Nefarious Foes - Matchmaking Test - Discussion
Phantron wrote:Changes to MMR isn't ever going to address the transition issue because transition is a matter of cover dilution. Let's say there are 5 guys who are top tier, and the rest are a tier below. As you have more and more characters in the game the chance of pulling those 5 top tier is just going to be lower and lower regardless of how much competition there is. Imagine an year from now and we have 100 heroes and there are still 5 best ones. How would you ever get the 5 top ones even if you can win every event with some kind of hack when the chance of any of those 5 hero being offered as a prize is merely 1 out of 20? I don't think transition players are having problem getting 3* covers, but they're having problem getting the right 3* covers because you can't win what's never offered, and when someone like Sentry is offered you'd expect intense competition and you still have to deal with all the veterans who have a roster advantage and like to compete for the sake of competing. Yes balance can address some of it but it's hard to see more than 5 characters occupying the 'top tier' status at any given time, because otherwise none of these characters would really be top tier if too many characters are 'top tier'. The rotation on seasons character sort of helps it, but there doesn't seem to be any attempt to ensure the heroes chosen are the best ones. Thor is vaulted in season 8, and he's still a top 5 character especially after Sentry is nerfed since he's only used less because Sentry is better and have identical colors.
I'm advancing in the game, sort of, but horizontally and not vertically. I've won a lot (to this newb) of 3* covers, but being able to get enough covers for any one character to make them playable is tough. I have 39 roster spots. The breakdown is:
1*: 2, maxed
2*: 10, maxed except two who are fully covered, but not fully leveled and Ms Marvel with 4 covers
3*: 25-
1, 9 covers (LThor who will be fully covered in the next millennium.
1, 6 covers
3, 5 covers
1, 4 covers
7, 3 covers
6, 2 covers
6, 1 cover
4*: 2, 1 cover
I'm not sure when I'll ever have enough coves to make a few 3* really playable. Maybe that's the plan. Just to keep me grinding, paying for roster slots and advancing horizontally, and slowly, slowly, slowly moving up vertically.0 -
DrStrange-616 wrote:Phantron wrote:Changes to MMR isn't ever going to address the transition issue because transition is a matter of cover dilution. Let's say there are 5 guys who are top tier, and the rest are a tier below. As you have more and more characters in the game the chance of pulling those 5 top tier is just going to be lower and lower regardless of how much competition there is. Imagine an year from now and we have 100 heroes and there are still 5 best ones. How would you ever get the 5 top ones even if you can win every event with some kind of hack when the chance of any of those 5 hero being offered as a prize is merely 1 out of 20? I don't think transition players are having problem getting 3* covers, but they're having problem getting the right 3* covers because you can't win what's never offered, and when someone like Sentry is offered you'd expect intense competition and you still have to deal with all the veterans who have a roster advantage and like to compete for the sake of competing. Yes balance can address some of it but it's hard to see more than 5 characters occupying the 'top tier' status at any given time, because otherwise none of these characters would really be top tier if too many characters are 'top tier'. The rotation on seasons character sort of helps it, but there doesn't seem to be any attempt to ensure the heroes chosen are the best ones. Thor is vaulted in season 8, and he's still a top 5 character especially after Sentry is nerfed since he's only used less because Sentry is better and have identical colors.
I'm advancing in the game, sort of, but horizontally and not vertically. I've won a lot (to this newb) of 3* covers, but being able to get enough covers for any one character to make them playable is tough. I have 39 roster spots. The breakdown is:
1*: 2, maxed
2*: 10, maxed except two who are fully covered, but not fully leveled and Ms Marvel with 4 covers
3*: 25-
1, 9 covers (LThor who will be fully covered in the next millennium.
1, 6 covers
3, 5 covers
1, 4 covers
7, 3 covers
6, 2 covers
6, 1 cover
4*: 2, 1 cover
I'm not sure when I'll ever have enough coves to make a few 3* really playable. Maybe that's the plan. Just to keep me grinding, paying for roster slots and advancing horizontally, and slowly, slowly, slowly moving up vertically.
