure to be in this thread tomorrow morning (9am PDT), but if you have any questions or comments then please post them below and I will be sure to answer them then. 

    Thank you for understanding!
    Tried doing my deadpool daily. Low and behold i have no kingpin to finish 5*. Had kingpin and im pretty sure he was stacked. Where the *nope* did he go. I put alot of time into that character for him to be gone. Please rectify. Ty

    **Removed profanity - Ducky
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Well, playing black vortex kinda reminded me why I do like the change. Made it to 850ish no problem, go in for the kill and come back to see me around mid 700s. So after about twenty wins later, no more boosts, no more health packs...i am still around 750ish. (Not that I really needed another mordo champ level, but it had been red drax or black vulture I would have been really pissed).

    Yeah, that's not fun and exactly why the devs created the new system. Get that 15 cp back in though.
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Thats not the games fault.

     Know your limits and the strength of your roster, buy a shield, and spend some iso to find easier teams. A ton of people grill and at 800 or above they arent hard to find.

    Look at your bracket leaderboard. See those guys at top? Pick the ones in top alliances. When they unshield look for them. Theyre worth the most and also the most likely to grill.  
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    corytutor said:
    Thats not the games fault.

     Know your limits and the strength of your roster, buy a shield, and spend some iso to find easier teams. A ton of people grill and at 800 or above they arent hard to find.

    Look at your bracket leaderboard. See those guys at top? Pick the ones in top alliances. When they unshield look for them. Theyre worth the most and also the most likely to grill.  
    Some people dont have that time. I understand that high level pvp requires a certain understanding of the system.  But try to see it from their perspective, of the devs.  Would you rather have a system where someone could just jump in and play, or one where someone see that the opportunity isnt right and goes and plays another game?

    We get it, you are on a kick of responding to every comment that might show the least bit of support of this change. All i ask is that you take a second and realise that some people are not on the same page, and thats ok.
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    Umm i was simply informing the lad, and others reading. Theres a lot that people dont know or consider so i thought id take a chance to share a little. Get over it spud. If you guys love the changes thats great. Im going to get mine regardless. But dont assume that just because i share a little info that i have an agenda to push. Im just nice like that.  
  • razor14
    razor14 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    I would like to say that 98% of players don't understand how pvp works.
    And game tends to punish top players (regular spenders) to benefit casual players that might spend some money one day...