How do we kill Galactus now that we've all tried it?



  • I've been pretty successful using IF, Cyclops and Doom. both IF and Doom Generate black, once I get enough, IF Kick and Punch, make sure enough red is out and Full Blast to victory.
  • rubix_qube
    rubix_qube Posts: 69 Match Maker
    you don't once you reach round 6
  • I believe this event was created to sell health packs.

    I've found that if you know you are going to die next round, fire off everything you have then retreat/quit the match.
    You'll receive all the point you took off Galactus plus you wont need to use all those health packs.

    To me, I feel this is one of the worst events they have ever done.
  • shatland
    shatland Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    quick question:

    i haven't been paying attention- at the start of his turn, does galactrix proc his tiles first or gather his tiles first? there was a situation where there weren't any cosmic tiles out for him to collect (how'd that happen?), which would have given me another turn to kill him, but if his tiles proc first, then he collects it would have meant death. would have retreated if the latter, but i didn't get to find out since i got a SUPER - and i mean SUPER - lucky cascade. now i have to wait 6 hours to find out again....

    also, a 3 turn countdown tile ≠ 2 turn countdown tile.

    also, pretty sure in G's info it says he needs 28 AP to destroy worlds, but saw him do it with 27.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Alright this post might be long.

    I've got a decent Roster. By no means great, But I've got all the essential people in three star at 166. An X-force that's full covered up but sitting level 200 because ISO is expensive. And a Two cover Jean Grey. Thank you Shield Simulator.

    My alliance is in Round Five. (Now Round Six...)

    One star.png only roster - You might be able to clear the occasional Spiderman Node? Perhaps Widow nodes? I'm sorry if you're this new to the game there is no real help right now. I am super sorry.

    Two star.png starting - Basically the same as a One star roster.

    Two star.png maxes occasional three stars - Well I certainly hope that you've got as one of your three stars some of the essentials. Any actual sub node you find should be no challenge for you. The best teams for you, will be OBW MNMags, and One Star (Modern)Storm. You're looking to generate Blue as best you can, to use your AntiGrav Device and slow down his countdown tiles. Try and hit four of them if you can, and then while they stay somewhat stacked. Match others. Board clear is your friend. If you can find gluts of AP for purple Make Blue matches that will cascade out Cosmic tiles. If you find yourself with Green, Storm's Lightning can really help your board position. Don't worry about tile damage, match damage or countdown damage, Big G is going to one shot you. (Just like everyone else.) But with luck you can take him down a few times. If you can get Storm's Black power off, it will clutter the board, and his CD's won't appear on your attack tiles. But cosmic tiles overwrite, and your matches will make new tiles to grant CD's. By Round Four this will be difficult, By Round Six this will be almost impossible, But being fair It will be with ALMOST EVERY OTHER ROSTER. (Apparently.)

    Three star.png Decent. - There are a few rosters that seem useful.

    Switch OBW Rags is actually really interesting. I've had decent luck with Red producing Blue, OBW Black passive utilizing Blue, Purple and Black Stealing and constant AntiGrav use. All the while continuing to use Rags to wash Red into Blue, and Switch to make more Purple. Cons: This takes FOREVER to kill him, and any bad luck gets you wiped. But it is actually pretty safe. (Note Any Strat using Switch is not plausible by Round Six. 0/5 wins reported by alliance teammates.)

    IF Falcon OBW has given me some luck, and had an 83% (5/6) win rate in round five. Starting with Extra Blue and purple, and Usually All color AP boosts, let me Redwing a CD tile instantly, and Then match one to make my first turn problem free. Often I could then match another Blue and Anti Grav the Four tiles on Round Four. Thus letting me match Purples, clear up coming tiles, and Once I had twentyplus purpletile.png . I could Make black tokens get cascades and Punch Big G till he fell down. (Round six this strategy became a one in six winrate.)