If you look at the numbers and make a couple fairly accurate assumptions you can see where the game is heading. First let's assume that there will be a new 3* every 2 weeks. For the sake of calculating let's also assume that there are 2 pve events in those 2 weeks (not necessarily true, but let's roll with it). You can see from these numbers that every 2 week cycle will bring 2 rewards for the brand new character, and 6 rewards (1pve, 5 pvp) for old characters. That's 12 old rewards total in a given "season" (plus the in-between time), so with soon to be 30 3* characters, you can easily envision scenarios where a character goes several months without receiving any rewards (cause the newer ones keep receiving priority). As phantron says, the problem will only get worse, and you almost have to hope they release an op character soon since they usually give out enough rewards to max a character in ~3 months. But that's only helpful if you're in position to win like 3 covers per event (2 plus alliance). Sadly all I can say at this point is good luck.0 -
Sorry. Didn't mean to go so far off topic.
I think I'm like many (most?) and can only 1 cover at a time in any event. Finishing off 3*s is not looking good.0 -
Phantron wrote:Changes to MMR isn't ever going to address the transition issue because transition is a matter of cover dilution. Let's say there are 5 guys who are top tier, and the rest are a tier below. As you have more and more characters in the game the chance of pulling those 5 top tier is just going to be lower and lower regardless of how much competition there is. Imagine an year from now and we have 100 heroes and there are still 5 best ones. How would you ever get the 5 top ones even if you can win every event with some kind of hack when the chance of any of those 5 hero being offered as a prize is merely 1 out of 20? I don't think transition players are having problem getting 3* covers, but they're having problem getting the right 3* covers because you can't win what's never offered, and when someone like Sentry is offered you'd expect intense competition and you still have to deal with all the veterans who have a roster advantage and like to compete for the sake of competing. Yes balance can address some of it but it's hard to see more than 5 characters occupying the 'top tier' status at any given time, because otherwise none of these characters would really be top tier if too many characters are 'top tier'. The rotation on seasons character sort of helps it, but there doesn't seem to be any attempt to ensure the heroes chosen are the best ones. Thor is vaulted in season 8, and he's still a top 5 character especially after Sentry is nerfed since he's only used less because Sentry is better and have identical colors.
You, me, same page. I have been saying for about a week now, the landscape of the game has changed between the number of characters, vaulting covers, more players with more developed rosters, etc. Transitioning and cover distribution need to be re-evaluated. MMR and sharding just punish different groups of players; they do not address the problem with transitioning from a 2* to 3* roster.
I really think the developers need to determine how long the transition process should take for a regular player; then, insure there is path/process in place so that they can be successful. For me this means that they need to stop being stingy with the 3* covers. Even if each player got one 3* star cover each time it was available it would still take approximately a year to get someone cover maxed, and as the pool of characters expands, that timeframe is going to get longer. The whole concept that getting any 3* covers at all increased their values is old and outdated for the current game environment. LR's and tokens used to give 3* covers with much greater frequency, and that was with less characters in the pool.
In theory, the greater the pool of covers the harder it will be to get any one specific character cover maxed and specced correctly. Therefore, to adjust, covers should become more available to compensate (likewise iso for leveling and HP for roster slots). However, the current paradigm does the opposite. It makes it even harder to get covers. Making covers rare has a value only to extent there is realistic chance of getting those covers (primarily through hard work, not chance (getting covers through tokens as part of rewards is work, but it is treated as chance)). The current system creates a disillusioned player base.
It's simple. Determine a reasonable timeframe transitioning players should be able to make progress; then, provide the means for them to meet your standards of that timeframe.0 -
franckynight wrote:Pylgrim wrote:EpicBeastmode
I could really care less about which mmr system is used quite honestly. Its a bit annoying that you changed it back to the old system of "wait til the last few hours and hop your way past everyone to the top," after players had to deal with the 20-30 point range for nearly 2 days.. but whatever.
I found the new system more challenging but who wants that.
