Venting and Anger Thread - Please read OP Carefully!



  • bobby_2613
    bobby_2613 Posts: 83 Match Maker
    C'mon D3 Go / Demiurge... How is THAT supposed to be FUN? I was foolish enough to think you would give us an entertaining anniversary but... No... icon_e_sad.gif You had to push Galactus beyond challenging... Why? WHY??? I'm very, very, VERY disappointed in you.

    Oh I see... It's not our anniversary but YOURS... I get it now.

    Please, don't bother to invite me next year cause your party tinykitty stinks. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    It's pretty clear I made the right decision in closing my wallet to D3.

    Marvel Future Fight gives me free crystals, free biometrics, new content, new gameplay modes, etc, on a fairly regular basis, and does a pretty good job at minimizing the "fed to the whales" feeling (you can skip PVP entirely if you want, you don't miss out on a whole lot).

    Meanwhile, D3 is so tinykitty obsessed with not over-distributing their precious 4* & 5* cards to free/low-$ players, they took the draconian step of reducing token odds on the Anniversary tokens! And making their supposedly exciting anniversary event a 5-turn "YOU LOSE! HAHA! NO NEW CYCLOPS FOR YOU!" experience. (Edit to add: I understand that by round 6, which my alliance will never reach, it's more like a 3-turn "YOU LOSE!" scenario. Yeah, that sounds real fun, D3. icon_rolleyes.gif )

    It's clear which game wants its players to have fun, and which game wants its players to open up their wallets or get lost.

    And oh yeah - I can't connect again. Just tried. "Check Internet Connection". Tinykitty that. I was playing FF for nearly an hour beforehand just fine.

    This game won't make it to a 3rd anniversary. If it does, I'll very likely be gone by then.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Woke up this morning and decided I'd try to get Galactus points no matter how few. I've decided to skip the anniversary pvp completely. Don't need DD covers and fighting for **** Anniversary tokens isn't appealing. Basically the only reward is the legendary which I need to hit 1k or 1333 per to get which means I'll be fighting for more **** anniversary tokens. Could I use the 1k covers? Probably, I needXDP red but who knows on the next two. Anyway, I picked up my iPad to get Galactus over with andddddd. Check internet connection. Got in after 10 minutes and played a node andddddd com link disrupted. Can't get back in right now. The pile gets deeper....
  • Gimme a free 40 pack D3 and all sins are forgiven icon_e_wink.gif no? didn't think so
  • Yes it's not that good with server issues, but I can still remember the 1st Ultron (disaster) event, that was really bad.

    At the moment I'm fine with it, played yesterday and today, there are times when the server are struggling, okay, but it could be more worse.

    The ranglists are the problem at the moment, rewards are coming not at the point of reaching list points, because I had been attacked icon_eek.gificon_mrgreen.gif but this is manageable, because we get so much ISO and tokens.

    Galactus is on stage 4 for me and my buddies hard to handle, that is where my anger sits. But this is gamestuff, we'll work on that.

    And yes, nobody needs pressure and bad attacks at the devs. It's just a game - remember that.
  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    Ultron Vs Galactus

    Ultron - If you didn't get in early you missed rewards - Galactus fix = Screw over those who cleared the first and lock them out! Yay!

    Ultron - If you couldn't beat the boss, it wasn't awful you still made a dent - Galactus fix = 5 turns of match damage. Yay!

    Ultron - One special tile per turn, with strategy you can play around, and absorb a few hits - Galactus fix = 2x2count down tiles. Unlikely to be able to match both. Impossible to plan a strategy, needs lucky cascades needed to win! Yay!

    Ultron - Server problems - Galactus fix = NONE! Yay!
  • Zix
    Zix Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Need to vent.

