Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Holy ****. Folks, you've been missing out if you haven't levelled your Baglord, because apparently, just like in the movie, he kinda has the absolute best luck in the world.

    I just lost the Sentry essential node.


    I have never seen so many enemy-favorable cascades in my life. About ready to throw in the towel.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    Playing the new Enemy of the State Sub 1 final node. In a good position to win it with very little damage taken .... and ..... game crashes.

    Goodbye 3 health packs.

    Honorable Mention: Pulled my third green Patch cover in three weeks for my 5/3/4 patch. No champion levels going on here.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just went to buy a boost with ISO - no ISO.

    No problem, I think...I'll just go run some PVE trivial nodes!

    Oh right - test time for scaling...those don't exist anymore.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    Came back to MPQ after taking months off

    There are 5* characters now icon_eek.gif

    Hoo boy, I hadn't even finished the 3* transition...
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Stinking symbiotes in wave 1 of DDQ today. I didn't even fire one power before Steve was dead on my first attempt.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    Spent about 1,000 ISO trying to find a PvP match where the other team wasn't 80 to 100 levels higher than mine. Also spent about 5 hours getting hit for just as much as I was gaining so finally gave up at 660 points. Really wanted that last Daredevil cover but because I have some 1 cover 5* characters on my roster Jeanbusters and Fistbuster get to attack my 3* team all day long.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey, the GR essential that gives CP is high scaling...but just goons, no movers. Lets try PX/GSBW!

    Look at that, a match-five purple right on the top for my first move!

    ...Look at that, the game crashed as I made that move!
  • Ryudoz
    Ryudoz Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Finally was able to champ IF with his cover expiring today. I was something like 70 or 80k iso away from max level with him when I got this last cover so I made the mad dash to get him champed, since he's great. So after grinding as much as I could for the two weeks.

    I champ him, snatched the legendary token and open it up...

    blueflag.pngicon_invisiblewoman.png The only 4* I have at max covers.

    I almost wept. A horrible tiny kitty day.
  • dswan3rd
    dswan3rd Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    I somehow across the past week or so collected 4 Vision covers (he was already cover-maxed, but not at LVL 166).

    So I try to grind out the 119K or so (111.5K to level him plus the 7.5K promotion fee) needed to make use of those covers for champion levels - not that Vision is that "great" but the LT for the first champ level would be nice and the eventual Cyclops covers would be nice. I'm about 1.5K away with a couple of the Vision covers expiring in about 30 minutes. I get a couple EoTS tokens that turn into 2*s I have championed - those levels are good for 1K and 500 ISO - YES!!!

    Legendary Token from the first Vision champion level...

  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    PX has an invisibility tile on the corner of the board! I probably would win.

    Retreated because this is vs. level 320ish Gorgon, who had turn 4 killed the angels. Didn't have the hour available to churn through Gorgon's 25K remaining health, and then the 18K health for both of the goons.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quake PVP. Took on a team with the loaner, a middling DD, and a 2-cover OML, yellow & black.

    AI promptly gifts itself a match-5 black onto a critical tile that crushes me for nearly 3K match damage alone, and provides enough AP for said OML to fire his black. Match damage goes to 600+ per turn for several turns, eventually forcing my champion Blade to take a dirt nap. I won the match, but that was damned frustrating.

    I can't stand the fact that the match damage of 5* characters is so off-the-charts ludicrous that even a 1 or 2 cover version is a potential health pack sink to a max-champ 3*.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    DDQ LT got me...a Green Thing. Same reward as last time it was given out at 1K.

    Threw both of them out. I've tossed this reward at least five (I think it was five or six) times. I have eleven or twelve thing covers - could use any other color.

    RHulk exactly the same. I've thrown out three or four red covers, and Red is the next 1K RHulk reward. Eleven covers, need either other colors.

    DPXF exactly the same. I've thrown out three or four red covers, the next DPXF 1K reward is red. Eleven colors, need either of the other colors.


    This game would be Sooooooooooooooo much better if you could simply collect "13" covers, and not the "right" 13 covers.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    This game would be Sooooooooooooooo much better if you could simply collect "13" covers, and not the "right" 13 covers.

    There's another, in most ways inferior, gem matching game (it rhymes with "Mar Speck") where the equivalent of covers are generic. When you receive one, then you decide which of their two or three available abilities you want to improve by one.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I knew I didn't stand a chance in "Crash of the Titans," not with Iceman at level 94 (2/1/1). I was going for my usual tactic of just denying the opponent its resources and seeing how long I could last with the added strategy of NOT making any 5-matches. I was doing OK, clearly losing just based on the opponent's starting health vs mine, until I had both Iceman's greenflag.png (Whiteout) and purpleflag.png (Cold as Ice) powered up. I activated purpleflag.png so it would create more bluetile.png to damage Jean with when I'd use greenflag.png . Yeah. That didn't happen. I activated purpleflag.png , it created a 5-match which Jean's passive then used to destroy me. Game over, man, and nobody to blame but myself.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I knew I didn't stand a chance in "Crash of the Titans," not with Iceman at level 94 (2/1/1). I was going for my usual tactic of just denying the opponent its resources and seeing how long I could last with the added strategy of NOT making any 5-matches. I was doing OK, clearly losing just based on the opponent's starting health vs mine, until I had both Iceman's greenflag.png (Whiteout) and purpleflag.png (Cold as Ice) powered up. I activated purpleflag.png so it would create more bluetile.png to damage Jean with when I'd use greenflag.png . Yeah. That didn't happen. I activated purpleflag.png , it created a 5-match which Jean's passive then used to destroy me. Game over, man, and nobody to blame but myself.

    You just need to stun her before you fire off your purpleflag.png power.
  • Lilith
    Lilith Posts: 65 Match Maker
    First clear on the Ghost Rider essential, and I get a random drop of "You found 3 critical boosts!" followed by that lovely "win" of... you guessed it. 3 critical boosts!

    Yup. Definitely needed 6 of them at once. I was starting to worry that I'd run out.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    The excitement of seeing Daken in the DDQ rewards. Mine has 8 covers, this would take him one step closer to being usable!

    Realising the cover in there is black. I have five of those already. Urggh

    The transition goes on...
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tyke: "Dad, I want to see that guy [Human Torch]. Can you play him?"
    Catt: "Nope, sorry".
    Tyke: "How about that guy?"
    Catt: "Not him either"
    Tyke: "Or that one?"
    Catt: "No, he's not strong enough today either"
    Tyke (sadly): "Why can't you play some of them?"

    Catt thinks to himself....because the Devs refuse to give any easy nodes to play these characters!!!

    If that makes you a bit sad, cheer yourself up with the Best of the Day:
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    Seeing the fifth yellow Patch cover that I need as the 101-200 placement reward when I already know I'm going to go top 100. With my luck the progression reward in the next PvE will be another green one that I can sell instead of the red one. I think I've sold 3 already and have another one in my queue.
  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 381 Mover and Shaker
    I was in PVP on my seasonal climb. I hit 1300 several days (yay!) but I hadn't had time to climb for a few days so when I opened today to climb to 1400 (I would like that Captain Marvel!) I was around 1025. Um, ok. I guess I'll try to do a little bit of climbing.

    So that was part 1.

    Then I skipped in each node until I found a match I figured I could HOPEFULLY beat (I can't afford the ISO tax to skip more than for free) and I found one that was about 45-55 points but it had a OML. Ok, I'll try! I beat it! Barely. But that's ok, because I need as many points as I can get. Then after the Victory screen (feeling pretty good) it showed that I gained +10points. So I almost died for almost zero progression toward a prize and I think it was 70 ISO? (feeling pretty bad)
