Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    got my first legendary in awhile now. carnage. last legendary i had. carnage.

    i don't even want that steaming turd on my roster...
  • I got my season anniversary 10 pack today. I was stoked as my friend got his about an hour earlier, and he pulled 3 Devil Dino greens and a blue IMHB, along with a few 3 *s. (Several of my alliance members had similar luck) .
    I opened mine up, and I received 9 2*s and a 4* Thor blue. Was hoping it wasn't going to be my 4th season 10 pack to shaft me like that (especially with these pull rates being higher), but today was not my day. That was only my 5th gold cover, and 1 of 2 4*s from the anniversary and Galactus tokens.
    Maybe it'll get better before it all closes out. I doubt it. But maybe!
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    My worst moment also ended up being my best moment today:

    I have about a 50/50 give or take chance of passing the DDQ node that unlocks the Big Enchilada (can seldom do squat on that last DDQ node, though) and today, I was doing pretty well with my team despite the fact that my GSBW was under-leveled and still a bit under-covered.

    ... And then &%$# it, the other side triggers this MASSIVE 3+ chain because of critical cascades when one of Magneto's tiles went off owing to the tile-drops that dropped in to fill the space that Mags' exploded CD tile left behind.

    One of my characters got their remaining HP knocked cleanly off and I thought to myself that there was no WAY I could win and I thought about retreating because everyone else's HP wasn't looking too great, either.

    But I stuck it out and after some careful boardwork with GSBW's Purple ability and paired with 2*Thor having hoarded some tiles, I actually managed to clear the node by knocking out Magneto, Captain Marvel, and Captain America in that order... with less than 200 HP to spare between GSBW and 2*Thor.

    Not my finest moment, but I'll take it!
  • Playing Devil Dino pvp
  • A worst moment with a caveat…

    While the second run of Galactus is, dare I say it, actually FUN, and a HUGE improvement on the first, dear God, am I swimming in 2* tokens.

    Out of how ever many Anniversary and Galactus tokens I've opened in the past week+ (including an Anniversary 10-pack and what, +-20 from Galactus himself, and how ever many from PvP progressions?), I've seen sadly few 3*s, and among the few I've gotten were a Doc Oc I finally grudgingly rostered and a Qs. Does he even count as a 3*? icon_razz.gificon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

    Would be nice to add to my sad novelty Devil Dino or perhaps share some of the "new car smell" joy of those getting RH, 4*Cyke… heck, ANYTHING 3* or 4* would do…

    Bah. Event is still far more enjoyable that the first, so I've got that going for me. icon_e_wink.gificon_e_smile.gif


  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eh, you could be in my boat. I saw icon_blackpanther.png come up and momentarily thought, "YES! At last! He badly needs --"

    Of course it was yellow. The one power I have maxed.

    Are black BP covers even in token packs? icon_razz.gif
  • Was playing Dino PvP. Needed 1750 season points for the 10-pack reward. Hit ~750 in Dino, got hit down for 250, then phone crashed and reset mid-match. Lost the next match because heroes were at low health. Finally won a couple matches with phone battery charged, but still down 150+ points from what I need, so basically screwed.

    Disappointed since I don't normally play PvP, as I hate shield hopping and all the other baggage associated with it. Lame end to anniversary season for me, although otherwise I've enjoyed the festivities. I'm pretty much done with MPQ now unless/until they introduce some new play mode that allows me to keep advancing (3-4* transition), so I was hoping to go out on a high note.

    Oh well. Just a reminder of why I hate PvP, and why there's not enough good in this game to make me want to keep playing it more than very casually / infrequently anymore.
  • Hit 965k in Galactus and awarded a token_legendary.png
    icon_invisiblewoman.pngyellowflag.png #7 are you **** kidding me?

    Played Round 1 of Deadpool vs. MPQ, scaling is back and out of control
    (Lvl 200 CapFal, Super Steve, and Gamora) Haha for 310 pts and Red Hulk is an essential, I'll pass

    Played Red Eye
    Holy MMR ****!

