Venting and Anger Thread - Please read OP Carefully!



  • Progression token reveals my probably 1000th 2* classic storm cover!

  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    This was supposed to be a fun event, supposed to be a celebration.

    But instead of increasing their servers, they spent their money on TV adds.

    And wasn't this a great way to get and keep (at least long enough for them to spend some cash) new players?

    Give them a game that was unplayable because of server issues, and then a game that is pure luck to win. A good board, or dead by turn 4.
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Merrick wrote:

    Give them a game that was unplayable because of server issues, and then a game that is pure luck to win. A good board, or dead by turn 4.

    You can make Turn Four? Teach me your ways.
  • Ctenko wrote:
    Merrick wrote:

    Give them a game that was unplayable because of server issues, and then a game that is pure luck to win. A good board, or dead by turn 4.

    You can make Turn Four? Teach me your ways.

    The force is strooooooong!
  • Etheus
    Etheus Posts: 56
    I'm sorry.

    *deep breath*

    I'm a 35 year old guy. I have experienced things in my life that have caused me to be able to see things from various perspectives, to try and walk in another person's shoes, to not make snap judgements and use reason to come to more logical conclusions. To be calm. To be patient. To talk to people and convince them to think critically before taking up their pitchforks and storming the castle. But this time...

    I'm with the mob.

    There is no reason for this. This entire "celebration" of yours is an absolute failure. And it's barely started! Lowering the odds of getting anything from tokens. Taking strategies that people started coming up with and using them AGAINST your playerbase and horrendously overtweaking what should have been an entertaining boss battle. Right now, the best thing about your anniversary from the perspective of players is the sale, and that's still really only good for you, because it's us giving you money.

    I have played a number of online games. Many of them have freebies, swag for their fans, or better odds at specific things during every holiday you can name. You don't. You have a week that celebrates a single day. You had 365 days to come up with something as good or better than your last anniversary, and in every single way, you have managed to turn it sour.

    I can't walk in your shoes on this one. I can't find the words that could possibly link the actions you have taken with "a fun celebration for all to enjoy". If one were to liken this to a real birthday celebration, it would be the equivalent of the birthday boy taking a large dump on the cake and forcing all his friends to eat a slice while he sits back and grins.

    To paraphrase one of my favorite video game YouTubers, "You done messed it up."

    I logged back in just to +1 that comment.
    I would have done it sooner, but I entered a trance-like state and survived into my 4th turn on round 6. I think it involved matching 2 cosmic tiles so that I could 3 ap that would not help me survive taking 1,000,000 damage before I can get a 5th turn...
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    My friend who's a creative head in an ad agency told me of how a client of his got the whole creative team to eat pet food when they were pitching for the job. This was to prove that the premium pet food was made of actual edible food sources that even humans can eat.

    The devs need to FULLY test their product before releasing it to us the players.
    PLBIV Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    I was contemplating going casual, but the anniversary event was so fun last year I decided to ride it out and se how things went. Thanks D3 for making my decision easy. Forget casual, I'll be retiring after the anniversary stuff is over. In stead of making us play out these Boss nodes, can you set up a thing where we roll a dice and get a 6 we win otherwise 3 random characters are wiped out? It would save a lot of time. Thanks!!
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The die will be a D4.
  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    The biggest mistake was the devs coding in higher rank galactus skills.

    They made both his blue skill create more countdowns with more cosmic tiles and his purple skill to absorb more AP.

    I don't even want to know what his skills are going to do in round 8...
    6 ap per cosmic tile and 5 countdowns creating 6 tiles each?

    Learn to test the upper bounds and scalability by having your team play Round 6-8 instead of simply coding it in and hoping for the best.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Guess I must be unlucky on this anniversary because every galactus hungers token I've opened had been either ms marvel or mhawkeye. I'm starting to wonder if these tokens are 2* only

    Should also add that I'm on round 3 and beat galactus twice. Maybe round 4 I might get the same issues as everyone else but so far it's been tough but doable
  • Willis
    Willis Posts: 49
    Well this is for venting right? Let me do a round by round experience.

    Round 1: Oh this is pretty easy and straightforward. We'll see how bad it gets later on.
    Round 3: Wow this ramped up pretty quickly but I can still manage.
    Round 4: Alright I can still do this as long as I don't get an unlucky board.
    Round 5: Hahahaha no I can't.

