Greetings From The D3 Community Manager
simonsez wrote:"David wrote:Moore"]I can confirm that there is indeed discussion going on about balancing Sentry. It's on the "To Do" list.
1300 progression rewards SHOULD be very difficult to achieve. There should always be something above to strive for, and for a 2-3 day event, only a tiny fraction of dedicated players should reach that mark by a combination of their skill and fortitude. The fact that SO MANY can abuse the game mechanics to reach these rewards is the flaw that needs to be corrected.
I'm curious how simple changes in how queueing up matches while shielded could alleviate this problem though. Things like breaking shields to skip matches I don't think would really make that much of a difference since people would just wait till they are about ready to fight to search for their matches, only cutting 2-3 matches between shields to 1-2, but not actually changing the results.
I would suggest removing player names from the information we are given prematch would help more than anything else. This would prevent the worst offenders from working together by leapfrogging off of each other back and forth shield hopping and not being exposed to retaliations between shields. This won't prevent players from reaching those 1300 scores, but it would make breaking shields more dangerous and expose those players to retaliations not coordinated to coincide with their shields.0 -
Pwuz_ wrote:1300 progression rewards SHOULD be very difficult to achieve. There should always be something above to strive for, and for a 2-3 day event, only a tiny fraction of dedicated players should reach that mark by a combination of their skill and fortitude.0
simonsez wrote:Pwuz_ wrote:1300 progression rewards SHOULD be very difficult to achieve. There should always be something above to strive for, and for a 2-3 day event, only a tiny fraction of dedicated players should reach that mark by a combination of their skill and fortitude.
could not agree more, why call it PvE when really after blowing past the top progression reward (120k for the last one, I had 195k), it comes down to competing against other players for top ranking reward which is a PvP atmposhere. Progression reward should extend to those who grind 24/7. So if you put in a solid 7-9 day marathon with out stopping, then be rewarded. There should not be peer to peer ranking aside alliances.
PvE is the only event that is fun for me in MPQ and should be unique. If you must leave Peer to Peer rankings, then what about a last day PvP where the top 5 of each bracket can enter and duke it out in a mini PvP. Entry requires you to finish top 5 in your bracket right up to the last day and you will face all of the top 5 in the world for a even bigger prize/progression. Now that would instantly breath life/excitement into the competition.0 -
fight4thedream wrote:
...Well, i think that's about it for now [sorry he tends to ramble]. Congratulations on the new job and i wish you all the best with your new duties! Please give my best regards to the Hatman [IceIX], DW [Demiurge_Will] and the rest of the Demiurge/D3 crew.゙☆⌒o(*^ー゚)v
A true believer,
Well, "Hello" and thanks for the effort.0 -
GothicKratos wrote:What are your thoughts on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel? What about Tales of Xillia 1 & 2?
I really enjoyed the first two CoDs. Liked Modern Warfare but set the series aside after that. Advanced Warfare is piquing my interest again. Big fan of the first two Borderlands, but I've mostly moved on to Next Gen systems. Bring on Borderlands III! I've heard good things about the Xillia series but have yet to dive in.0 -
Welcome again David. Nice work so far. Quick question if you are still around.
This does not affect many people, but I'm one of the rare few it does, so I'll ask. With all the new heros coming so fast, will we see an increase in available roster slots? Right now, the max is 100, but almost 50 characters, that may not be enough for some. Any info on that?
Sgt. JJ0 -
Jdberia wrote:"David wrote:Moore"]
Hi Pylgrim,
When I joined D3 I began a new game of MPQ on both my mobile phone and PC. I'm experiencing the game as any player would.
Just as a follow-up, will you be spending your own money on HP or trying the F2P route?
Hi Jdberia,
Both ways definitely. Since I have a few new games going on different formats I'll definitely be trying a complete free-to-play experience without any purchases. I'll also be spending a bit of my own money.
As a side note: Many folks at D3 have their own games of MPQ going and play daily on breaks (OK, maybe in meetings too). That isn't a PR line. I've seen it with my own eyes. We enjoy the game too.0 -
"David wrote:Moore"]Jdberia wrote:"David wrote:Moore"]
Hi Pylgrim,
When I joined D3 I began a new game of MPQ on both my mobile phone and PC. I'm experiencing the game as any player would.
