Your latest fun team combination



  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    4* icon_falcon.png 3/3/5 lvl 188
    5* icon_ironman.png 1/3/0 lvl 255
    4* icon_hulkcho.png 5/5/2 lvl 192

    They go well together despite not having a purple user and most of their powers are considered slow. But the team is faster than you think. Getting blue matches speeds up TAHulks passive, sets the table for iron mans blueflag.png which you can hold to wait for double the damage with TAHulk's greenflag.png or just blast the opponent and gather red for Sam's divebomb which kills full health characters when done after his yellow. Try to let TAHulk tank powers so he can heal with his black and get some charged tiles for he and ironman.

    And TAHulk is part of Team Tony so if you want some quick cheap damage to finish a character off, use Tony's redflag.png
  • dfour24
    dfour24 Posts: 23
    Ive been enjoying, for the big enchilada at least, my champed war machine, champed chulk and my 3/1/1 green goblin. Pretty good synergy and rainbow coverage. Its a fun team.
  • Panchopilla
    Panchopilla Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Fun Team : Human Tourch / Capitan America First Avenger / Fury / Hulk / Kamala / Storm and Magneto 2 stars

    For now not use all heroes
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    In sub 2 of this DA: Heroic, been having so much fun using


    Cage and WM are decently covered at 5/4/3, 4/3/4 respectively. Carol only 1/2/2. None are leveled at all.

    But when they are...this is going to be awesome. All three are special tile producers, each with a different special. WM's quick CDs from Gatling Gun fuel Carol's passive buff. Power Man's passive is spitting out protects every time an enemy does anything, and all the specials fuel his huge hit yellow.
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    In the current heroic I have found using boosted 3* Cage, Mystique, and 2* Magneto to be an effective team. Mystique's Blue should be at 5. Mags can feed it via his purple and then her Blue feeds Mags' Purple back & Cage's black. Cage ramps up to 20+ black AP pretty quickly and then goes to town. Plus, Mags' red at 5 feeds everything & benefits from the power AP bug so it's quick to fire.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    4* icon_falcon.png 3/3/5 lvl 209
    icon_doctordoom.png 5/3/5 champ
    icon_scarletwitch.png 5/3/5 champ

    Rainbow is covered. You can use blue matches to accelerate Switch's passive, pump up a shield and/attack tile, and feed Doom's blueflag.png power to feed his blackflag.png power to flood the place with attack tiles. You can use Switch's passive for her AOE/stun or for Doom's purple nuke. His purple and Sam's yellow+red combo nukes are gonna kill two characters if they get off. The team isn't that slow, despite needing 10 blue and 10 purple and 14 red. Switch's greenflag.png also helps things along.
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I went up against a Carnage, Medusa and Powerman team. Probably one of the best time killing teams, and the most enjoyable fight I've had in a minute. Used IronMan, Scarlet Witch and Doc Oc to take them down.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just got a third 5* Thanos from the Star Lord Crash of the Titans, so I've been screwing around with the following team in PVE:
    Lv 255 Thanos (1/1/1)
    Lv 255 Silver Surfer (1/1/1)
    Lv 171 3* Doctor Strange (5/3/5)

    It's much more efficient with health pack usage than I expected as Strange's passive heal offsets at least one Court Death if you are able to toy with your opponents a little instead of downing them immediately. With Patch boosted, he's also a good substitute for Dr Strange in the current event, but offers less protection from goon nodes and/or muscle nodes getting out of control.

    It's certainly not the most clever team and probably makes absolutely no sense in terms of the fictional universe...but what the hell? It's kind of fun... icon_e_smile.gif
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    So... I saw a team in the combined arms thread that had switch, hawkeye and rhulk. Well, no rhulk on my roster but i switched him with prof x. Man is this team fun!!!

    My prof x doesn't have his yellow yet but i dont mind much.
    Switch creates match5 which triggers both hawkeye and prof x for some nice nice extra damage!

    Loving it!
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I found that pairing 4Clops with MoStorm is pretty effective. If the third character can generate red, even better. Super Widow with those two was cheesy strong in Combined Forces, and they're serving me well during Rocket and Groot. Max green and yellow on Storm and let her Mistress of Elements empower Cyclops' Giant Red Laser of Death.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    4 star.pngicon_professorx.png | 4 star.pngicon_cyclops.png | 3 star.pngicon_quicksilver.png | (Fun name needed!)

    I love this rainbow team (6 actives, 3 passives); it might be my all-time favorite. It's perfect for when you're in the mood for a puzzle (but still want to win). If you really pay attention to the board, these X-men can really play off each other. I've been using them together well before I had Cyclops fully covered because of the awesome synergy. For this team, I run a high level Prof X at 3 blueflag.png / 5 yellowflag.png / 5 purpleflag.png.

