Known iOS Issue: Do Not Update To R126 *Updated (5/9/17)



  • Uncletas
    Uncletas Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Didn't even do the update and now I got the same check connection. Sigh
  • LordRayne
    LordRayne Posts: 14 Just Dropped In

    A little under an hour till today's sub ends. You've stated that the update will be available today. Can you give a more specific time as to when? My alliance will also suffer because of this. I understand and appreciate that you're working hard to resolve the issue, but many of us need to be able to plan accordingly. 
  • Twl7569
    Twl7569 Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    The wide range of effects because I (and the many, many iOS players) that I can think of right now.
    The PvP- lose the opportunity to play, the ISO and cards we would get from playing,the points we could obtain, the points we will lose, and how those points will affect our alliances, the impact on those points for the season- both for the individuals and our alliances. 
    The PvE- again, playing, the rewards we'll miss out on, the progress we'll miss, how that effects our alliances, but also the random bonuses, and ones we can send to friends.

    i can't possibly calculate how much that will effect me, but I can guess- roughly 10,000 ISO, 200-300 HP, the equivalence of 10-20 standard packs, 5 elite packs and 2-3 heroic. That's for 12 missed hours of play. Others will miss more. The timing may make some miss a day or more. 

    Finally, its the frustration of not being able to play a game I really enjoy and put a lot of time into. I just wanted to vent, because frankly, I have nothing better to do right now, I was planning on playing.  ;)
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    I was in first place in the Cap PVP and put up a 24 hour shield before this debacle happened.  So much for that.

    And of course the fact that the progression reward R&G is pretty much out of the question for me now, as I was about to get a late start when the update hit and I unknowingly downloaded it.

    Just super disappointing.  
  • BlackIC
    BlackIC Posts: 65 Match Maker
    edited May 2017
    It is completely frustrating, but based on previous experiences with this game similar to this concern, nothing significant in terms of addressing the time delays with contests, etc will happen. Case in point, there was a similar problem to this when Kingpin was first introduced and there was an outage.
  • Mr_Budzzz
    Mr_Budzzz Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Seriously, are the devs from the pentagon or what? I can't believe there was an update being pushed in the app store before everything was tested. I can't login for 2 days now and it irritates me, for a lack of non threatening words. This is a major fail and I hope the compensation will be gigantic. I also hope my guild will not boot me out too. Shame, Shame, Shame. A 5 years old wouldn't do that what you guys did. 
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 526 Critical Contributor
    Really hoping I'll get the 4* Rocket & Groot cover as compensation.

    I was in S1 so seems highly unlikely that I'll be able to hit the progression.

    It's also the only reward that won't be available in any form until next season.
  • Ishalan
    Ishalan Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    no matter what at a 1000 days played I will lose chances at 4* rocket cover so thanks for testing
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just got the notification "lightening rounds start now!"

    Got excited thinking maybe the fix was posted.

    Check internet connection...

    Sad part is I was depending on LRs to get the iso needed to champ blade before his cover expires. It just keeps getting worse.
  • LuckyNV
    LuckyNV Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Any update on the release of the fix?
  • radiopy
    radiopy Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Twitter says the next 1-2 hours.
    LuckyNV said:
    Any update on the release of the fix?

  • nonnel
    nonnel Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2017
    awarnica said:

    A note to the D3 crew - people are less mad about the issue (although annoyed), and more annoyed Because we know what to expect as compensation.

    For those who will:

    -miss not necessarily the pvp event end, BUT, the potential time they had planned to play, shield break, shield hop, etc. they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    -due to the above - potentially miss out on top 50/100/etc season score, which might include multiple 10 packs, they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    -miss out on a PVE sub score, top 50/10/5 sub and/or placement, they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    My suggestion would be to compensate those players fairly. You can tell from the last 30 days that I have been playing, my average pvp / pve / season placement. It's not hard to figure out what I missed out on (top 1 in pvp, probable top 50 in season, top 10 in pve / pve sub, pve progression, todays DDQ).

    If those rewards were my compensation, I'd just take it and think 'wow, that's good service'. None of the above actually costs D3 anything, and its probably fair and not hard to do.

    Would it really be that difficult to come up with a plan as I detailed above? Mistakes happen - if I miss a sheild drop and lose 400 in pvp, that's a mistake and its on me and I pay for it (extra shields, buying health packs etc). If this mistake is on you, shouldn't you guys have the same mindset?

    Not criticizing - just thinking of a reasonable approach to a huge issue here, and explaining why people are so mad.

