Ultron bomb damage out of control?



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2015
    i am sure that the different batch of boosted characters does change things, but I do think that single target bomb damage is higher than last time (and on par with the gauntlet). If true, I think it is a weak change in that it turns ultron matches into pure luck.

    At rounds 7 and 8, ultron will one shot almost anyone. That means that it is essential to avoid as many bombs as possible. And while minimizing bombs is a matter of strategy, completely avoiding bombs is heavily dependant upon where they spawn and what ap is available.

    Very hard nodes that require luck are ok in the gauntlet when they need to be cleared once. Ultron nodes to be cleared 6 Times each 8 hours for multiple days in a row.

    It's just a grind fest and not fun at all.

    Even worse, there has been absolutely no communication from the devs about this run of ultron at all. No discussion of the intra-alliance competition problem, no discussion of design changes or why they were made, no discussion of the rewards. I recognize that making everyone happy is impossible, and demiurge doesn't need to cobduct every game development discussion in public. But I really think it would be wise for the devs to communicate key details to the player base in advance.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    slidecage wrote:
    do people really think the Devs care when people go , im going to go spend my money elsewhere. They just made a buttload of cash off this game from PC users, (steam had the 8500 HP and 40K ISO for 33 bucks what A lot of people probally got)

    Wonder how that works though Does D3 take the hit selling 100 bucks worth of stuff for 33 bucks or Does STEAM wake up and go o tinykitty we messed up and have to pay the other 67 bucks for the packages
    D3 authorizes the Steam sale price.
    Steam still receives 30% of every sale.
    Steam sales are mostly about maximizing revenue at a price point to entice new as well as existing players to purchase digital content.
    Seeing as how MPQ on Steam averages around 600-700 players a month peaking at around 1000 players, I very much doubt D3 received a huge influx of money from the PC side.

    That said I've started retreating after a bad board is going to wipe my team before I can really do anything since the bombs one-shot everyone. Better to have only 1 hero down and the other 2 damaged. It's insanely frustrating since 10 health packs don't seem to last that long with this event.
  • whoami24601
    simonsez wrote:
    but the game adjusts to your play style
    Say what? You're talking about AI that won't even take a match5 when it can...

    Okay, I'll be clearer. The board weighting adjusts to your play style, not the actual enemy team A.I.

    So use someone with a lot of special tiles, it makes the board super volatile. Use someone with board shake a lot, it'll start giving you super dry boards. It's actually not all that complicated. All the game does is checks which heroes you're using I expect, and changes its weighting accordingly. Doesn't require any super fancy algorithms to do that.
    I think this is confirmation bias.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    I don't think its a problem of devs being mean or anything in that nature. I think the devs are just plain lazy. They don't pay attention to detail. They don't play test anything before putting the content out there. They seem to get an idea and implement it without thinking how will this be affected by A, B, C. I do think that they don't have a huge amount of faith in their product lasting very long, hence why new content isn't coming out. They just bring out more characters which is the least expensive way for them to maximize their profit in the short term. Also, didn't Sega buy them out...so there may be some higher ups sending down the orders. This team of devs probably were a group of friends who could do some coding who thought, "Hey, candy crush is killing it, why not make a version of it with marvel hereos. We will make some quick money and then sell it and be millionaires." Hope that works out for them because their inattention is killing the essence of the game.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Ive had very few issues (wiped once when there were three bombs along one side with a bad board....) but it just seems nuts that a bomb one shots a maxed 3* at round 6. It feels super board dependent right now in that a halfway bad board or better and I come out with zero, or almost zero, damage or a bad board and I have no hope.
  • Unknown
    Can someone show a screenshot of what damage his bombs did in the first run, and what they are doing now in the same round?
  • Unknown
    I think this is confirmation bias.

    Throwing out blanket terms in arguments like "confirmation bias", "occ.'s razor", and "scientific" don't actually make your attempts to belittle the concerns of others more valid.

    "Everything is awesome, and there exist no problems in societies here or anywhere else. It's all just "confirmation bias" or people over-reacting." Easiest way to thoughtlessly ignore other people's assertions.
  • Unknown
    Goobady wrote:
    Can someone show a screenshot of what damage his bombs did in the first run, and what they are doing now in the same round?

