Nefarious Foes - Matchmaking Test - Discussion



  • Jorit
    Jorit Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I have to agree with the previous poster. Maybe the change is working as intended so you have overall tougher fights where you have to use health packs and boosts and play the entire time and not just the last 12 hours. Really doubt they want events running for 2 days just so people have to play them in mass at the very end.

    Realistically you should be going up against pvp people of roughly equal value.

    Biggest thing I don't like about this is it is all villains so a lot of heavy defensive guys are in powered up rotation. Makes it seem even worse.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I also came out of the seed teams to find a wall of 166's. It looked like what I'm used to seeing once I get to around 700 points, which is the point in time where I stop playing the event. Same thing happened in the She-Hulk Lightning Round.

    The effect of this change was not at all subtle, and, for me, not desirable.
  • radav
    radav Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Was hoping that this "new mmr" system was going to do something about the "rich get richer" scenario that is constantly playing out in PvP events. Not sure what putting everyone up against the wall right from the get go is supposed to do beyond crush everyone's collective will to play. Oh well, lets see what craziness results from this "test". Maybe it's time I put this game back down.
  • Question, anyone above 300 and suffering full point retaliations? Part of me is wondering if they tweaked point loss while they were messing with stuff.
  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    We can't fight those maxed teams at the beginning. Sure it's possible to get a high score but now the retaliations start immediately. I am not going to fight 280 Sentry 332 Daken at 0 Points just to get a retaliation later. I don't even have a single maxed villain. Every Node has a way overlevelled opponent for me. I have some 166s but none of them are villains. I am not doing those Nodes at 0 points, screw that noise.

    Who thought this was a good idea? Can we get a name so we can publicly shame that person?
  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    Starting nodes for Nefarious Foes:

    Maxed: icon_daken.pngicon_sentry.pngicon_hood.png - 25 points
    Maxed: icon_sentry.pngicon_hood.pngicon_daken.png - 30 points
    Maxed: icon_magneto.pngicon_hood.pngicon_doctordoom.png - 38 points - SCORE!

    as a comparison... LRs yesterday if I missed seed teams looked like this:
    :loaner: level 50 icon_ironman.png , Random 1 cover star.pngstar.pngstar.png

    Add me to the "it wasn't good before, but it's worse now" camp.
  • Developer: I heard a cat will be killed for every player that likes the MMR change.
    Cat lover developer: ummm.... I'll handle programming the algorithm for this one.
  • I'm fine with this change if they change the progression rewards. Typically we didn't have to start shielding until 700-800. If we have to do that at 300 now then I better see a 3* cover at 600. This will just save us the 45 min of grinding boring teams to 700 and then face an actual challenge.

    They've changed progression rewards a lot in the past. Time for a change.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    I think a key piece might be whether sharting has been eliminated. If everyone is fighting teams of equivalent level to themselves (ignore the part where it is likely based on your max chars vs usable for now) then it would truly be an even tweak.

    I wouldnt like it, as having a better roster should give an advantage somewhere (it doesnt in PVE), but at least it would be "fair."
  • adamLmpq wrote:
    futongus wrote:
    I have 2 lvl 142 characters and a few 100+. I clicked into nefarious foes curious as to what the new MMR would be like. 300+ characters in all 3 starting nodes. It spooked me and I haven't been back in. I don't care much for a mystique but yeah Max teams at the start is kind of discouraging.

    Keep in mind your characters will get a buff too, so if those 142s are villians they should be around 285 buffed

    They're patch and lthor so no boosts there
  • My experience so far has been horrible. I'm a transitioning 2 star.png to 3 star.png player, with a L100 hood, L100 Sentry (without sacrifice icon_cry.gif ), L94 CMags and a series of L94 2 star.png's. My opponents, apart from 3 seed teams, have been (buffed) L180 - L210 opponents.
    I cannot use my buffed to 200-180 3 star.png villains for more than one fight, as starting with less than full health is suicide. This is not an enjoyable experience, and gives me no sense of progressing towards more challenging opponents.

    It seems that I am facing people of roughly my level right from the get go. Personally, I preferred progressing from fighting 1 star.png teams, to 2 star.png teams, to 3 star.png teams. Ideally, the average level of my opponents would increase a little bit each time I win a match, and remain constant if I loose, or drop if i loose like 5-8 times in a row.
  • Despite the initial negative reaction, I will be interested in seeing what this does to the top 25 scores (for 2 covers), the top 100 scores (for 1 cover), and the alliance scores (for seasonal placement). I do think that the initial impression is to reduce the "fun" of striving for high points as it becomes a little more of a slog.