    Mohawk(or One Star) Switch GSBW is being used by one of my alliance mates, He said it was 4/6. Pre round 6. Match CD's if you can. SWitch countdown.png goes off, Get purple. Use purple to get green and cascade. Use Green to get many colours and further board shake. Restart process after filling board with attack tiles and Storm yellow for more Cascades. Sniper if you have enough trying to hit as many CD's and Cosmics as you can. (He also reports 0/5 on Round Six.)

    Loki Patch QS. This is a head scratcher, But Loosely... Use QS Idle Hands to swap tiles, so that Big G will make Four of a kind matches, allowing you to steal, Along with Board Chaos from Illusions. Patch Tiles from Berserker, will allow you to deal some serious damage on matches, and supposedly you'll have time to do all this. (I didn't try it, My QS sucks.)

    4 star.png I can't think of a single Four Star who actually provides any additional Help. Even Winfinite Strats involving Prof X, are still only hitting a 1/6 clear rate. Though Prof X is once again, far and away the best person to add in as he can give you several boosts and a lot of AP. I've Seen a SWitch PX Hood as an Idea... So you can Twin Pistol large chunks of the board and remove many of his tiles.

    So, that's all the strategy I have to share. Does anyone have any way of ACTUALLY beating him on Round six and Above?
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 473 Mover and Shaker
    It feels like it's literally all luck once you hit Round 5. The only real strategy that has worked for me is to boost and then go with a purely offensive team. Not fun. Definitely not a puzzle.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Sorry to not read through ALL the threads on Galactus, but has anyone mentioned or thought of what this event would look like if 5* characters weren't in the game?

    I sort of feel like demiurge cranked this way up in order to counter the 5* that are floating out there, and appease the owners of those 5* with a challenge now that they have SS and/or OML.

    ALSO, a true litmus of just how awful an event has become, is when QUITTING a match is deemed as a realistic strategy.

    this event has boiled down to: "hey guys, we are going to BAR YOU FROM PLAYING for 8 hours, but don't worry, when you do get the chance to fight Galactus, JUST QUIT right before he'll attain black AP so you don't get truly penalized for playing this asinine event"
  • Can anyone confirm if Starlord red makes Cosmic Wrath cost 32 and therefore be uncastable? Tried it on my last clear but we're on round 6 and this ish is cray
  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 473 Mover and Shaker
    I am sure someone said this somewhere else, but what's the point of boosting Spider-Man when none of his three powers can impact this battle?
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    dkffiv wrote:
    Round 6 is 3x 2 turn CD tiles that make 4 tiles each, each tile is worth 4 AP. If you can't destroy 2 CD tiles you're basically dead turn 5.

    Don't forget the 24K hit points you need to chew through. On the bright side, whatever damage you do, you do.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can anyone confirm if Starlord red makes Cosmic Wrath cost 32 and therefore be uncastable? Tried it on my last clear but we're on round 6 and this ish is cray

    No because Galactus' black only needs 28 AP. Too many players posted a bunch of different strategies and the devs took the time to make sure we couldn't "cheat" our way to victory so instead of it being fun and interesting, it's just a bunch of **** icon_mad.gif
  • Read the whole thread, haven't seen a viable solution for rounds 3+ that don't involve a roster squarely in the 4* transition. For those alliances, like mine, where only 2 people even have JG rostered, this fight on an alliance-scale seems impossible. Most of the players in my alliance are working on covering their 3*s. Myself, I don't have a viable XFW, IF, or cmags, and my SW and torch are not properly covered or level-maxed.

    Based on what I've read, I assume the answer is "no," but does anyone have suggestions for people using maxed 2*s or middling 3*s to play?
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    Just did six clears with no problem using XFW/IF/Surfer.
    Glad to know that the top .0001% of people can pull this off.
    Orion wrote:
    I had surprising success with Fist/XFW/Torch.
    That's what I've used and won 2 of 3 in stage 4 so far. Scarlet Witch just does nothing for me, but Human Torch might get lucky with red, and his red is pretty good. I keep forgetting to try Original Black Widow instead of Torch, since she can theoretically steal black and her blue delays CD tiles.

