How do we kill Galactus now that we've all tried it?



  • Alzulra
    Alzulra Posts: 18
    I've been having decent luck with Patch, Blade, and IF with boosts. With the +4 to green (+2 green/black, +2 all) I can generally get enough for berserker rage. Also prioritize black, to steal his black and prolong the game a turn or two. Ignore red, to trigger strike tiles from Blade. IF's attack tile does all the dirty work while I try to match away what I can. It's gone about 50/50, but least I do some decent damage before wiping. My alliance is on round 4.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wondered if using Mohawk to fill up the board and block countdown/cosmic tiles from spawning could work. Glad to see it does.

    I'm still having success with IF/SW/X-Force. Five wins in six tries during Round Five, using only ISO AP boosts.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Very, very limited roster for success in this one. So disappointed in this even though my IF/XFW/Torch won 4/6 times... This is not how this event should be going.
  • Gandalf333
    Gandalf333 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    It was doable in early rounds when he wasn't spitting out two countdown tiles a turn that then spit out what... 4-5 charged tiles apiece (and I'm only round 4 in my group)? I had bad enough luck once that I was dead during the fourth turn, because the board gave hardly any match chances and I could do squat about it. But even when I could match a bit, I was still dead in another turn or two. I just faced him six times and rarely got to taking half his health off.

    There's no real strategy to this, as far as I can tell. You can pray that you get the tiles on the board that will fire your abilities quickly, and that's it. And most of the board shake abilities out there (outside of Loki) cost more tiles than you can count on getting in a color.

    Ultron at least had some strategy to it and characters that worked better for what was going on. I guess I'll throw myself at the wall once in awhile the next few days to hopefully get us through another round, but this isn't fun in the slightest.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gandalf333 wrote:
    Ultron at least had some strategy to it and characters that worked better for what was going on. I guess I'll throw myself at the wall once in awhile the next few days to hopefully get us through another round, but this isn't fun in the slightest.

    Your final point seems to be the crucial one, considering that there is so little else going on in the game while this is running, it seems ridiculous for it to have been designed in a way that seemingly goes out of its way to not be fun.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    dasquish wrote:
    So, now that the people with the insane 5* that no one has yet have spoken, here's a 3* combo that works pretty well:
    SW/GSBW/Mohawk (or 2storm)
    Get 11 purple for GSBW, fill out green, use Mohawk green and yellow, save black, repeat. once you have enough black for 2 hailstorms, use it to fill the board. Use GSBW red to clear some space and take out any new countdown tiles. Repeat, or just keep using the purple and green. I've won 2 out of 3 on round 5 so far with this. Round 5 is absolutely crazy though. 2 countdown tiles, 2 turns each, cosmic tiles generate 3AP. Every other combo I've tried is about 30% success. Rounds 6-8 are going to be nigh impossible.

    And this shows that the developers might not have actually tried taking down Galactus themselves.
  • Loftus
    Loftus Posts: 79 Match Maker
    The scaling is absolutely ridiculous, even for mpq standards icon_neutral.gif

    Found myself going from not even slightly being threatened in rounds one and two to getting completely curbstomped in round three.

    If the scaling continues at this rate by round 5 i expect him to start the match with 27 black ap icon_eek.gif
  • theshadeofopal
    theshadeofopal Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Anyone tried grocket with some green feeders or storm? Their ability to only wipeout nonfriendly tiles outside of the central block seems like it might work pretty well against big purp.
  • Banacek555
    Banacek555 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Hi - does anyone know if you fire off a DP Whales Whales Whales MEGA Button - does it INSTA kill Galactus?
  • Loftus wrote:
    The scaling is absolutely ridiculous, even for mpq standards icon_neutral.gif

    Found myself going from not even slightly being threatened in rounds one and two to getting completely curbstomped in round three.

    If the scaling continues at this rate by round 5 i expect him to start the match with 27 black ap icon_eek.gif

    "Curbstomp". One of my favorite words. And totally apt for the moment.

    When did they decide that 30 was the magic number? At stage 5, that amounts to basically 4 turns and a wipe. If you don't catch a purely magical break, you're done for.

    By stage 6 and up, if the scaling holds true, you've got 2 turns to bust a move. There aren't even any 4* teams with boosts that are operating that fast.

    (/fantasy mode engaged) DEVS - Please tell the player base how they are supposed to achieve the established goals under these circumstances? There must be some strategy that will be successful, because otherwise why would you create a task that is impossible for the vast majority of said players? (/end fantasy mode)
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    nwman wrote:
    Px sw gsbw worked 1 in 5 so far on round 5.

