Lightning Rounds 1/21/14



  • dont think there are more than 100k players for this game[/quote]
    At least not for lightning rounds. How many did the hulk have?[/quote]

    Think there was around 60-70k players for Hulk...somethings fishy about JacobPC
  • jacobpc is crazy cheap as is soenotelling. Hit me like 5 times in 10 minutes. Cost me my last black hood cover too.

    I am actually on the forum. What's your in game tag? I don't think I attacked anyone more than 5 times. In a short period to be honest.

    Wow to thereck coming out of NOWHERE.

    Rezin123 is my screen name bumped me from 3 to 10th and far from 8th so I had to yield 6 times to get a diabolical since I only need a black cover to wrap up the Hood. All good though I pulled a purple Mags which I really needed anyways.

    Ahh,srry there. I was in "anything over 18 pts dies" mode as I needed one more yellow. U were about.the only decent score I was getting.


    Thereck and jacobpc have been talked about for the last 2 week's or so. I personally think they found a way to exploit a glitch where everything receives a much larger buff on both sides and are using it to down teams with few to no villains very very fast. And no..not bracketed.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm pretty sure it is bracketed now, because I saw high point people that weren't on the leaderboard. And people were talking about getting top 2 in that last hood round, when thereck and jacobpc got it in ours
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Hope thereck and jacobpc are looked into. There's certainly something fishy about them...and it's been going on for at least a few weeks now.
  • Spoit wrote:
    I'm pretty sure it is bracketed now, because I saw high point people that weren't on the leaderboard. And people were talking about getting top 2 in that last hood round, when thereck and jacobpc got it in ours

    Hey Spoit,

    Who is at top at your bracket for current Doom tourney?

    I currently see Copps and Walalala84 as top 2
  • Seeing those two now, at 2 and 3.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    doneskis wrote:
    Spoit wrote:
    I'm pretty sure it is bracketed now, because I saw high point people that weren't on the leaderboard. And people were talking about getting top 2 in that last hood round, when thereck and jacobpc got it in ours

    Hey Spoit,

    Who is at top at your bracket for current Doom tourney?

    I currently see Copps and Walalala84 as top 2
    oops, didn't notice the post before it ended
  • Made it to 34th in the Doom tourney and thought great its nearly over, I'll put up a shield up just in case and I will have finally made a top 50 finish in a lightning round. Put my shield up and suddenly im at 78th.... I'm guessing lag as the attacks were reported just afterwards.... icon_evil.gif

    Anyone else have this problem before?
  • Beowulf wrote:
    Made it to 34th in the Doom tourney and thought great its nearly over, I'll put up a shield up just in case and I will have finally made a top 50 finish in a lightning round. Put my shield up and suddenly im at 78th.... I'm guessing lag as the attacks were reported just afterwards.... icon_evil.gif

    Anyone else have this problem before?

    Yes. I put up a shield and quickly learned that I had been attacked and lost points. People complain about other players seeming to attack them multiple times within the space of a few minutes. I wonder if that is just the server catching up on notifications.
  • I'm starting to wonder if my client is bugged somehow; out of the last 5 Diabolical tokens I've received, all 5 have been Ragnarok green. I mean...come on.
  • There's something fishy about Jacobpc. The Mag round I did last night he finish first with 600+ point and I second with 500+ points. He attack me three times in the span of 2-4 minutes in the last 10 minute of tourny, I was able to retaliate twice but the weird part was by the the time I finish each retaliation I lost even more points to him. That's just ridiculous. I don't know how he attack so fast.
  • What is his party?
  • Back in the weekly tournament, Jacobpc hit me 3 times in under 1 minutes. I don't know how that is possible and even consider the lag on update and every game takes at least 2 minutes for me. I am confused as well.
  • Snow day today! Lighting Rounds all day! Woohoo!!!
  • Pichsterz wrote:
    There's something fishy about Jacobpc. The Mag round I did last night he finish first with 600+ point and I second with 500+ points. He attack me three times in the span of 2-4 minutes in the last 10 minute of tourny, I was able to retaliate twice but the weird part was by the the time I finish each retaliation I lost even more points to him. That's just ridiculous. I don't know how he attack so fast.
    In another thread, I questioned the possibility of running multiple clients. I don't know if it's possible or not, but this scenario makes it sound like that's what he's doing.
  • Snow day today! Lighting Rounds all day! Woohoo!!!

    I guess that's one bonus of being in a frozen state. Looking at a clear day with a high of 70 in Northern California.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got my last yellow Hood cover. Sorry for anyone who got hit... You were good competition!
  • Pichsterz wrote:
    There's something fishy about Jacobpc. The Mag round I did last night he finish first with 600+ point and I second with 500+ points. He attack me three times in the span of 2-4 minutes in the last 10 minute of tourny, I was able to retaliate twice but the weird part was by the the time I finish each retaliation I lost even more points to him. That's just ridiculous. I don't know how he attack so fast.
    In another thread, I questioned the possibility of running multiple clients. I don't know if it's possible or not, but this scenario makes it sound like that's what he's doing.

    Three attacks in 4 minutes is pretty doable with a strong team and heavy boosting. Three vs the same player is also pretty ****...
  • Pichsterz wrote:
    There's something fishy about Jacobpc. The Mag round I did last night he finish first with 600+ point and I second with 500+ points. He attack me three times in the span of 2-4 minutes in the last 10 minute of tourny, I was able to retaliate twice but the weird part was by the the time I finish each retaliation I lost even more points to him. That's just ridiculous. I don't know how he attack so fast.
    In another thread, I questioned the possibility of running multiple clients. I don't know if it's possible or not, but this scenario makes it sound like that's what he's doing.

    Three attacks in 4 minutes is pretty doable with a strong team and heavy boosting. Three vs the same player is also pretty ****...

    Pre Rag nerf I'd say yes - but less so now. Especially against opposition with plenty of hit points. Magneto purple can do serious damage, but not take out whole parties, and blue is a very slow way of killing people. Doom black takes time to get off then take effect, whilst Ragnarok now is not exactly toothless, but missing a few teeth lol.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    Pichsterz wrote:
    There's something fishy about Jacobpc. The Mag round I did last night he finish first with 600+ point and I second with 500+ points. He attack me three times in the span of 2-4 minutes in the last 10 minute of tourny, I was able to retaliate twice but the weird part was by the the time I finish each retaliation I lost even more points to him. That's just ridiculous. I don't know how he attack so fast.
    In another thread, I questioned the possibility of running multiple clients. I don't know if it's possible or not, but this scenario makes it sound like that's what he's doing.

    I was wondering whether this what were certain people were doing too. In the divine champions tournament I attacked a team with my boosted 85 thor/75 Ares/ 85 wolv team and got defeated 3 times in the time it took to take them down (couple of minutes). They had lower level characters (2 slightly different teams from the same account beat me, one had ares, one had c.storm IIRC). The account name was something like Jakob2009(or was it Fodder2009?)(not sure about first part but definitely ends in 2009).