    The main combo I'm seeing from this thread is: Iron Fist pink + Xforce black is the best combo anyone can come up with, especially since IF pink only needs 5 to get started. I've got 4 covers on both of those and it is definitely not bad. The question then becomes, who is your third? I've been using Torch for offense but OBW for defense might be interesting. Then again, her black is probably a pipe dream since there's no way her boosted 94 self is going to tank black against a boosted IF and Xforce.

    The other main theme of this thread is that pure luck tops all strategy. It almost doesn't matter who you take because unless you get a perfect board, lucky CD placement, and a lot more luck after that, you're still going to die in 3-4 rounds at the higher levels.
    deiXide wrote:
    Based on what I've read, I assume the answer is "no," but does anyone have suggestions for people using maxed 2*s or middling 3*s to play?
    Not that I have seen. Unless you have some very powerful 3*s, your job is to mindlessly bang your head against a wall every 8 hours, in the futile hope that your 20-30k contribution will somehow help get your alliance past stage 4.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    deiXide wrote:
    Read the whole thread, haven't seen a viable solution for rounds 3+ that don't involve a roster squarely in the 4* transition. For those alliances, like mine, where only 2 people even have JG rostered, this fight on an alliance-scale seems impossible. Most of the players in my alliance are working on covering their 3*s. Myself, I don't have a viable XFW, IF, or cmags, and my SW and torch are not properly covered or level-maxed.

    Based on what I've read, I assume the answer is "no," but does anyone have suggestions for people using maxed 2*s or middling 3*s to play?

    I made a post on this a ways up, detailing the best luck you could have.

    Two star.png maxes occasional three stars - Well I certainly hope that you've got as one of your three stars some of the essentials. Any actual sub node you find should be no challenge for you. The best teams for you, will be OBW MNMags, and One Star (Modern)Storm. You're looking to generate Blue as best you can, to use your AntiGrav Device and slow down his countdown tiles. Try and hit four of them if you can, and then while they stay somewhat stacked. Match others. Board clear is your friend. If you can find gluts of AP for purple Make Blue matches that will cascade out Cosmic tiles. If you find yourself with Green, Storm's Lightning can really help your board position. Don't worry about tile damage, match damage or countdown damage, Big G is going to one shot you. (Just like everyone else.) But with luck you can take him down a few times. If you can get Storm's Black power off, it will clutter the board, and his CD's won't appear on your attack tiles. But cosmic tiles overwrite, and your matches will make new tiles to grant CD's. By Round Four this will be difficult, By Round Six this will be almost impossible, But being fair It will be with ALMOST EVERY OTHER ROSTER. (Apparently.)

    Additionally the One star storm is better than the Two, as your Yellow and Black powers make a difference. Where Classic's blueflag.png and yellowflag.png do absolutely nothing worthwhile. OBW and MNMags together can actually keep you going for a bit and even Wolverine can help by dropping a pile of Strike Tiles. His CD's won't overwrite anything, so you can actually board glut him a little using One Star Storm. And since he only One shots you, and his match damage is otherwise pointless... you don't have to worry about even her dying before the inevitable 28 ap End the world.

    Good luck.
  • In round 6, I just went 3 of 6 with SW+IF+HB. Used +2 r/y, +2 g/b, +2 p/b. Pray for purple board and if you can match one countdown tile from the first set I believe that guarantees that SW's blue will fire once.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    Blahahah wrote:
    People complaining about it being too hard...


    That 5* Silver surfer everyone was dropping bricks over is his HENCHMAN.

    WEILDER OF THE POWER COSMIC! Just a fraction of his power creates world-destroying monsters.

    He fights with Odin, the all-father, and bodies him. He fights celestials and it takes 3 of them fused to contend with him.

    He made the Ultimate Nullifier, an artifact so POWERFUL... so POTENT... It can erase and rewrite the multiverse.

