Your latest fun team combination



  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Ragnarok, Starlord, Bullseye (DA). Sounds fun until you realize you can't use that team half the time this event.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Berserk Al wrote:
    Ragnarok, Starlord, Bullseye (DA). Sounds fun until you realize you can't use that team half the time this event.
    I used Ragnarok Starlord and Strange for Speedrunning the Goon Nodes
    (Rags is a Champion on my Roster)
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    My latest fun team is a bunch of characters I don't have fully cover'd:
    star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_wolverine.png (255 1/2/1)
    icon_iceman.png (229 4/5/2)
    icon_nova.png (200 4/4/4)

    Holy moley, this team is dangerous. I imagine it'll be even more brutal once Sam & Bobby are Champions.
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker

    vs. goon nodes is too funny.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Been enjoying some 90’s nostalgia in the R&G PVE with the Midnight Sons: Ghost Rider, 3* Blade, and 3* Dr. Strange. Not quite an optimal team but a lot of fun to chew through goons when I get tired of OML/Nova variations.
  • TetsujinOni
    TetsujinOni Posts: 181 Tile Toppler
    OML / Strange / XFDP

    Because why not smash the goons for everything they do?
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Star-Lord, Psylocke, Beast. Especially against all goons.

    Cheap, cheap abilities. 4 blue, 7 green, 6 red, 6 black. Makes things kind of a breeze.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    BALANCE OF POWER: I'm rolling with Juggs, 3cage, and 3strange. This team is badass.

    Juggernaut - 170k health, his red hits for 30k, his green is there for a board shaker, and he'll tank black.

    Luke Cage (3/5/5) - Red at 5 is mandatory as his defense tile will soak up all match damage which is a major asset in longer BoP matches. I put his black at 5 over yellow because I seem to get it off more often and it has a stun. Both yellow and black hit pretty hard in BoP.

    Dr. Strange (5/3/5) - His yellow pops for 15k damage, and his blue does about the same each round the special tile is active (plus another stun). Purple is gravy in case I'm fighting any tilers.

    (I realize not a lot of people have a usable Dr. Strange yet but Doom is a great fill-in. His purple is an absolute atom bomb and his blue feeds cage's black nicely)
  • Kishida
    Kishida Posts: 310 Mover and Shaker
    Not exactly setting the world on fire, but I've had some fun with my recent PvE team.

    icon_caroldanvers.png 3/5/5
    icon_kamalakhan.png 5/5/3
    icon_rocket.png 5/5/3

    Mostly, I just like having Rocket & Groot paired up with KK. Carol makes for a surprisingly decent teammate.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moonstone or Loki
    Doctor strange

    Moonstone and Loki are powered up for prodigal sun event. So they steal the strike tiles patch generates and with the doctor generating that direct damage goodness, fights are over REALLY quickly.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daken (Classic), Blade (Daywalker) and Ares

    Truly Ridiculous

    also Daken (Classic) X-23 and Deadpool (It's me, Deadpool)

    More slicing and dicing than the neighborhood deli
  • cubnad
    cubnad Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    My new favourite team I like to call the goon squad, icon_blade.png5/3/5 drstrange_icon.png5/3/5 icon_ironfist.png 3/5/5.
    I use this in PVE for all goon teams or 2 goon 1 hero/villain teams.
    Blade drops strikes tiles, 3trange yellow hits every time goon drops CT and IF attack tile hits at end of turn
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    3 Star icon_blade.png , 5 Star drstrange_icon.png , and 3 star icon_daken.png

    Its enjoyable vs goons. Go ahead, spam those countdown tiles, you'll die very soon.
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2016
    This team is still not 100% polished.

    Chulk (5 black)
    Mystique (5 blue)
    IF (5 purple)

    It works like the old winfinite one. (mnmag, mystique, {Someone I don't remember})

    I don't know good starting AP yet. But somewhere around 10 blue 10 purple.

    IF uses purple to make black
    Chulk uses black to charge blue and green
    Mystique uses blue to make purple and black (get blue from cascade/4-match)

    You can keep the cycle going on and on. Since both IF and Mystique won't change charge tiles, at one point the board will be filled with Purple, Black, and Charged blue and green tiles to sustain the process indefinitely. You basically alternate between IF and Mystique, drop Chulk black when a fair amount of green/blue basic tiles are on the board. You can also use Chulk green to shake the board a bit.

