Ultron PvE questions



  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I might be asking a repeat question, so sorry in advance:

    Will Ultron's health pool increase each time he returns?
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    DuckyV wrote:
    mouser wrote:
    Saw the explanation that the 21st person from an Alliance who joins the PVE is placed into their own bracket. However is the 22nd person that joins also in their own separate bracket, or are they placed in the same bracket with player #21?

    They'd join player 21 afaik.

    Is there a dev post that states it works that way? I tried my best to go through the dev responses in both threads but couldn't find one that addressed my question.

    Normally I'd assume #21 and #22 are together, but this PVE is a new beast and the devs did say the treatment of #21 is undesired but not fixable for this event.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Scoregasms wrote:
    If an ability says "special tile" (like Doctor Octopus's Black), the Drop tile counts.

    If it says something like "Strike, Protect, or Attack tile" (like Daredevil's Radar Sense or Squirrel Girl's Nuts from Above), then it doesn't.

    A Drop tile is an enemy special tile, but if an ability lists specific tile types and "Drop tile" isn't included, the ability won't count/affect it. In that sense, they're similar to Invisibility tiles.

    Lol, plug for Doc Ock? So no Falcon then, so just Cap, IW, Doc Ock and Starlord are the only ones that can target these Drop Tiles if I am reading this correctly?

    You could probably add targeted tile destruction to that, so GSBW and Hood, with the risk of generating adverse cascades. Rocket and Groot also, if the drop tile is the centre of the board, but I'd really not be keen on that, since there's too high a chance of generating an adverse cascade with Blammo.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    The thing you need to be VERY CAREFUL of: If you form a 20 person alliance and then all join the AvU event, your leaderboard is full. If one person leaves the alliance, and someone else joins the alliance and tries to enter the event, they will get stuck in a leaderboard by themselves. I would recommend that you post how many people are in your leaderboard in alliance chat, so no one accidentally tries to join after 20 people are in the event.

    We can't fix this for that player; there's nothing we can do to switch them out of that leaderboard. They'll be stuck by themself (or with anyone else that joins late) in the event, and there's no scaling for smaller alliances.

    This is where Kabir mentions how it works for people after the initial 20 in the alliance that join.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Asked in the other thread and didn't get a response:

    1) How long will the overall event run?
    2) Do chapters expire, how tight is the timing? Loose enough to play at leisure or religious 8 hour intervals?
    3) What will scaling look like? Degree and what elements based on?
    4) Any chance a 1-woman or 1-man alliance could pull this off, or is it fundamentally structured and dependent on constant alliance members attacking nodes?
    5) The individual Prime missions - are those full sub-events, or just individual nodes? Details seem a little vague on that point.


    Here's a response from Kabir earlier in this thread:
    i don't want to put you on the spot if you don't know but roughly how many active members would an alliance need to complete the event, theoretically speaking? No worries if you can't answer it, i know this is all experimental stuff and what not but i am uber stoked to take on Ultron! icon_twisted.gif

    We've worked hard on balancing this, but it's very hard to scale for alliances of different sizes. If you're going after the rewards, my best advice is to find an alliance with 20 members that are committed to playing it this weekend.

    My guess is that a 1-person alliance has no chance of pulling it off at all. Presumably there's a possibility sub-twenty member alliances may complete the entire event, depending on how dedicated they are at hitting the ancillary Ultron Sentry nodes. I have the same dilemma, but have decided that I'll stick with my current small Alliance with friends. If I drop out to join a twenty person Alliance, my current Alliance will have no hope at all. I'm hoping to at least unlock the majority of the reward pins, and pull a couple of SW's from lucky token pulls.

    The event is 4.5 days. My understanding is that each chapter doesn't expire, it refreshes when you completely deplete Ultron's health for that run.

    The individual Prime events look like single nodes to my understanding.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    would of loved to see this start at 9am would had more time in the morning to play it....I glad i picked one of the early PVE i would hate to try to play this, finish up my PVE that ends tomorrow and try to squeeze in the PVP the same day.

    Lucky my PVE ends i think at 10am
    Lucky the PVP has no outcome (dont need the covers and hit 4000 pts using shield yesterday to grab my 10 pack)

    so got all tomorrow night to play it. (though i may try to squzzes PVP in ... im guessing PVP is going to be dead so might be a way to jump into a very easy bracket with no attacks icon_e_smile.gif

    just got to wait to see what the refresh looks like.