    I don't have a screenshot, but even in Round 8 they were only doing something like 4-6k, and Hulk or Thor could comfortably take at least two hits and still have a little health to spare. I think their health was boosted to something like 13-16k
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    I definitely remember them not hitting nearly this hard, but both Cap and GSBW were boosted last time around (they're in my Anti-Ultron Team,) and so were capable of taking more. Still, they should be able to take more than one hit in round 7...
  • Unknown
    simonsez wrote:
    but the game adjusts to your play style
    Say what? You're talking about AI that won't even take a match5 when it can...

    Okay, I'll be clearer. The board weighting adjusts to your play style, not the actual enemy team A.I.

    So use someone with a lot of special tiles, it makes the board super volatile. Use someone with board shake a lot, it'll start giving you super dry boards. It's actually not all that complicated. All the game does is checks which heroes you're using I expect, and changes its weighting accordingly. Doesn't require any super fancy algorithms to do that.

    That's not how the game works. Any time a new tile has to be dropped onto the board, it rolls a d7. The 6 colors, plus the TU tile. The devs have come out and said there is no secret to tile generation and it's completely random outside of the first prologues, where the TU tile is replaced with a second face of Red, because TU tiles aren't used there and it lets new players use HE and IM's 1 star red abilities more.

    This was discussed in one of the early FAQ videos.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    My recollection is like 4k for round 7 and 5.5k for 8? Ish?

    Now it's 14,381 for 7 and ? for 8.

  • rawl316
    rawl316 Posts: 114
    Lerysh wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    I think this is the price we pay for having 10 health packs now

    Correction: it's the price they think we should pay for having 10 health packs now, but I think all this prick moves on their part (improve one thing and make something else terrible at the same time) hurt them in the long run. Instead of just you know, making the game more fun to play. Needing a perfect board to win is not that.

    Um... I have yet to die to Ultron so far so... perfect board not really required. Just board manipulation skills. And this is still one of the more fun events (for me) that they have.

    I've only died to ultron once. I'm smart enough to realize this is luck and a small sample size.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    At least bombs no longer explode when you kill him using a board shaker. Tossed a thunderstrike in his face to down him, and BEFORE any cascading started.. the bombs went poof, like when you kill Doom or Daredevil and the traps poof before cascades.

    Hey look, i found a positive!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    My recollection is that my buffed lazy Thor and lazy cap could each take at least 1 bomb on round 8 last time. I remember that I would only use a health pack on them when they were low enough that one bomb would kill them.
  • Unknown
    Vankysher wrote:
    Seeing as how MPQ on Steam averages around 600-700 players a month peaking at around 1000 players, I very much doubt D3 received a huge influx of money from the PC side.

    I'm not sure where you got those numbers from but that seems to be a rather large underestimation of Steams player numbers for MPQ. There are over 900 people playing on Steam right now and that is one day's peak statistics.


    People frequently misinterpret Steam stats. That number is from around the peak time for today and it is of course not the same people playing all day or even every day.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,226 Chairperson of the Boards
    My people can not take one hit in the first freaking round what is up with that

    then again maybe should not be using level 1 1 stars icon_e_smile.gif

    but i do love feeding them to ulton just to get the subs open
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2015
    This is not an issue of board control... nothing I can do here. And at 8.5K per bomb... it was a no-win situation. Whole team dead with bombs to spare. And this was my last three buffed characters.

    Definitely not the same bomb damage as last time, and on top of that, no beefy buffed guys.

    I only have one 166 character, R&G and he's not boosted. Everyone else is at 140, 130, 127, 125, 120, and lower. Even boosted, nobody can take one hit and the subsequent match damage. Beat him before 3 bombs explode or lose. I feel like I'm back to Old school Nintendo, you have 3 lives and then Game Over... these 10 health packs would be super helpful if you could use them DURING a match. Survive one bomb and pray for no match damage... then use a health pack, end turn... that would be useful if they plan on keeping these bombs on steroids... that is only through round 6. If round 7 has the 14K bombs people say... I have NO characters with that kind of health buffed or unbuffed.
  • Unknown
    They definitely juiced the bombs for this run. I was able to proc anger in round 8 during the first two runs of Ultron. This time, Hulk is 1 shot by Round 7. Glad this is just for Cap Marvel and not something we would care about.
  • binarypillbug
    If anyone's still curious, Ultron's drop tile capped at 4040 last time the Avengers vs event ran.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    If anyone's still curious, Ultron's drop tile capped at 4040 last time the Avengers vs event ran.

    And now it's over 14k in round 7? What the what?