    Looks like DDQ from here on out.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    I lost the Bullseye essential node in DP v MPQ by 1 HP. Iron Fist, down, Witch, down, Ant-Man, 1 HP. That was a seriously annoying node, with Witch acting as a battery for the others.
  • Cunneryn
    Cunneryn Posts: 112
    Grinding the DP VS MPQ, trying to stay in the top 10, and realizing too late that it's a 2 days nodes are wortless now.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,397 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was fighting the Nick Fury 4* node in DP vs MPQ.

    Even though I was having a hard time (I'm *slowly* building on more star.pngstar.pngstar.pngs, so I had to work with a buffed 5/4/3 punisher, 5/4/2 cmags, 4/2/1 hood). I was confident I could manage it and was doing fine... Until the last few rounds where Professor X was the only one standing of the enemy with 31 icon_rolleyes.gif health left and an invisibility tile out that was unreachable.
    I had no team attacks left to hurt him (punisher was downed already) and seeing he also had a few strike tiles out that were doing tons of damage each round, the rest of my team followed quickly icon_cry.gif.
  • Get my 4th ever Legendary Token today from DDQ. And my 2nd ever unneeded icon_invisiblewoman.png cover from a Legendary Token. Sigh. icon_cry.gif
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    edited October 2015
    Doing ok in Red eye, got to sub 700 last night with minor hits played through had a little trouble @800, blasted past it and ran to 1000, still making progress but out of health packs with occasional hits get to 950, find one for 51 points win, only worth 48 points take a quick match win but hit for -150. Play one more but shield cause teams are spent. It was within my grasp but slipped away. icon_e_sad.gif

    Update: shield hopping did not go so well. Goal was in reach but fumble critical matches with a burnt out team and came up short twice then was hit back down and gave up.
  • Krongle
    Krongle Posts: 73 Match Maker
    Playing through the villain part of DP vs MPQ, somewhat annoyed by the Hood feeder node, but then I get to the Doom feeder node. *sigh* There went my hope of getting good placement. Abandoning after legendary token it is, then!
  • Skipped a million fights in Red Eye and broke 800 for the first time. 804 to be exact. I know that because I took a screenshot of my accomplishment.

    Then I thought, "Huh, that's weird. Why aren't I getting the reward screen?"

    Yeah, exactly. I got hit crossing the finish line. No reward.

    I swear to God, I'm playing this game purely out of a spiteful reluctance to quit more than any actual enjoyment these days. lol

  • Great. Two in a row from me. Not a good sign…

    Opening MPQ this morning, finishing all of DDQ, and then realizing there is essentially no reason for me to open the game until tomorrow's DDQ.

    Current PvP (not sure of the name, and there apparently isn't a thread for it): I cannot skip enough fights to find an opponent less that 110 levels above my heroes (thanks again, $$), so that's out.

    Lightning round PvPs: When I can get the timing right, I fight 3 seeds for a token and some ISO, and then meet a wall of teams essentially impossible to beat ($$, holla!).

    Deadpool vs.PvE: Started the event, but scaling has ensured that I'm looking at 3 matches per node tops, so there's not much point in that anymore (thanks as always, $$). Attempted a couple of the essentials and one of the "easy" matches, and yeah, nothing doing.

    Enemy of the State PvE: See above, and add the joy of looking at 7 solid days of grinding for T300? T200?


  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Finished DDQ, first clear of Enemy of the State, 400 in the R&G PVP, and I'm so bored now that I'm tempted to start opening all of my tokens. #firstworldmpqproblems
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Opening my Anniversary 10-pack and getting just one usable cover, and that was only a icon_spiderman.pngpurpleflag.pngicon_rolleyes.gif

    I did pull a icon_ironfist.pnggreenflag.png with my last single Anniversary token at least.

    So much for getting any Dino covers. I pulled one during the entire anniversary.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Trying to make a new topic and getting it locked because the mods don't understand it's different than the topic they directed you to.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Logging in to the forums, only to be greeted with a message that I've been banned for 7 days. That's not the problem, as I was pretty rude. The problem was that when I was finally able to log back in and read the PM I received from the mod who banned me, I saw it read that I would receive a three-day ban.