    I carefully shield my way up to the 900s in the deadpool pvp. On my way to getting my first carnage cover. Take a break from work this morning so I can shield-hop, and MORE **** CONNECTION ISSUES prevent me from re-shielding. My not-quite maxxed out 3 star team is going to be hanging out there with a big target painted on it for all the maxed out rosters to farm points off of for their epic token. ENJOY. Glad I shielded 3 times to get here.

    Why the **** am I playing this game again?
  • My story for the last 15 minutes:

    Locked out of Galactus Hungers for a few hours, decide to play the PVP instead. PVP nodes disappear after a fight and don't come back, must be a bug. Force close app. Check internet connection.

    +10 minutes: get back in, still have missing nodes in the PVP. /rant
  • sc0ville
    sc0ville Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    Pessi wrote:
    Ultron Vs Galactus

    Ultron - If you didn't get in early you missed rewards - Galactus fix = Screw over those who cleared the first and lock them out! Yay!

    Ultron - If you couldn't beat the boss, it wasn't awful you still made a dent - Galactus fix = 5 turns of match damage. Yay!

    Ultron - One special tile per turn, with strategy you can play around, and absorb a few hits - Galactus fix = 2x2count down tiles. Unlikely to be able to match both. Impossible to plan a strategy, needs lucky cascades needed to win! Yay!

    Ultron - Server problems - Galactus fix = NONE! Yay!

    Funny, you're obviously not in Round6 yet. by round 6 you get 3 turns of match damage, Galactus has ended the game by turn 3 on half my matches.
  • I was so anxious and excited for this event. We have been staring at that countdown timer for nearly 3 weeks. We then learned that it would be similar to the Ultron event. This was nice because my roster is much better than it was back then. I was so pumped and ready to smash Galactus into the ground. Unfortunately, that is not what is happening. I started the event the minute it was open, and I was locked out of the game after 2 fights. I did not get back in for nearly 2 hours. Okay, I can deal with that. It was semi expected.
    Now we are on round 5, and fighting Galactus is basically a quick way to kill off 3 characters in 4 turns. I know it's mostly because I am getting really bad board layouts, but come on. This is ridiculous.

    Also, my token drops have been ABYSMAL! I've opened 10-12 Galactus and Anniversary tokens (combined) and I've received ONLY 2*'s. THAT'S IT! Not only is this event very difficult, but it is **** on my chest when it comes to luck. Everyone in my alliance is rolling in the gold covers. 3 and 4 *'s, while I sit here stacking up iso in 250 increments.
  • sc0ville wrote:
    Funny, you're obviously not in Round6 yet. by round 6 you get 3 turns of match damage, Galactus has ended the game by turn 3 on half my matches.

    Same here. I came back to see if I could beat all rounds of the event as a last hurrah to cap off my quitting MPQ. So far, I'm regretting this decision.

    It's clearly a fixable issue. If they up the countdown length and/or reduce the amount of AP Galactus gets from his super-AP tiles at the higher rounds, it becomes a race-to-clear instead of a 3-turn wipefest.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    I think the problem stems from the original description stating that the CD tiles turned into Cosmic Tiles.

    When people started throwing strategies about AP drain/stealing they got scared and changed the description to read that the CD tile creates unspecified number of Cosmic tiles.

    Going with the original thought that 1 CD tile = 1 Cosmic Tile... even if it generates 2-4 AP, this game is playable. That one change steamrolled and exponentially tinykittied up the rest of the scaling they had tested and played and had fun with.

    This is my honest theory of what I believe happened based on the descriptive changes that happened parallel to the strategy discussions, which you can read here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33376
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Zix wrote:
    Need to vent.

    I carefully shield my way up to the 900s in the deadpool pvp. On my way to getting my first carnage cover. Take a break from work this morning so I can shield-hop, and MORE tinykitty CONNECTION ISSUES prevent me from re-shielding. My not-quite maxxed out 3 star team is going to be hanging out there with a big target painted on it for all the maxed out rosters to farm points off of for their epic token. ENJOY. Glad I shielded 3 times to get here.