An update on my experience throughout the event, which had been positive until now:
As I said previously, I was finding the event challenging and slow-progressing BUT fair. Only players with "easy" teams for me to beat handed out less than 20 points. Teams that would reward 30-40 were at my best team's level and above. Progressing was a strategic combination of hitting the "difficult" teams when my guys were fully healed to get more points, then attack the weak teams for few points until my guys definitely needed healing, rinse and repeat. This was fair on the people with strong teams as they don't get attacked that much, AND fair on the weak teams as when they get attacked they are only losing a handful of points. Indeed, I myself didn't get attacked much by teams that would steal more than 10 points from me (as I would be too "hard" for them) so most of my attacks came from people with much stronger teams than mine but many more points than me, so I lost very few.
All in all, it worked as a slow, but methodical and sure progression. I got 800 points playing regularly through the event and I I remained top 5 the whole time.
Then, I woke up to find that they had "fixed" the MMR back to the old ways. Sure enough, the status quo was restored and where the top 5 had been comprised of players with all kinds of rosters (though, admittedly more on the top side) with 800-950 points, now the top 5 looks like every other top 5 in the recent history of the game: Whales with fully maxed rosters and over 1200 points. Unshielding in a vain attempt to climb got me attacked for 70 points in the time I got 22. In other words, BACK TO THE WORLD WHERE AGGRESSIVE SHIELD-HOPPING AND SENTRY BOMBING ARE THE ONLY WAYS TO BE COMPETITIVE. Back to the world where whales can ignore an event for its duration, have a quick an easy climb to 900 points in the last few hours on the backs of much weaker teams from whom they steal 40 points a pop, then drop $20 to shield hop and Sentry bomb their way into the 1300s+. Joy!!
Cannot help to think that the very vocal group of players that raged against these changes were precisely those who found their winning "strategy" no longer as effective as before.
Quoting this post for the orca pic
Nah, kidding, I actually got something to add.
Pylgrim, I believe I'm the one who won your bracket. So I've got a couple of things to put straight. First, the top 5 in this bracket stayed mostly the same for the last 15 hours or so. Neither me nor Obi-Wan Catnobi and Slogmaster hopped off your back for a late top 5 score (your back wasn't worth 40+ anyway, but a measly 20 or so, I recall I skipped you more than once). I don't have a fully maxed roster either, I have 8 characters maxed so far, by spending ISO earned in game on them (and I've played for nearly a year by now, I started during a time when getting covers was much easier). I gunned for top 5 because all I had of Mystique until then were two blue covers and I had no intention of buying cover tokens. So forgive me for doing the non-whale-y thing and aiming for a high placement to win all 3 covers...
Also, am I a whale? Well, I did spend some money on HP. Obviously I did. I use it for shields during the last tournament hours (because face it, there's no way past using shields when your score climbs beyond 900) and to buy the occasional missing cover for a character I like (not via recruit tokens, mind you). Does that make me a whale? Where do you draw the whale-line? Is the "likeability" of a player determined by how much money he throws (or doesn't throw) at the game?
Fact is - as it's been pointed out already - that the game is kept afloat by those contributions. Plenty of FTP players seem to forget that all too easily.
As it happens, the switch back to the old MMR screwed things up for me, and it hurt at least Slogmaster too, because he plummeted past me near the end (otherwise he would have won and I would have come out second, which would have been fine by me, because what I wanted were the Mystique covers). All of a sudden I mostly got matchs worth ten points or less, and I could be glad for the occasional 20 points strewn in. No, the switching back didn't help me one thing.
(Oh, and by the way... I was the only one in that bracket with 1300+ (1307, to be exact). And that actually happened thanks to two juicy defensive wins, I called it quits when I was at 1260 or so and saw that my top 5 placement was secure.)0 -
I'm fine with MMR the way it is.
I busted my assnick to build my roster enough to place. Only burn hp on shields, roster slots, and occasional all boosts.
I enjoy seeing those will 1500+ scores, because I know I can hit those for 40+ points each and get the progression rewards. I went forever without placing high. After building (for a long time) I am able to hit top 5 consistently. The transition is tough because it's supposed to be. I'm still building.
It's hard to complete a roster to keep you playing. Once you get towards the top, you still have to play (a LOT) to get rewards and build your roster. Making it easy to transition shortens the game, and the bottom line.
