Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 31 May 2024, 02:21

    @KGB said:

    @sambrookjm said:
    Opened up 200 LL tokens, trying to champ Jubilee from a 2/2/2. She is now a 5/5/2 with 7 saved covers. Odds of that dry spell: (20/21)^200, or about 1-in-17,293

    On the bright side, thanks to all of those bonus shards, my two Grockets combined to ascend to LVL 475. I'm looking forward to the 9000+ damage in strike tiles per match...

    Not sure what the 20/21 is supposed to represent (nor do I not understand why you didn't favorite her for sharding that last cover).

    But the odds of getting a specific cover for a 5 are .15 (odds of a 5) * (1/9) (odds of a specific cover for one of the 3 characters) = .0166666. Put another way, the odds of drawing anything else but that 1 cover are .983333 for a given draw. Over 200 draws the odds you missed are .983333^200 = .0346 or roughly 3.5%.


    Yeah...I messed up the math. That just shows just how ticked off I was! :angry::angry::angry:
    ~1:7 for a five star
    1:3 out of that for a particular five star (this was where the 20/21. 1-(1/7)*(1/3))
    1:3 for a particular cover.

    The odds I gave were not getting ANY Jubilee covers out of those 200, not just that particular cover.

    So not as bad as I thought...but it was still annoying. Had I known it would have been 200 covers without that particular one, I would have sharded her and been done with it. At least my Kang got a few extra levels.

    Edit - Another 50 LTs, dropping my stash to 300. Another two saved covers for Jubilee, and still at 5/5/2. Chances are now down to 1.5%. Meanwhile, Kang got enough bonus shards for three more covers, bringing him to 493.

  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards

    I was doing quite well in Simulator against a BRB/5Polaris/5Nico team until the AI fired off their team-up that I didn't notice at the start of the battle.


    That ended the match...quickly.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,628 Chairperson of the Boards

    @sambrookjm said:
    I was doing quite well in Simulator against a BRB/5Polaris/5Nico team until the AI fired off their team-up that I didn't notice at the start of the battle.


    That ended the match...quickly.

    That'll do it.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,628 Chairperson of the Boards

    PvP against everyone's favorite Thor.

    1: Through cascades only, the AI had gathered 29 yellow in 2 turns.

    2: In a different match, I was set to win on my next turn. Her cascades gave her enough AP to fire all 3 of her powers.

  • kuntilanak
    kuntilanak Posts: 65 Match Maker

    @Borstock said:
    PvP against everyone's favorite Thor.

    1: Through cascades only, the AI had gathered 29 yellow in 2 turns.

    2: In a different match, I was set to win on my next turn. Her cascades gave her enough AP to fire all 3 of her powers.

    I get that a lot... my 1st turn only get 1 match. Then AI got massive cascade at next turn and fires all cylinders in 1 go... suffice to say colorful words flying everywhere... :D

  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 23 June 2024, 11:49

    Fighting in the Victor Mancha event, I brought along a Monkey Business team-up to stop iHulk from returning after he died. I fired off the team-up, doing 14K damage to him. He died, and then came right back again. with his 51K health. And yes, I ended up losing the match...

    Does the special ability of Monkey Business not work if it's a team-up.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,499 Chairperson of the Boards

    @sambrookjm said:
    Fighting in the Victor Mancha event, I brought along a Monkey Business team-up to stop iHulk from returning after he died. I fired off the team-up, doing 14K damage to him. He died, and then came right back again. with his 51K health. And yes, I ended up losing the match...

    Does the special ability of Monkey Business not work if it's a team-up.

    Passive components of abilities never work without the character / as team-ups.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,628 Chairperson of the Boards

    The Mancha PvP was the hardest one I've faced in a while. Lots and lots of wipes. Somehow, those Vultures kept falling backwards into blue over and over and over again.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 801 Critical Contributor

    @sambrookjm said:
    Fighting in the Victor Mancha event, I brought along a Monkey Business team-up to stop iHulk from returning after he died. I fired off the team-up, doing 14K damage to him. He died, and then came right back again. with his 51K health. And yes, I ended up losing the match...

    Does the special ability of Monkey Business not work if it's a team-up.

    It's a bug, 2+ years old.

  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,141 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @sambrookjm said:
    Fighting in the Victor Mancha event, I brought along a Monkey Business team-up to stop iHulk from returning after he died. I fired off the team-up, doing 14K damage to him. He died, and then came right back again. with his 51K health. And yes, I ended up losing the match...

    Does the special ability of Monkey Business not work if it's a team-up.

    It's a bug, 2+ years old.

    Because of course it is... :frowning: I'm also assuming that necro-ing a thread that hasn't been posted to in a year about a still-active bug is a no-no... :fearful:

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,628 Chairperson of the Boards

    @sambrookjm said:

    @WilliamK1983 said:

    @sambrookjm said:
    Fighting in the Victor Mancha event, I brought along a Monkey Business team-up to stop iHulk from returning after he died. I fired off the team-up, doing 14K damage to him. He died, and then came right back again. with his 51K health. And yes, I ended up losing the match...

    Does the special ability of Monkey Business not work if it's a team-up.

    It's a bug, 2+ years old.

    Because of course it is... :frowning: I'm also assuming that necro-ing a thread that hasn't been posted to in a year about a still-active bug is a no-no... :fearful:

    Assuming that's true, it should be allowed to open a new one, no?

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,524 Chairperson of the Boards

    This was a few days ago, but the resolution came through.

    I been pushing Low Level AI to get to rank 5.
    5 shards away from ranking it and pull a support.
    Boom bonus shards x300
    Can’t do anything about it, contact CS got resolution. They can’t do anything about it.
    Just my luck, even when I’m lucky I’ve got **** luck. 😂