How do we kill Galactus now that we've all tried it?



  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Is anyone in round 5 yet? How bad does it get?
  • Deimos12
    Deimos12 Posts: 230 Tile Toppler
    Mine won't! Because I'm locked out after round 2! Hurrah!!
  • emaker27
    emaker27 Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    JVReal wrote:
    Did they play test this after Round 4?

    I'm sure they did for weeks and maybe even a month or two... but then they continued tweaking the event almost until the last minute leaving very little time if any to play test the final product.

    I'm a little biased due to being a tester, but a popular issue at any development company is not placing a great enough importance on testing. The entire dev cycle is available for use by the dev team and the test team has to use whatever time is left over.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Scarlet Witch, Iron Fist, X-Force Wolverine. Maxed IF purple does solid damage on a mid-round Galactus (we'll see about rounds 5 and up later) and X-Force shakes up the board whenever possible. Also nobody in the team uses blue, which is Galactus' best color, so I can keep it on the board for Surgical Strike.

    That's the team I started with.

    Worked great.

    In Rounds 1 AND 2 icon_lol.gif

    This is what I used on late Rd 3 and early Rd 4....and it worked great on most boards. I did end up with one where it fell him about 80% down before things got devoured. Little nervous about Round 5+.
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    It's all fair and dandy recommending one team. But what about the players that don't have those three specific characters lol. I failed in round 3 the time I tried after very little turns. It's just.. what's the point. You die before you can even chip his health. On this round it shouldn't be doing that. We're only on round 4 now and I'm worried. Shouldn't an event like this be doable with varied rosters, not those that have been lucky enough to attain a very small set of specific characters.

    This is overwhelmingly unfair..
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Xforce, Classic Magneto, and Loki seems to work for me.

    Magneto removes all team-ups, XForce Removes all Blues -> Cascade frenzy.

    Loki's Purple is the cheapest shake up I could find, though maybe Juggernaut's Green is better (though I rather use green on Xforce).
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic here (and I have been locked out since round 1 so I can't test the theory) but this feels in feasibly difficult. If G makes two CDs each turn, each of which resolves into two cosmic tiles each of which is worth 2 AP then if you match none of them, each turn from 4 onwards he gets 8AP. Even if you could match one CD per turn he's still getting 4 AP each turn. It seems like you have to be able to down him by turn 10 or, even with the best luck in the world, you're a dead.

    I don't known if I'm missing something but that doesn't feel like a challenge so much as a massacre.
  • A lot of these posts read like round 1-3 tips. How about some round 4+ tips? My only tip is pick a color and move fast, he blew me away every time.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    I woke up this morning, my alliance already on round 4... Deja vu to the Ultron event. Serves me right for living in Asia.

    Anyway, I beat him 4 of 6 times, losing the first round because of the ****? factor.

    I used the team of SS (around 260) to get solid match damage, Jean Grey because she's boosted and her purple destroys countdowns, and Patch because his green exponentially increases damage (and JG can destroy the purple attack tiles). I'd like to try the ProfX/SW/GSBW too, that could be very effective.
  • hamsingame
    hamsingame Posts: 66 Match Maker
    For my 6 round 4s I did:

    1. Winfinity (Prof X, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow 3*) [Win]
    2. Winfinity [Lose horribly]
    3. Wolverine 4*, Widow 2*, Iceman [Win, very lucky cascades though]
    4. Wolverine 4*, Iron Fist, Scarlet Witch [Win]
    5. Wolverine 4*, Iron Fist, Scarlet Witch [Lose]
    6. Wolverine 4*, Iron Fist, Scarlet Witch [Win]

    My thoughts are that winfinity you'll be fine unless his first two countdowns put special tiles near your Witch countdown in which case you won't get the initial match 5 and you'll quickly have a board flooded with special tiles and lose. The Wolv/IF/SW team seemed solid; you sort of get 3 fairly cheap board shakes with IF purple, SW blue, Wolv green...but as soon as it ramps up a bit more it'll be no good - those matches I think I won 1 maybe 2 turns from death.
  • Wooodd
    Wooodd Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    I'm firmly in 2* land so there's little to no chance of me downing him now were in round 3. He gets his 30 blacks before I can get enough for any of my moves. Sure I've had **** luck with the opening board, but still.

    Is his CD's starting at 2 instead of 3 a bug or is the description wrong? I think round 1 was the same, 3 instead of 4.

    Either way I'll keep poking him, every point helps.
  • I was only able to do round 1, been locked out since. Is that working as intended? I thought new rounds would unlock the fights? I've got another hour still before I can try round 4.
  • "Kill it kill it now" seems to be what's worked best for me.

    Still waiting on my chance to take on Round 4. It worked well on Round 3 (4/6 wins)

    And even if you don't win, well. get points for the damage you do.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    About to jump back in. I'm going to use Surfer as a tinykitty to Galactus.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Prof X/GSBW/SW has worked for me everytime on Round 4 except the match I forgot to use +2 purple.
  • I just got bodied 3x in a row on level 3, outside of some lucky cascades I cant get anything off. Oh well back to diablo, was worth a shot icon_lol.gif
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Round 5 is bullpucky. Two sets of countdown tiles and he blows you up.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    colwag wrote:
    "Kill it kill it now" seems to be what's worked best for me.

    Still waiting on my chance to take on Round 4. It worked well on Round 3 (4/6 wins)

    And even if you don't win, well. get points for the damage you do.

    Fry: "I heard one time you single-handedly defeated a horde of rampaging somethings in the something something system"
    Brannigan: "Galactus? A trifle. It was simply a matter of outsmarting him."
    Fry: "Wow, I never would've thought of that."
    Brannigan: "You see, Galactus has a preset kill limit. Knowing his weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at him until he reached his limit and shut down."
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Buret0 wrote:
    About to jump back in. I'm going to use Surfer as a tinykitty to Galactus.

    Just did six clears with no problem using XFW/IF/Surfer.

    Match damage from Surfer on those black tiles does wonders... haven't had to use an AP boost or a match damage boost yet, but if the difficulty ramps up I'm guessing that black match damage + All AP boost + black/green AP boost will become necessary to avoid catastrophe.

    If your Surfer is three covers or less, probably just use Scarlet Witch.
  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I am waiting for my Round 5 now. Round four for me, used GSBW/SW/PX. Wiped once, beat him other 3 times. Juggs team-up or Punisher Retribution team-up will come in handy later, I feel.

    There will only be a few people who will have a lot of luck on Round 8, it seems. Going to be nothing but countdowns on the board.

    My alliance, Deadpool's Rings, is currently on 5. Galactus is at level 250. I have been super un-lucky with my Legendary Token pulls. No SS or OML to save me or help with match damage.