Deadpool's Daily & The 4-Star Transition
TxMoose wrote:mohio wrote:I'm still not exactly happy about converting specific covers at 1300 to tokens since that now means you need to get lucky with pulls as opposed to a guaranteed path, but I accept that they need more tokens in the game to at least get some 5* out there, so that is at least a logical change to make.0
Konman wrote:To summarize recent changes to boost 4-Star output to players:
- (Season 16) Increased odds of 4-Stars by about 50% in Heroic and Event packs.
- (Season 18) Added Legendary Tokens as progression rewards at the top end of each Story Event.
- (Season 18) Switched in Legendary Tokens as progression rewards at 1300 Progression in each Versus Event.
- (Season 18) Added Legendary Tokens as part of the Deadpool’s Daily Quest.
- (Season 18) Switched in 1 Legendary Token for a 4-Star cover in the Taco Vault.
- (Season 18) Added a Legendary Token for each 40-pack purchased.
Lets look at these already implemented, D3 described 4* transition goodies.
Odds from a heroic token went from infinitesimal to merely miniscule and are currently 2.8% chance to get some 4*, likely Starlord yello.
Legendary tokens in story PVE events, equaling 1 new token every 4 or 7 days, at twice the previous top progression reward, welcome to Grindtown: population You.
1300 PVP progression is being achieved by the exact same players as previously, only now its a token instead of a cover.
DDQ 4* token is what all this hub bub is about in the first place. What the event is vs what players seemed to think it was going to be. Not exactly the transition we were looking for.
Vault token introduction is a non factor, either relying on long odds or long waits while you stockpile those tacos to even the odds. No one is using the vaults as a source of tokens.
40 packs cost around $70 US. I hope this isn't a sincere suggestion on how to transition our rosters.
The other items in the list are yet to be seen, so I won't comment on their efficacy at the moment.
i guess we just need:
"Log into the game daily, get free 4*". Should make it easy so you don't have to grind PVE, or play PVP or spend any money on the game. Granted, once you get this fancy new 4* (or 5*), you won't really use it because you don't want to grind pve or hit higher PVP progressions.0 -
Re: Big Enchilada, I still use OBW + CStorm every day. It's only in the last two months or so that I replaced 2* Thor with 3* Thor (once 3* Thor got his 4th yellow to serve as an effective green battery for Storm).
So let me echo the comment that even though many / most players may use 3* teams to beat BE, it's very doable with a proper 2* team. Hence the expectation that the 4* DDQ might be doable with a mediocre 4* or even a proper 3* team.
It's moot for me anyway as I sold the XF I had when he got nerfed; I needed the HP. I haven't drawn another one since. Hence I couldn't even attempt it this time around, but it's obvious that none of my 1-3 cover 4* characters will have a prayer as the challenge is currently constructed. So be it, I guess.0 -
Malcrof wrote:The PVE token.. very easy, had it before day 4 in Hulk.. does not require much more than a couple clears lazily each day..
Meanwhile, I've been playing the Hulk event with two double clears each sub event and barely managed to grab Blade at the halfway point to the token yesterday at the start of my final day of the event.
PvE is still a crapshot depending on how much points your shard allows you to pull, it seems.
(Suffice to say; I cashed out my Blade cover and called quits on the event. Having to grind and plan my day based on the whims of the time-tables of the game is where I draw the line.)0 -
barrok wrote:i guess we just need:
"Log into the game daily, get free 4*". Should make it easy so you don't have to grind PVE, or play PVP or spend any money on the game. Granted, once you get this fancy new 4* (or 5*), you won't really use it because you don't want to grind pve or hit higher PVP progressions.
This is a repeat of my earlier argument because people continue to moralize. I think posts like this are part of the problem, Barrok. Like IceIX did in some of his other posts on this topic, you are conflating people not wanting something that is extremely difficult with people wanting something very easy.
No one (or more likely almost no one) wants a complete pushover node. People don't just play through the prologue over and over again because they enjoy easy. Super easy nodes are just boring.
This topic isn't a fight between lazy, entitled players who just want everything for free, and good, noble players who enjoy a challenge and are talented and skilled at the game.
It's a discussion over the difficulty of a node relative to the reward offered. Players, by and large, do enjoy a challenge and enjoy achieving something in the game. That's why people, for the most part, really like the gauntlet, despite the fact that there are almost always a few threads complaining about the difficulty of the later nodes. What players don't like is feeling that they will never be able to achieve anything, or that they must face a tremendous challenge in order to achieve a marginal reward. That's why people complained about the endless grind of 4* release events when only the top 10 even got 2 covers. Or when placing well in PVE required scoring well in excess of 2x the max prog-reward, but only offered a 3* prog. It's also why people didn't like the second run of the ultron event, when the difficulty was so hard that only 2 alliances in all of MPQ managed to pass round 8.