    I really hope the team reads @awarnica 's post.  It does a nice job summarizing the issues. 

    I do want to add a little color to the difference I see between this team and other publishers/developers.

    I play another game that occasionally has a hiccup.  When they have issues, they give their player base a very nice amount of their most premium currency. It would roughly be the equivalent of 1.5-2 legendary tokens, plus some amount of other in game currencies.  

    When they mess up, I never worry becuase they have such a great track record of taking care of their players when things happen.  But here, I cant even count on seeing a standard token, let alone premium stuffs that would offset the opportunity lost.
  • dchockeyguy
    dchockeyguy Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    edited May 2017
    i think this problem is the last straw for me.  Vaulting was bad enough, but this problem shows the lack of interest D3 has on keeping players happy.  The lack of communication on the issue is terrible. I saw someone above say they saw an ETA on twitter.  I don't use Twitter, so how would I know?  They really ought to be posting on the boards with updates.  Sometimes that's really all it takes, is posting updates even to say "hey guys, we are still working on the problem," and to address issues raised by users, such as @awarnica well written post above.  

    That said, reading the forums doesn't give one the impression that responsiveness is high on their priority list.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    Turned on my iPhone this morning to find the app force-updating, and now I'm locked out too. I assume that the compensation will include all of the missed Deadpool Daily rewards, alliance play bonuses, about 10K ISO (or whatever a person earns on average in a day), and in lieu of top placement rewards we're missing in the events / PvP we were participating in, at least some Legendary tokens. I'd be happy with one LT per event.
  • soapblaster
    soapblaster Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Turned on my iPhone this morning to find the app force-updating, and now I'm locked out too. I assume that the compensation will include all of the missed Deadpool Daily rewards, alliance play bonuses, about 10K ISO (or whatever a person earns on average in a day), and in lieu of top placement rewards we're missing in the events / PvP we were participating in, at least some Legendary tokens. I'd be happy with one LT per event.

    We will all be lucky to get a pack of team up boosts. My experience with them in the past for compensation has been little to none.

    Usually their excuse is that all players were affected equally, so compensation shouldn't be made. Maybe this time will be different, since all of us IOS players were the only ones bending over... I won't hold my breath though. I have started playing some other pretty fun similar games.

  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    Turned on my iPhone this morning to find the app force-updating, and now I'm locked out too. I assume that the compensation will include all of the missed Deadpool Daily rewards, alliance play bonuses, about 10K ISO (or whatever a person earns on average in a day), and in lieu of top placement rewards we're missing in the events / PvP we were participating in, at least some Legendary tokens. I'd be happy with one LT per event.
    //Removed Misinformation -Brigby
    If they want to take that route, I'd take 1,000 Standard Tokens. I'd at least get some 3* covers and BHs out of it, not to mention the ISO.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards

    Any word on if the new iOS r126 build is available yet?? Some of my alliance mates still cannot log into the game and it is now forcing the update on them......
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    awarnica said:

    A note to the D3 crew - people are less mad about the issue (although annoyed), and more annoyed Because we know what to expect as compensation.

    For those who will:

    -miss not necessarily the pvp event end, BUT, the potential time they had planned to play, shield break, shield hop, etc. they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    -due to the above - potentially miss out on top 50/100/etc season score, which might include multiple 10 packs, they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    -miss out on a PVE sub score, top 50/10/5 sub and/or placement, they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    To add one more item...

    (IMO) This affects PvP globally for current events. If at least 33% of the players are locked out, it lowers the overall score potential for each bracket.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    awarnica said:

    A note to the D3 crew - people are less mad about the issue (although annoyed), and more annoyed Because we know what to expect as compensation.

    For those who will:

    -miss not necessarily the pvp event end, BUT, the potential time they had planned to play, shield break, shield hop, etc. they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    -due to the above - potentially miss out on top 50/100/etc season score, which might include multiple 10 packs, they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    -miss out on a PVE sub score, top 50/10/5 sub and/or placement, they feel they will not receive the same rewards that they missed, as compensation.

    To add one more item...

    (IMO) This affects PvP globally for current events. If at least 33% of the players are locked out, it lowers the overall score potential for each bracket.

    and in the pve realm its a boon for your competition if they're in a slice where a third of the population quits after the first sub...  its just gas on the fire, but not only will ios users not get the rewards, more of their competition will than normally would have...
  • radiopy
    radiopy Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Per Twitter, the update is live.  I see it in the App store.  FYI.
This discussion has been closed.