Ultron bomb damage out of control?

Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I was just wondering if the devs could confirm that Ultron's bombs are intended to be one-shotting most characters even in round 6--not that they have even said a word about the event in general...

But the bombs do 8k in round 6, one-shotting a 200 boosted Patch. Other boosted characters do not fair much better, and will usually die to match damage afterwards. And I heard that round 7 has 14k bombs...seriously? I hope that this is an oversight. Or if the bomb damage is going to stay that high, Ultron should not be dropping one each turn. Maybe it should be every 3 turns, giving us the chance to either gain ap or move the board a bit to try to get a match for that bomb. Or at least remove match damage?

He seems like an awful lot of work and dead characters for a 3* reward. And if it is re-run for the announced 4*...and is harder like the last set of Ultron events? I think the number of alliances completing the event will be even lower than last time.


  • I read somewhere that this are the same values Ultron had during the Gauntlet event.

    Perhaps they forgot to switch to the same Ultron of the previous Ultron vs Avengers?

    Or maybe since they lowered his HP by 20% each round, they decided to compensate increasing his bombs by like 100% each round as well...
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not just the bomb damage that's out of control but also his tile damage. There's nothing more frustrating then watching the bottom row destroy only for a row of 7 (yes 7!) same colored tiles come down for critical damage. So even if I avoid all of the bombs, the tile damage kills my team.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    By the end of the first runs they were one-shotting too. With it being a 'boss' battle, I think it's perfectly ok that it's a challenge to finish him.

    He's still 23525% easier than that stupid Gauntlet node.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just don't remember round 4 being able to 1 shot my level 140 3Daken last time.
  • You think that's crazy, round 8 Ultron can kill you with match damage. If he cascades off his bottom row clear you are taking thousands of damage.

    It's possible you think the bombs were smaller because the characters you were using last time were boosted and this time are not, so now the bombs hurt more.
  • This just goes to show how the devs are 1000% out of touch with reality, don't actually play this game, and don't give a **** about players actually enjoying the game.

    I'm pretty sure this is the nail in the coffin for me. After Ultron 1, which I'll keep playing to help my alliance, I'm probably out, and I'll be using that $150 gift card balance I've saved up on other apps / music / games. Saves me some money. So thanks for saving me money devs.

    I've tried very hard to keep a positive outlook on this game, and give the devs the benefit of the doubt, but they just don't strike me as caring. Their idea of fun is "what's going to piss players off enough that they think if they just spend money the game will be fun again". Sadly, that's not my definition, or that of most players. Plenty of other games asking for my attention, so this won't really be that big a loss.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    You think that's crazy, round 8 Ultron can kill you with match damage. If he cascades off his bottom row clear you are taking thousands of damage.

    It's possible you think the bombs were smaller because the characters you were using last time were boosted and this time are not, so now the bombs hurt more.
    I think the main culprit is Lthor. with him boosted last time you had a ton of health and were dealing a ton of damage. good health here is not enough to be able to take anything once you hit round 6, because you also have to consider match damage as well. becomes less a game of skill and more a game of luck.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think this is the price we pay for having 10 health packs now
  • simonsez wrote:
    I think this is the price we pay for having 10 health packs now

    Correction: it's the price they think we should pay for having 10 health packs now, but I think all this prick moves on their part (improve one thing and make something else terrible at the same time) hurt them in the long run. Instead of just you know, making the game more fun to play. Needing a perfect board to win is not that.
  • simonsez wrote:
    I think this is the price we pay for having 10 health packs now

    Correction: it's the price they think we should pay for having 10 health packs now, but I think all this prick moves on their part (improve one thing and make something else terrible at the same time) hurt them in the long run. Instead of just you know, making the game more fun to play. Needing a perfect board to win is not that.

    Um... I have yet to die to Ultron so far so... perfect board not really required. Just board manipulation skills. And this is still one of the more fun events (for me) that they have.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I haven't seen this be a problem yet. The first time I was oh I need to pay more attention. Im running GSBW, Mohawk, and (Capt Marvel/Cmags/Hulk). If I can't use GSBW purple to line up a row of 4 greens to take out a bomb , I'm just sacrificing one of the three. The other nodes are easy enough with Cages shield that I have plenty of health packs for sacrificing if I need to use them but sharing the load of who I sacrifice really makes it a non issue for me.
  • Lerysh wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    I think this is the price we pay for having 10 health packs now

    Correction: it's the price they think we should pay for having 10 health packs now, but I think all this prick moves on their part (improve one thing and make something else terrible at the same time) hurt them in the long run. Instead of just you know, making the game more fun to play. Needing a perfect board to win is not that.