Just as a follow-up, will you be spending your own money on HP or trying the F2P route?
Hi Jdberia,
Both ways definitely. Since I have a few new games going on different formats I'll definitely be trying a complete free-to-play experience without any purchases. I'll also be spending a bit of my own money.
As a side note: Many folks at D3 have their own games of MPQ going and play daily on breaks (OK, maybe in meetings too). That isn't a PR line. I've seen it with my own eyes. We enjoy the game too.
I see you started from the beginning. I would like to know who your favorite character is at the moment and who you are most wanting to acquire ?0 -
TheHueyFreeman wrote:Hi-Fi
Do we know what your role means for IceIX's presence on the boards? I assume it to mean that you will be on the board each day while Ice visits every so often but doesn't disappear.
That's correct. You'll still be hearing from IceIX on a regular basis, and I know he reads the boards daily, but you'll likely see a bit less posting from him and more from me.0 -
Hey Hi-Fi,
Hope you're still around but I have a question for ya. Do we have a time-frame for the end of the Dark Reign title? Like will the PVE after this Colossus release be a new story? Also, do you think you could ask the Devs to not have a ranking system for PVE rewards? I'd rather it be like the replay-able story mode. I feel it's unfair for the release of a new character to be dependent on competing in a bracket. Brackets are for PVP, not PVE. PVE should be about how well as a player I can do against the AI story. We could still have bracket rewards in PVE, but make them for random items. Maybe a 42 heroic pack for 1-2 place. Two 10 packs for 3-50. One 10 pack for 50-100. 4 heroic tokens for 100-200. 2 heroic tokens for 200-400. Something like that. Then the new character be rewarded in the story. And one of each cover as well. The first cover could be moderate to get. The second difficult to get and the third very, very difficult to get! I'd be fine with that. That means I'm competing with myself to get the covers like a PVE should be. Plus with the rankings with the token pack, that'll be a nice bonus for my efforts. Anyway, hope you can help fix this messed up PVE reward system.0 -
"David wrote:Moore"]GothicKratos wrote:What are your thoughts on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel? What about Tales of Xillia 1 & 2?
I really enjoyed the first two CoDs. Liked Modern Warfare but set the series aside after that. Advanced Warfare is piquing my interest again. Big fan of the first two Borderlands, but I've mostly moved on to Next Gen systems. Bring on Borderlands III! I've heard good things about the Xillia series but have yet to dive in.
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my post.
As for Call of Duty, I've been asking a lot of people this because a lot of people lost interest in a combination of the repetitiveness and the pacing (i.e. in-yo-face), and the new one looks equal parts difference and faster. I didn't hold much love for Black Ops 2, despite looking forward to it, and ultimately passed on Ghosts too, mostly due to disappointment in Blops2. The whole nanosuit-with-a-battery should hopefully add a level of strategy to a match too, which I love. Hopefully the life of the battery is rather short, though.
Speaking of next-gen consoles, what boat are you on? PS4 or Xbone? Or are you PC Master Race?Most of my friends seem to have/are leaning toward the Xbone (and so am I, honestly) or PC. Just curious.
As for Talles of Xillia, I would defiantly suggest it if you're a fan of jRPGs. I would say it's one of the best I've played since...well...uhh...the last Tales game lol...but in all seriousness, especially if you enjoy the Tales formula, it's easily the most polished since Tales of the Abyss. If you haven't dabbled in any Tales games and you enjoy RPGs, you simply must play Symphonia (it's available for PS3, Gamecube, and I think the Wii), Abyss (it's available on the DS or the PS2), Vesperia (available on the 360 - I don't think the States got it on PS3), or Xillia (PS3 only as far as I know).0 -
Can we get some more attention to the forums as ever since Nonce was "retired" we have been getting way more spambots clogging up the discussions?0
David, can we please get an update on when the newer characters will be added to heroic tokens? The delays on this are getting out of hand.0
DayvBang wrote:David, can we please get an update on when the newer characters will be added to heroic tokens? The delays on this are getting out of hand.
or at least any hints at what fixes they are potentially working on to address the character pool dilution effect, which is why we were told newer characters were not being added for the present?0 -
JCTthe3rd81 wrote:Welcome again David. Nice work so far. Quick question if you are still around.