    Down point: I think there is a condition that makes Chulk can use his black. I don't remember what it is though.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have some standard teams depending on the situation:

    Enemies < level 120, (any kind)
    - Quick Kill Team: 3*Blade, Iron Fist, Daken
    - mostly match green and blue for strike tiles and quick damage

    Goons >= level 120
    - Big Quick Kill Team: Black Panther, Iron Fist, Starlord
    - Focus on matching purple for IF to spam Black tiles for the Panther
    - Tile Control Team: StarLord, Switch, Cyclops
    - cover up CD tiles and use Cyclops to produce Red for SL punching

    No-Goons >= level 120
    - Winfinite: GSBW, Switch, ProfX
    - match purple, protect Switch CD tile, begin nearly infinite damage with 12+ purple

    Enemy Waves (like the Hand)
    - 3*Bullseye + 3*Spiderman + Switch OR Black Panther OR Magneto
    - It's essential for Bullseye to kill the first enemy to get the strike tile train rolling

    All Purpose Team
    - 3*Cage, Iron Fist, Hood
    - stalls out opponents, build up purple for IF to spam Black for lots of Punching

    Endless Board Cycling (Winfinite #2)
    - 3*Magneto, XFW, Loki
    - Focus on Red and Purple first to clear team-ups and board shake, Black is great for clearing a color, Green and Blue also board shake

    Carnage Team
    - Carnage, Invisible Woman, StarLord
    - IW gives team protection and can lock enemy attack tiles in bubbles while creating strikes, SL can also cover enemy attack tiles and reduce all IW costs
    - Carnage, Wolverine, Daken
    - don't worry about enemy attack tiles because they heal
    - Carnage, Spiderman, Gwenpool
    - Match purple for protect tiles and then clear enemy attack tiles with Sploits! - code 237

    Crazy Carnage Team with Boosted Hulk
    - Carnage, 3*Hulk, Patch
    - Play Berserker Rage, Carnage triggers and Hulk takes all the hits to spam Green for more Beserker Rage and devastation!

    2-person Goon Team
    - Required Character + StarLord + Switch
    - Focus on purple to cover up CD tiles that you can't match away
  • deadtaco
    deadtaco Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker
    Just cruised through all the non-essential nodes in the 2nd sub of HoD using the star.pngstar.pngstar.png versions of drstrange_icon.png (3/3/4, lvl 120), champed icon_captainamerica.png & icon_ironman.png .

    IM40 and LCap did their usual board control, while DS just fired off for every goon power fired.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Invisible Woman, Patch and Daken (Classic)
    Patch makes Strike Tiles, IW puts the enemy ones in bubbles and/or turns the team invisible for two turns Daken just does his thing
    or you could just be uncreative and use Loki as usuual
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    I'm becoming fond of 3* Iron Man / Iron Fist / 3* Dr. Strange

    I know 3* Dr. Strange is already the hottest thing on the block, but combining him with Iron Man has given me a better appreciation of Strange's blue power. Having 3 Crimson Bands out at the same time, all boosted by a ton of strike tiles from Iron Fist, does an ungodly amount of damage over time icon_lol.gif
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* drstrange_icon.png 5/3/5
    icon_sentry.png 3/5/5
    icon_starlord.png 4/3/2

    Starlord cuts the AP use for Sentry's yellow and green. The strike tile is jacked and pumps strange's damage from his passive and blue. Sentry's green does weird damage but its best use is to put CDs out for Starlords red. My Starlord is only at 2 with red but once I get more, it's gonna hit SO HARD.

    And doc's yellow heals Sentry for the life he loses putting out strike tiles.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Been playing with oddball team of 3* icon_blade.pngicon_hulkcho.pngicon_nova.png and found it to be surprisingly fun to play in PVE (and also effective, no wipes yet).

    Actives in all colors except Blue (where you want to have enough so Cho does the extra damage anyway) and strikes all over the place with both Nova and Blade. Additionally handles countdowns well with Cho's green and Nova sending people airborne and Blade's attack tiles can get ridiculous on this setup.