    Why the tinykitty am I playing this game again?

    You're describing my exact situation. Shielded now at 954 (highest PVP score ever so far) and need one hop to get that Carnage cover. I've spent 525 HP on shields so far and I'm soooo scared that I'm going to get that connection issue problem before I can finish my last hop. I have 7hrs left to make an attempt, so will avoid doing it around 12p (Galactus node reset), but I'm going to be ticked if I can't make it bcs of server problems.
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    I have been around for a while, quit the grind months ago and came back recently. Was looking forward to anniversary week as last year the event was quite a joy.

    This year? Nothing of the sort.

    First of all, this is a great opportunity to be "generous" and finally give players a bit of a break with tokens, covers, iso. The influx of new 4* characters makes chasing the whales harder now than ever before. This week can be used to level the playing field just a bit while still giving the whales new shiny toys (5*).

    Instead? Double iso is limited to a few events instead of impacting everything like it did last time. ISO is needed more than ever and everyone is hurting, the developers are just oozing with contempt for the players by advertising the **** out of anniversary week and double iso, but where is it realistically?

    The token odds are absolutely pathetic. The fact that people are opening up these VERY HARD to get tokens and getting flooded with 2* on the two year anniversary is something that should give everyone pause. Think about how obnoxious it is to advertise the hell out of an event and the rewards from these super limited shiny tokens that people could have gotten about 2 years ago? What?

    Galactus is a joke. It does not require data mining to see that after a certain while even the most seasoned of rosters are going down in 3 turns. THREE TURNS. Whose idea of fun was that exactly? This results in people draining health packs at a mega rate and spending iso/hp on boosts. Wait a second, I thought the point of the event was to be a bit generous for 8 days.

    Instead players are getting frustrated and are actually being forced to spend more money just to keep up. This is a cruel joke in reality, the only people celebrating this anniversary are the developers from all the poor suckers who took advantage of this amazing 30% discount.

    Not sure what else is left to say. Just very disappointing.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 533 Critical Contributor
    This entire situation should also be an object lesson to the player base - Never discuss strategy on an event or character that hasn't started/been released yet.
    Many have attributed the most negative changes to this event as being based on comments by forum members in an informational thread.

    The developers are not your friends or alliance mates. I love to talk strategy but do it over PMs or a chat app for upcoming events. Their primary goal is not to make the game entertaining for you but to sell you tokens & heath packs.

    They also clearly have no respect for the player base in that it's been almost 24 hours with no comment from any D3/Demiurge employee to clarify even the most basic questions about the gameplay.

    They would much rather be enjoying NY ComiCon and telling people how great their game is rather than even taking 5 minutes to address any concerns from players who have actually played this game for two years.
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2015
    Galactus sucks, tokens suck, anniversary sucks. Can we fix a solvable problem? We have too many damn stickies in this subforum. 10 stickies to 15 normal threads is too damn high. Let's let some of those older topics die already
  • To D3: For the longest time, you've kept me just hopeful enough that you were making changes for the better. There used to be a MAJOR lack of communication to your player base, and that was looking like it was getting better. More posts from reds, more details on upcoming events. We all felt more informed and, more importantly, that you wanted to address the one major complaint about your game.

    It got better to the point that when we'd ask about problems with the game and we'd get a response like "We're aware of this, but right now our focus is on ramping up for the anniversary event," that was good enough for us. It wasn't just good enough, it actually created excitement.

    Fast forward to what you were accomplishing: the event is an unplayable disaster, the token packs are a slap in the face, and we're back to NO communication at all. "We know there is a problem" is almost worse than nothing at all.

    On top of that, we're still seeing you push the problem down the road. "We're focusing on the anniversary event, so we don't have time to address these issues" has become "We're focusing on Comic Con, so we don't have time to address these issues." Well, it hasn't been stated as such, but it's been inferred from your deafening silence.