Keep mmr the way it is. It's working. Change sharding. That's where the work is needed. Throw the top 5% of players each in their own bracket. They take the top spot, plenty of others place well. More people are happy.
Just a thought.
Edit: If you are seeing max 3* characters with a 2* roster, it just means that you're winning as much or more as that player, imo. Try pacing yourself differently. I went through the last season without tanking, and my mmr moved very little. If you win 5 games at 20 points and lose 2 at 40 each, then your mmr is still going up, while your score is pretty much going nowhere....0 -
stephen43084 wrote:
You, me, same page. I have been saying for about a week now, the landscape of the game has changed between the number of characters, vaulting covers, more players with more developed rosters, etc. Transitioning and cover distribution need to be re-evaluated. MMR and sharding just punish different groups of players; they do not address the problem with transitioning from a 2* to 3* roster.
I really think the developers need to determine how long the transition process should take for a regular player; then, insure there is path/process in place so that they can be successful. For me this means that they need to stop being stingy with the 3* covers. Even if each player got one 3* star cover each time it was available it would still take approximately a year to get someone cover maxed, and as the pool of characters expands, that timeframe is going to get longer. The whole concept that getting any 3* covers at all increased their values is old and outdated for the current game environment. LR's and tokens used to give 3* covers with much greater frequency, and that was with less characters in the pool.
In theory, the greater the pool of covers the harder it will be to get any one specific character cover maxed and specced correctly. Therefore, to adjust, covers should become more available to compensate (likewise iso for leveling and HP for roster slots). However, the current paradigm does the opposite. It makes it even harder to get covers. Making covers rare has a value only to extent there is realistic chance of getting those covers (primarily through hard work, not chance (getting covers through tokens as part of rewards is work, but it is treated as chance)). The current system creates a disillusioned player base.
It's simple. Determine a reasonable timeframe transitioning players should be able to make progress; then, provide the means for them to meet your standards of that timeframe.
Unless they're going to make it so that you can get every 3* in about 3 months I don't see how making things more accessible is going to do anything. It's just not going to be THAT accessible no matter what and you've to make things ever more accessible to combat the dilution issue as you release even more 3*/4*. They really need to take a page from MTG and have two set of format, everything and one where you're restricted to a pre-selected roster at the start of some interval of time (say, every 3 months). What MTG figured out a long time ago is that you can't just expect a new guy to get the cards someone who has spent thousands of dollars and years collecting, because if you de-value that then you screwed your most loyal guys, but if you always let the veterans have an edge then you won't have new blood either, so they have a format that includes everything (favorable for veterans) and a format that's restricted to recent stuff (likely favors new guys). Since it should cost next to nothing to run online events I don't see any logistic issue. The prizes for these events can be tailored for eache vent. I'd imagine the 'everything' event should be more similar to Elite events where you compete for iso/HP but not covers, while the 'recent character only' type events will be geared toward getting covers.0 -
Phantron wrote:stephen43084 wrote:
You, me, same page. I have been saying for about a week now, the landscape of the game has changed between the number of characters, vaulting covers, more players with more developed rosters, etc. Transitioning and cover distribution need to be re-evaluated. MMR and sharding just punish different groups of players; they do not address the problem with transitioning from a 2* to 3* roster.
I really think the developers need to determine how long the transition process should take for a regular player; then, insure there is path/process in place so that they can be successful. For me this means that they need to stop being stingy with the 3* covers. Even if each player got one 3* star cover each time it was available it would still take approximately a year to get someone cover maxed, and as the pool of characters expands, that timeframe is going to get longer. The whole concept that getting any 3* covers at all increased their values is old and outdated for the current game environment. LR's and tokens used to give 3* covers with much greater frequency, and that was with less characters in the pool.
In theory, the greater the pool of covers the harder it will be to get any one specific character cover maxed and specced correctly. Therefore, to adjust, covers should become more available to compensate (likewise iso for leveling and HP for roster slots). However, the current paradigm does the opposite. It makes it even harder to get covers. Making covers rare has a value only to extent there is realistic chance of getting those covers (primarily through hard work, not chance (getting covers through tokens as part of rewards is work, but it is treated as chance)). The current system creates a disillusioned player base.
