Venting and Anger Thread - Please read OP Carefully!



  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    That's not how time slices work. Events still come three to a week. Under the schedule they have used since forever, and which they used in the last anniversary, 10 days = 4 PvP events. And Black Mirror is ending on schedule, with no weird one-day extension, so if they're extending events they're not even extending all of them.

    Granted, literally everything else about this mini-season is broken so I won't be too shocked if I turn out to be wrong, but right now all evidence points toward a fourth event that will start Thursday evening and run through late night Sunday.
  • It's a ten day "season," so that should mean four events. Black Vortex ends Sunday, then Class of 2015 and Devil Dinosaur brings us to Friday, but the anniversary season ends that Sunday so there ought to be one more.

    even if it was a 4 days event, having to hit at least 1k for each event and maintain it among possible snipes using your HP is a tough ball game, not only for 3* transitioners, but some of the 4*.

    If anniversary was meant to be a fun event, this grinding kind of makes me not want any anniversary events.

    But since it is still the first day, we shall see how the devs think about this. They should by now have seen enough feedback from all of us.
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    That's not how time slices work. Events still come three to a week. Under the schedule they have used since forever, and which they used in the last anniversary, 10 days = 4 PvP events. And Black Mirror is ending on schedule, with no weird one-day extension, so if they're extending events they're not even extending all of them.

    Granted, literally everything else about this mini-season is broken so I won't be too shocked if I turn out to be wrong, but right now all evidence points toward a fourth event that will start Thursday evening and run through late night Sunday.
    4 x 2.5 = exactly 10 but the later slices start after the 10 day counter when 9.5 days remain. If you pick the same slice for all events there is no point in time in which 2 pvps run at the same moment. Hence you can't get the last one in.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    You definitely can get that last one in. PvP schedule over a ten-day span, ignoring the event already running when that day starts:

    Start at 8 PM on Thursday with the beginning of the weekend PvP. One event in progress.

    Saturday: First time slice of the mid-week PvP starts at 10 PM. Two days elapsed. Two events in progress.

    Sunday: Weekend PvP ends in the late night. Three days elapsed. One event done, one in progress.

    Tuesday: Late-week PvP starts at 10 PM(ish? I forget exactly when). Five days elapsed. One event done, two in progress.

    Wednesday: Mid-week PvP ends at 3 PM. Six days elapsed. Two events done, one in progress.

    Thursday: Weekend PvP begins at 8 PM. Seven days elapsed. Two events done, two in progress.

    Friday: Late-week PvP ends at 3 AM. Eight days elapsed. Three events done, one in progress.

    Sunday: Weekend PvP ends at 3 AM. Ten days elapsed. Four events done.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now if I can return to the negativity this thread is designed for:

    You know what's really disappointing about the crapshoot that is fighting Galactus? It's not even accurate to the comics. Yes, Galactus is a monstrously powerful superbeing, but in his iconic first appearance the Fantastic Four took three issues messing with his machinations before it was do-or-die time! And yet he destroys the world in six turns in game? I call hax.
  • teef1
    teef1 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    It's a ten day "season," so that should mean four events. Black Vortex ends Sunday, then Class of 2015 and Devil Dinosaur brings us to Friday, but the anniversary season ends that Sunday so there ought to be one more.

    There is one more. Women of Marvel.

  • Now if I can return to the negativity this thread is designed for:

    You know what's really disappointing about the crapshoot that is fighting Galactus? It's not even accurate to the comics. Yes, Galactus is a monstrously powerful superbeing, but in his iconic first appearance the Fantastic Four took three issues messing with his machinations before it was do-or-die time! And yet he destroys the world in six turns in game? I call hax.


    DOES he destroy the world in game, or just the team of flies swatting him?

    I mean it's pretty accurate for "Galactus defeats a few bugs before they sting him more"

    The whole 3.5 day event is "Galactus messing with his machinations before do-or-die time"

    Also, his appearing in Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, was still taking 3 issues to get there, but the 3 issues was just him flying there under the general guideline of "Yeah I'm not going to do that whole send a herald to let them know I'm coming so they can stop me because that's not exactly a great plan so I'm just going to go there and just eat it." aka "Once I get there, you're all screwed."

    He's improved his strategy since then.
  • Benjermain
    Benjermain Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    I had a dream about Anniversary 3:

    D3 devs go to each player's house and punch them in the throat.