I think it is possible to construct a reasonable argument that this 4* node is too hard, particularly if you view the feature as intended for the 3*-->4* transition (which demiurge clearly doesn't. hence a lot of this misunderstanding).malcrof wrote:But more to the point, it sounds like you really hate the game.. so why are you playing.. and why are you even bothering to post to the forum with nothing constructive to say?
The PVE token.. very easy, had it before day 4 in Hulk.. does not require much more than a couple clears lazily each day.. so a free 4* every 4-7 days.. is way more than we had when it was 0.. and they added another token and some HP along the way.
The vault always had long odds for a 4*, but, now, it has a chance at A 5* with the token in it. This is called an improvement.
1300 in PVP is a goal to work for.. it sounds like you were expecting a handout? Hitting 1k already gets you a 4* cover.. and yes, just about anyone with a decent 3* roster can do it.
Whether swapping out the legendary token for a static 4* reward is an improvement isn't the question.
The devs offered a list of "recent changes to boost 4-Star output to players:"
And then included three items that really aren't a boost to 4* output. Swapping out tokens for fixed rewards isn't increase in 4* rate. You are a removing a 4* cover and replacing it with .95 4* covers (and .05 5* covers). Ice suggests that this will be an improvement for some people because they won't get a static cover that they don't need. I would counter that it will also be a loss for some people who will spend the same resources to get the 1300 token, but pull a useless cover they don't need. Those people would be better off with a static reward so that they know when to spend resources for 1300. That suggests to me that the cover-->legendary swap is, at best, a wash in terms of 4* build rate. And therefore I object to including those swaps in a list of "recent changes to boost 4-Star output to players."
Also with respect to asking for handouts, see my comments above!
Also, I think the math worked out that getting the pve legendary token in the Hulk required ~3 clears a day for the first 6 subs. Whether that is a lot or a little is a matter of opinion.0 -
_RiO_ wrote:PvE is still a crapshot depending on how much points your shard allows you to pull, it seems.
I'm not sure I understand this comment. Are you saying that the end times don't work out well enough for you to be able to clear well? Or that you think that PvE shards have differing point availability? (maybe you meant to say PvP?)
Unless there's a 48 hour sub at the end of a PvP, when you might have a chance to see some small amount of rubberbanding, the availability of PvE points is consistent across shards. Three clears per shard, as long as they're sort of spaced apart from one another, should be enough to get the PvE token, or at least put you within spitting distance.0 -
_RiO_ wrote:Malcrof wrote:The PVE token.. very easy, had it before day 4 in Hulk.. does not require much more than a couple clears lazily each day..
Meanwhile, I've been playing the Hulk event with two double clears each sub event and barely managed to grab Blade at the halfway point to the token yesterday at the start of my final day of the event.
PvE is still a crapshot depending on how much points your shard allows you to pull, it seems.
(Suffice to say; I cashed out my Blade cover and called quits on the event. Having to grind and plan my day based on the whims of the time-tables of the game is where I draw the line.)
Honestly it sounds like your problems are a factor of 3 things:
You're doing 2 double clears, on your 2nd double clear are the points fully refreshed? That's a big factor!
Are you grinding at all on your last clear? Running through the trivial nodes a few times and hitting the essentials make a big difference!
Lastly you keep bringing up different point values for different shards which just isn't true (minus a miniscule rubber-banding effect which equates to less than 40 points). So are you joining the event late and missing nodes? or is it just that you're playing very inefficiently with your refreshes? Point values are static for everyone, so this assumption isn't helping your case.0 -
Vhailorx wrote:malcrof wrote:But more to the point, it sounds like you really hate the game.. so why are you playing.. and why are you even bothering to post to the forum with nothing constructive to say?
The PVE token.. very easy, had it before day 4 in Hulk.. does not require much more than a couple clears lazily each day.. so a free 4* every 4-7 days.. is way more than we had when it was 0.. and they added another token and some HP along the way.
The vault always had long odds for a 4*, but, now, it has a chance at A 5* with the token in it. This is called an improvement.
1300 in PVP is a goal to work for.. it sounds like you were expecting a handout? Hitting 1k already gets you a 4* cover.. and yes, just about anyone with a decent 3* roster can do it.