    Worst event ever.

    I've been using that team as me 3/6 wins in round 5 so far. Basically it comes down to luck. If you're ready to fire gsbw purple with the first cdt from sw you have a good chance at winning...otherwise you're toast.
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    Round 6.. Things are getting out of hands.. Basically i m making 2 moves and then cosmic wrath tearing my team apart.. Im so frustrated atm.. Wow..
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 6 is 3x 2 turn CD tiles that make 4 tiles each, each tile is worth 4 AP. If you can't destroy 2 CD tiles you're basically dead turn 5.
  • DrLemniscate
    DrLemniscate Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I'm thinking that trying to race his health bar will be impossible in some of the higher rounds.

    OBW/Shulk is a good combo. OBW's Blue scales with the number of countdown tiles, and her Pink steals tons of AP. Then just use Shulk's green whenever you are near the danger zone and can fire it 3 times in a row.

    For a 3rd, Starlord is crazy if you can get his Yellow off even once. Hood may be better, but has the same problem of not doing anything for a few turns, until there is AP to steal. Regardless, Hood does get you Rainbow actives, and plays better with OBW's black by letting her tank more colors.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    dkffiv wrote:
    Round 6 is 3x 2 turn CD tiles that make 4 tiles each, each tile is worth 4 AP. If you can't destroy 2 CD tiles you're basically dead turn 5.

    Lol. Holy ****.

    Hood has been able to steal some AP for me on the lower rounds. Doesn't really slow G down, but it has allowed me to activate a couple extra abilities.

    I even survived my last encounter with XFW/Hood/IF even though the starting board had four purples and none of them were close together. Forced me to get black and green to trigger XFW. SS nearly killed him, so I actually ended up using the green to get IFs strike tiles out to pump up his attack tile damage for the last round kill.
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    dkffiv wrote:
    Round 6 is 3x 2 turn CD tiles that make 4 tiles each, each tile is worth 4 AP. If you can't destroy 2 CD tiles you're basically dead turn 5.

    stfu. Really??? So, PX/GSBW/SW and pray there is a purple match 5 to start the board.

    Y'know they're going to tell us that this can't be changed until run 2, so I have a feeling we're stuck with whatever this is.

    I have no idea what kind of compensation they were having nightmares about last night but I bet none of the devs got a good nights sleep.

    I don't really feel bad about that.
  • Flare808
    Flare808 Posts: 266
    ZeroKarma wrote:
    dkffiv wrote:
    Round 6 is 3x 2 turn CD tiles that make 4 tiles each, each tile is worth 4 AP. If you can't destroy 2 CD tiles you're basically dead turn 5.

    stfu. Really??? So, PX/GSBW/SW and pray there is a purple match 5 to start the board.

    Y'know they're going to tell us that this can't be changed until run 2, so I have a feeling we're stuck with whatever this is.

    I have no idea what kind of compensation they were having nightmares about last night but I bet none of the devs got a good nights sleep.

    I don't really feel bad about that.

    Yep- wiped when I tried using winfinite in round 6. You're pretty much rolling the dice that SWitch's coundown tile won't be on the edge of the board, not be surrounded by Galactus tiles, and then pop for a match 5. Barring that, winfinite fails.

    I'm interested to what the devs say tomorrow in reaction to the forum rage. They've dropped the ball in comparison to last year.
  • Willis
    Willis Posts: 49
    I'm on round 5 here and I only have 2 words for this event. Not fun. It's as simple as that. If we are truly intended to suicide our guys trying to beat Galactus then I am just completely baffled that anyone would think that's a good idea. This is just pure luck and just overall not an enjoyable experience. If you don't get a favorable board you just get curb stomped within the first several turns. Ultron required some amount of luck in later rounds but you weren't going in dead on arrival.

    Small edit: I also want to add in that Galactus' ability states he makes 3 turn countdown tiles but they're quite clearly 2 turn tiles.
  • bobbyfish
    bobbyfish Posts: 299
    Round 5 victory with OBW/Punisher and a couple of additional blue. Got a bit lucky with the clearances from Punisher Green but otherwise as long as you can blue up it's doable. Bring someone else to the table to clear the odd extras maybe but I didn't even use Hood. Then get to 40% and instakill.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm using Fist/Torch/Patch.

    This way even if I dont kill him I've taken off a good chunk of his health leaving me with a decent return of points for my effort.