Your latest fun team combination



  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    bbigler wrote:
    Azoth658 wrote:
    Hi All,

    We regularly see around the whole forum people talking about their teams. Be it the infamous Fistbuster or Winfinite etc

    But what we don't see it people congregating to talk about their favorite fun team combinations.

    I'm not talking about brute power (unless that is what you find incredibly fun) or your specific favourite defensive team.

    This is about fun. Who are you using at the moment and just having a lot fun combining together.

    For example thanks to the current buffs I am enjoying:

    4* Jean Grey
    3* Iron Man 40
    3* Human Torch

    I'm loving the way the new IM40 can use recharge to prep a couple of Red Torch attacks and a Green Jean attack, whilst preparing his own Blue.

    It allows for me to have up to three AOE attacks (if I build purple through matches) and that strong Red from Torch to finish the strongest enemy.

    Anyway I look forward to seeing some what you all are tinkering with as a set up. Maybe it'll inspire some of my own combinations.

    What is the Winfinite team?

    You use Black Widow (grey suit) to generate match-5s with her purple. Professor X inflicts damage and produces more purple for black widow to repeat. This can keep going until all enemies are down.
  • Berserk Al wrote:
    bbigler wrote:
    Azoth658 wrote:
    Hi All,

    We regularly see around the whole forum people talking about their teams. Be it the infamous Fistbuster or Winfinite etc

    But what we don't see it people congregating to talk about their favorite fun team combinations.

    I'm not talking about brute power (unless that is what you find incredibly fun) or your specific favourite defensive team.

    This is about fun. Who are you using at the moment and just having a lot fun combining together.

    For example thanks to the current buffs I am enjoying:

    4* Jean Grey
    3* Iron Man 40
    3* Human Torch

    I'm loving the way the new IM40 can use recharge to prep a couple of Red Torch attacks and a Green Jean attack, whilst preparing his own Blue.

    It allows for me to have up to three AOE attacks (if I build purple through matches) and that strong Red from Torch to finish the strongest enemy.

    Anyway I look forward to seeing some what you all are tinkering with as a set up. Maybe it'll inspire some of my own combinations.

    What is the Winfinite team?

    You use Black Widow (grey suit) to generate match-5s with her purple. Professor X inflicts damage and produces more purple for black widow to repeat. This can keep going until all enemies are down.
    Also, you need to keep Px under-levelled, otherwise he'll provide blue AP. Usually they go with Switch that provides purple to GSBW.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    for anyone not yet aware, a new near-winfinte team was found in boss rush. it takes a little bit to get going but once it gets going, its very much like a stronger version of the 2* thormneto team. this team consists of 4cyke/mostorm/kk. mostorm and kk are best moved to 5/5/3 for this team. cyke is the damage dealer with blue and red. storm is the ap gatherer with green and yellow (yellow fueling cykes mega red). kk heals and feeds storm more green. only use kk purple on black tiles, leaving the rest for you do use. I heard reports of this team working up to round 7 of boss rush. it works great for TBE or any wave nodes.
  • johnmcclane
    johnmcclane Posts: 170
    edited October 2016
    Especially against goons:

    Nova makes special tiles rain, Px strenghtens them to infinite, Cho breaks tiles with green when needed.
    You loose Px's Master plan, but it's not needed here.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    icon_peggycarter.png 2/1/1 lvl 94
    IM40 4/4/5 champion
    L icon_humantorch.png 5/4/4 lvl 114

    Very dependent on IM40's yellowflag.png but with me recently acquiring Peggy's yellowflag.png, it can buy me some time.

    Once IM40s tiles are done charging, I throw Peggy's shield blueflag.png to stun the two in the back and put the character I feel I need to crush first in front. That character catches two/3 redflag.png from Johnny and even at lvl 114, not many are gonna survive more than 3. Along with his greenflag.png , the table will be set to knock out the other two characters after their 3-turn stuns are over.

    I now really want to champ torch.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    playing with boosted Thor + IM40 in Heroic (both champions). Don't even care if I lack purple/black. IM40 yellow feeds Thor green, and he is become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    DFiPL wrote:
    playing with boosted Thor + IM40 in Heroic (both champions). Don't even care if I lack purple/black. IM40 yellow feeds Thor green, and he is become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.

    I tried it and got excited at first. IM40 + Thor + (recently champed) 3* Daken. Thor with maxed red+green, IM40 with maxed yellow, red.
    Then I realized, it's not that great. Boosted Thor deals with his green (14 - cost) slightly more than unboosted KK (12 - cost). Can't use his yellow (waste compared to IM's recharge), red generates some yellow which is nice, but damage is still laughable (aprox 2,5k dmg for 8 mana), at the same time IM40 deals 8,9k for 13 red mana.
    I kicked Thor in the butt, brought back KK and tried Daken/Switch as a third character. Now I see no reason to ever use Thor instead of KK.

    Eventually I came back to my most recent team:

    They work well together, and untill I champ more 3* they will remain my #1.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Alsmir wrote:
    DFiPL wrote:
    playing with boosted Thor + IM40 in Heroic (both champions). Don't even care if I lack purple/black. IM40 yellow feeds Thor green, and he is become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.