    "We wanted to personally reach out to each of our player base and let them know, 'We've been reading your comments and we hate each and every one of you.'"

    Fortunately it was just a dream. I knew this because the devs would NEVER deign to communicate with us.
  • Nellobee
    Nellobee Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    Like any overstimulated 2-year-old, MPQ is now cranky and annoying everyone.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    I'm sorry.

    *deep breath*

    I'm a 35 year old guy. I have experienced things in my life that have caused me to be able to see things from various perspectives, to try and walk in another person's shoes, to not make snap judgements and use reason to come to more logical conclusions. To be calm. To be patient. To talk to people and convince them to think critically before taking up their pitchforks and storming the castle. But this time...

    I'm with the mob.

    There is no reason for this. This entire "celebration" of yours is an absolute failure. And it's barely started! Lowering the odds of getting anything from tokens. Taking strategies that people started coming up with and using them AGAINST your playerbase and horrendously overtweaking what should have been an entertaining boss battle. Right now, the best thing about your anniversary from the perspective of players is the sale, and that's still really only good for you, because it's us giving you money.

    I have played a number of online games. Many of them have freebies, swag for their fans, or better odds at specific things during every holiday you can name. You don't. You have a week that celebrates a single day. You had 365 days to come up with something as good or better than your last anniversary, and in every single way, you have managed to turn it sour.

    I can't walk in your shoes on this one. I can't find the words that could possibly link the actions you have taken with "a fun celebration for all to enjoy". If one were to liken this to a real birthday celebration, it would be the equivalent of the birthday boy taking a large dump on the cake and forcing all his friends to eat a slice while he sits back and grins.

    To paraphrase one of my favorite video game YouTubers, "You done messed it up."
  • Why oh why did u decide to take away double ISO in prologue this year? Is it because I mentioned a couple weeks ago in another thread how that helped me greatly in my 2* transition last year? Poor noobs in my alliance are feeling robbed. They cant play Galactus and pvp only goes so far. It's a small gripe in the grand scheme but it comes off as so cheap to me.
  • There is no reason for this. This entire "celebration" of yours is an absolute failure. And it's barely started! Lowering the odds of getting anything from tokens. Taking strategies that people started coming up with and using them AGAINST your playerbase and horrendously overtweaking what should have been an entertaining boss battle. Right now, the best thing about your anniversary from the perspective of players is the sale, and that's still really only good for you, because it's us giving you money.

    I have played a number of online games. Many of them have freebies, swag for their fans, or better odds at specific things during every holiday you can name. You don't. You have a week that celebrates a single day. You had 365 days to come up with something as good or better than your last anniversary, and in every single way, you have managed to turn it sour.

    I can't walk in your shoes on this one. I can't find the words that could possibly link the actions you have taken with "a fun celebration for all to enjoy". If one were to liken this to a real birthday celebration, it would be the equivalent of the birthday boy taking a large dump on the cake and forcing all his friends to eat a slice while he sits back and grins.

    To paraphrase one of my favorite video game YouTubers, "You done messed it up."

    YOU'RE AWESOME!!!! TOTALLY AGREE bluecrit.pnggreencrit.pngpurplecrit.pngredcrit.pngyellowcrit.pngwhitecrit.png

  • AtlasAxe
    AtlasAxe Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    A new bit of fun to add to the tinykitty storm, see this that I posted in the Bug forum:


    Would love to know if anyone else can do this. One of my team mates cannot, but I consistently can.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Can't wait for the Deb comment along the lines of ....

    "Beating r8 galacticus with a part cover 1* - don't know why the player base is moaning"

    Utterly stupid event - makes me very sad for the lack of future for the game - never spending money again and seriously considering hunting for something new to play.

    I don't think it's a lack of respect for the player base - my concern is these consistent issues on difficulty, SS scaling impact, 4* ddq node etc are signs of just sheer incompetence - probably well meaning people who for are just no good as designing a game.

    In about 3 or 4 runs they'll balance galacticus out so its hard but fair and feel very good about themselves but only because we are paying beta tester and I for one would rather disappear to play Halo 5 or battlefront in the next couple of months - anniversary was there opportunity to energise me and excite - was all set to sink some cold hard cash into a few stark salaries - think I'll just burn the notes it'd be more fulfilling and product than throwing it into this pile of steaming excrement
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have been one to defend Demiurge and D3 Go! in a lot of things, trying to point out people's errors/misunderstandings, so that outrage gets saved for the times that it is deserved. This is one of those times, where I don't think any complaint made right now, is going to be invalid. A lot of the goodwill that they've built up over the past months, in my mind, has been washed away with the roll out of the anniversary events. I took over for jffdougan in creating the PVE event threads, with powered up list / rewards, etc, but I'm done doing that now.