This does not affect many people, but I'm one of the rare few it does, so I'll ask. With all the new heros coming so fast, will we see an increase in available roster slots? Right now, the max is 100, but almost 50 characters, that may not be enough for some. Any info on that?
Sgt. JJ
Hi Sgt. JJ,
Here's the lowdown from IceIX:
"Very simple programmatic change if we need to make it.
At launch, the max was 50 and we raised it to 100 quite a while back. Can always be raised again. We do have some ideas that could change that paradigm though which would naturally mean more required Comic Slots. It’d then be worth it at that time to take another look at pricing.
Wouldn’t help to have high end players need 150 slots and have no way of doing that outside of paying in to do it."0 -
Ebolamonkey84 wrote:Hi David,
Can you find out why the cover rewards were recently changed in PVP?
It used to be that for top 100 you would get cover A, at top 25 you would get covers A and B, at top 5 you would get A, B, and C, and for alliance top 100 you would get cover C. Now, top 100 alliance gets you cover A. This can be beneficial when the top 100 cover is the better power (as in the recent Captain Marvel and Falcon rewards), but it makes the top 5 cover really hard to attain for transitioning players.
I was just wondering if this change was intentional or not.
Hi EM84,
Here's the word from IceIX regarding cover rewards. Hope it helps:
"Having C be the reward was causing Alliances to do lots of random (and otherwise useless) flip flopping if they knew they were going to get the cover reward but that individual members wouldn’t necessarily get the reward.
You saw it a lot in the multiple Alliance Alliances where members would hop from one to another. The way it is now with A being the reward, it’s an added bonus for placing well, but should be something individual players are going for anyways.
Keep in mind that we also rotate the colors for the rewards when we feature a character again in an Event or Versus, so if A is doubled this time, B or C will likely be the low/doubled reward next time."0 -
fsentell wrote:Can we get some more attention to the forums as ever since Nonce was "retired" we have been getting way more spambots clogging up the discussions?
Hi fsentell,
We're definitely working hard to quell spammers. It's an ongoing battle which we're chopping away at daily. I hope you've seen some improvement recently. We will be adding more moderators very soon and that should help as well.0 -
"David wrote:Moore"]
Here's the word from IceIX regarding cover rewards. Hope it helps:
"Having C be the reward was causing Alliances to do lots of random (and otherwise useless) flip flopping if they knew they were going to get the cover reward but that individual members wouldn’t necessarily get the reward.
You saw it a lot in the multiple Alliance Alliances where members would hop from one to another. The way it is now with A being the reward, it’s an added bonus for placing well, but should be something individual players are going for anyways.
Keep in mind that we also rotate the colors for the rewards when we feature a character again in an Event or Versus, so if A is doubled this time, B or C will likely be the low/doubled reward next time."
Why you dastardly X-Deadlys!0 -
It's pretty astounding that they think changing the color of the cover is going to disincentivize alliances from swapping personnel in order to get that cover...0
"David wrote:Moore"]fsentell wrote:Can we get some more attention to the forums as ever since Nonce was "retired" we have been getting way more spambots clogging up the discussions?
Hi fsentell,
We're definitely working hard to quell spammers. It's an ongoing battle which we're chopping away at daily. I hope you've seen some improvement recently. We will be adding more moderators very soon and that should help as well.
Lots of fake accounts are set up for spambots. You can stop the problem for a week with a mass ban. It'll just take a minute.
Start with those that have negative rep with 0 posts.
