Known iOS Issue: Do Not Update To R126 *Updated (5/9/17)



  • Dalbok
    Dalbok Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Damn, I updated earlier today at the office, when I saw I had 8 iOS updates pending.  Just saw this notice.  I assume current PvE/PvP matches are going to retire per the normal schedule or are they going to extend to account for the outage?  Wouldn't really affect placement, but will have an affect on receiving final progression rewards at least for PvE.
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    Usually when there's issues like this a fix is pushed out quickly. I hope it is, for everyone's sake I'd bet at least 40% of the players are on iPhones, and that is gonna hurt if the game is down long enough to make even 10% of them quit. 
  • nonnel
    nonnel Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Reminds me of a post from my buddy Cap Patriot
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker


  • JamesV
    JamesV Posts: 98 Match Maker
    edited May 2017
    My guess is the test builds point to a test server, the submission builds are supposed to point to a live server and flag wasn't checked on the build submission to the app store. 

    Players would lose their saves because we don't have saves on the test server, while it wouldn't be something you could check if the flag is ONLY set during the app store submission build process. 
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    any word on if steam will get screwed if we update?
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    any word on if steam will get screwed if we update?
    updated on Steam earlier today, no problems so far.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    lol it's the "so far" i'm worried about, lmao.   ty
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    JamesV said:
    My guess is the test builds point to a test server, the submission builds are supposed to point to a live server and flag wasn't checked on the build submission to the app store. 

    Players would lose their saves because we don't have saves on the test server, while it wouldn't be something you could check if the flag is ONLY set during the app store submission build process. 
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    It just auto updated for me and I'm locked out now. Hope they fix it soon. Yes it will mess with my First avenger placement and my pve grind. 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,499 Chairperson of the Boards
    This may be moot with an assumed fix, but:  at some point (I believe it is the day after update release), you cannot play without updating.  Is that function going to force us to update, effectively making all iOS users unable to play?  Or is that turned off for now?  

    I am hopeful that the fixed R126 update is pushed out before that becomes an issue.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin

    The developers were working hard on developing a fix today and figuring out build release details with the iOS App Store team. It's anticipated that the new build version will be available tomorrow.
  • DanBenZvi
    DanBenZvi Posts: 82 Match Maker
    New build "tomorrow".

    Which means I loose any chance at getting the 4 star Grocket cover I was anticipating through progression.  Which means I miss all the remaining rewards from the parts of today's DDQ that I haven't been able to do yet.

    And I don't imagine I'm the only person in this boat.

    Yeah, you're gonna have to make up for this one big time.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,499 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:

    The developers were working hard on developing a fix today and figuring out build release details with the iOS App Store team. It's anticipated that the new build version will be available tomorrow.
    Good news!  Thanks for the quick update.  I know a lot of people are upset, but I appreciate the dev team working hard on this fix.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    Welp... mine auto-updated as well it appears. Bye bye Grocket 
  • noeltan31
    noeltan31 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    My iphone automatic update was on so the moment i stepped into my office, it got updated. I can't play the game at all, it just stuck as Checking Internet Connection but doesn't get into the game. And guess what, I didn't backup on my facebook account. I have invested so much money in this game so... it sucks to be unable to play the game till the next update. 

    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone,

    We are aware of an issue where updating to the R126 patch will cause players to lose all save data. As of right now, we are only noticing players on iOS encountering this.

    I will be sure to update this post once this issue has been resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience.

    Update: I spoke with the development team, and it appears that players are only temporarily unable to access their saved game data. You can rest assured that all of that data is still backed up on their servers. 

    Update 2: Here is some additional information:
    • Players' saves are unaffected. Anyone that downloaded R126 already will have their save progress restored once they update to the next build. (New build of R126 for iOS) Please do not delete the game in the meantime.
      • If anyone has deleted their game, they will have to work with CS to restore the game save if they did not connect their game to Facebook previously.
    • Players who downloaded R126 on iOS already will be unable to connect to the game until the issue is resolved.
      • Those players should be able to play on a R125 iOS device or an Android R125/R126 version of the game until the issue is resolved.
    • iOS Players who haven't updated to R126 can make progress normally.
    Update 3: There is a new R126 build anticipated to be available tomorrow.

  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    Well foo... I can't even play R125 on my iPad, because it is forcing me to update to R126.  #disappointed  :/
  • fuzzy_cracks
    fuzzy_cracks Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Greeeaaattttt..... too late for me. I updated before finding out sooner. I hope this doesn't affect my backup on Facebook. 
    WRIGHT3OUS Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Greeeaaattttt..... too late for me. I updated before finding out sooner. I hope this doesn't affect my backup on Facebook. 
    Send a ticket. enjoy a standard token on them 
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't switch my phone to wifi, because then it would have automatically updated.
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