    Um... I have yet to die to Ultron so far so... perfect board not really required. Just board manipulation skills. And this is still one of the more fun events (for me) that they have.

    I don't think that's really valid. I got through the first 3-4 Ultrons this round taking almost zero damage. The last several I came out barely alive with 1 or 2 heroes down. I know how to manipulate the board, but the game adjusts to your play style, which is a problem when damage received is so high you can only plausibly use a very, very small subset of your heroes.

    I do not have a developed 4* roster, but should that be required for a 3* event? No.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    but the game adjusts to your play style
    Say what? You're talking about AI that won't even take a match5 when it can...
  • simonsez wrote:
    but the game adjusts to your play style
    Say what? You're talking about AI that won't even take a match5 when it can...

    Okay, I'll be clearer. The board weighting adjusts to your play style, not the actual enemy team A.I.

    So use someone with a lot of special tiles, it makes the board super volatile. Use someone with board shake a lot, it'll start giving you super dry boards. It's actually not all that complicated. All the game does is checks which heroes you're using I expect, and changes its weighting accordingly. Doesn't require any super fancy algorithms to do that.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    You think that's crazy, round 8 Ultron can kill you with match damage. If he cascades off his bottom row clear you are taking thousands of damage.

    It's possible you think the bombs were smaller because the characters you were using last time were boosted and this time are not, so now the bombs hurt more.
    I think the main culprit is Lthor. with him boosted last time you had a ton of health and were dealing a ton of damage. good health here is not enough to be able to take anything once you hit round 6, because you also have to consider match damage as well. becomes less a game of skill and more a game of luck.

    You also had Steve Rogers boosted to throw high damage shields at the bombs.. this one is much tougher.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    You also had Steve Rogers boosted to throw high damage shields at the bombs.. this one is much tougher.
    my steve had 4 red last ultron, so he was basically useless against bomb dropper. but for many, that is significant too. they are both on my A team for this one.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    If only Moonstone could steal the bomb and turn it against Ultron when it hits the bottom..
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    I think this is the price we pay for having 10 health packs now

    Correction: it's the price they think we should pay for having 10 health packs now, but I think all this prick moves on their part (improve one thing and make something else terrible at the same time) hurt them in the long run. Instead of just you know, making the game more fun to play. Needing a perfect board to win is not that.

    Um... I have yet to die to Ultron so far so... perfect board not really required. Just board manipulation skills. And this is still one of the more fun events (for me) that they have.

    Same. In round 6 now and I just had my worst game yet with a godawful board. 2 of my characters were one-shot before I could do anything, then I proceeded to defeat him with GSBW alone. Probably at some point in the next two rounds I'll be defeated once or twice due bad boards or cascade bad luck. I'll just deal.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't wipe in round 6 yet - but twice I've had my third character down to very low health, with the other two dead.

    HB level 220 + buff and one bomb + cascade tile damage kills him. That's a bit...to much.

    I don't mind if they want bombs to do a lot of damage - if they consider bombs normal tiles and give us a few ways to deal with them outside of Cap/IW. Preferably a few ways to deal with them with characters that are buffed.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    This just goes to show how the devs are 1000% out of touch with reality, don't actually play this game, and don't give a **** about players actually enjoying the game.

    I'm pretty sure this is the nail in the coffin for me. After Ultron 1, which I'll keep playing to help my alliance, I'm probably out, and I'll be using that $150 gift card balance I've saved up on other apps / music / games. Saves me some money. So thanks for saving me money devs.

    I've tried very hard to keep a positive outlook on this game, and give the devs the benefit of the doubt, but they just don't strike me as caring. Their idea of fun is "what's going to piss players off enough that they think if they just spend money the game will be fun again". Sadly, that's not my definition, or that of most players. Plenty of other games asking for my attention, so this won't really be that big a loss.

    do people really think the Devs care when people go , im going to go spend my money elsewhere. They just made a buttload of cash off this game from PC users, (steam had the 8500 HP and 40K ISO for 33 bucks what A lot of people probally got)

    Wonder how that works though Does D3 take the hit selling 100 bucks worth of stuff for 33 bucks or Does STEAM wake up and go o **** we messed up and have to pay the other 67 bucks for the packages