Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    Thought I had a top 100 finish secured for the Hulk event. So I spent the last few minutes of the last sub grinding for the last command point. Who knows how many clears, no command point. Worst of all, finished at #103 overall. 101k points was not enough but another person in my alliance got a top 20 finish for 85k in his bracket. Makes me want to take a break from the game for a bit.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Getting mauled twice in a row in Hood PVP. Barely squeaked out the win the first time, but it cost me 2 health packs, then lost outright the second time, 3 more gone. And I'm not even at 200 points.

    When you've got crippled weekly boosteds you're in for a world of hurt. And my weeklies are all crippled: Thor only 2 green, KK 2 green, BP 1 black, Hood 4 blue.. Just very unpleasant all around.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Basically any time I get 20 ISO with three rewards left in a node.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Getting mauled twice in a row in Hood PVP. Barely squeaked out the win the first time, but it cost me 2 health packs, then lost outright the second time, 3 more gone. And I'm not even at 200 points.

    When you've got crippled weekly boosteds you're in for a world of hurt. And my weeklies are all crippled: Thor only 2 green, KK 2 green, BP 1 black, Hood 4 blue.. Just very unpleasant all around.

    Feel your pain, I sat at 32 with 19 mins to go in that event, all I wanted was one IF cover and finished on 101st after getting hit 6 times in last 19 mins. Not fun but sometimes we get bad breaks, there are always lessons to be learned in defeat.
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 243 Tile Toppler
    1 match away from 1000 in Hood PVP, I come out of it to find I've lost 200 points. Tried fighting my way back, but gave up after getting back to 900. Perpetual matches of KK, Thor and Hood take waaaaay toooooo looooong.
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    Earths Mightiest PvP, shielded at 962 points, line up a 40 point match vs a 4* team (I've only got a 3* team) but its worth it for the 1k progression. Drop shields, win the match to only gain 19 points. Next match worth 35, win it too, but lose 105 points while fighting, win two more matches (of the 3 that hit me), only to lose 118 points during the last one.

    So instead of hitting the 1000 point progression after the first match i'm back down to 907 points and out more spideycoin.png cause no more health packs to continue.

    Major points of frustration include the inability to win a match for the advertised points as well as only being offered max'd 4* teams to fight against. Hate this game so much sometimes.

  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Reading the Update on Token Exploit thread...
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Having my last 3 LTs give me:

    greenflag.pngicon_carnage.png for my 1/4/5 icon_carnage.png (7th green)

    purpleflag.pngicon_antman.png for my 5/0/1 icon_antman.png (7th purple)

    blueflag.pngicon_nickfury.png for my 2/5/0 icon_nickfury.png (7th blue)

    RNGesus must hate me since I only have five other 4* covers maxed out besides those 3.
  • Heartburn
    madok wrote:
    Having my last 3 LTs give me:

    greenflag.pngicon_carnage.png for my 1/4/5 icon_carnage.png (7th green)

    purpleflag.pngicon_antman.png for my 5/0/1 icon_antman.png (7th purple)

    blueflag.pngicon_nickfury.png for my 2/5/0 icon_nickfury.png (7th blue)

    RNGesus must hate me since I only have five other 4* covers maxed out besides those 3.
    i might have started a new fury with that exra blue
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Heartburn wrote:
    i might have started a new fury with that exra blue

    That is still possible. I'm letting them rot in my queue right now so I can continue to shake my fist at RNGesus.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    I redeemed 70 Tacos and all I got was a bunch of worthless 3* covers! THROW PHONE RAGE thing.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cypr3ss wrote:
    Earths Mightiest PvP, shielded at 962 points, line up a 40 point match vs a 4* team (I've only got a 3* team) but its worth it for the 1k progression. Drop shields, win the match to only gain 19 points. Next match worth 35, win it too, but lose 105 points while fighting, win two more matches (of the 3 that hit me), only to lose 118 points during the last one.

    So instead of hitting the 1000 point progression after the first match i'm back down to 907 points and out more spideycoin.png cause no more health packs to continue.

    Major points of frustration include the inability to win a match for the advertised points as well as only being offered max'd 4* teams to fight against. Hate this game so much sometimes.

    Ouch. Saw you sitting about the same point as me before my final hop (I'm recognising names from the forum in PVP, is that a bad thing that I'm spending so much time here and I'm the game?!?), and it took me a ton of iso to queue up a good target to top out 1000; I saw one guy unshielded for a good few minutes (I kept going back to see if they were still unshielded by refreshing the score board) and everything I skipped it was one of the same two or three names coming up for 30 odd points. Half hour later managed to queue an unshielded target in the first position (after spending several hundred more iso to repeatedly skip through another 3 people repeatedly) and whaled it out after they had shielded so I wasn't exposed for too long.
  • Najbolji
    Najbolji Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    I can understand your frustration considering points in queue, but you should know that off-season events are nothing like regular PvPs. In off-season PvPs people usually just hit 1k and stay unshielded, so the longer you wait to hit the queued team, the lesser the possibility of a decent points yield.

    If you just need one win to hit progression, you should either find a good target right before you unshield, or alternatively search for a player from T-10 in your bracket when he is unshielding, find him during his hop and look for a shield sign on your leaderboard. That's the only way you'll ever be certain of how many points you'll get after you beat his team (you could get more than displayed).
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Funny, OJSP and I had the EXACT same worst MPQ moment!

    7-day PVE for a new character, over Star Wars weekend, ending on Christmas Eve. Have a Merry tinykitty Christmas
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    madok wrote:
    Having my last 3 LTs give me:

    greenflag.pngicon_carnage.png for my 1/4/5 icon_carnage.png (7th green)

    purpleflag.pngicon_antman.png for my 5/0/1 icon_antman.png (7th purple)

    blueflag.pngicon_nickfury.png for my 2/5/0 icon_nickfury.png (7th blue)

    RNGesus must hate me since I only have five other 4* covers maxed out besides those 3.

    It is proven that RNGesus hates me. I just opened the LT from the Venom Heroic........



    Now have 2 of those **** covers rotting in my queue.

    heck I would take XFW or IW covers over that. I don't have any of their covers maxed.
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Just found out that the New Spider-man will be a 7 day event ending on X-mas eve! Hopefully this is a rumor!
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Nope not a rumor! ****
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    Venom Heroic LT - icon_invisiblewoman.pnggreenflag.png

    Bought a LT with Command Points 12 hours later, icon_invisiblewoman.pnggreenflag.png

    Dupe is now 3/3/2.

    Accidentally sold the 66 covers in my queue. Nothing too important, only regret losing an IF purple and green I was going to use to start my 3rd IF. The other 3* covers were just waiting and a few of the 2* covers of characters I don't have rostered.
  • Green83
    Green83 Posts: 52 Match Maker
    25cp again: blue silver surfer

    with a 94 roster it's just not worth it to keep. Hope a definitive scaling fix will be announced officially soon or it's the 2nd 5 star i'll have to trash.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    My game just crashed right after I healed everyone to full and started a node. Went back in and my heroes all got hit with the retreat penalty.
