Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • was placed 27th in my shard for an eye for an eye pvp with 0 points with 1.5 hours to go. thought it was my lucky day and was gonna come back with an hour or so to go to get some rewards.

    came back to find the event disappeared from my list. tried quitting and reopening again and again but no luck.

    messaged devs for "support". gave a whole bunch of info, raising my hopes thinking they could work something out.

    was told that since i got 0 points (since i wasn't able to play AT ALL), nothing can be done but they've logged the issue in their database thank you very much.

    on a related note, i was eventually placed 87th (according to their records). given that i had a placing but got no rewards.. i do hope whoever was 101st was bumped up to 100th for some rewards etc. but i highly doubt it.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    dejavu wrote:
    was placed 27th in my shard for an eye for an eye pvp with 0 points with 1.5 hours to go. thought it was my lucky day and was gonna come back with an hour or so to go to get some rewards.

    came back to find the event disappeared from my list. tried quitting and reopening again and again but no luck.

    messaged devs for "support". gave a whole bunch of info, raising my hopes thinking they could work something out.

    was told that since i got 0 points (since i wasn't able to play AT ALL), nothing can be done but they've logged the issue in their database thank you very much.

    on a related note, i was eventually placed 87th (according to their records). given that i had a placing but got no rewards.. i do hope whoever was 101st was bumped up to 100th for some rewards etc. but i highly doubt it.

    If you didn't play any match at all, it doesn't count, both for pvp and pve.
  • dejavu wrote:
    was placed 27th in my shard for an eye for an eye pvp with 0 points with 1.5 hours to go. thought it was my lucky day and was gonna come back with an hour or so to go to get some rewards.

    came back to find the event disappeared from my list. tried quitting and reopening again and again but no luck.

    messaged devs for "support". gave a whole bunch of info, raising my hopes thinking they could work something out.

    was told that since i got 0 points (since i wasn't able to play AT ALL), nothing can be done but they've logged the issue in their database thank you very much.

    on a related note, i was eventually placed 87th (according to their records). given that i had a placing but got no rewards.. i do hope whoever was 101st was bumped up to 100th for some rewards etc. but i highly doubt it.

    If you didn't play any match at all, it doesn't count, both for pvp and pve.

    except when i want to play, i can't. by no fault of mine.
  • DalekGAF
    DalekGAF Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Got to 900 in the Loki PVP today and after ONE fight I was attacked multiple times and lost 232 points. Cmon.
  • loki PVP: cascadeath 3-times/match in a row(not included -178 point from AFK lose)

    LT from groket pve: 1x th blue inviswoman
    LT rom CP: yellow falcrap

  • Green83
    Green83 Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Last season pvp 10 pack: 10 2 stars
    This season: same

    The reward is really not worth the effort , DPD gives more iso and usable covers than this. Sigh
  • It is almost reaching 1k in pvp and suffer loss of more than 100 points. After each won round there is a point loss notice. It is half an hour longer unnecessary and almost forces you to burn DDQ tokens for blood.
  • Tryke
    Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Crying inside a bit from the icon_hulk.pnggreenflag.png I got for daily resupply. My Hulk has been 5/5/0 for weeks. Really makes me wish that they would consider the blank/neutral covers idea.

    But it's alright. I aint even mad cuz my Hulk has zero Anger, literally. icon_e_smile.gif
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since the most common complaint on these boards at the minute is token luck I thought I'd have a vent about general luck...

    So today I've used all 10 starting health packs on PVP - how many victories? 0. in each match that I have started I made my move and then on the ai turn they got some ridiculous cascades which filled up their critical AP stashes and then wiped me out (this even happened with a loaner Lthor/CStorm/Daken node which I should have easily wiped). OK no problem I guess I'll take a break from this infuriating luck on PVP and hit up the PVE (which I'm not bothering with since I don't need it's goods) on the final node of said PVE the exact same thing happens wiping out my a-list team (admittedly my a-list is probably most others c-list)...OK so I guess I'll just do the trusty DDQ to pick up my blade cover I need...nope even the goon node wiped me.

