Nefarious Foes - Matchmaking Test - Discussion



  • ScrubJay
    ScrubJay Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Also : There are new Halo, CoD, AC, and Smash Brother games coming out this week. This is the absolute worst time to rock the boat like this.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    did they tweek it back to normal?

    I was going to say something sarcastic and snarky, but I choose not to hit send.

    Unfortunatly it is not back to normal icon_e_sad.gif
  • U kidding right if this is added in to the seasons I'm soo done with this game then it's alot worse then tiny kitty madness
  • ScrubJay wrote:
    Also : There are new Halo, CoD, AC, and Smash Brother games coming out this week. This is the absolute worst time to rock the boat like this.
    Yea, console gaming may make a come back for me.
  • did they tweek it back to normal?

    I just noticed that I was no longer seeing max teams in LR and so did a quick iso skip in the pvp and finally saw a 2* team. So maybe it has been tweaked or it took a long time for my tanking to take effect?
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    I'm still petty new to all of this and am trying to understand what's happening.

    What do y'all think they wanted to acheive with this test change? I mean, what was the desired outcome?

    All it seems to be doing is encouraging people to play less. That can't have been the goal.
  • Mr Stoat wrote:
    did they tweek it back to normal?

    I just noticed that I was no longer seeing max teams in LR and so did a quick iso skip in the pvp and finally saw a 2* team. So maybe it has been tweaked or it took a long time for my tanking to take effect?
    I just skipped a few times.

    Still nothing but maxed teams.

    They didn't tweak anything.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    pony mad wrote:
    Honestly I love it to death. No opponent is easy, no opponent is impossible, every fight counts. This is miles ahead of the old system in which the only people ever rewarded were the people that were way ahead and had huge 3* rosters. There is no wall of b.tinykitty for 2* players once you get up to 300-400 points.

    You should never have a fight you cannot take in PvP, going in should be a risk. This is like matchmaking in any competitive multiplayer game and at least for me its been amazing. PvP needs to go in this direction for sure.

    However, I'm guessing with this reaction it's not going to stick, such a shame. D3 should build on this so that vets dont get as **** as they've gotten here (from what I read and 2* transitional players (if it's the experience I'm getting for others like me) can actuallt compete.

    you have a point there, but the problem is another one... this is not a competative skill-based multiplayergame. It is pay2win and taking away any hope for weaker players will neither encourage them to keep playing, nor to spent some money. its more like a shot in the knee.

    I'm surprised by the reaction looking at my experience, clearly I'm one of the few that has had a much better experience. To me this new system looks like it's scalling in a PvE like fashion, I mold my roster for PvE in particular, so maybe that's why.

    However I'm going to take a wild guess and say that if you look at the rankings you'll see a lot more weaker players. Paying to win is going to happend, thats just the design of the game, not much to do about that, however I very much doubt that it's a huge percentage of the playerbase that does pay to win. If they do, kudos to them they're supporting a game I enjoy, have some digital goods for your troubles but make it a more even playing field so palyers like the 2* trasitionals have a chance at a top finish in a PvP from time to time.

    I think a large majority of the playerbase (myself included) play this because we like progression. We like seeing that our time and effort results in tangible benefits that make us stronger gameplay-wise. Yes, you can promote "fairness" with a system like this and always face people exactly the same level as you, but that makes advancing your roster completely pointless. You might as well just stay in 1* land, because whats the point in having a bigger and stronger roster when all that does is make you face progressively equally hard opponents. Having no sense of progression is going to kill this game for a lot of the veterans, and even though that's been said multiple times in the past (true healing, spidey / rags nerf, etc etc), this is the first time that will probably actually result in a mass exodus of veteran players as it's changing something completely fundamental to the point of the game.
  • <Removing offensive image. Please read the forum rules>

    I find the images in Jamie's post far more offensive than anything francky has put up thus far.
  • I'm still petty new to all of this and am trying to understand what's happening.

    What do y'all think they wanted to acheive with this test change? I mean, what was the desired outcome?

    All it seems to be doing is encouraging people to play less. That can't have been the goal.
    By skipping the seed teams and the easy matches before the 600-700 territory, they are basically requiring everyone to buy boosts from the very beginning of the PVP.

