Android Issues with Lollipop 5.0 (Updated***)



  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Just curious, is there a way for the devs to see which players are locked out and for how long they've been logged out? I think with all the requests of "compensation" that it would be important.
  • Phone: Nexus 5
    Operating System: Android Lollipop

    Also, lost all data for app. Do you need to log into Facebook to restore backup?
  • Bugga
    Bugga Posts: 10
    At this point my 40-something covers have expired, I've likely been kicked from my alliance, and I'm missing out on an appealing event. Ugh... I hope something comes through soon.
  • This has gone from unfortunate to catastrophic for competitive players. I hope there is a fix soon. Losses are high.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    *UPDATE (11/21/14):

    A quick update again to let you know that we are working on and testing through a few possible fixes internally and will continue to do so over the weekend. We'll have a further update on Monday. We're hopeful we can deliver some good news but cannot guarantee any solutions just yet. Thank you for your continued patience as we work on these complex issues!
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bugga wrote:
    At this point my 40-something covers have expired, I've likely been kicked from my alliance, and I'm missing out on an appealing event. Ugh... I hope something comes through soon.

    No alliance should be kicking anyone for non-attendance right now.

    Is a commander on the forum or does your alliance have a thread in the alliances forum? You could PM a commander or just let them know what's going on with a post.
  • phew, luckily I was getting a replacement Nexus sent to me due to some hardware issues. Definitely not upgrading my replacement Nexus 5 to Lollipop until after this bug is fixed
  • Just remembered I'm missing out on daily rewards as well, ugh.

    ...and 3*BlackWidow

    EDIT: I also just remembered that last time they messed up a tourney(albeit it was the end of a tourney, last 30 minutes) they lowered the requirements to place. So I think we'll get a combination of tokens and lower placement....but I haven't placed, period in Hulk event so hmm....
  • lemurs wrote:
    Not sure if this has been done, but can you post a system wide message notifying people that a bunch of us android users are locked out of the game? At least this way alliance member are aware that people haven't just gone inactive?

    ^^ Yes, this please.

    Nexus 5 OTA.
    Same issue as reported.
    Been watching this topic since the upgrade. I would have held off updating to Lollipop if there was an in-game announcement.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    raisinbman wrote:
    Just remembered I'm missing out on daily rewards as well, ugh.
    Those, at least, will pick up right where you left off.
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    /sigh. not even remotely funny any more. If this was a KNOWN issue for some time, why was there no warning to NOT UPDATE posted IN GAME? strike.pngstrike.pngstrike.pngstrike.pngstrike.pngstrike.pngstrike.pngstrike.pngstrike.png
  • Welp, time to go to sleep and still no MPQ. Guess I'm gonna miss out on 3*BWs. This is gonna suck waiting till Monday...but at least Smash4 online is pretty good.
  • Got my Nexus 6 a few days ago and have been having this problem since. I found this thread the day of, and have been waiting on the issue to be fixed, just like all of you. Finally made an account just to say...this sucks! A lot!
  • "David wrote:
    Moore"]*UPDATE (11/21/14):

    A quick update again to let you know that we are working on and testing through a few possible fixes internally and will continue to do so over the weekend. We'll have a further update on Monday. We're hopeful we can deliver some good news but cannot guarantee any solutions just yet. Thank you for your continued patience as we work on these complex issues!

    A mpq free weekend may be a blessing in disguise...
  • Thank you for the recent updates. With the length of time it's taking to fix, it's a lot easier to be patient when we know the issue is being addressed.
  • futongus wrote:
    A mpq free weekend may be a blessing in disguise...

    for some of us players, that's true !! I feel the change !

    but for our rosters and the game's reputation, this break will be felt for a long time.

    But I have faith, they'll find a solution. I feel that having a social / normal life is overrated ! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • cjkeane
    cjkeane Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Spidey76 wrote:
    So I received an email from support last night that the issue with Android 5.0 has been resolved...ummmm, no. The game still does not open after the loading page. It appears as though no one else is fixed either. Why would I get an email from support saying it has been fixed when it clearly has not?

    its still not fixed in:
    nexus 4
    android 5
    build: lrx21t

    i'm slowly losing hope and patience! if i was a doctor, my patients would die because sometimes i lose my patience when things aren't resolved in a reasonable time. As already discussed, i hope there will be some sort of compensation for all this loss of time in the game. if we all could get a couple of decent 3 star cards plus some iso, then it wouldn't be so much of a disappointment... i was on my way to earning 3, 3 star covers in several events until i upgraded the nexus O/S.

    Maybe a new alliance we all could create is the licked lollipops or the alive and kicking lollipops..
  • cjkeane
    cjkeane Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    raisinbman wrote:
    benben77 wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    Thanks for the update, pretty frustrating, but if the users affected get rewarded for the time they missed (covers, hero points, and points in season) then everything is ok with me.

    They only give tokens....

    I think the most ironic part is I recently decided to spend the big 100 for a 40 pack when Blade came out, and now I can't even play....

    42X Anniversary token is not that bad

    Although I doubt they'll give us that much "compensation", it would be nice if they did. Then again, I'm not one of the people who've been locked out of the game for a week, that must suck! My only problem with that would be I would like a new "anniversary" token that made up for the fact we're hypothetically missing out on Rocket/Groot, Gamora, and 4*Thor.

    I'd just be happy with covers for them if it came down to it.

    Also I selfishly want more chances at Blade icon_razz.gif

    yes blade is pretty good, but wonder woman (with a high enough cap) can put an invisibility tile on the board and in doing so she becomes invincible to everything! i had a hard time killing her with my hulk, captain america and punisher all at their max levels! so if she is an opponent, take her out quick or get her in your roster icon_e_smile.gif
  • cjkeane
    cjkeane Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Lidolas wrote:
    Just curious, is there a way for the devs to see which players are locked out and for how long they've been logged out? I think with all the requests of "compensation" that it would be important.

    As a programmer myself, all that needs to be done is to run a query on all user accounts, detect which version of nexus/android they are using and the last log on after lollipop was issued. that's the premise anyways icon_e_smile.gif

    maybe depending on how long they've been locked out they could be compensated more.
  • cjkeane wrote:
    Lidolas wrote:
    Just curious, is there a way for the devs to see which players are locked out and for how long they've been logged out? I think with all the requests of "compensation" that it would be important.

    As a programmer myself, all that needs to be done is to run a query on all user accounts, detect which version of nexus/android they are using and the last log on after lollipop was issued. that's the premise anyways icon_e_smile.gif

    maybe depending on how long they've been locked out they could be compensated more.
    I wouldn't be holding my breathe for any meaningful compensation. Nexus and early lollipop adopters are probably only tiny subset of the entire playing group and probably not worth the effort to properly figure out a way to be compensated. Like I said before I expect they will issue an apology, hand out a token or two (500 iso after I still the useless 2* I'll pull) and that will be that. I challenge them to prove me wrong tho