    Wonder though they said the Main nod freezes down for 8 hours or you can do a ess nod and win and it unlocks it. does that push ULTRON main nod back 8 hours what i mean is

    Play at noon and lock the Ultron nod ==== nod would not repopen normal until 8pm
    Play an ess nod and win at 2pm
    Play Ultron and lock the nod

    would the ULtron nod open at 10pm (8 hours after the last lock) or 8pm what would been the normal open time.

    wont be able to play till 2 and trying to figure out try to hit all of the nods or take my time and play them. will see tomorrow when i get to play it Cause we might see tons of nods we are not expecting cause i thought they said if you killed ULtron a single player nods open up to play and you got to try to get more pts that way, who knows how many nods those are and are those on 8 hour lock downs as well
  • Phantron wrote:

    So how does this work with Cap's red and blue that say "Any chosen tile"?

    Thanks again Will and Kabir for this info, this is really exciting!

    Any chosen tile is not really any chosen tile because I found out you can't overwrite a locked tile with red/blue, so I'd assume Captain's ability works on drop tile until it does not.

    This is the Immovable Object to L.Cap's Unstoppable Force. The only exception to "any tile".

    Technically the lock tiles don't exist on the board, so can't be overwritten, only matched to unlock.
  • Zifna
    Zifna Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    What happens if you shoot Ultron with Punisher?
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    DuckyV wrote:
    The thing you need to be VERY CAREFUL of: If you form a 20 person alliance and then all join the AvU event, your leaderboard is full. If one person leaves the alliance, and someone else joins the alliance and tries to enter the event, they will get stuck in a leaderboard by themselves. I would recommend that you post how many people are in your leaderboard in alliance chat, so no one accidentally tries to join after 20 people are in the event.

    We can't fix this for that player; there's nothing we can do to switch them out of that leaderboard. They'll be stuck by themself (or with anyone else that joins late) in the event, and there's no scaling for smaller alliances.

    This is where Kabir mentions how it works for people after the initial 20 in the alliance that join.

    ... so is it possible to get an elaboration on how the initial 20 works? Say, for example, I have a dedicated PvP/PvE player that wants to do the Ultron event with one alliance but wants to compete for the Season PvP rewards with another? If that player joins Alliance X and starts the Ultron event, then leaves to collect PvP rewards with Alliance Y and returns after time interval Z, how does their Ultron event work during time interval Z? Will they be able to post points for Alliance X even though they're technically with Alliance Y? Will their points accrue properly or reflect the state of the progress made by others in Alliance X? Will they even be able to play the Ultron PvE while they're with Alliance Y or will the game attempt to place them in a leaderboard for Alliance Y?
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    d0nk3y wrote:
    DuckyV wrote:
    The thing you need to be VERY CAREFUL of: If you form a 20 person alliance and then all join the AvU event, your leaderboard is full. If one person leaves the alliance, and someone else joins the alliance and tries to enter the event, they will get stuck in a leaderboard by themselves. I would recommend that you post how many people are in your leaderboard in alliance chat, so no one accidentally tries to join after 20 people are in the event.

    We can't fix this for that player; there's nothing we can do to switch them out of that leaderboard. They'll be stuck by themself (or with anyone else that joins late) in the event, and there's no scaling for smaller alliances.

    This is where Kabir mentions how it works for people after the initial 20 in the alliance that join.

    ... so is it possible to get an elaboration on how the initial 20 works? Say, for example, I have a dedicated PvP/PvE player that wants to do the Ultron event with one alliance but wants to compete for the Season PvP rewards with another? If that player joins Alliance X and starts the Ultron event, then leaves to collect PvP rewards with Alliance Y and returns after time interval Z, how does their Ultron event work during time interval Z? Will they be able to post points for Alliance X even though they're technically with Alliance Y? Will their points accrue properly or reflect the state of the progress made by others in Alliance X? Will they even be able to play the Ultron PvE while they're with Alliance Y or will the game attempt to place them in a leaderboard for Alliance Y?

    They've been careful to frame things in terms of an Alliance Leaderboard. So what happens, is if you join the AvU event, you're added to that leaderboard, permanently. If you leave that Alliance (X), you remain on that Alliance Leaderboard, and any points you accrue for AvU will be within the context of the initial Alliance Leaderboard you were locked into when you joined. You won't switch to a new leaderboard, just because you're with Alliance Y, rather than X. You won't accrue points for Alliance Y.
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    Zifna wrote:
    What happens if you shoot Ultron with Punisher?