    I tried it and got excited at first. IM40 + Thor + (recently champed) 3* Daken. Thor with maxed red+green, IM40 with maxed yellow, red.
    Then I realized, it's not that great. Boosted Thor deals with his green (14 - cost) slightly more than unboosted KK (12 - cost). Can't use his yellow (waste compared to IM's recharge), red generates some yellow which is nice, but damage is still laughable (aprox 2,5k dmg for 8 mana), at the same time IM40 deals 8,9k for 13 red mana.
    I kicked Thor in the butt, brought back KK and tried Daken/Switch as a third character. Now I see no reason to ever use Thor instead of KK.

    Eventually I came back to my most recent team:

    They work well together, and untill I champ more 3* they will remain my #1.

    I ain't saying this is a team I want to run all day every day forever. But it works quite well for this event. Yes, KK does about the same total damage unboosted as boosted Thor is doing, but guess what? KK isn't available this event, at least currently.

    So that's a false equivalency.

    Second, part of what makes the IM40/Thor combo so potent - at least in my eyes - is that Thor frontloads the damage he's doing. Someone like Loki paired with two goons? Get off one set of recharge and wave bye-bye to Loki. Then mop up. Venom or Moonstone? Recharge is going to feed the red and green, Thor can take a wet, juicy bite out of Venom or Moonstone's day with the green, and then IM40 can finish off whoever wasn't the main target with the 8k damage he's doing with red. Get off TWO recharges, and rocks fall, everybody dies.

    Would I run that team in PVP or a regular PVE event? Not under ordinary circumstances. But for this Heroic, with this roster set, with the opponents I'm facing? IMThor-ty all day.

    Heck, boosted IM40+Torch is solid, also. Use a recharge to get Torch's green going, and then if you can get another off, you can feed it some more green and just ruin the opposing team in short order.

    And, no, that wouldn't be my A-Team, either. But let me put it this way: this is the first Heroic I've played in a while where I haven't minded my A-Team being partially or totally locked out, because the synergy between IM40 and either Thor or Torch is keeping this Heroic from being the slog for me that most Heroics are.
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Apologies, I was using that team for the last event. Since I'm statring heroic in slice 5, it just opened for me today. In that case I agree IM40+Thor work decently together which is nice, because best support I can give them is 2* Daken or Hawkeye.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    Star Lord, Kingpin and OML. OML tanks (320+) and once a power is cast by your opponent watch out punch and poke to death. Flaptan is a good sub for OML because he speeds up the tile countdown as well so you can get goon damage quicker. I have been playing a lot with these two groups since the change.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    IF, Chulk and 4-Thor is another very fun combo. Chulk is tank all black goes to Chulk (5/3/5) to heal, stun and smite with 4-thor after a couple of turns half the board is charged and she can one shot just about anybody even when she is not buffed.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    with the update to starlord,


    very fun. very cheap powers with a SL yellow out. SL is just there to lower costs and maybe provide some cd control on purple if needed. the others have the rainbow coverd and have all kinds of utility with stuns, aoe, strikes, tossing people, etc. its not super fast but once you gather some ap, you can manage a threat pretty well.
  • alpaca
    alpaca Posts: 6
    I've been impressed with my champed 3/5/5 Star-Lord plus my level 390 3/4/2 Silver Surfer. Once Star-Lord's yellow is out then SS has red for 5 AP (over 1000 dmg HP per AP without any other dependencies) and blue for 7 AP (around 950 healed HP per AP), with many charged tiles as a bonus. This will only get better as I upgrade SS.

    Rulk makes for a fun third (purple for 5 AP), though the trio is missing the active use of yellow AP.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doom's PVP is a blast with Doom, IM40 and Big Pun.

    1. Fire Recharge.
    2. Use blue AP to turn blue tiles black.
    3. Reap the harvest of black.
    4. Fire Merciless Charge (Recharge gave most of the AP) and reap the harvest of faces with Army of One.
    5. Mop up with Doom purple/IM40 red if necessary.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Am now really feeling this new team that I tried in DDQ.

    icon_mystique.png 3/3/5 champ
    icon_starlord.png 3/2/2 lvl 122
    icon_drax.png 5/2/2 lvl 168

    The new starlord is awesome. His ability to get CDs and make CDs is great for Drax's blackflag.png which is just a great nuke. Mystique's blueflag.png feeds everyone gets rid of green, yellow, or red.

    The team gets AP in bunches and once you get mystique's infiltration once, it's amazing how fast things get going.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    icon_cyclops.png (4*)

    Great fun team to use in sticky situations. You've got access to just about every possible tool in the MPQ system. Only one color overlap (red). Excellent puzzle solver against goons.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    icon_hulkcho.png or icon_bullseye.png

    Specifically for Wave Nodes especially with Tietsu. So many options like stealing or overwriting or targeted destruction with Cho. This actually exposed Starlords biggest weakness, I ran out of yellow tiles because they all got turned into countdown tiles.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    Am using a 3/4/5 team for EotS, with Goblin, Cyclops, and IM40. Just tearing it up. Only bad thing is that Goblin is chewing some health packs.
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Blade (Modern)
    Scarlet Witch
    That was my team for the Blade PVP. Blade was only there for using the Red no one else uses, but once I have a Blade of my own, I expect him to tank his colors.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cyclops (Uncanny)
    Kamala Khan

    Been using this in the EOTS Wave nodes
    fun and effective

    granted I have them all championed, but still