Your latest fun team combination



  • PFellah
    PFellah Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    I'm newish, so 3-stars are still my sweet spot -- I've been having a lot of fun with icon_hulk.pngicon_cyclops.png and icon_kamalakhan.png .

    Covers every color except blue (though I don't have a purple Kamala yet, so I'm actually doing this with one hand tied behind my back).

    Feeding Cyclops' blasts -- red, black, yellow -- tends to be the main focus. Unless everyone is full health, I like to grab yellow early and fire Cyc's power to generate some HPs out of the gate.

    I generally look for green to take care of itself through cascades, KK's purple, and Hulk's Anger, but I'll take a match if it's sitting there, or if I particularly want to get Hulk in front to take punches. If there's a boss/hero up, I'll usually just use green to shake the board and damage the big bad; if it's a trash board, I tend to save it and use KK's group punch instead.
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Pleasant discovery in the Juggernaut Heroic:


    My Medusa is woefully undercovered, but she & Blade boosted are great together. Even better going up against Daken and/or Bullseye.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thor (Modern), Kingpin and Strang3
    using Kingpin (1/4/2) to Fuel Thunderstrike, he can also finger Strange's countdown tile
    3 Maggia Thug Tokens are trumped by 3500 Damage and changing 9 tiles to Green
    if you make a lot of Match 5's sub Hawkeye for Strange
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    My new anti IM40 team.

    5* icon_blackwidow.png 2/1/3 lvl 345
    icon_scarletwitch.png 5/3/5 lvl 192
    icon_invisiblewoman.png 4/4/1 lvl 192

    I pretty much go hunting for teams with IM40 in SS. With any other team I would try to take out IM40 first. Now I don't care. I collect yellow not to deny IM40's recharge but to hold for IW's invisibility power in case I fear getting hit without something. BW's Tell Me Everything is for if Recharge goes off. Acrobatic Takedown is in the rare case Recharge makes it to the full countdown. The rainbow is covered. Along with the red, blonde, and raven hair.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    With the recent Banner-bug, I had to switch out my DDP team (Banner, X-23, 4-clops)

    Running Sam Wilson (aka Flap-tain), X-23, and Ant-man.

    My X-23 is higher, so she's tanking two colors, and 4 rounds gives Ant-Man tons of time to build up both attack and strike tiles. Plus if there's "Threaten" goons then it's gravy-train as At-Man's blue is the only active one for that team... I typically finish with less than 15 minutes of "heal-time"
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some Fun Big Enchilada Teams
    Kamala Khan,X-23 is 3 star Cyclops (tried with 4 Star Cyclops but best color was Tellow so Uncanny Strategist was Buggered)
    sub Iron Fist for X-23 if you're more in 3 Star Land (which I am but with some decent 4's)
    Wolverine (patch), Daken (3 Star Preferred) and either Spider woman,Loki or Bullseye Classic
    And the old reliable Magneto (Marvel Now), Storm (Classic) and Hawkeye (Modern)
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Been having fun with Gamora/Squirrel Girl/Daredevil in The Hunt this week. I don't know how effective they'd be not boosted, but Furry Friends is pretty disgusting with all the strike tiles from Bad Reputation, and the extra boardshake can really help get off an ambush.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just tried a new defensive team and it worked well: IW, Kingpin, Switch = produce purple to get yellow, then team invisibility for most of the match, plus lots of protect tiles. Only AoE are a concern, but Kingpin black and IW Green can kill people quickly.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    House of M...Magneto Classic, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch
    Recommend using Polarizing force while no TU tiles are locked
    active use of all colors, 2 Global Powers (one a passive, though) and even protect tiles

    The In-Laws (same team with Vision in place of Mags)
    shockingly I prefer the latter
  • Just getting familiar with 3* Land....6 strong 3* Champs....all 2*s Champed and/or farming...