Whether swapping out the legendary token for a static 4* reward is an improvement isn't the question.
The devs offered a list of "recent changes to boost 4-Star output to players:"
And then included three items that really aren't a boost to 4* output. Swapping out tokens for fixed rewards isn't increase in 4* rate. You are a removing a 4* cover and replacing it with .95 4* covers (and .05 5* covers). Ice suggests that this will be an improvement for some people because they won't get a static cover that they don't need. I would counter that it will also be a loss for some people who will spend the same resources to get the 1300 token, but pull a useless cover they don't need. Those people would be better off with a static reward so that they know when to spend resources for 1300. That suggests to me that the cover-->legendary swap is, at best, a wash in terms of 4* build rate. And therefore I object to including those swaps in a list of "recent changes to boost 4-Star output to players."
Also with respect to asking for handouts, see my comments above!
Also, I think the math worked out that getting the pve legendary token in the Hulk required ~3 clears a day for the first 6 subs. Whether that is a lot or a little is a matter of opinion.
I will concede that i have been actually grinding in the Hulk PVE.. didn't really realize how much until today.. 114k is more than lazy clears.. so i probably got the token much earlier than expected.. but here is the thing.. the token is the reason i got excited about a PVE and went in hard and heavy.. Anything that can renew my interest in doing that, i consider a definite plus.
the comment on the 1300 in PVP, was simply, the 1k cover to me is a goal for specifics.. as i have not yet reached 1300, but can do 1k easily, i use that for my target.. when i do get to the point where i can reach 1300.. i am glad it is a token now, as i need all but 2 4* covers. You are correct, it is not a boost to output, but it is a very helpful tool, one that will keep players going for 1300 even when in the old format, they would not have, since they didn't need the cover.. thereby adding more points to the shard and making for a better overall PVP experience in general.0 -
Vhailorx wrote:barrok wrote:i guess we just need:
"Log into the game daily, get free 4*". Should make it easy so you don't have to grind PVE, or play PVP or spend any money on the game. Granted, once you get this fancy new 4* (or 5*), you won't really use it because you don't want to grind pve or hit higher PVP progressions.
This is a repeat of my earlier argument because people continue to moralize. I think posts like this are part of the problem, Barrok. Like IceIX did in some of his other posts on this topic, you are conflating people not wanting something that is extremely difficult with people wanting something very easy.
No one (or more likely almost no one) wants a complete pushover node. People don't just play through the prologue over and over again because they enjoy easy. Super easy nodes are just boring.
This topic isn't a fight between lazy, entitled players who just want everything for free, and good, noble players who enjoy a challenge and are talented and skilled at the game.
It's a discussion over the difficulty of a node relative to the reward offered. Players, by and large, do enjoy a challenge and enjoy achieving something in the game. That's why people, for the most part, really like the gauntlet, despite the fact that there are almost always a few threads complaining about the difficulty of the later nodes. What players don't like is feeling that they will never be able to achieve anything, or that they must face a tremendous challenge in order to achieve a marginal reward. That's why people complained about the endless grind of 4* release events when only the top 10 even got 2 covers. Or when placing well in PVE required scoring well in excess of 2x the max prog-reward, but only offered a 3* prog. It's also why people didn't like the second run of the ultron event, when the difficulty was so hard that only 2 alliances in all of MPQ managed to pass round 8.
I think it is possible to construct a reasonable argument that this 4* node is too hard, particularly if you view the feature as intended for the 3*-->4* transition (which demiurge clearly doesn't. hence a lot of this misunderstanding).
Read his post. He basically rips on each aspect of the game that brought legendary tokens.
If he doesn't want to grind, and doesn't want to hit pvp/ddq progressions and doesn't want to spend any money, how the freak is he supposed to get legendary tokens?
Any other changes would be as easy as 'handing them out for free.' Sure, you can claim "they should have an easier ddq' or 'they should make legendary tokens for 800 in pvp or replace the first 3* in PVE progressions with legendary' but that's essentially handing them out for free.
At some point you need to know your place in the game, and you work to get to a higher place. That's not just something that's necessary to learn in the game, but also life. I don't automatically make what my dad currently makes, or get the size of house he currently has. It's all progression and while it sucks not having access to the best, that doesn't mean you can't get to it or that you need it handed to you.