    Basically, there are two synergies to this team: 1) Spam and improve special tiles by using cheap powers and/or 2) combine board control with Master Plan. Both Cyclops and Quicksilver have cheap powers that move the board in predictable ways. Cyclops' blueflag.png is a particularly fun and challenging ability to use, since it's effects are complicated, but still predictable. Quicksilver's blackflag.png, of course, is a lot more straightforward.

    I like this team because it doesn't get boring. Infinite turns do happen on occasion, but it's totally board dependent and requires serious attention. The point of this team isn't to mindlessly abuse Master Plan, but rather to use it alongside other great powers.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having fun with Sentry, R&G, and Patch since Sentry's self-damage fix. Pretty good endurance and R&G blue followed by World Rupture pretty much ends the fight on the spot. Patch and R&G take about 1000 damage, which is insanely managable.

    It's probably a bit slow for PvP (12 G and 11 U)
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    So... New team for me icon_e_smile.gif

    icon_doctoroctopus.pngicon_wolverine.png patch medusa_icon.png 3 redflag.png /3 purpleflag.png
    Patch goes greenflag.png . Whatever doc doesn't destroy with his blue, medusa will more than likely turn for me with her purple. And with their attack tiles from thwir passives it's pretty much game over
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* icon_captainamerica.png 1/2/2
    icon_ironfist.png 3/5/5 champ
    3* icon_lukecage.png 5/3/5

    Reworked Cap is pretty nice. H4H are team cap members so I get 11 AP in yellow from Caps red CD. I can punch a hole in the world with Cage's yellowflag.png . You're always gonna have an attack and shield tile up for Cap's blueflag.png won't take much for Fist's greenflag.png to activate and add to it. And of course H4H go together like macaroni and cheese.
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Had lots of fun today in DDQ for Dat Required Character and Big Enchilada with these:

    icon_kamalakhan.png 3/5/5 @ 212
    icon_hulkcho.png 5/3/5 @ 140
    icon_nova.png 5/5/2 @ 155

    So fun spamming strike tiles with Nova - his cheap costs are great for KK's yellow, and got KK's bash off at least 4 times during Big Enchilada.

    Eager to bring up Nova and Hulk once I find the ISO icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Based on an idea I heard in the latest Puzzle Warriors 3 podcast, I used Sentry--yes, Sentry!--in today's Big Enchilada. The trick is to use him with the new Carol Danvers. Now, my Carol can't create Strike tiles because I don't have a black cover for her but she does have the cover that strengthens friendly tiles whenever a friendly countdown reaches zero. Sentry's green power makes a LOT of countdown tiles. I put in Iron Fist as my third so he'll auto-generate an Attack tile. Sure enough, Sentry's countdown tiles hit zero and suddenly that Attack tile was doing well over 1000 damage per turn. So, Sentry+Carol+a special tile generator=big numbers for winning. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    4* icon_cyclops.png 5/3/5
    3* icon_storm.png 4/4/5 (subject to change)
    medusa_icon.png 2/2/2

    Once Storm's Hailstorm is up, it becomes really hard to die as you're getting life back with nearly match because of medusa's yellow passive. The team generates AP from everywhere and the rainbow is covered. Cyclops' blue and yellow gain AP and with this team, Uncanny Strategist yields greenflag.png for Storm to shake the field and gain AP from everywhere. Her yellow gains TUP AP for Cyclops' red nuke. And medusa stays in the background, waiting for enemy strike and shields to hit the field so she can steal them with her purpleflag.png power or gain green, blue, or purple AP by matching them.

    When I get more medusa covers, this team will be one of my staples. It's too fast, too fun, and too hard to kill.
  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler
    Daily go to for DDQ and TBE

    icon_elektra.png / 3* icon_wolverine.png / icon_scarletwitch.png
    5/5/3 - 5/3/5 - 5/3/5
    farm green and purple to start, then once you have enough red or black to lay down a trap tile, fire off patch and turn'n'buff all of the enemy strikes. Factor in Ballet and traps, and they never stand a chance, eviscerates them every time.

    A single match-3 can deal over 6k damage.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2017
    I've been messing around with 4* Captain Marvel (mine is only 1/1/0, but boosted this week to near Lv ~150), 3* Blade and 3* Falcon (both champed in the ~170-175 range). I wouldn't take them beyond trivial nodes (or initial hard mode clears) in PVE, but it's a pretty enjoyable team of characters with rainbow coverage who often stay on the bench otherwise. Redwing combined with Marvel's yellow can even keep reasonable board control--even against symbiotes.

    Edit: The team has had a tough time against mixed hero/goon nodes, but has otherwise handled goon-only nodes of all varieties pretty well. It's apparently too slow-starting to really handle a least without Carol's green.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    My new lineup for fun in Big Enchilada:


    Medusa and Carol are both undercovered buy they have at least one of every color. I'm just enjoying special tile spam. I think tomorrow I might put in War Machine instead of Ghost Rider.