    I only have SWitch lightly covered (0/4/4 - purpleflag.pnggreenflag.pngblueflag.png ) and I'm having a blast with 3Hulk, KK, SWitch.
    icon_scarletwitch.pngblueflag.png (passive) feeds icon_kamalakhan.pngpurpleflag.png
    icon_kamalakhan.pngpurpleflag.png feeds icon_hulk.pnggreenflag.png
    icon_hulk.pngblackflag.png gets angry and kicks ****, dropping greenflag.png , meanwhile icon_kamalakhan.pnggreenflag.png hits the enemy team for 3300+. (save up for two icon_kamalakhan.png hits and start hiding the bodies!) (KK needs to be 3/5/5)

    I haven't played this out in a ton of situations yet......but I can't wait to see what else I can do with SWitch...
  • Staals
    Staals Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    So a few events ago, when Quicksilver and Prof X were boosted, I paired them with Iron Fist. It proved to be a very fun combination that, if played well, could start a series of cascades. You have to collect a few purple to start it, after which you can start cascading black, which creates the opportunity for QS to start cascading. It takes some effort to find the right moves to make, but for me it was very rewarding to successfully execute this strategy.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards

  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kishida wrote:
    Pleasant discovery in the Juggernaut Heroic:


    My Medusa is woefully undercovered, but she & Blade boosted are great together. Even better going up against Daken and/or Bullseye.

    This is my new anti-goon and Big Enchilada team. I've been very lucky with token draws, so my Medusa is 4/4/5 and I'm trying to champion her before the other 2 covers I have expire.

    I am really looking forward to trying her out with Carnage and someone else, probably 3* Strange to start with.

    :edit: I tried 3* Strange, he died quite quickly. 4* Deadpool is working out much better.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Big Pun and either of the Blades (but especially 3* Blade for sheer number of strikes): just savage. You don't even need Army of One active to lay waste to everybody, Punish is just so cheap.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Big Pun and either of the Blades (but especially 3* Blade for sheer number of strikes): just savage. You don't even need Army of One active to lay waste to everybody, Punish is just so cheap.

    4* Punisher and 3* Bullseye are also ridiculous murder bros.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I love this team! They're fast and powerful against 1 - 3 goons:

    Black Panther (5/3/5)
    Iron Fist (3/5/5)
    Star Lord (3/5/5)

    Collect purple first, with red, yellow, green as 2nd options. Once you have 9+ purple with a SL "Everyone with Me" tile, start using IF to add lots of black for just 3 AP each, which creates massive cascades and black AP. Add strike tiles if you can, punch with SL if needed, and simply kill everyone with multiple Rage of the Panther. Usually takes 5 - 6 turns. Can be used on goons up to level 300.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Two Variants on Charlie's Angels (stuff I came up with during ISO-8 Brotherhood using powered up heroes
    Superbabes Sub Invisible Woman for Prof X, uses Yellow and Blue (my IW is 4/3/1 vs Prof X's 2/2/1)
    when it's about to hit the fan (if it happens) turn everyone invisible for two turns

    Or Sub in Colossus (try it in his essential nodes)
    great Blocker, and fastball special is great with BW's high cost powers
  • Uthgarprime
    Uthgarprime Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    Using championed Xpool and IW with IM40. Get one green and one red before recharge goes off and you have 2 powers that hit for 16k plus damage each. IW's green is amazing now. It does a lot of damage sometimes even when I think it shouldn't. IM40 also only takes damage from aoe's since the 2 4*'s are a rainbow. I am mowing through ISO-8 brotherhood. Have to hit IW with a hp once in a while, but rarely for DP since he just uses his red to heal all the time.
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    With them being boosted right now, I'm really enjoying Colossus/Kamala/BP. Full rainbow. Colossus tanks a lot of colors, but they all have good health anyway. Two good AOEs, a passive heal, a strong nuke with slight AOE, great strike tile generation, a little bit of color control. Lots of fun.
  • Addix
    Addix Posts: 35
    Or Sub in Colossus (try it in his essential nodes)
    great Blocker, and fastball special is great with BW's high cost powers

    Oh, liked this so much, thanks! Boom, boom and they're all gone!!