Also, in this game specifically there is a very thin line between 'push over' and 'enjoying a challenge.' Once something becomes beatable, it only gets easier. For example 3* DDQ. I initially couldn't do it, but once I was able to do complete it I was always able to complete it. It went from being undoable to always getting the reward. Sure, sometimes I failed and had to start over, but it was still doable. Getting these legendary tokens will be the same way. If you can't get them now, you will as your roster gets stronger. And then once you start getting them, the flood gates will open. So it's not like you have two groups of people , lazy and noble, battling each other. You just have one group who has already gone from things being undoable to doable, while the other group hasn't done that yet. If they continue on (especially by hitting 4* PVE rewards which is not that hard), they will get their much quicker than those before them (who didn't have access to PVE 4* rewards).0 -
Vhailorx wrote:In light of the ongoing discussion about ddq's utility for 2* players, I tried the big enchilada with only 2*s today.
OBW 94 3/5/5
Thor 94 3/5/5
Daken 94 4/4/5
I would say that I had moderate board luck. no big, lucky cascades for me, but the board did give me a a steady supply of green and blue. didn't have as much yellow as I would have liked however.
It took a bit longer than my normal 3* tactics, but it was not hard at all. Overall the ai made a total of 6 moves (2 in wave 2 and 4 in wave 4), and never fired a power. I was a little lucky in that the enemy countdowns were always placed in accessible spots, so I could usually match them away. Had any of them threatened to go off, I always had plenty of blue in reserve to extend the countdowns.
At the end of the match OBW was down to ~3k, Thor had 4.3k and Daken had 2.7k.
Whether or not a majority of players use 3*s to finish that node, and on the basis of this admittedly anecdotal evidence, I am satisfied that 2* players can finish it with a modicum of effort (except maybe for the one day with "turn to smoke" ninjas). Even if they wipe a few times, it shouldn't take more than few tries. And I didn't even use one of the top tier 2* teams.
I've played BE almost every day, and used 2* thor, storm, magneto at 94. I can clear it probably 98% of the time on non-ninjas using this team. My girlfriend just started playing, and can clear BE with the same team at level 70 and non-optimal set up (3 yellow thor, 3 blue storm, and 4 red mags). It is super, super doable with a 2* team.0 -
barrok wrote:Read his post. He basically rips on each aspect of the game that brought legendary tokens.
If he doesn't want to grind, and doesn't want to hit pvp/ddq progressions and doesn't want to spend any money, how the freak is he supposed to get legendary tokens?
Any other changes would be as easy as 'handing them out for free.' Sure, you can claim "they should have an easier ddq' or 'they should make legendary tokens for 800 in pvp or replace the first 3* in PVE progressions with legendary' but that's essentially handing them out for free.
At some point you need to know your place in the game, and you work to get to a higher place. That's not just something that's necessary to learn in the game, but also life. I don't automatically make what my dad currently makes, or get the size of house he currently has. It's all progression and while it sucks not having access to the best, that doesn't mean you can't get to it or that you need it handed to you.
I read his post; I agree with some but not all of it. Did you read mine? Cos you sort of completely ignore my argument and restate the exact moral argument that I am discussing. If you think that an easier legendary token would be bad for the game, then explain why that is true! Don't just rely on moral arguments about "earning your way" in the game (and life).
If you get to declare that legendaries at 800 in PVP is "essentially handing them out for free" then I could declare that a 270 3* 1v1 in ddq is "essentially impossible for anyone but the elite." But that's not exactly a productive discussion.
(And to be clear: this is not intended as a personal attack on you Barrok. I merely disagree with your position and the rhetorical devices you have used to argue your position.)0 -
Malcrof wrote:40packs are 10kHP in the offseason events.. so roughly $50, half a stark..and same odds as a standard heroic 40 pack.
But more to the point, it sounds like you really hate the game.. so why are you playing.. and why are you even bothering to post to the forum with nothing constructive to say?
The PVE token.. very easy, had it before day 4 in Hulk.. does not require much more than a couple clears lazily each day.. so a free 4* every 4-7 days.. is way more than we had when it was 0.. and they added another token and some HP along the way.
The vault always had long odds for a 4*, but, now, it has a chance at A 5* with the token in it. This is called an improvement.
1300 in PVP is a goal to work for.. it sounds like you were expecting a handout? Hitting 1k already gets you a 4* cover.. and yes, just about anyone with a decent 3* roster can do it.
Because I'm critical of something means I hate it and shouldn't play the game or post on the forum? That's nonsense. I've got every right to be critical and vocal about I game I like that I think is headed in the wrong direction, and I'm certainly not the only one.
I was looking at a standard 40pk, which is about $70. So its $50 a pack for some events, doesn't diminish my point by much.
