Android Issues with Lollipop 5.0 (Updated***)



  • Ugh...why did I update my phone...
  • Shuino
    Shuino Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    I don't want to knock anything about the development team but lollipop has been out for over a week now and the SDK much earlier. This is the only app out of the 30 or so on my Nexus 5 and 7 that do not work on Lollipop. After being in a nice Alliance I know for sure I have been kicked since I haven't been able to play this last week.
  • cjkeane
    cjkeane Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    shmau wrote:
    My precious tournamentsss

    we're all missing out on the tournaments icon_e_sad.gif i was always in the top 20 of multiple events simultaneously, now i'll be lucky if i finish in the top 3000 and i'll be lucky if my alliance doesn't kick me out.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]*UPDATE (11/20/14):

    Hi folks, thanks so much for your continued patience as we work on the Android Lollipop-related issues. While we do not yet have a fix in place, we wanted to reassure you that we care very much about getting this fixed as soon as possible. We have a senior engineer dedicated and actively working to solve the varied issues we are experiencing. In fact, we've been hard-at-work on this for some time, as the Lollipop update is fairly massive, with many changes involved.

    As soon as we have fixes in place we will be pushing them out immediately.

    Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

    Honestly, all this kinda stuff is like magic to me (technology sophisticated enough.....) I've been checking every few hours to see if it's up yet. Thanks for the update. Luckily my alliance uses Line to communicate and I was able to tell them to boot me and find a replacement for the time being.
  • Demiurge_Kevin
    Demiurge_Kevin Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Hi Android 5.0 users, just wanted to drop you all a note. This is our one of our top priorities right now. Unfortunately, we don't have a fix yet, and no estimate of when we will. But I can give you a little context for how we got here.

    We've had our eye on the update to support Android 5.0, but weren't aware that some devices were getting updated this soon. Totally our fault; it just slipped past us. We actually did a bunch of the work months ago, and the game was working fine. Unfortunately, since the developer preview version of the OS that we were using and the final version that made its way to you guys, there are apparently some new features that are fundamentally incompatible with our engine. We jumped back on it last Friday when we started hearing about crashes. It was frustratingly slow going at first, as we couldn't reproduce the crashes on the devices that were using the developer preview version. But now we're on track; we're seeing the same crashes here, and think we know what's going on, but there are no obvious fixes.

    Excuses, excuses. I'm personally disappointed about this, and a lot of our friends and family can no longer play the game. We've been putting a lot of effort into our Android version lately, with improved keyboard and Google Play support, only to be undermined by this. I know we let you guys down. We learned a big lesson here, and will be keeping a much closer eye on the Android release schedules. I hope you all stick by us while we get this fixed.

    As usual, I probably won't have time to reply to any posts in this thread, but you'll be hearing from HiFi when we have more news.
  • I'm glad you guys responded and are actively working on the issue, but i'm a little surprised that the developer of a very popular mobile game wouldn't have better eyes on a major update like this.

    Hope we get something soon and that something can be done about the lost game time for some of us.
  • Thanks for the update, pretty frustrating, but if the users affected get rewarded for the time they missed (covers, hero points, and points in season) then everything is ok with me.
  • Thanks for the update, pretty frustrating, but if the users affected get rewarded for the time they missed (covers, hero points, and points in season) then everything is ok with me.

    They only give tokens....

    I think the most ironic part is I recently decided to spend the big 100 for a 40 pack when Blade came out, and now I can't even play....
  • raisinbman wrote:
    Thanks for the update, pretty frustrating, but if the users affected get rewarded for the time they missed (covers, hero points, and points in season) then everything is ok with me.

    They only give tokens....

    I think the most ironic part is I recently decided to spend the big 100 for a 40 pack when Blade came out, and now I can't even play....

    42X Anniversary token is not that bad
  • benben77 wrote:

    42X Anniversary token is not that bad

    That would be very nice indeed !! But still, I wouldn't compensate for us missing on raccoon and groot.

    Anyway, thanks for the info, and for the time we can spend on real life !!
  • Tablet: Nexus 10
    OS: 5.0
    Build: LRX21P

    Thanks for the update. I'm game developer as well and understand about the situation. Good luck with the troubleshooting.
  • Arrrgh, I'm a +1 on this little clusterfudge. Did the folks over at Android not give developers enough time to test their products? Shame my alliance has a "Stop playing for 2 days and you're booted".
  • benben77 wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    Thanks for the update, pretty frustrating, but if the users affected get rewarded for the time they missed (covers, hero points, and points in season) then everything is ok with me.

    They only give tokens....

    I think the most ironic part is I recently decided to spend the big 100 for a 40 pack when Blade came out, and now I can't even play....

    42X Anniversary token is not that bad

    Although I doubt they'll give us that much "compensation", it would be nice if they did. Then again, I'm not one of the people who've been locked out of the game for a week, that must suck! My only problem with that would be I would like a new "anniversary" token that made up for the fact we're hypothetically missing out on Rocket/Groot, Gamora, and 4*Thor.

    I'd just be happy with covers for them if it came down to it.

    Also I selfishly want more chances at Blade icon_razz.gif
  • Not that it matters anymore but yeah nexus 5 and just updated. Should've trawled the forum to check before update but oh well. Was ranking 12 in thick as thieves before this. Now I'll probably get an I'm sorry heroic token which will give me a 2 star that I'll sell for 250...
  • Can you advise my alliance at least? Maybe they kick me out if I don't reply.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Match Maker
    What I would like to know are these two things:

    - 1. is if rolling back to a factory android image (e.g. mantaray for a nexus 10 platform)--if there is any way to preserve my user data manually or if I could rely on the supposed facebook backup to restore my ability to play?

    - 2. how is compensation for loss of play time in tournaments going to be handled? I get that it's an oversight and these things happen. But for those of us who drop serious coin to stay competitive and who will receive obvious losses of rewards, that could have been achieved through progressing rank in the ongoing and now finished will we be compensated?

    I sincerely hope you can provide answers to both questions, given that there is no estimated time of completion--an alternative solution should be offered.

    I'm most-keenly interested in knowing if rollingback would be a feasible option to restore playability, contingent on my ability to sync my progress before the update and the incompatibility it introduced to the game.
  • So I received an email from support last night that the issue with Android 5.0 has been resolved...ummmm, no. The game still does not open after the loading page. It appears as though no one else is fixed either. Why would I get an email from support saying it has been fixed when it clearly has not?
  • Same issue as everyone else with nexus 5
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    Lots of apps across the board are having trouble with Lollipop. Google should have released a beta of the final L build before rolling it out.
  • Not sure if this has been done, but can you post a system wide message notifying people that a bunch of us android users are locked out of the game? At least this way alliance member are aware that people haven't just gone inactive?