Known iOS Issue: Do Not Update To R126 *Updated (5/9/17)



  • SNKAllen
    SNKAllen Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    How long of a wait are we talking about for a fix? Hours, Days or I dare say a week? Anyone that has encountered a similar problem before remember how long?
  • Ilvius
    Ilvius Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    I hope that the support group could restore our data after the ticket opening....
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    JHawkInc said:
    People who keep complaining about the testing really have absolutely no idea what is required in software testing. The increased smack-talk towards the devs is frustrating, and isn't helping the situation at all.

    They may very well have no idea, but it doesn't change the fact that if you look at the problems, how repeatable and pervasive they are, not goofy edge cases... even the cheapest automated testing would have caught most of em... 

    That's to say nothing of the fact that they have a very testable application from the user end... the AI seems to be totally deterministic, with some time they could automate simulated AI v AI games with every 1v1 combination in parallel using the same seed and just report discrepancies with the results when compared to the last run...

    People **** on testers/developers all the time, they're rarely justified, but sometimes they're right.

  • Edwin79
    Edwin79 Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    I updated (before seeing the forum post) and had a check internet connection error on my iOS device.   I hope that means you've cut off the iOSers from playing to prevent data loss. 

    I shudder to to think about all my time sink into getting reset. 
  • AlexxKats
    AlexxKats Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I intended to post here for a terrible terrible joke that popped into my head, yet timing seems right.

    On a serious note: For Heaven's Sake, TEST YOUR UPDATES!

    On the fun side: I know why all those bugs keep happening, it's the platform the programmers write their code:

  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Update: I spoke with the development team, and it appears that players are only temporarily unable to access their saved game data. You can rest assured that all of that data is still backed up on their servers. 
    WRIGHT3OUS Posts: 60 Match Maker
    edited May 2017
    Just don't even open the game if you're on iso. If you do they'll most likely just give you 2 standards to make up for you missing out on pve and the tokens you used towards your shield in pvp. It will drop and you will get hammered. The 2 standards more than make up for it though. 2 1 star hawkeye > than all of the possible rewards you could have had. #science. 

    //Edited To Avoid Sounding Like Official News -Brigby
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    Bowgentle said:
    JHawkInc said:
    People who keep complaining about the testing really have absolutely no idea what is required in software testing. The increased smack-talk towards the devs is frustrating, and isn't helping the situation at all.
    You don't think checking if an update deletes the save game on a major platform before rolling it out is reasonable, then?

    No, I'm saying there's no big flashing banner that says "Yo, this will delete save games, send update anyways?"

    Odds are high that it worked fine on the architecture it was tested on, and they had no idea it was going to encounter catastrophic failure before it went live.

    I believe that assuming they did it deliberately with literally zero information to support your claim is not a reasonable response, and isn't helpful and meaningful way to contribute. I believe malicious negligence, seeing a problem and doing nothing about it, is way less likely than the complex nature of computing software creating unexpected problems.

    I do know that not one update in the close to 3 years I have been playing this game has gone smoothly. 

    //Edited Out Sarcastic Mocking Of Another Player -Brigby
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2017
    SNKAllen said:
    How long of a wait are we talking about for a fix? Hours, Days or I dare say a week? Anyone that has encountered a similar problem before remember how long?
    Check my comment on the second page for my experience with a corrupted save file. I recap the time and resolution in two paragraphs.   TL:DR - 3 days, pitiful resolution 
  • BobMurdoch
    BobMurdoch Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    If that is the case (save games unaffected on main servers), Can those of us that keep playing the game on yesterday's version still keep adding to our save game files, or are the servers going to get amnesia and wipe out any progress from now until the time you have a fixed update?
  • AlexxKats
    AlexxKats Posts: 99 Match Maker
    edited May 2017
    gimmer said:
    I'm amongst the affected.

    is anyone else seeing stuff like this in their game?

    //Removed Image Displaying Debug Text -Brigby
    The removed image was showing the debug text of a pretty outdated version (somewhere between R74 and R78 if i saw correct). Maybe, something that was changed in that update could have something to do with some of the bugs this game is experiencing?
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler

    I updated before reading this, but since updating the game never loads and gets stuck at "Check Internet Connection" (even though my connection is fine).

    should I be fine if I just wait for another patch before trying to play?  Pretty frustrating to miss out on a R&G cover, but it would be more frustrating to lose 700+ days of progress, I suppose.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 526 Critical Contributor
    Ezrius said:

    I updated before reading this, but since updating the game never loads and gets stuck at "Check Internet Connection" (even though my connection is fine).

    should I be fine if I just wait for another patch before trying to play?  Pretty frustrating to miss out on a R&G cover, but it would be more frustrating to lose 700+ days of progress, I suppose.
    Same situation
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    Everyone on ios getting sandboxed or perhaps....dare I say.... vaulted?  Yeah this one takes the cake for broken updates. At least they are finally giving us Steam users one advantage for all the missed intercepts and facebook rewards!
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Update 2
    • Players' saves are unaffected. Anyone that downloaded R126 already will have their save progress restored once they update to the next build. (New build of R126 for iOS) Please do not delete the game in the meantime.
      • If anyone has deleted their game, they will have to work with CS to restore the game save if they did not connect their game to Facebook previously.
    • Players who downloaded R126 on iOS already will be unable to connect to the game until the issue is resolved.
      • Those players should be able to play on a R125 iOS device or an Android R125/R126 version of the game until the issue is resolved.
    • iOS Players who haven't updated to R126 can make progress normally.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    How does this even happen, I really wonder... someone or some software tested the update no?

    Save data being unavailable is not enough of a massive bug to NOT push the update?

    Or did you see that the update broke stuff yet pushed it anyway?  I dont understand.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 701 Critical Contributor
    sinnerjfl said:
    How does this even happen, I really wonder... someone or some software tested the update no?

    Save data being unavailable is not enough of a massive bug to NOT push the update?

    Or did you see that the update broke stuff yet pushed it anyway?  I dont understand.

    The "every-two-weeks-update" cycle is killing the game.
  • Edwin79
    Edwin79 Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Has the Dev team worked out an ETA for when R126.1 will be pushed to the iOS App Store?
    Are we looking at a few hours down, 1 day, or longer?
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    JHawkInc said:

    Odds are high that it worked fine on the architecture it was tested on, and they had no idea it was going to encounter catastrophic failure before it went live.

    I believe that assuming they did it deliberately with literally zero information to support your claim is not a reasonable response, and isn't helpful and meaningful way to contribute. I believe malicious negligence, seeing a problem and doing nothing about it, is way less likely than the complex nature of computing software creating unexpected problems.
    So many glaring, platform-agnostic bugs have gotten into the game (countdown tile damage; certain powers flat-out not working when Thanos first came out; Nick Fury's Demolition double-tap; that time when all powers were treated as AOE so invisibility stopped affecting anything other than match damage; etc., etc., etc.) that I'm pretty comfortable saying that Demiurge/D3's lacking QA is a matter of record. Either they don't test or they do test but don't actually use that testing to fix a patch before release, which comes to the same thing -- but it's telling that there have been a select few issues that they warned us about on patch day, to assure the community that the devs were aware of a bug in the release and working on it.....which implies that all the times they didn't do that, they didn't know about it. 
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