The vault is a long game, I have about 60 tokens for each vault, and I'll have enough of them sometime next year to make spending them worth while. That's the smart thing to do, but that doesn't help with the 4* transition.
PVE can be done, by grinding.
No one has handed me anything in this game, and its a pretty **** retort to claim that the people you disagree with don't try and don't care, and that they want everything given to them. Real lazy.0 -
Konman wrote:Odds from a heroic token went from infinitesimal to merely miniscule and are currently 2.8% chance to get some 4*, likely Starlord yello.
This is incorrect. The current overall odds are 3.45%, a 50% increase from the previous 2.3%. Both numbers confirmed previously by the devs.Konman wrote:Legendary tokens in story PVE events, equaling 1 new token every 4 or 7 days, at twice the previous top progression reward, welcome to Grindtown: population You.
Anyone playing PvE competitively is achieving this mark regardless. Net win for them.
For more casual PvE players, it's one clear down to 1 (~3 hours per day, on your schedule) or 3 optimal hits (30-40 minutes per, on their schedule). More grindy than the old top progression, but nothing like trying to finish 1st in an event.
Now granted, aside from the 10k award, the rest are nearly lateral moves (replacing a specific cover with a random cover, but with a chance for a 5*), but the summation is an increase in the flow of 4* covers, with one more unannounced.0 -
TheOncomingStorm wrote:That's only true if and only if legendary tokens only give out 4*s.
So by that same logic, since legendary tokens offer 5*s, they should test your 4*s.
There's a logical fallacy here. For months, they were saying that the 4* DPD would help with the 3-4* transition. They created the expectation that it would be a harder version of the 3* version - namely, a single cover of the featured character is required to access it and if you beat the node, the payout is the featured 4*.
Instead we got a 4* token (good), but the 5* part wasn't mentioned until they released Legendary tokens and SS this month (and that no one even asked for or wanted). So for ~6 months we were led to believe it would be part of the 4* progression. Then they decided to release 5*'s and shifted it to be 5* progression, skipping over the promised 3-4* progression entirely.
The fact is, they initially promised one thing with this when it was first proposed, and said little to nothing to indicate otherwise until they'd already slipped in 5* tier last minute to compensate for "making 4* progression easier". This is their standard bait-and-switch that they've pulled as long as I've played this game (pretend to listen to feedback, and do something superficial to say you did, but counterbalance it with something else that either mostly or completely negates the positive elements of said changes). DPD was refreshing when it was introduced exactly because it seemed like they were actually listening, and it was an authentic new mechanic that eased over progression while making it possible for people who wanted to play casually/semi-casually. The 4* DPD, as first proposed, and until very late (basically near release) would have done this for the 3-4* transition, once every 5 days. The DPD, as implemented, is back to the same old pattern of superficially saying they're going to implement something to reduce the grind, while counterbalancing it with some element that largely or completely negates any of the positive elements.
It's pretty insulting to call people who were expecting a playable 4* DPD node lazy or moochers, when for nearly the entire time up until release of 5*'s and the new node, it was presented as a continuation of the standard DPD design. It's equally insulting for the devs to come out, ignoring the fact that the 4* DPD was originally a player request to make the 3-4* transition easier, and say that they never implied it would be easy (or anything other than borderline impossible even with a reasonably covered 4*). I think given the nature of DPD, the origin of the 4* DPD idea, and the communication about it for the majority of the past 6 months, most players had a reasonable expectation that the 4* node would be a continuation of that event type, rather than some kind of nightmare node. It's a reasonable expectation that it would have been geared toward 3-4* players, rather than 4-5* players, especially when for that entire period there was no such thing as a 5*.0 -
barrok wrote:i guess we just need:
"Log into the game daily, get free 4*". Should make it easy so you don't have to grind PVE, or play PVP or spend any money on the game. Granted, once you get this fancy new 4* (or 5*), you won't really use it because you don't want to grind pve or hit higher PVP progressions.
That's a terrible guess. But attack me and not the points I made. Its not a matter of "want" anyway. I play mostly PVP, and I "want" to get as high as I can, I want to earn the 4*, and often do, but I have never come close to the 1300, pre or post token. Nearly all the 4* covers I have are from the 1000 pt pvp progression, with a few random pulls, and a couple resupplies. I was hoping to address the idea of the transition, and the current inadequate implementation.0 -
GrumpySmurf1002 wrote:Konman wrote:Odds from a heroic token went from infinitesimal to merely miniscule and are currently 2.8% chance to get some 4*, likely Starlord yello.