    It's a money grab.

    I guess they thought that we would just lay here and take it.

    It'll be interesting to see how they are going to fix it. Otherwise, I can't imagine they'll have any player base left.
  • Basically, for me at least, facing lvl 166s from 0 points every event is a game I essentially don't want to play. While they might be attempting to cater to transitional players or whatever this **** change is aimed at that's not going to change what I think of the game, whether I enjoy it and whether I want to spend my time playing it.....
  • my response to this change?

    "XBOX - on"

    ... hello, HALO, it's been a long time....
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    onimus wrote:
    I'm still petty new to all of this and am trying to understand what's happening.

    What do y'all think they wanted to acheive with this test change? I mean, what was the desired outcome?

    All it seems to be doing is encouraging people to play less. That can't have been the goal.
    By skipping the seed teams and the easy matches before the 600-700 territory, they are basically requiring everyone to buy boosts from the very beginning of the PVP.

    It's a money grab.

    I guess they thought that we would just lay here and take it.

    It'll be interesting to see how they are going to fix it. Otherwise, I can't imagine they'll have any player base left.

    I thought about that, but golly this game is so spendy, pay-to-play as it is. icon_e_confused.gif
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    bonfire01 wrote:
    Basically, for me at least, facing lvl 166s from 0 points every event is a game I essentially don't want to play. While they might be attempting to cater to transitional players or whatever this **** change is aimed at that's not going to change what I think of the game, whether I enjoy it and whether I want to spend my time playing it.....


    I admire the attempt to help transitioning players and combat tanking... But if I'm facing waves of sentry bombers from the beginning, the game is going to get less fun VERY quickly.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2014
    This algorithm appears to be a punishment for success. I believe it is assigning a base level rating based on the make up of your roster. Points you have achieved currently are secondary. It appears you will face other players with a similar rating range in the beginning. They may break up nodes into hard target, intermediate target, and low range target (Note I didn't say easy). I am not sure about this. Based on this speculation of the algorithm here is 10 flaws I see. Please note as a disclaimer this is based on speculation from observations and feedback. I do not state anything here as fact.

    1. People can Queue up Slobofix without entering and starting the game. (The number 1 person in the number 1 alliance upon this writing) My very first match can be a 50 point hit. This may be great for some, but completely unfair to Slobofix or anybody else who has a maxed roster and a high rating. Especially when she is unshielded. Whomever is most successful is going to pop up on one of the nodes. This means they will be hit more often, and this will be very frustrating for them.
    Why are we punishing the person on top and making it easier to queue them up on a node?

    2. There is no barrier to the top person. In a chess ladder I can't just walk up to a grandmaster and force them to challenge me. I have to prove myself worthy. This new algorithm let's me face the best with little risk to me and huge risk for the person on top.

    3. It seems to me that the higher level your roster and characters that you have the more difficult your opponents. There is no relax time. There is no enjoying the fruits of your labor to build up your team. Why can't I enjoy myself a little? Why can't I pound on some easy two stars?

    4. If you put iso into **** or nerfed characters, you will still face people with iso in quality characters. The Algorithm also punishes people who have made mistakes but kept those flawed characters. Think about this. All of the hoarders who spend money on extra roster slots to collect them all, are being punished. Solution stop buying extra roster slots, and sell all the **** three stars. Maybe even sell the two stars and one stars if it lowers the rating.

    5. To get anywhere you are going to burn through health packs and be forced to shield hop at earlier score levels. This is stressful.

    6. My variety of climbing teams can't be used, because that makes me vulnerable to attack. I may want to climb with less powerful characters to save on health packs, but that means people would queue me up with an easy to kill roster.

    7. People with two star roster teams are invisible to many people and can achieve higher scores and have more fun than 3 star roster teams.

    8. The algorithm will punish people for having three star characters and trying them out. Let me explain this. If a person adds a new three star character and invest in the character it will raise their rating in the algorithm and they will face tougher teams. So here is a problem with this, I may be interesting in trying out mystique, but at the same time, I don't want to be punished for it. New characters are supposed to be a reward, not something that raises my hate meter rating. So now, I am losing a goal because my reward has turned into a punishment. If I lose my goal, what is the point of playing?