    There are some days that I've thought about stopping, but I've been pot committed. The time and money I've put into the game made it feel like folding was the worst move I can make, but I'm almost ready to make it now.

    This event is not a challenge. It's not even a coin flip. It feels like the scene in Vegas Vacation where Clark Griswold goes to the cut-rate casino and plays "Pick a Number Between One and Ten." What a shame... MPQ has become so flagrantly bad that it's really no better than a fake casino in a Chevy Chase movie. Well done.

    I don't want free covers. I don't want free tokens, free iso, free anything. I want a legit chance to win them.

    It's not unprecedented to re-run an event. If we don't get a re-run with a legit chance to win, this anniversary will end in our divorce papers. If it's too late to correct things on the second run, I expect to see the same thing there.

    I'm done for the weekend. In its current state, the game is a brick wall that I refuse to keep beating my head against. When you get back in the office on Monday, hopefully you see this message as you're reading the rest of them. I'm through giving you my money so you can build a wall between yourselves and the player base.
  • Two quick things -why are the UK costings for hero points etc approx 20% higher than US ones -$100 is not £79.99 -not even at the worst rip off exchange rates available.
    Can I set up a dollar account to not have to pay the extra? Surely supplying digital data isn't that more expensive in UK?

    Also just got a token for the Galactus event and when clicked on a lovely Gold logo appeared - a three star at least I thought possibly even a four - Nope tinykitty ISO points.
    Not funny , not funny at all.
  • I'm at least going to be fair and give y'all props for trying something new, lots of people on the forums have asked for new content and I'm really glad y'all are trying something new!

    That being said, in my 310 days of playing, this is by far my least favorite and engaging time in my history of MPQ. I was really looking forward to the anniversary as something awesome, and mentally I knew I'd probably spend more time and money playing this weekend.

    I've been really disappointed with changed drop rates to packs, so I actually probably won't end up purchasing them as my anniversary "thank you" for a great game. I am usually free to play, but figured the anniversary would be a wonderful time to support the game as they say "thank you" to me as well with probably a discount and a slightly higher rate on some good covers. At this point though, I'm already fully covered in my 3* and have terrible odds at hitting 4*, so I'll just continue to be free to play as I've always done.

    It's also been really disappointing that my time of play has been shortened to about 10 minutes every eight hours. My alliance is in Round 6, which means nodes unlock every 6 hours and are ridiculously underleveled, which makes them mindless and not enjoyable to play for the 60 seconds it takes to win the battle. Galactus eats the world in literally 4 moves pretty much every time, for another 90 second battle (and that's only because I'm looking twice as hard for match 5s to miraculously save the team).

    Again, I appreciate the effort on the new event, but agree with most folks here that this has been a significant letdown. At this point I'd enjoy it more if you scrapped the Anniversary event and went back to a boring story mission that we've had 10 times already (and that in and of itself is shocking to see myself type!)
  • Just wanted to add my voice to the disappointment here. This event is horrific. No alliance in my top tier alliance family (Medusa's Lair 1-5 and PVP represent) have been able to clear round 6, not even a quarter. We have come up with strategies to handle everything we could, but it's not even coin flip odds at this point as to whether we succeed, just death by turn 3. I can't even THINK of how we could do damage faster or clear more tiles. It's just terrible design. I posted here about how it might be fun to annihilate rosters every once in a while. I'm hoping if more people can contribute fun ideas for how to make something like this a blast, they'll see it and maybe rerun it with something fresh and mildly contextual.

    Also: Change the tinykitty odds on the anniversary tokens. Why so low? Get us some Devil Dinosaur and other 4*s. Hell, make it a 3* celebration. I don't even NEED 3*s anymore, but I want the player base to be able to catch up, maybe get some ISO out of it to level my roster that is slowly continuing the 4* transition.

    Come on devs, stop making me feel bad for recommending this game to friends and family. You're ruining my cred.
This discussion has been closed.