    I would say you'd probably end up with an Ultron chassis with a bright red smear on it.

    Now, if you were to use Retribution and Ultron was below 40% health... well... fingers crossed on that one. We'll have to see if that mechanic applies to this type of enemy.
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    morph3us wrote:
    They've been careful to frame things in terms of an Alliance Leaderboard. So what happens, is if you join the AvU event, you're added to that leaderboard, permanently. If you leave that Alliance (X), you remain on that Alliance Leaderboard, and any points you accrue for AvU will be within the context of the initial Alliance Leaderboard you were locked into when you joined. You won't switch to a new leaderboard, just because you're with Alliance Y, rather than X. You won't accrue points for Alliance Y.

    I have my fingers crossed that this is the way it works, but I'm always really skeptical about being in the initial launch of a new gameplay element, you know? Things always seem to go sideways. I was hoping we could have a set-in-stone ruling on how the Ultron event would be treated independently of all other events with overlapping gameplay windows. The posts have all mentioned the 21st alliance member, not necessarily identifying that 21st alliance member as one that has not already begun the Ultron event.

    But anyways...
  • Lerysh wrote:

    This is the Immovable Object to L.Cap's Unstoppable Force. The only exception to "any tile".

    Technically the lock tiles don't exist on the board, so can't be overwritten, only matched to unlock.

    That's until the next More Unstoppable Force ability that comes in and removes locked tiles too!
  • Phantron wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:

    This is the Immovable Object to L.Cap's Unstoppable Force. The only exception to "any tile".

    Technically the lock tiles don't exist on the board, so can't be overwritten, only matched to unlock.

    That's until the next More Unstoppable Force ability that comes in and removes locked tiles too!

    Until I have evidence of that I will operate under the assumption that "all" means "everything but lock tiles".
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pre-nerf Magneto (3*) did replace locked tiles too with his blue.
  • i dont know if this has been asked.

    with my understanding, ultron health is determined by how many alliance member u have? correct??

    so my alliance now have 20 players, but 6 of them are not going to play(either dead or uninstalled)
    do 14 of us have to fight ultron as if we have 20 active players or ultrons health is determined by how many players we have in the leader board?

    btw we love new content . ty.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    noisnam wrote:
    i dont know if this has been asked.

    with my understanding, ultron health is determined by how many alliance member u have? correct??

    so my alliance now have 20 players, but 6 of them are not going to play(either dead or uninstalled)
    do 14 of us have to fight ultron as if we have 20 active players or ultrons health is determined by how many players we have in the leader board?

    btw we love new content . ty.

    According to earlier comments, Ultron is not set to scale to the number of active members.

    If your alliance members are really dead, I recommend you kick them and look for new members. Condolences and wreathes optional. icon_twisted.gif
  • OnyxSnake
    OnyxSnake Posts: 78 Match Maker
    How will Punishers Retribution effect Ultron?
    Can we get him down to 30000 hit points then finish him.

    Edit: didn't see this had been asked already.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    OnyxSnake wrote:
    How will Punishers Retribution effect Ultron?
    Can we get him down to 30000 hit points then finish him.

    Given the mechanics, you're not going to fight a 75k Ultron in an individual battle. They said "win or lose, he locks for 8 hours." That implies that when you win, you only dent his health bar.

    Ultron in the individual battle, if he has 75k, will probably have some small amount (3-5k) to deal. They also said he gets stronger after you beat him, so I imagine the 2nd-8th iterations will have increased health. So 2nd go around might be 150k and 8-10k individually, something like that.

    That makes sense, because otherwise one member could theoretically clear Ultron by his/herself, and they've also said it's meant for 20-man teams.

    All that said, in battle mechanics should work normally. So if individual battle Ultron has 10k, Punisher will KO him at 4k. Ditto Deadpool, he's not going to do 65% of 75k (up to his max), he's going to do 65% of whatever is in the individual match.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:

    This is the Immovable Object to L.Cap's Unstoppable Force. The only exception to "any tile".

    Technically the lock tiles don't exist on the board, so can't be overwritten, only matched to unlock.

    That's until the next More Unstoppable Force ability that comes in and removes locked tiles too!

    That's Quicksilver, and he does it for free And gets aoe dmg too! Omg so OP, nerf him quick!