This is incorrect. The current overall odds are 3.45%, a 50% increase from the previous 2.3%. Both numbers confirmed previously by the devs.
You are correct, I was thinking there were 14 4*s, but there are 17. My bad. Buts that's still a pretty small chance.0 -
Konman wrote:GrumpySmurf1002 wrote:Konman wrote:Odds from a heroic token went from infinitesimal to merely miniscule and are currently 2.8% chance to get some 4*, likely Starlord yello.
This is incorrect. The current overall odds are 3.45%, a 50% increase from the previous 2.3%. Both numbers confirmed previously by the devs.
You are correct, I was thinking there were 14 4*s, but there are 17. My bad. Buts that's still a pretty small chance.
There are only 14 in the current tokens. The odds displayed have multiple decimal places you don't see. (each one is 0.246%, which displays as 0.2%)0 -
To summarize recent changes to boost 4-Star output to players:
- (Season 16) Increased odds of 4-Stars by about 50% in Heroic and Event packs.
- (Season 18) Added Legendary Tokens as progression rewards at the top end of each Story Event.
- (Season 18) Switched in Legendary Tokens as progression rewards at 1300 Progression in each Versus Event.
- (Season 18) Added Legendary Tokens as part of the Deadpool’s Daily Quest.
- (Season 18) Switched in 1 Legendary Token for a 4-Star cover in the Taco Vault.
- (Season 18) Added a Legendary Token for each 40-pack purchased.
- (Season 19) To switch in Legendary Tokens as the top Alliance rewards (replacing the static cover).
- (Season 19) Increasing odds of 4-Stars in Heroic and Event packs.
- (Season 19) Adding a Legendary Token as a progression reward for the Versus season.
- (Upcoming) Introducing a brand new gameplay feature that will assist all players with the 3, 4, and 5-Star transitions.
The highlithed green ones are aimed at a higher class of the players, the ones hitting 1.3k (or more) regularly or, well, cashers. They will earn all of the ones listed, but the blue ones are for the more common player.
The blue seem more resoanable for the ones starting to step into the 4* transition with 1k scores being the only reliable way to grab 4*s. The highlithed blue ones are the only ones the transitioners will grab, not all of the listed as they tried to sell.
So from 10 ways, 4 are for real transitioners, 5 for late transition and stepping into the 5* (AKA need few if any 4*), and one unkown.
See the problem? They think all the 10 are for transitioners, while this is delusion of their part.0 -
- (Upcoming) Introducing a brand new gameplay feature that will assist all players with the 3, 4, and 5-Star transitions.
that is called tossing your phone agaisnt the wall when you get killed by juggie for the 20th headbutt in a row
love to know what this is going to be sadly it says UPCOMING MEANING i doubt we wont see this until Mid oct or later0 -
ShionSinX wrote:To summarize recent changes to boost 4-Star output to players:
- (Season 16) Increased odds of 4-Stars by about 50% in Heroic and Event packs.
- (Season 18) Added Legendary Tokens as progression rewards at the top end of each Story Event.
- (Season 18) Switched in Legendary Tokens as progression rewards at 1300 Progression in each Versus Event.
- (Season 18) Added Legendary Tokens as part of the Deadpool’s Daily Quest.
- (Season 18) Switched in 1 Legendary Token for a 4-Star cover in the Taco Vault.
- (Season 18) Added a Legendary Token for each 40-pack purchased.
- (Season 19) To switch in Legendary Tokens as the top Alliance rewards (replacing the static cover).
- (Season 19) Increasing odds of 4-Stars in Heroic and Event packs.
- (Season 19) Adding a Legendary Token as a progression reward for the Versus season.
- (Upcoming) Introducing a brand new gameplay feature that will assist all players with the 3, 4, and 5-Star transitions.
The highlithed green ones are aimed at a higher class of the players, the ones hitting 1.3k (or more) regularly or, well, cashers. They will earn all of the ones listed, but the blue ones are for the more common player.
The blue seem more resoanable for the ones starting to step into the 4* transition with 1k scores being the only reliable way to grab 4*s. The highlithed blue ones are the only ones the transitioners will grab, not all of the listed as they tried to sell.
So from 10 ways, 4 are for real transitioners, 5 for late transition and stepping into the 5* (AKA need few if any 4*), and one unkown.
See the problem? They think all the 10 are for transitioners, while this is delusion of their part.
Why are regular Heroic/Event tokens only for the higher players? Those are among the easiest things to earn in this game.0
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