Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scoring 1496 in PvP... and not getting top 50
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Last minute grinding to get the Legendary from the Heroic PVE, only to pull a worthless red Phoenix!
  • Seeing as I only needed about 300 points to get to 4000 and the Heroic 10-token prize I decided to make a push. Well, I got my 4000 and my 10 pack but got nothing but 10 straight 2* out of it....ugh
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Opened 4 token_legendary.png this season, 2 were icon_starlord.pngyellowflag.png
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Seeing as I only needed about 300 points to get to 4000 and the Heroic 10-token prize I decided to make a push. Well, I got my 4000 and my 10 pack but got nothing but 10 straight 2* out of it....ugh

    Did the same this morning and got 9 star.pngstar.png and a blue Doom cover I didn't need. Thanks for the ISO progression reward.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Scoring 1496 in PvP... and not getting top 50
    Ain't that a kick in the teeth?
  • Cunneryn
    Cunneryn Posts: 112
    Seing how everyone can defet the last heart of darkness node while im stuck not only at the first wave, bu at the first enemy..... I get killed without even having the time to fire ONE measly ability. How many lucky board can they have (5 so far which reasulted in them leaving with to casualties in their rank).

    How can people go through 3 waves like that.....
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    So after missing placement by seconds in the Ghost Rider PvE, I hopped in the Cyclops PvP. Climbed to 600 no problem. Come back later, fight a team with Professor X. They cascade match-5s, he eye-zaps a maxed Cyclops to death then proceeds to use all three of Cyc's powers and his Prof. X's purple. Spent 3 health packs, started again. Get cascaded into oblivion against a basic Blade / Hood team. I'm going to have to wait until the final hours to climb, except I started a node that ends in the middle of the night for me so that I could do my initial climb 18 hours out. Unless I dump a bunch of deadpool tokens, not really any way for me to get a decent score.
  • Cartz
    Cartz Posts: 73 Match Maker
    I dont get many legendary tokens. I have only 3 powers out of all the 4* characters fully leveled. Fury purple and yellow. Prox x blue.

    Every other 4* has between 1 and 5 covers.

    My last 2 legendary pulls have been fury purple and fury yellow.

    How unlucky can i he?

    So many options and i get the 2 useless ones. Unbelievable.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    So my clear of Luck Be a Lady went much better, but the two event tokens I collected along the way?

    "Here have a 2* Captain America" followed by "Here have a 2* Captain America"

    because the thing I most need in the world is any 2* character. Sweet.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFiPL wrote:
    So my clear of Luck Be a Lady went much better, but the two event tokens I collected along the way?

    "Here have a 2* Captain America" followed by "Here have a 2* Captain America"

    because the thing I most need in the world is any 2* character. Sweet.

    I always assume pvp and pve tokens are 250 iso, hence when I get anything that isn't, I'm like yay! Double iso! 1000 iso! And on the minuscule chance I hit the jackpot and it's a usable cover, I go crow about it in the Best thread. icon_e_smile.gif
  • The Bookman
    My worst moment of the day... Having my 'I sold my 5* because I'm fed up of scaling' thread locked by malcrof and told to post in here instead.

    Made me feel like I don't matter to d3 and that the point I was raising is not cared about either.

    I'm really finding it hard to justify why I spend so much money and so many hours playing this 'Game' to feel like I don't matter to the devs... Maybe punisher had it right when he quit
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    My worst moment of the day... Having my 'I sold my 5* because I'm fed up of scaling' thread locked by malcrof and told to post in here instead.
    Gotta agree. By that logic, we only need two threads on this whole forum. Negative comments come here, and positive comments go into the "Best moment of the day" thread.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    My worst moment of the day... Having my 'I sold my 5* because I'm fed up of scaling' thread locked by malcrof and told to post in here instead.
    Gotta agree. By that logic, we only need two threads on this whole forum. Negative comments come here, and positive comments go into the "Best moment of the day" thread.

    Agree with this. Are we dealing with a space issue? Let people post their own thread if they desire. It will most likely fall off the first couple of pages soon enough so not an issue with multiple threads. I fully support having an "official" thread to discuss an issue but not being able to vent outside of that narrow window is kind of frustrating.
  • The Bookman
    Thinking about it a bit more... Maybe my thread got kicked because there are a lot of 5* threads.. Maybe my thread got locked so they could discourage people being negative about 5* Covers....

    I hope that wasn't the case but this is the first time I've ever had a thread locked on any forums so I have to wonder how much they censor posts now.

    I should point out now I'm being really grumpy today about the game and may be reading more in to this than was there
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thinking about it a bit more... Maybe my thread got kicked because there are a lot of 5* threads..
    True, there are some older "should I sell my 5*?" and "do 5*s affect scaling" threads that are similar, but directing it here is kinda silly.
  • The Bookman
    simonsez wrote:
    Thinking about it a bit more... Maybe my thread got kicked because there are a lot of 5* threads..
    True, there are some older "should I sell my 5*?" and "do 5*s affect scaling" threads that are similar, but directing it here is kinda silly.

    Forums can be a great communication tool... Devs can get a lot from them, as well as players.

    For example, if every other thread is on the same topic the it might flag something up that is important to address.

    That topic could equally be shelved under 'not a priority' unless it keeps getting raised.

    Let's hope they do read the forums and take on board the positives and negatives that are raised
  • Monged4life
    DFiPL wrote:
    So my clear of Luck Be a Lady went much better, but the two event tokens I collected along the way?

    "Here have a 2* Captain America" followed by "Here have a 2* Captain America"

    because the thing I most need in the world is any 2* character. Sweet.

    I always assume pvp and pve tokens are 250 iso, hence when I get anything that isn't, I'm like yay! Double iso! 1000 iso! And on the minuscule chance I hit the jackpot and it's a usable cover, I go crow about it in the Best thread. icon_e_smile.gif

    I operated on that assumption for a while. Then getting Healthpacks from a Tacco Token ruined it, it felt like -iso for the day!
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I always assume pvp and pve tokens are 250 iso, hence when I get anything that isn't, I'm like yay! Double iso! 1000 iso! And on the minuscule chance I hit the jackpot and it's a usable cover, I go crow about it in the Best thread. icon_e_smile.gif

    I operated on that assumption for a while. Then getting Healthpacks from a Tacco Token ruined it, it felt like -iso for the day!

    Haha! Then only open tacos when you need healthpacks, then it will be JACKPOT!
  • Steamrolled the Jean Grey DDQ before they got off 1 power, to pull another 4 star I can't use again. icon_rolleyes.gif