It's simple. Determine a reasonable timeframe transitioning players should be able to make progress; then, provide the means for them to meet your standards of that timeframe.
Unless they're going to make it so that you can get every 3* in about 3 months I don't see how making things more accessible is going to do anything. It's just not going to be THAT accessible no matter what and you've to make things ever more accessible to combat the dilution issue as you release even more 3*/4*. They really need to take a page from MTG and have two set of format, everything and one where you're restricted to a pre-selected roster at the start of some interval of time (say, every 3 months). What MTG figured out a long time ago is that you can't just expect a new guy to get the cards someone who has spent thousands of dollars and years collecting, because if you de-value that then you screwed your most loyal guys, but if you always let the veterans have an edge then you won't have new blood either, so they have a format that includes everything (favorable for veterans) and a format that's restricted to recent stuff (likely favors new guys). Since it should cost next to nothing to run online events I don't see any logistic issue. The prizes for these events can be tailored for eache vent. I'd imagine the 'everything' event should be more similar to Elite events where you compete for iso/HP but not covers, while the 'recent character only' type events will be geared toward getting covers.
There are things they could do. There could be certain 3* characters planned for the players to obtain within a certain period. They could have the Dark Avengers Prologue Chapter contain 3*'s. The could change the Daily Drops to reflect the new environment of the game. (As it stands now, I will not get another cover I can use from the daily drops for 100 more days.)
A different 3* each month could be the 3* of the month that it can be arranged to obtain all the covers for. I'm not saying do this for every character. Maybe it could be order of their introduction. There are typically 4 PVE's per month (3 during season, 1 offseason). Make a progressive (not the top progressive, leave that as it is set up now) reward in each PVE to be one cover of that character. Make 1 attainable progressive level in the season and 2 in the Sim be a cover of that same character. That leaves eight covers that need to be given out during the rest of the month (8 because need at least 15 total so can spec how players wants. For each PVP either during that season (or offseason as well in case players missed events or progressive rewards during that month) I would move the 2* progressive to level 200 and replace the level 500 progressive with a cover of that month's featured 3*. This is one example.
Even if a player managed to cover max 1 character per month, that's only 12 per a year. There are approximately 26 new characters per a year. So it's not like they're even going to keep pace. But at least SOMETHING is being done to assist transition. And remember your going in order of character release, so they won't overtake veterans, but at least they will be able to properly build a roster and teams that can compete more and more.
As to your second point, I've suggested several times a PVP format where one is only for 1*'s, one for 1*'s and 2*'s, and one for any character. Any player choose any one of the three to participate in. The less the roster is restricted though, the better the rewards for this event. This way everyone wins. I would not do this for all PVP's just like BOP, CotA, etc.0 -
Anyone feel like creating a new poll with simpler options that might better help D3. (I'd do it but probably easier for someone not on mobile.)
I'm thinking: How would you rate your MMR experience in "Nefarious Foes" overall? (Choose one) • Great, • Good, • Fine, • Poor, • Awful.
Everyone will speak their minds in the comments anyway so not really necessary to have random poll options that may not represent every players experience.0 -
I got to 1100 in the first 24 hours then had to sit there for nearly 2 days because the only teams available were only worth 2 points.0
When are the free tokens going out? Have they said?0
Leugenesmiff wrote:When are the free tokens going out? Have they said?
I already got mine....and you guessed it...i pulled a.....MOONSTONE!!!! was inevitable.0 -
Just to give mine feedback (I know, late, but what the hell...)
Nefarious foes is not an event equal to classic featured PvP events, so it's difficult to judge how the MMR shifted. From what I have learned it was easier for me to hit over 700 mark than it is usually and it was easier to stay in top 50 - I did not get attacked so often, so I did not even have to use the shield to secure top placements. Now when running season events the MMR seems to be much tougher should I compare it to Nefarious foes + season bracket is again the deadly one (within 2 days from season start the top 10 was highly above 2500 pts...)0 -
I pulled a 250 Iso-8.0
Leugenesmiff wrote:When are the free tokens going out? Have they said?
Stop, (Iron) Hammer TIme0
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