    Most of the complaints I have, have already been voiced, and I'm posting in this thread because of another recent trend, of locking threads on multiple topics. I can understand merging the threads, but locking them and posting a link to the original thread, in essence, kills 2 threads.

    I'll probably be a lot less vocal on the forums, because I'll follow a trend that Demiurge and D3 Go! have set a precedent for, poor or completely absent communication. That was a problem that was highlighted with the Gauntlet 10 pk picture error months back. D3 Go! did a lot better in recent months, after shutting down the spoiler thread, by posting the monthly sneak peek threads. IceIX was in and out of threads, posting info / answering questions, and although I missed the actual line Q&A, the transcript was pretty great. There has been one post, stating that they've acknowledged and are working on the server outage errors, but nothing to address gameplay questions regarding the Galactus event, which would be really helpful. We can gather and compile the strategies ourselves, but it sucks to have to do that, as we go.

    When I saw the score totals required for the 8 rounds, I thought it was plausible to get through all 8, if the rules were similar to the Ultron runs (specifically nodes resetting with round completion). With the difficulty in Round 5, and the likelihood of it going up in subsequent rounds, and what the actual rules are coming to be (intended or unintended), the likelihood of getting through 8 rounds seems less and less possible. Time will tell, but from the current standpoint, things are looking grim.

    If there was only a problem here or there, the situation wouldn't be as bad. But there are multiple problems, which when all combined, make for a very bleak outlook. It is very demoralizing and the faith that I have in Demiurge and D3 Go! is a lot less than before this event started 14 hours ago. I hope it gets better, but I'm keeping my expectations very low, so that there isn't much to be disappointed by.
  • gigatilburg29
    gigatilburg29 Posts: 88 Match Maker
    Opened an token hulk cover icon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Many people have summed up the problems very well so I won't elaborate but will just say what a MASSIVE let down this is. Like a bored married couple going through the motions rather than a happy event.

    I am only still playing this game because of DDQ and because the anniversary was a few months off when I got tired of the grind. Now the pressure's on you DDQ! Though I imagine when the long run of 4* challenges gets to all the people I haven't sufficient covers for (basically Ant man onwards and will probably struggle with all the remaining after Thor's challenge) I will probably give up totally

    Would like to say a few words of thanks for the mods. They have to deal with this sort of fallout too often, they don't create it and they aren't paid for it. Maybe the devs will send them a couple of anniversary tokens as thanks, 500 iso seems to be considered a great reward these days
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    tmurf5387 wrote:
    I find it crazy how a level 166 team of 3 stars can die in 5-7 rounds on level 3. Spawning 2 countdown tiles every turn means you can not actually deny him his cosmic tiles. I fear what happens in his later forms.

    Wow, you made it to 5 turns? Good on you! I was lucky to make it 4. And to top it off, my OBW purple was not working. Did not take anything away!
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    From the October video
    Casey wrote:
    Casey: It's going to be a lot like the Ultron encounter. The Galactus battle will be totally different, but the structure of it will be the same.

    Except the structure is not the same. New round does not unlock Galactus node or Essential nodes.
    Casey wrote:
    Casey: We've worked really hard to streamline it so that… There's a lot of improvements that you guys have asked for in this Boss Battle over Ultron. So I'm really excited and hope you guys check it out and let us know what you think.

    Could I suggest you save the improvements for any future re-runs, and basically just reskin a system that we know the rules for and are able to plan for? That or let us know the rules ahead of time. The June run of Ultron went a lot smoother than the initial April runs of Ultron, but the desirable rewards were in the April run. Maybe when there are desirable rewards, you run an event that might work out smoothly, and save the streamlining for the re-runs, with less desirable rewards, so if there are problems, minimal or multiple (like this Galactus run), there is less on the line and less outrage for problems.
    Miles wrote:
    Miles: I've been playing it. It's a ton of fun. I think we learned a lot when we did Ultron, and as fun as that was, this is even more fun.

    Can I play the version that you played? I would like to have fun, and the version that I'm playing is actually a lot less fun.
This discussion has been closed.