    9. Once we understand the Algorithm better, it will be gamed. Since points are secondary, once we figure out the rating system, we will find the way to build rosters that minimize our rating. If that means having 5 yelenas on the roster, to avoid being hit half a dozen times before you are 200 points so be it. Unless of course the algorithm punishes people for having multiples of the same character or extra roster slots. So if that means selling all but essential characters, and stop being a hoarder so be it.

    10. This algorithm has ruined lightning rounds for many people who want to have a fun time and grab quick iso. Although, I did see some predominantly two star roster teams on top of the lightning round leaderboards.
  • Mathrim
    Mathrim Posts: 63 Match Maker
    I noticed a change too. From full maxed teams, to normal teams like it was in the old matching system.
  • Honestly I love it to death. No opponent is easy, no opponent is impossible, every fight counts. This is miles ahead of the old system in which the only people ever rewarded were the people that were way ahead and had huge 3* rosters. There is no wall of b.tinykitty for 2* players once you get up to 300-400 points.

    You should never have a fight you cannot take in PvP, going in should be a risk. This is like matchmaking in any competitive multiplayer game and at least for me its been amazing. PvP needs to go in this direction for sure.

    However, I'm guessing with this reaction it's not going to stick, such a shame. D3 should build on this so that vets dont get as **** as they've gotten here (from what I read and 2* transitional players (if it's the experience I'm getting for others like me) can actuallt compete.

    I like a challenge as much as the next bloke and enjoy hard games where dying is a common occurrence. Difference here is that there's only so much death you can handle before you run out of HP and have to either stop or purchase more. Best case scenario now is that I'd win a few games before I run out of HP. Worse case scenario is that I don't win any games before I run out off HP as all teams are higher levelled than mine and defensive teams refresh their health's as opposed to mine.

    So you believe that competitive multiplayer matchmaking should be done so that the lower the level your roster is the easier your matchups are. Say I play in a mmorpg and spend a long time upgrading my lvl/gear to the point where I'm considered fairly powerful. Now if I chose to go PvP i get both the satisfaction of over powering lower lvled opponents and the challenge of taking on higher levelled opponents. With MPQ new matching system I am no longer able to enjoy the benefits of the long hours i played to get my roster to where it is. I don't have any maxed 3 star and no useable sentry so I can't even use the sentry bomb strategy. I'm glad that at least for some the MMR is proving beneficial because it certainly isn't for me.

    Having said all that I do believe that there may simply be a bug in the algorithm that needs to be sorted out and that the developer aren't really out to screw the long time players cause they've never done it befor... icon_rolleyes.gif here's hoping for a 'fair' system.
  • onimus wrote:
    Mr Stoat wrote:
    did they tweek it back to normal?

    I just noticed that I was no longer seeing max teams in LR and so did a quick iso skip in the pvp and finally saw a 2* team. So maybe it has been tweaked or it took a long time for my tanking to take effect?
    I just skipped a few times.

    Still nothing but maxed teams.

    They didn't tweak anything.

    Fair enough, I only skipped a few times as I detest throwing iso away. Was ready to put my torch and pitchfork away!
  • At least they're testing this nonsense when the 1100 prize is Doc Oct and the 1300 prize is yellow Xforce.

    If that were a playable 3 star and a black Xforce cover, I would be furious right now.

    Because I can't see myself getting much higher than 600.

    I'm not made of ISO, after all.
  • TheRealJRad
    TheRealJRad Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    I hit my first NF node, it was a normal seeder node (I loaded as soon as it launched, for what that's worth). I then swapped to the LR where I had a terrible time getting my two wins for a token. In that time, I was hit for a +45 in NF (3 wins, and 1 loss). I've never been hit that early, and never never had that kind of boost from getting hit. I'm currently sitting #50 with 98 points. My next set of nodes doesn't look too bad either. My roster is a ton of 94s, a 153 Cap, 102 Sentry followed by a bunch of undercovered, unleveled 3*. I'll withhold judgment for a bit on this.