    I've earned nothing today, is it funny? Yeah I can actually see the funny side of the game deciding I'm winning nothing today. I can honestly say I thought I'd had some tinykitty luck today...that is until I opened the 2 LT I had which turned out to be 2 more characters I don't have and can't roster (IW and MrF in case your curious). Should I give up on luck at this point? Probably but being a scientist and not really believing in luck too much and dismissing it as simple human superstition I decide to open my taco (even a moonstone will be better than absolutlely nothing for today) and...YES! the LT! the first time I've ever pulled it from the vault.
    Open up the LT and... it's Slightly More Interesting than reality TV Hulk... drat! I have no space for him, and don't want him anyway.

    The lesson for today? If you really feel luck is against you? give up for the day. Enjoy your day peeps
  • KingDon
    KingDon Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    Earning the season 10 pack, 1 gold ( yellowflag.pngicon_caroldanvers.png) the rest 2*'s and then looking back at my posts for the season packs and realizing that out the 15 seasons I have posted about (I know I missed the 10 pack on a couple of seasons (the earlier seasons when it was at 5k and not 4k) I have only had 2 x 4*'s out of all of the tokens....and they where yellowflag.pnggreenflag.pngicon_wolverine.png

    on the positive note (and posted in the happy forum) I did pull a purpleflag.pngicon_professorx.png from the 300pt mark of the Thor pvp so swings and roundabouts and all that
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really wish they would change up the DDQ rotation so that Blade didn't always fall on the infernal Ninja-Muscle-Ninja day. Get a bad board to start and you're toast. Either kill a ninja first, and a Threaten enhances the attack tiles, or eat lots of Strength in Numbers tiles while taking down the muscle.

    I just wrecked on my first attempt. Three health packs later, let's see how #2 goes.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really wish they would change up the DDQ rotation so that Blade didn't always fall on the infernal Ninja-Muscle-Ninja day. Get a bad board to start and you're toast. Either kill a ninja first, and a Threaten enhances the attack tiles, or eat lots of Strength in Numbers tiles while taking down the muscle.

    I just wrecked on my first attempt. Three health packs later, let's see how #2 goes.

    I got really bullied by MPQ today, I finally decided to give it a shot again and cleared on my first go. I think the game obviously found someone else to bully for a while
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well I cleared it on my second go, not too much difficulty this time, just got a better board and got Steve rolling.

    My Blade is 3/5/5 at last.
  • Ralph-Wiggum
    Ralph-Wiggum Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    Worst moment: completing the Moonstone/Rocket Launcher node at least 15 times without getting a CP. at least now I know that the maximum time before a node regains full value is 1 day 23 hours....

    Seriously how is this fun and why do I keep trying?
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Two days left in the hulk event and I'm half way to progression. Only missed one node clear last night and did one 3/4 all the way the other day. Feeling the PVE burnout bad.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Made 1928 and 1st place for Thor pvp. Awesome! shields? -75,-75,-75,+1. 4th place 1714. 3 minutes in the wild. Poor planning and wasn't paying attention. May recover, will take some luck. If I do, check best moment thread.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    New tablet, which means I'm stuck playing the horrible tutorial again. Why does the tutorial act like it takes a doctorate to figure out how to play a match 3 game? Seriously, by the second fight I don't need you to show me how to match three of the same color together anymore!
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    Interesting, it's impossible to lose in the tutorial. Bored out of my mind half way through it and decided to lose intentionally. Last character will sit at 1 hp no matter how much you let him get hit until you win.
  • Tryke
    Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Opened 12 tacos, nothing above 1500 iso. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Cypr3ss
    Cypr3ss Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    <sigh> Essential node down to 1 point, 1 out of 4 rewards gained (not the Command Point) and all out of Health Packs... this game is so much fun icon_rolleyes.gif