    His house is stated by the top minds of Marvel to be the SINGLE BIGGEST SOURCE OF ENERGY IN EXISTANCE.

    And you know that electicity bill is no joke, but he still works his 9-5 eating planets to pay that off.

    You're tinykitty RIGHT he is hard. He is supposed to be hard. The man devours everything... Your roster will share the same fate. icon_evil.gif

    Yes you are right on all accounts but squirrel girl beat him so he isn't that untouchable. Plus he can only muster the energy to eat a planet like once every thousand years or something, the guy has a performance problem.

    In all seriousness though, I thought Ultron fight was better and more entertaining. Like many posters have commented, once you get to round 4 and beyond, there is basically no strategy just pure dumb luck and the chance you are lucky is very minimal. At least with Ultron fights, you could put together a team to that could use strategy and he simply became harder because you had to last longer as his health increased. This fight has none of that. I understand it is supposed to be difficult but the devs way overcompensated by making sure almost no character's abilities could really impact the game. That defeats the purpose of the game in my opinion. Their biggest mistake was jumping too fast in difficulty in my opinion. The difference between round 2 and 3 is way too vast.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    the only way I see bringing him down is if a large portion of the alliance can grind galactus/anniversary node/galactus/anniversary node/galactus. the loaner anniversary node over in versus resets the galactus fight. if you can save some health packs by strategically retreating, theoretically you can play until you drop if you can farm some health packs from tacos. it'd be nice to throw some wins in, but here in rd 6, those are few and far between. got very lucky once and won, but most of the time its only down to 4000 health or so before he gets 30 ap.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using Marvel/Patch/Deadpool boosting rec, green, and all for round 3. Ideally you get a few extra green to throw out attack tiles and rely on further matches or energy absorption from marvel to give Deadpool the juice for 2 off-the-tops. The green stacks above the limit and since Patch is boosted, you get about 7-8k per use.

    I lost 4/5 this morning before coming upon this setup within my roster. Pretty sure my alliance is gonna get killed in round 4.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    TxMoose wrote:
    the only way I see bringing him down is if a large portion of the alliance can grind galactus/anniversary node/galactus/anniversary node/galactus. the loaner anniversary node over in versus resets the galactus fight. if you can save some health packs by strategically retreating, theoretically you can play until you drop if you can farm some health packs from tacos. it'd be nice to throw some wins in, but here in rd 6, those are few and far between. got very lucky once and won, but most of the time its only down to 4000 health or so before he gets 30 ap.

    This actually hurts your chances of completion, as the reset from the anniversary node provides no points, and RESETS his timer. So you now have to wait longer for him to respawn. Also if you just wait him out your next clear STILL gives you no points, so it wastes time, roster, and removes possibly one of your node clears.

  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    the only way I see bringing him down is if a large portion of the alliance can grind galactus/anniversary node/galactus/anniversary node/galactus. the loaner anniversary node over in versus resets the galactus fight. if you can save some health packs by strategically retreating, theoretically you can play until you drop if you can farm some health packs from tacos. it'd be nice to throw some wins in, but here in rd 6, those are few and far between. got very lucky once and won, but most of the time its only down to 4000 health or so before he gets 30 ap.
    When it resets it, you don't actually get the points. It scrolls points and looks like you gain them, but the end points are exactly the same as the points you start out with. I checked it to verify. You start the Galactus you unlocked with 680,000 points, beat him, the points will start somewhere and scroll like you're getting points but you end up right back at 680,000 points. All it does is waste your health, and reset your Galactus timer to 8 hrs. The only benefit is another shot at one of the 4 victory prizes... if you are victorious and if you don't get 20 iso instead. It must be the Galactus Essential that actually has to be beat to reset the point value or something. But it must be a glitch that any essential unlocks him... I haven't tried checking to see if he's unlocked after DDQ, since I don't want to mess up my Galactus timer. When I'm finished with my last clear of Galactus I'll see if DDQ essential unlocks him too.