    I was excited at first seeing cyclops in the rewards since he's one of my favorite x-men along with night crawler. After the first 3 rounds it's just ramped up too quickly. I get what they were trying to do it making it harder since Ultron just had his numbers go up, but Ultron wasn't murder death killing your entire team in 3-4 turns.

    I feel like I'm just repeating the same things everyone else is saying, but Galactus really needs to be tuned down. Unless you want us to suicide into him which would make me laugh until my face turns blue.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    Chatting with alliancemates on LINE, figured I'd copy and paste more of my negative opinions here.

    My faith in D3 and Demiurge has def been wiped away. My feelings toward the game are a lot more negative than ever. It's a snowball effect / when it rains, it pours, kinda thing.

    I think people looked forward to the anniversary because they enjoyed the last anniversary, so the expectations were justified. But not only is the anniversary worse than last year's, it worse than if they were just having regular pve's/pvp's. I'd rather have a neutral experience than a negative, and this is definitely a negative.

    Even if they rewarded Cyclops covers in another event, like they did with Carnage, that bit of goodwill wouldn't be enough to erase the damage already done. It would be another example of being purely reactionary as opposed to decent planning. But maybe they want to be polarizing, either loved or hated. Maybe they believe any uproar, positive or negative, is good.

    Maybe they are playing a meta game with us, by invoking very negative reactions and then hope to wash it away with announcements / changes that will have us giving very positive reactions. Once again, I'm gonna keep my expectations very low, so that if all that follows is disappointment, it won't be a huge swing.
  • I all out stopped on round 2, after seeing everyone else's issues and having my own I'm sacking it off as a bad event.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    lukewin wrote:
    My faith in D3 and Demiurge has def been wiped away.

    I'll continue to play. I'm too much the PQ sucker not to. But I don't know how I get from here to forgiveness. The pattern of "screw the pooch and disappear" has repeated itself once too often.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's try this, Galactus ability descriptions DO NOT match his in game action. This scenario demanded immediate attention for SW, I expect the same fix, action must match description
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    moogles85 wrote:
    I don't even want to know what his skills are going to do in round 8...
    6 ap per cosmic tile and 5 countdowns creating 6 tiles each?

    In theory he should be confined by the same restrictions as others, i.e he only has 5 covers on his ability

    We have

    1 CD, 2 cosmic, 2 AP
    2 CD, 3 cosmic, 2 AP
    2 CD, 3 cosmic, 3 AP
    2 CD, 3 cosmic, 4 AP (that's round 6 right?)

    So at most it's one more increase, and if he started at 2 covers, he's done upgrading.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can confirm that round 6 is 3 countdown tiles per turn, and I think they generate 4 cosmic tiles each. Haven't watchedbclosely enough to see how many ap for each tile.
  • I just spent the last 15-20 mins writing a huge complaint regarding everything that's gone wrong with this "anniversary" (which is more of an annual mourning than celebratory at this point) and just decided to delete it because most of it is already stated within several pages. My main question is when are we going to get anything answered? I understand the process of issuing statements as well as the solutions but this train wreck is getting worse the longer you let it linger. You owe it to your customers, free and paying, your plan of action in a more timely manner than this. Especially because we know there isn't going to be a redo nor are you going to freeze or cancel the event so you can un**** it. The time is ticking and your customers are just getting more impatient.

    P.s. I can tell you one record you did break for this event is the amount of 1st time posters as well as lurkers like myself to chime in their concerns and WTFs about this horrendous experience you are distributing to us. Congrats on that feat I suppose....
  • gah, i just feel so sorry towards my alliance

    For someone posting consistent scores in pve and wiping every 3 turns of galactus and unable to contribute as much, i feel so sorry to them in their chase for a cyc cover.
  • 1568heath
    1568heath Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    To echo most of the sentiments here in this thread, I'm just dissapointed that there has been literally zero action made by the Devs. I'm not asking for handouts of tokens or ISO. I just want a realistic chance to beat the game. Unlock the nodes with each new level and shorten the lock-out times to 3-4 hours so users can play more and hit away at Galactus faster since not as many points are being score due to the insane scaling of his powers.

This discussion has been closed.