Amorkhan BarbaraCrosby DFlounlyrana Gregorywortha68 Gmillerana Gonly4001 Hadestid Hkwdavtny Hkqgdgwau Hkwdavtny Kristibpwu Kevinstacy6758 MosesOCallahan Nintskhan RAnythat4836 Romaasaqemui ShirleyCCrews SharryJames Sussainellux StefanieMoeller Trows5259 Tonyacross TeresaBailey555 alijack092 anisagujri76 aprinieves anjanisemi76 albert46 angelahanna axac86Vtf amiilee121 afdfd18dfnf andewmark andreaaross albertfrancis222 andra963 apitbesar arshejan andewmark aqhrfxuk42 adrianbrizida br0nd41395 bjke21zw batterthan buttsona8 bellajose bertiekenny222 bearkdance bettystol bllanduccii72 banotaxi brianbrooks casperjonas50 crystalawise conniedrice clarkjair923 charlespeters cakebaby218 charlesirons carriejohns chandrachetna76 cerenbulgu chachobila87 coramarnie222 dgsgs8fjff dgsgs7fvff dgsgs3fyff delphihetti daviddavin99 daphnehebe222 dgsgs4fqff dgsgs1fwff dcsxq171m8 dfg65dfng daxiemarla erislars222 etupez324999 eviemeg08 euladlee fosterrobert fdlbnu568594 fayfeiste fibroliefabout franfaradayofu fabianmalachi fargbutt fabianma fdfgh94Vyf florianbanidict gluug95bq gebbiemannie222 gganai065068 glenjovan grrwz311w5 hattienell629 hinameer hajisaheb45 idmfree238 jackb5305 johnbellly60400 julievenable1 jemeoin222 johnnena000 jinahina001 janevmary jodcqx335343 jesoleyon jasperralph24 jennifersherring jamesroof470 jamesjmccanna johnbellly60400 jamielouie491 jessiere kfwxxung khotidayoo kennytom222 kdns4er0lx kitrupert222 krisclaytonyua kamalakaur76 lelandted lucafranz395 lily32tx lteenrana lucycowlery lulupeggy3 linemay928 larrytony218 longnight leemguinn milesadele musclegainhelp1 milasuzai montyannie222 monderana ml5403718 mgrihoqx89 maryjmuth maryfenner mariahuey51 muhammadabrar mahrenjan0 nmij94fa neilgreer222 naylashezi76 noelsorly222 noellad848 nancyrfairley nicogrein3 neeksrana oagfhp508651 ozzybroad paultoby61 parosharma425 pamelaabernathyv pablotollett priynzhiny pexaelia222 rosecdeal rinsrana rosinagoodson rosslucaa robbryant56 shueg19nt susanaddison sheilasheila366 shbairfalak suvet814t3 shaunbattenbid streeple slinajhon sgsrg73Vqf sandraGutierre saniasheezi12 sdqwsxssj sednydalilah serinamakl sgsrg35Vgf sgsrg80Vsf sgsrg84Vbf sharoonkarin sunnyokpk320 thickness tbeivat1948 tinayoung trexmuscleadvice tariqmaham451 umarkhan vggxoxoc876 weapon4sp3 wcamond wevevvfoei withen8215 workoutmens zco2yhzr7
Next, massban the members that got negative rep with a single post.
Agive34 Anty1967 BKnound8677 Delp1940 Evat1974 Gloriagibson58 Kangikoo Ksqfjari Noths1980 RuthRichey Raymondcrow49 ShalonSeda Steverogers Ustractrana Whaper57 Xinyue6rD0y alodiaeydler14 abigaillena ashuasita76 anglijhon altabrose allyevie222 audranathan568 aliceemiliana222 andorjeans222 archedale991 auraflorintia222 avatalbot3 asemaasha76 apolonian angelmila ascorgunvor222 a9tuipm0loz aurakatri222 bonniejammi222 bessgeorgie buttnimra burneyguy222 caingavin clightte caryvdelong crystaldarnell chemilefennell dffd80dfig dhannadaleyy