Ultron PvE questions



  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    Narkon wrote:
    I still have not joined since I was away from home when the event started and once I got home I couldn't connect. I will try to join an alliance tomorrow morning because it's too late now and the game still can't connect (3+ hours ). A question I have is what happens if I join an alliance that HAD 20 members when they joined the event, but they have open slots now. If they are all in a 20 player bracket, in which bracket am I placed?

    This combination of 1) the current alliance system, 2) the Ultron event (alliance pve) and 3) the alliance hoping, looks to me like a recipe for disaster.

    IF they all signed up for the event from that alliance and then quit -- they would still hold that spot meaning you would be all alone even though your on that team you would not be on that 20 man team - you would be a team of 1.
  • xdogg
    xdogg Posts: 335 Mover and Shaker
    2iqmgp2.jpg Why can't I do anything, I beat all 5 nodes but it says defeat Ultron sentries 0% and I have to wait 8 hours
  • slidecage wrote:
    Narkon wrote:
    I still have not joined since I was away from home when the event started and once I got home I couldn't connect. I will try to join an alliance tomorrow morning because it's too late now and the game still can't connect (3+ hours ). A question I have is what happens if I join an alliance that HAD 20 members when they joined the event, but they have open slots now. If they are all in a 20 player bracket, in which bracket am I placed?

    This combination of 1) the current alliance system, 2) the Ultron event (alliance pve) and 3) the alliance hoping, looks to me like a recipe for disaster.

    IF they all signed up for the event from that alliance and then quit -- they would still hold that spot meaning you would be all alone even though your on that team you would not be on that 20 man team - you would be a team of 1.
    If I am a team of 1 and I leave that alliance, creating a new one, will new members who join be placed in the same 20 people bracket as me until it fills?

    Like I said, "a recipe for disaster". At this point it feels like the devs are a bunch of amateurs who don't know what to do with the game. It's so frustrating.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Don't know if this has been asked, but why are my 8 hour essentials randomly refreshing before their timer is up? Is there some reason this happens?
  • Korulag
    Korulag Posts: 14
    Dauthi wrote:
    Don't know if this has been asked, but why are my 8 hour essentials randomly refreshing before their timer is up? Is there some reason this happens?

    Did your alliance beat the current Ultron and unlock the next one? That happened to me earlier.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Dauthi wrote:
    Don't know if this has been asked, but why are my 8 hour essentials randomly refreshing before their timer is up? Is there some reason this happens?

    It happened to me as well. Interestingly, I think it was a CHANGEOVER of essential nodes; CapA essentials were replaced with bw/thor. So that means each player can theoretically get another 5 cracks at the middle Ultron node.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Lerysh wrote:
    Alexraven wrote:
    Anyone else not getting progression points for beating Ultron Primes? Just curious if that was how it was supposed to be or if its part of the crash.

    It's part of the server issues. Once the server updates with your score you will get a bunch in a row. Happened to me as well.

    I especially dislike where it says +0 and 0/0 totals after a fight, but it gets the right score eventually.

    Same thing happened to me this afternoon. had a bunch of 0 score fights, but then the server finally updated my score and gave me a bunch of progression rewards in succession.
  • Hi I'm looking to merc or long term join for an alliance starting with ultron event. 68 roster slots, 270 xforce around six 166 and 20 level 100 to 150 heroes. Competitive, please message me if you have space in your alliance! Thanks.

    You can check out my roster in f2p partTimers, name is Kazuto
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    posting here since this is where i see the devs most active -

    this is a great event. most fun i've had playing MPQ all year. thank you.

    i know you're getting grief for the server issues, and i do understand the distress, but you deserve props for a well designed event.
  • Question for people on the later rounds- does it look like all of the Quicksilver progression rewards are reachable? I'm only on Round 4 and it's hard to predict how high the point values for later rounds will go.
  • Does anyone have any idea if all the nodes will refresh after 8 hours or will it only be 1 run on the boss every 8 hours?
  • Ryz-aus
    Ryz-aus Posts: 386
    Pjoe0211 wrote:
    Does anyone have any idea if all the nodes will refresh after 8 hours or will it only be 1 run on the boss every 8 hours?

    They all refresh, so you can make six runs at the boss every 8 hrs, also resetting when your alliance clears the round.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now would have been a good time to introduce limited scrolling to the leader board.

    I can see that there are 12 Roaches playing, and can view the points of the top 10, but have no idea who the other 2 are. And so I don't know who the sleeping 8 are.

  • Moon Roach wrote:
    Now would have been a good time to introduce limited scrolling to the leader board.

    I can see that there are 12 Roaches playing, and can view the points of the top 10, but have no idea who the other 2 are. And so I don't know who the sleeping 8 are.


    TOOOOOTALLY agree with this.
  • Dauthi wrote:
    Don't know if this has been asked, but why are my 8 hour essentials randomly refreshing before their timer is up? Is there some reason this happens?

    Based on the event info it sounds like the essentials rotate every 8 hours on their own.
  • If this is an alliance event then as alliance commander why can I only view the top 10 scores still? It would be nice to know if the bottom 10 are playing at all. I know if they have joined the event I'm stuck with them till the end but after that I could kick any low or inactive players.

    Also since when is Quicksilver such an important Avenger that he needs to have 2 dedicated nodes that the majority of my alliance cant even play. So frustrating!
  • Not sure if this was asked or if it was answered:

    I missed the beginning of the event thanks to not being able to connect to the servers, so essentially missed the first 4 rounds (my team was ruthless with ultron). Does that mean I will miss out on the progression reward? If we beat ultron before the end of the event (IE Still time left for the event), can we still rack up points for progression?

    Thanks for the new content, keep up the great work devs
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Koko81 wrote:
    Not sure if this was asked or if it was answered:

    I missed the beginning of the event thanks to not being able to connect to the servers, so essentially missed the first 4 rounds (my team was ruthless with ultron). Does that mean I will miss out on the progression reward? If we beat ultron before the end of the event (IE Still time left for the event), can we still rack up points for progression?

    Thanks for the new content, keep up the great work devs

    1 full clear of the last 4 levels of Ultron Vanilla is about 520k points, plus whatever the essentials are worth (I think it's 6k per round). So if you do 2 full clears of levels 5-8, you'll clear progression with room to spare.

    I doubt there's more progression after level 8, but that would be a nice bonus.
  • Thanks grumpy

    Just got a problem tho everyone in my alliance just lost all progress regarding this event. Did anyone get this problem? We were at round 6 and now this
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Does the Ultron node's 8 hour refresh timer reset every time it's cleared between Ultron Sentry (Essential) runs? So if I beat Ultron, then unlock the node again by beating an Essential node, then beat Ultron again, does his timer go back to 8 hours after every clear?