Lightning Rounds 1/21/14



  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    Then there is definitely something fishy, because I also got hit at least twice, if not three times by Jacobpc in the last ten minutes of the Mags tournament yesterday evening. That would mean that he was doing at least 5 fights in that 10 minute span? MAYBE barely possible, but seems fishy... And I missed getting my Mags red cover by 3 points icon_e_sad.gif

    EDIT: I am feeling more like it could just be very fast play on the PC, but not entirely sure.
  • Kikujiro
    Kikujiro Posts: 157
    He wrote a post in feedback an hour ago in case anyone want to ask him how he do it.

    By the way, I've just put my tank team in Doom LR near 200 points, let the hits begin.

    Edit: nevermind, Im at 32 points already lol
  • Is there something broken? My L77 rag has 28k life and his red hits for 3,7k... All of my LR villains have exorbitant high boostings... :O
  • This is sketchy. Some guy named Rockyyz, level 15 Doom, 50 IM35 and 61 Daken. Takes my 72 Doom, 70 C Mag and 85 Wolvie out twice in the same time it takes me to kill him once.

    And I'm using boosts.
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Didnt you hear that Daken got a massive upgrade, he has 1 shot kill potential now.

    JK, that def is sketchy beyond belief
  • Ffffff he hit me at the last second and knocked me into 3rd. ****.

    Oh well, I wanted my last Blue Doom cover and I tanked my MMR pretty hard into this tourney so it was a breeze.

    But the fact that he could finish matches that quickly is sketchy as hell. Incredibly sketchy. That and he didn't even show up on the leaderboard which leads me to believe he's been "banned' by the game but they still let him attack.
  • jozier wrote:
    This is sketchy. Some guy named Rockyyz, level 15 Doom, 50 IM35 and 61 Daken. Takes my 72 Doom, 70 C Mag and 85 Wolvie out twice in the same time it takes me to kill him once.

    And I'm using boosts.
    I think perhaps there may be some bugs in getting to fight your tank team or other teams you used previously other than your A team?
  • Yeah I think it takes a while for your A team to update, so sometimes they get a free shot at your tank team
  • I didn't use a tank team in the Dr. Doom tournament. I used that team from the start until the end, no changes (except for an 85 BWO for the first 100 points). I only started being attacked by him when I hit the 400s in points. So that doesn't really make much sense.
  • Got hit by a person named N*GG*R. smh lol
  • gobstopper wrote:
    Got hit by a person named N*GG*R. smh lol

    Well I saw I guy named fa66ot... he was worth like 5 pts but I hit him anyways out of principle.
  • I hate that LRs are during most of my working hours. In position to place in mags round but gotta get back to work. Bagman out again so have fun.
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    Odd I never got rewards from that doom tourney. I think I'm kinda burnt on these rounds for now enjoy them guys. Gotta love all that ISO I stocked to see who gets boosted next. Hope it's punisher.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Ladder wrote:
    Pichsterz wrote:
    There's something fishy about Jacobpc. The Mag round I did last night he finish first with 600+ point and I second with 500+ points. He attack me three times in the span of 2-4 minutes in the last 10 minute of tourny, I was able to retaliate twice but the weird part was by the the time I finish each retaliation I lost even more points to him. That's just ridiculous. I don't know how he attack so fast.
    In another thread, I questioned the possibility of running multiple clients. I don't know if it's possible or not, but this scenario makes it sound like that's what he's doing.

    Three attacks in 4 minutes is pretty doable with a strong team and heavy boosting. Three vs the same player is also pretty ****...

    Pre Rag nerf I'd say yes - but less so now. Especially against opposition with plenty of hit points. Magneto purple can do serious damage, but not take out whole parties, and blue is a very slow way of killing people. Doom black takes time to get off then take effect, whilst Ragnarok now is not exactly toothless, but missing a few teeth lol.
    Like I said, thereck hit me twice in literally the amount of time it took to skip less than a half a dozen times
  • a lot of people here complaining about me, but I just give a hint of how I played in this post:
  • Gah was in a meeting so only was able to start the Mags round at 3:15. Still made it to 250 points but didn't get anywhere near where I want. Probably wasted a good MMR tank on that. Oh well.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    7/7 in diabolical tokens so far (although i had 2 duplicate covers(i only have 2 maxed out colors, come on rng...) and 3 loki covers from that, sigh...) 85 wolvie/widow+level 30 villain seems to be enough to dissuade attackers and get to 350ish points completely unscathed if you tank at the beginning of each round and start at the 35min mark, staying near the top 50 throughout.
  • Blah was gonna compete in this Rags one but I got busy and couldn't commit so now I'm tanking. Oh well.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    jozier wrote:
    Blah was gonna compete in this Rags one but I got busy and couldn't commit so now I'm tanking. Oh well.

    Sounds like you're having quite the busy day.
  • jozier wrote:
    Blah was gonna compete in this Rags one but I got busy and couldn't commit so now I'm tanking. Oh well.

    Sounds like you're having quite the busy day.

    Indeed I am. Work has been slow lately so I figured I could get some time in, but it's actually been busy enough to throw off my MPQ playing, but not busy enough to pull me away entirely (which would be what I want tbh).

    Think I'll join my Divine Champions bracket later tonight. I did well not waiting till the end so I might do it again.