donalddale dhannadaleyesb dorimoon daisylan dawsontara85 dffd65dfbg eddiemicky1 eugenamasalina13 eallyamaha76 effiemeddie edielottie23 finchjerry123 frankieotis4 gerryolle geraldingram222 gumnambasti gerwqpoili hargreaveserin hakeemlokka ingoalvi jackrobb jasminheightley jahoobutt jessiemunoz johnbaba60400 jonasraul jonicsalas jiyamirza96 jrinamark jackquelinesimon jayrudy78 kizzysally kingbaba60400 kaylavbertie lalamaaza lucabannisagu leahcrise222 leebpham lenorabreid lillianstela222 loviness lajooguddi76 leanvifuue luis_logan laurabade6 mannydavie222 maliknida16 mint6peri mastersj551 maryatipton1 monubutt mayvivine222 milesjob maazaleanda mitchellbullard mirzasana569 maddietony8 missjamila marybailey222 mariakaso14 noorbonu nailfinlay nelllewis009 niaecake renajohnson rongtons ramonajbolin sumanshezi76 stoneglass samanthaaskew789 saeedjutt sophiecolgankgy stanfieldschnied soniyosoni76 suidrana sdgfg47Vkf usmanbhatti10012 ujobkq214463 umerjutt01010 uglladroplar1 ujfxgeelmail1 violawreed wintrickness werimaid wandaelkins xuwlc529m0 zarmibord
And then do a mass ban on people that signed up with sketchy names that have zero posts
Bukeizrurn BRpwnagedotcom Bolqxlftmt Bpzopepqma Bbomxlbtyl Bowmtvkajq Bvrtxdojcz Bspqmcgwsc DMZjaypz GkigI4ftm Goukinoah2 Greg0yory9g Hkkjlcgto Hktfqogcy Hkjertury Hkmreltcl Hkkjsghwr Hkpcjcyah Hkhfwejna Hkcjaggqb Hkyitaagl Hkuynskjv Hkutcwlei Hkiuadiai Hkavtnnrh Hklmbbodh Harada78 HqtiKRFF6 Hkfxgtfzd Hkvskvtfj HadookenX Hkqtaiwmk Hkkgjjnnt Hkefskizx Hkirrfrts Kwgzfqvh Kupkgyzv Kqenygoa Kskyzwps Krbjszrs Krhohxgj Kjzczjia Krtpwzgy Kdxvrhxv Kabzoiig Kpbzryua Kviylqdc Kntdfuie amyzoees afdzjxikfz ayorico23 alvin7448 aldofrnak45 arxrds6bt aliyatina aslosvtiig4k anthonytbrito adfs2frff asctre023254 agqdxx120940 apidx823w4 axac16Vtf azAbinbyp3f annanoelle alexisdavis adf17fdpf arslanali arnaples addf47ded boomerbrett21 bettselee bethkinne bjke30ek bhjxiq776804 breichart bievk557m6 boydhugh8 bmugrpst4 bjke47ci bjke98cv bigdumbfatso babamocha benedi47 bksnkj702158 bjoy5284 benji138 blountl470 bennofulco535 bowkpr561994 bbang7932 bjke62gg bjke67th berg57jb bjke47ui brandonevan44 catherinedrudd clayclif25 cainesruog4 chcgh97fzvf chopper0456 cfziamvc636 cwpfreezze clorechaun cross2791 carlagcllis creezeil clydepowell0 clnsmn13 codecgriff25 coco0830 ceaok059x6 colinlan222 cailvo12 chcgh11fjvf chicken57c chcgh15fevf caocbb736518 coltonkeg45 cyozdxva61 cyril881 cnsgurl22 dfh84dfzvf dgzje641w2 drodrigo1980 dbnaph487466 dnesinhhhhr df7fd88dfag djkleric df2fd38dfkg dfg55fefg derekthouse dfg63dflg dfg24fhfg dggh28Vmf dkgke956q9 dfgd48frvf derekthouse dfsf6xdfgtf dysenteriae dimpl700r9 dfh20dfpvf dtyf3f9dfo dfg16fgfg dfg73xdfgwf dmarcus1871 dgfg0dfmg dfgd42fkvf dfgt02fcff dtyf3f6dft drknight24 dsfg89xdfgrf dgfg3dfbg dfs75cfv4c dtyf3f3dfo dfs74cfv4c dfs97cfv4c dfgh4fmff dfgt15fyff dsfg42xdfgkf dfgh9fdff dsdg12xdfgyf dsdg38xdfgff dfg67fyfg devonhill42 dsdg83xdfgof dxkljcvns9 