    And remember, this is only a test. There is every chance that they'll revert or tweak the algorithm prior to season placement.
  • Mathrim
    Mathrim Posts: 63 Match Maker
    For me this is tragedy.

    1. From start maxed teams
    2. From start attacks - I have made 150 points and have been during this time 5 times attacked, normally I am being attacked after 400 points.
    3. The 150 points costed me all health points and some additional, and many power-ups. This points looks like producer if the game wants that we spend more money for life and power-ups.

    I play this game over 1 year. If this stays so, I am forced to search after new one. Sorry for the money that I have spend for it.
  • For me this takes away all sense of progression and fun (which was already long gone from PvE). PvP is not supposed to be a 50:50 game from zero points up - I recall D3 saying before that players wanted to have some easier fights then progress to more difficult in order to enjoy playing. Even more so if you have invested time and/or money to build your roster.

    I probably classify as a whale (maybe a small one!) and this has pushed me to uninstall - until D3 confirm the experiment is failed and finished. I have no desire to be a guinea pig!
  • Progression reward shouldn't be an issue since D3 gets to decide who gets those regardless of the current metagame, though I suspect getting 1300 was way easier than D3 intended so we shouldn't be counting on seeing changes to make the guaranteed 3*/4* cover as accessible as they were in the past.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    My experience so far has been horrible. I'm a transitioning 2 star.png to 3 star.png player, with a L100 hood, L100 Sentry (without sacrifice icon_cry.gif ), L94 CMags and a series of L94 2 star.png's. My opponents, apart from 3 seed teams, have been (buffed) L180 - L210 opponents.
    I cannot use my buffed to 200-180 3 star.png villains for more than one fight, as starting with less than full health is suicide. This is not an enjoyable experience, and gives me no sense of progressing towards more challenging opponents.

    It seems that I am facing people of roughly my level right from the get go. Personally, I preferred progressing from fighting 1 star.png teams, to 2 star.png teams, to 3 star.png teams. Ideally, the average level of my opponents would increase a little bit each time I win a match, and remain constant if I loose, or drop if i loose like 5-8 times in a row.

    What I'm not sure they thought of (I'm hoping...) is that if you can attack with a sub-optimal team, it will be automatic retribution. However, because it is matching you with similar level teams, you really only have the chance of attacking with your optimal team.

    Which would mean using your same three characters every 3 hours (as they regenerate) and either shielding or praying you aren't worth enough in between.
  • Deathclaw
    Staring down a wall of max Sentry/Hood/Laken as well.

    I'm not freaking out yet, I want to see the dust settle a bit. I was mad when True Healing was gone, but it was okay, I was glad to have a reason to stop going to the prologue and healing to stay in long grindfests. I wish they'd tweak a few of the healing abilities to compensate, but one step at a time. It removed "maintenance gaming", me playing matches I didn't want to play in order to progress.
    If this patch has removed tanking, again, I hate tanking my roster. Its not fun. But I feel like I need to do it to keep my foes manageable so I can get some ISO if nothing else. If part of this is taking away maintenance gaming, I think it will help.

    BUT, if i'm facing max team of the best guys all the time, i'm disincentivized to play. Why would anyone ever participate in a Beast tournament if the only real result was making their enemies harder? My roster is all the three stars in varying builds, a few 4 stars, and a few 2 stars. If its just basing things off my roster, i'd be smart to sell off everyone but my most powerful, NOT buy more roster slots, NOT try to cover other guys...why am I playing?

    That said, still not saying the sky is falling let, i'll see where things settle...but i'll be watching from the Simulator.
  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    Dear Riggy,

    I can promise the posts' words will be as civil as the developers' actions towards the player base on this one.

    Translation: if they don't tiny kitty us, we won't tiny kitty them.

    P.S. I realize you have a job to do and was glad to see your words not written in black color indicating this was not your personal opinion.
  • Across the board the change blows. No one likes it. People probably will quit even knowing it will be rolled back the second this pvp ends. It would be nice to add another day to LR and put mystique as reward for the next pvp to make up for this mistake.