Lightning Rounds 1/21/14

No one else seems to have made this yet, so I thought I'd get it started!

Looking forward to these lightning rounds, as they are the first ones where I am not going to feel pressure to place crazy high in each one because I only really need one red Mags cover, anything else I get will just be nice extras. So I'll mostly be ISO farming or tanking.


  • I'll probably just use them as ISO farms (I've always averaged around 1000 ISO even just going for the 100 pt prize, which is what I usually do), though now that I've got a few people kinda leveled up (a 51st level Rags, mainly, and most of the rest of the boosted are at least 25th now) with the boosts I may try for something a little better. I'd love to even get a diabolical token.
  • Really want my 5th blue doom...... Already told kids.....snowman.....Damn you responsibility!!!!
  • **** it.

    I just lost 247 points in the last five minutes. There is absolutely no point in trying to do anything in this game sometimes.
  • abuelo wrote:
    tinykitty it.

    I just lost 247 points in the last five minutes. There is absolutely no point in trying to do anything in this game sometimes.
    or u can spend 25hp to secure ur 3* cover ;d
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    abuelo wrote:
    tinykitty it.

    I just lost 247 points in the last five minutes. There is absolutely no point in trying to do anything in this game sometimes.

    Your roster probably just isnt developed enough to compete in the lrs. Keep at it, and youll be farming diabolicals in no time. What characters were you running?
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Stupid diabolical token, got the one cover that i was maxed out on.
  • 77 Doom, 76 Wolverine and 57 Thor

    It's just incredibly annoying. To sit there for an hour cycling through hundreds of Wolverine/Thor teams and get to the top 20, to 2 minutes before the end of the event get completely annihilated. There was literally no point in me even joining this.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    abuelo wrote:
    77 Doom, 76 Wolverine and 57 Thor

    It's just incredibly annoying. To sit there for an hour cycling through hundreds of Wolverine/Thor teams and get to the top 20, to 2 minutes before the end of the event get completely annihilated. There was literally no point in me even joining this.

    You should shield in the last 15 minutes to be safe and preserve your ranking. 25hp is a small investment for a gusranteed 3* cover
  • abuelo wrote:
    77 Doom, 76 Wolverine and 57 Thor

    It's just incredibly annoying. To sit there for an hour cycling through hundreds of Wolverine/Thor teams and get to the top 20, to 2 minutes before the end of the event get completely annihilated. There was literally no point in me even joining this.

    Yea, I quit trying in these events after last week. The prize pool isn't deep enough and the maddening effect of losing 100's of points in the final minute just turns it into a **** shoot.

    When you have a mid-tier team, you have to go in all-boosted up, so you're not earning ISO and you get a $hitty booby prize if you don't make the top 50.
  • Went at it like crazy for 1st 45 minutes. 1 hour shield @ 449. Crossed my fingers and hoped it was enough while we enjoyed our snow white hell. icon_e_smile.gif 5/5 doom
  • Went at it like crazy for 1st 45 minutes. 1 hour shield @ 449. Crossed my fingers and hoped it was enough while we enjoyed our snow white hell. icon_e_smile.gif 5/5 doom

    I think probably that's the best tactic right now, I adopted it successfully last week. Last minutes are just too crazy right now.
    Too bad I couldn't play the whole hour today... well got my doom to 3/3, won't even bother with everything else.
  • Having a max Loki makes the Loki lightning around so stress free. No need to worry about competing.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Went at it like crazy for 1st 45 minutes. 1 hour shield @ 449. Crossed my fingers and hoped it was enough while we enjoyed our snow white hell. icon_e_smile.gif 5/5 doom

    Depends on what you're after really. If you're just gunning for diabolical tokens, a last minute strategy saves more hp if you can pull it off.
  • I usually avoid LR because I am always battered. This time I decided to try my luck and played the last 45 minutes, mostly for the tokens. Until 100 points I don't remember finding teams with 150+ points, so I thought that they had fixed the matching system. Once I went above 270-300, for every game that I won for 30-35 points I was getting hit by 2 teams at 0 for 40 points. No way to keep your place unless you have a high level/high * team.

    What was hugely disappointing was the fact that fresh teams with 0 points would find me at 250-300 and take away 40 points/game. I have no idea how they were able to snipe me when I could only find teams with only 50-100 more points, and this only after ~10skips. Also, **** are you doing entering LR 10 minutes before the end? What do you hope to achieve? The standard token at 50? And you start 10 minutes before the end? You only destroy those who tried to climb to have a chance at a heroic token or even better for high * teams. The matching system in this game is the worst I have seen. Ever. As for the standard tokens (50+250 rewards)? Meh, once again Hawkeye and Black Widow *.
  • Hm quickly moved to 36. Don't need Loki. Gonna tank but depending on tourney competitiveness, maybe I'll shoot for a Diabolical.
  • Went at it like crazy for 1st 45 minutes. 1 hour shield @ 449. Crossed my fingers and hoped it was enough while we enjoyed our snow white hell. icon_e_smile.gif 5/5 doom

    Depends on what you're after really. If you're just gunning for diabolical tokens, a last minute strategy saves more hp if you can pull it off.

    If you seen my 1st post was shooting for top 8 and under time constraints. Otherwise yeah you would be correct.
  • really wish they would switch up the order instead of always starting at Hood
    Hood/Mag are the only ones I'm interested in at this point and I'm sick of opening dia tokens for Loki/Doom
  • >1 min left and positions 38-49 are within 9 points of each other.
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah I have been loving shields in these lightning rounds top 2 in all 3 of them so far with 115 rag 108 mags and throwaway villain
  • I love Lightning Rounds even if I'll never place better than top 1000. I love the easy progression rewards and early face-roll matches. These are usually when I tend to level cap my characters.