dfg00Ddbv dfg91dfxg deyoungtulag dfg69Ddbv dsdg40xdfgof dfgd9foff dsdg85xdfgaf dsgfg9dffd egacst289127 etzrinex elephant30x erummtrlmas eusnp926e2 eaqlrubc4417 ekjbp358l7 euwpgvyd0 evan1097 eqAbgubyv8j era1dkfd elzeenya fhfgh4fqff fvkiffwv266 fghh06fcbF ffnsnx726677 fgququbr fuoief323056 fzhnqkih fgdf3dfbg fzuzrh2 felisjams fghh23fcsF fgdf75fcgF frances654 fccsyp820660 fhfgh0fmff gfrrg932g2 gwzkohgpc gilbertrodrec gultekinyigit gambit77 gcpccwkc3 gaeyorgeeh gsdg59Vuf ginamaldonado979 greatguymatt3 gdhzn904g4 gsdg00Vbf hnsyyi399131 harveydent1947 hvxekzsm helennelsion hyhumd874059 hughben67 hhjdtmoo huerelljr hbdvsauuyu hvjm4uykw heseiydi intima2g5q iyzfr209m2 ismrse369659 imranbihani ihxdh904p9 intima9v5m intima2r5x ikkth733a8 jqw15fl32 jmufohow jsull21 jpwjzc840953 jasmeensheikh80 jqwonu337737 jamwbo491901 johndouglas jw898702 joliarobert jezpo664w7 jonathanchin jinafeer jhkvs9448 ksi06346 kravenasty2 krisclaytonevy kaysh876u9 kgmfm183y6 kingfire86 kiaanlin kanemclaren kqxgct155700 kfpnnphb kimtech2 killacam45 kevin2787 kglorq355707 lout98pw llyodfinnhy68 leonardjteague lmatax813315 lout59lx lkAbyhbyb2b lygpel729970 levizeus627 lout87ib lzahhm778538 liazmin lout80yr ljluf559v0 lily08bi leopard53y lwfge969d0 lezznd26 leanwiujyy leuktln1n8 lisajons7 lyleglass94 lagdatt19 mryenshi mtevkcwms mitesh87 masood11 marieemily321 myezleen mirzamaan5 masood11 mariatfarrier marilyn654 nairobired nmij98bg norrizaree76 npulck438541 nmzxs734k0 nxgvm009t1 nmij62nr npobw931a3 nono59190 omspww288998 objgsu371278 oppaqiynhc oewfgm214935 onzisyan oewfgm214935 onekekharap oungNxacn p1njackg3 phsa6hnvr poq7nbkb3 parrida12 peacock23h parrida12 paulheath722 paugkk562645 papilalo3 patriciafinney98 pbijdens psycho636 qhyqobbltm qtsdzp025013 qpvfi789z5 qdvttn639413 qwmeiw652521 quxelopqr rewy84yb rkimb001 rewy14zf rubenlopez rewy83io rubysanchez988 ryansofia rmadueno86 rachel1981 sdfvf3f1dfp sadf09cbff sfg69dfrvf safa17dfrff sdgfg9Fsfg sdkaciodi sdgd8Fmfg sleepy119 ssgdg39Vmf sahvt969t5 scottcoe90 svsqexrvx sdfvf3f4dfe sdfgv22fuf safa29dfcrf sgjve780t6 sanamzaibi sdf36cfv4c saltheart3 sdgfg4Fefg shrimpp0123 sjxnl669j2 sdfg90fpfg safa47dfsuf soafiqktc1 sdfvf3f6dfn soqgiiesm7 sdgd0Fjfg shueg28db sdf55cfv4c safa07dffvf stlnprfln sdfvf3f8dfj tgmxt731v9 twhe28dfig twhe81dftg tretd11tg tfxhco954146 tyfrt394k0 tczx47clff toamolybsovl tretd45xq twdxl244s6 toamobnwekfm troybach81 u7tvjdjsd usguzcgld0 uzfizydg uwazimjnoa uzrisyan vmmadz798185 vvyvxs452427 wmupo978c6 wquhuonl wafflefries wildekarrde18 wrtplc836324 walbrecher wendoiliana wqqilh767788 wfpjrs0933 wookeetime wghjb346s5 weapon3yo3 xazvhb044987 x2ddqufxt xnihdmpu x8qjia7su xrargguye3 yqiqgy707183 yafvos00 ygyjf130o2 yite39bp yiznyndanz yicztwn401 yqfmvb522153 zfdd63drfd zlslnkbv3 zfdd91dqfd zilayeen zghkfigeo zfdd73dvfd zekloyex
More comprehensive spam solutions are written up in the moderator area.0
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