Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Blowing through health packs because my bench warming 5*s have destroyed my scaling! 270 level enemies vs 160 level 3*..... ****

    Oh yeah I got another IW from LT (can't use)

    It's gets better .... From Cp got another IW (2nd today)... About to throw my phone!

    Darknes21 of LogansLoonies
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Losing a Cage PVP match to a team that had 2* Hawkeye. Witch's CD resolved, insta-crit, resulting cascade fueled both Reality Crush & Righteous Uppercut (which itself insta-killed my own Cage), and at best I could have cleared 2 of Hawkeye's Speed Shots before they resolved.

    Been a very frustrating PVP. Lots of enemy disbelief cascades, not always triggered by the Witch, leading to several losses that felt quite cheap. Got my 575 progression but it seems I can't reach 725.
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Two bad days in a row! Got the generic email from customer service stating "sorry but we don't care and can't help you" and lost an alliance mate to a more aggressive PVE alliance (them top top 10, us top 50). No hard feels but left in the middle of the event. Tomorrow could always be better, unless it's like today!

  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Where to start ...

    Using 20 stored health packs and loads of boosts trying to do 4* DDQ

    Drawing XFW from a Legendary

    Ridiculous cascades causing me to lose to the guy that treble tapped me on his climb

    Some days I ****ing hate this game
  • jigawatt
    jigawatt Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    that moment when I deleted IF (only had green) bc I was like 'meh he's just ok' then came to the boards and found out he's the best 3* in the game. but at least green is the least of his abilities so i don't feel too bad.

    Also, I spent $20 buffing moonstone. It was my 2nd day... I literally had nobody else with not even her hp
  • Cunneryn
    Cunneryn Posts: 112
    Grinding the PVP siulator to get the KK cover at 1700

    - I reached easily 1674 but then the fight became almost impossible. (at least 20 levels above mine)
    - I do a fight worth 31 pts (having a lots of difficulties doing it)
    - I am rewarded with 25 pts
    - I am now at 1699 pts and very angry
    - Since all the fights are super hard at that point, i decide to whale the last fight, once again worth 31 points.
    - Win the fight, but attacked in the meantime (31 pts lost)
    - Once again at 1699 pts, and ULTRA MAD
    - Try to whale once last fight hoping to not get attacked
    - Realising mid fight that I dont have enough DP points to whale... and my team is not strong enough...

    -Losing points over and over after seing my green KK cover slowing distancing me, leaving myself to drown in a sea of my own tears
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    My first ever 6th single colour cover for a 4*
    Sad face.
    Totally took the buzz out of beating Cyclops. Should wait in the future.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seeing a repeat opponent in DDQ4, which tells me MrF vs. Doom is gonna happen again...
  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    speaking of DDQ4, does this count a terrible moment? 1/3/1 GR on my last health pack, mere hours before the end of the event

  • slowej25
    Trying to shield hop with 71, 55, and 44 pointers q'd up. Lose all 3 matches thanks to RNG cascades. Take one more match for 38 just to feel better, win, gives 14 points.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    DDQ resets - draw Starlord from the Legendary, the one cover of his I have maxed. Also drew Elektra from a heroic. A few c**p draws away from rage quitting
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Took only two tries to beat the 4* DDQ this time!

    Oh wait, this is the UNHAPPINESS thread, well then: I pulled a Starlord from the Legendary!
  • Blinkxi
    Blinkxi Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Woke up to a free fall from ~1440 to ~550. Seems i miscalculated my shield and it expired about 15 mins from the end.

    To top it off, i finished with a cupcake team so.... yep.
  • Helen keller
    Helen keller Posts: 62 Match Maker
    Last five LT pulls, Elecktra, Elecktra, Elecktra, x23, Elecktra... Thanks for the randomness...But I can champion her right? Oh yeah, I already don't have enough ISO to max any of my 71 characters other than 2*...soooooo lame, just getting worse...
  • jordanix
    jordanix Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    Took only two tries to beat the 4* DDQ this time!

    Oh wait, this is the UNHAPPINESS thread, well then: I pulled a Starlord from the Legendary!

    Are you me?

    Like literally I did it in 2 tries and pulled a Starlord.
    jordanix wrote:
    2nd try with a 111 1/2/2. Yeah I don't really get how I won this so easily, zen or something.
    I'll say that I had the same build the first time this event was introduced and could not do it.

    I brought in g/b +2, g/b %, and all-colours %

    My LT delivered a icon_starlord.pngpurpleflag.png
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Realizing today after thinking about the new feature, how I was stupid to sell a red hulk cover yesterday before it expired. If I had known about the new feature I would have used it which would have put my hulk at 5/5/2 and then he would get that 3rd black later this week which would let me champion him and respec to 5/3/5.

    Oh well. I guess it lets me focus on my other toons.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Trying to grind the CP from the last node of this PvE sub vs Moonstone, Bullseye, Daken. Try 4 times, and all 4 times they get lucky cascades and Moonstone fires off a Photon Blast from a red flooded board to insta kill one of my characters. 2 of those times led to losses. Plus it's a heroic, so I have no alternate roster to fight with.

    And meanwhile, I lose over 100 pts in PvP because now I don't have the health packs to win retal fights.

    Very nearly broke my phone.

    Edit: Tried the node a 5th time with a barebones team that had barely a chance to win, but got completely denied 3 colors for the entire game and just wiped out. The AI plays better AP denial than even Hood/Loki.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    sitting 3rd in the heroic event. out of health packs without finishing the first clear of the third sub. hopefully it doesn't screw me over too bad.
  • Virus_Type_V
    Virus_Type_V Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    I was so excited and was ready to open my legend token 10 pack..!

    then my morning alarm went off...
  • justplainchips
    justplainchips Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    It's sad that this was my worst moment from yesterday, but here we go. I suppose the future could change how this is viewed. I'm worried for now.

    I'm early in the 3* transition. I've really been enjoying Champions and even opening standard tokens was super fun for a chance at a 2* I needed for a champ level. I had earned one Legendary token from a few PvEs ago but was going to hold on to it for a long long time until I was further along with my 3*s.

    I was playing Enemy of the State yesterday and when I came out of a match I got a message that I had received a standard token from a facebook friend. Hooray! Let's go open that up. I pushed the Recruit Heroes button, pushed the left button, and automatically went for the token button. Thinking that I had opened up the Heroic Token page, went left to the standard token, and opened it up. Imagine my horror as my brain finally caught up with my fingers as I noticed I had opened up in the EotS token area, went left to the Legendary page, and what was on my screen? A purple icon. I had just gone 1 for 1 on opening 5*s from Legendary Tokens.

    OML Yellow

    A few have told me that it's about the best single cover I could have gotten, which is nice.
    I joined Krakadoom last night I was up against mostly a wall of maxed 3*s which I had no chance of defeating. I had to spend a bunch of ISO to find doable matches. This next season will be very interesting.

    For the time being I can't bring myself to sell it. It's the pinnacle reward in the game, it should be a good thing. But I'm guessing PvP and PvE will be very difficult for a while.