Greetings From The D3 Community Manager



  • The PACman wrote:
    What are your thoughts on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel? What about Tales of Xillia 1 & 2?

    Not to be disrepectful GothicKratos, but does it matter? I dont give a big tinykitty what he thinks about CoD. In here i just want to know his thoughts on MPQ.

    Not to be disrespectful, but I have every right to ask him whatever I want to ask him, and you have no place to tell me otherwise, but because I'm a real gentleman, I'll let you in on a little hint; I don't want a robot as a Community Manager and I want to be able to talk to them outside of the narrow scope of a Match-3 game. A human being might actually care about it's community. Additionally, he already mentioned, if you bothered to even read his post, that he is still getting acquainted with MPQ, so it's likely he has little to say, even more so since his tenure at D3/Demiurge has been probably a little over two weeks, he likely has little to add on the technical side, or he probably would have already.

    WOW! I am sorry you took such offence there GothicKratos, but i am entitled to my opinion as well. In a forum dedicated to MPQ I have no desire to chat about Call of Duty or any other game. You are of course perfectly entitled to chat with David about anything you like and i would not dream of telling you otherwise. I merely asked does it matter, to you it clearly does, to me it does not. Oh and I meant it when I said 'not to be disrespectful', yours was clearly a sarcastic response and not appreciated. I do not want this to spiral, it should be a Welcome thread for David after all so lets agree to disagree and leave it at that.
  • I don't want a robot as a Community Manager
    I totally do!

    ...oh, you don't mean a literal robot. Never mind.
  • Typhon13 wrote:
    Hey look, d3 bought a new puppet

    Does your boss call you a puppet? I thought in this day and age of political correctness people only used the proper term, 'employee'
  • Dave -

    As you might have noticed, a lot of people are being a bit - well, hostile is probably the best word. The main reason for this, in all likelihood, is communication has been frankly terrible lately between the company and the players (sidenote - this new update was major enough there should have been an in-game pop-up for it). This will be a bit of a hurdle you'll have to get over at first - sorry - but if you can do it, you could make a lot of people happy, or at least much less angry.
  • Man, I love starting ****. Anyway, I posted what I did not to bash the new guy or just because I like rocking the boat (though I do rather enjoy the second one), but to prove a point. These people like you, Dave! Despite all the **** d3 has pulled, we like you and are giving you a chance to somewhat redeem them. Don't waste it!
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dayraven wrote:
    I don't want a robot as a Community Manager
    I totally do!

    ...oh, you don't mean a literal robot. Never mind.

    I don't want [url]Skynet[/url] nor Carl Allen. icon_lol.gif
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Hey David welcome. I would like to know if there is any discussion on rebalancing of sentry going on or is he considered balanced because you have to pay in either health packs or shields to keep going with him?

    Hi Max,


    I can confirm that there is indeed discussion going on about balancing Sentry. It's on the "To Do" list. I wouldn't expect any changes tomorrow or next week, but balancing Sentry (and other characters) is being looked at for future updates.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    "David wrote:
    Hey David welcome. I would like to know if there is any discussion on rebalancing of sentry going on or is he considered balanced because you have to pay in either health packs or shields to keep going with him?

    Hi Max,


    I can confirm that there is indeed discussion going on about balancing Sentry. It's on the "To Do" list. I wouldn't expect any changes tomorrow or next week, but balancing Sentry (and other characters) is being looked at for future updates.

    Allow me to translate that for you Max. It means it'll take the same amount of time it took them to balance Cmags, X-Force and the others. Also, expect him to be useless once they do. Hope that helps.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dave for rebalancing are they looking at older characters that are not being used as much because they are too slow or under powered like BWGS IM40, LCap, or are they focusing on people who are being abused like Sentry?

    Also any update on when the next new story will come out in PVE? New content is very welcomed.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Hi David, and welcome. I read that you are still getting acquainted with the game. Can we ask you a favour? Please start from the very beginning, like a regular player. I'm guessing that D3 has provided you with a fully unlocked game so you can test all features and characters as necessary, but I believe that approach conveniently avoids many sinkholes that progressing players experience. So please, go ahead and start a new game, be one of us.

    Experience the disappointment that is finding a pay-barrier early in the game when you get many covers but the slots to place them are lumped up together costing much more of the early-game rare currency that HP is, than players can possibly get before the covers expire. Experience being a transitioning 2* to 3* player and being punished for winning by entering mmr hell. Experience crazy event end times. Experience the uselessness of non "true-healing" abilities when you only have a few characters that are battle-ready and every single game represents a loss of the limited health packs meaning that you cannot play as much as you'd want (unless you pay, over and over). Experience upgrading the first characters you get, all wide eyed and hopeful and eventually learn that they are completely worthless, like Bullseye, Moonstone, Yelena, Bagman and others. Experience becoming a competitive player and seeing the same 2-4 overpowered characters over and over and over, because the rest simply are not good enough to compete.

    These and many other things are experienced by a progressing player but not by a developer with all the tools and inside knowledge they have at hand. Even if some "features" that cause grief to players are entirely necessary for one reason or the other, it's your (D3's, not only you) job to make sure players understand and are given reasons to be happy about it.

    Hi Pylgrim,

    When I joined D3 I began a new game of MPQ on both my mobile phone and PC. I'm experiencing the game as any player would.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    wymtime wrote:
    Dave for rebalancing are they looking at older characters that are not being used as much because they are too slow or under powered like BWGS IM40, LCap, or are they focusing on people who are being abused like Sentry?

    Also any update on when the next new story will come out in PVE? New content is very welcomed.

    Hi Wymtime,

    Regarding rebalancing, both older and newer characters are being looked at.

    New PvE story content IS under development. Sorry, no dates to share on that yet.
  • Nighthawk81
    Nighthawk81 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    "David wrote:

    Hi Pylgrim,

    When I joined D3 I began a new game of MPQ on both my mobile phone and PC. I'm experiencing the game as any player would.

    Just as a follow-up, will you be spending your own money on HP or trying the F2P route?
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hello Hi-Fi guy!

    Since we are taking the time to introduce ourselves, please allow me to do so. i'm fight4thedream aka F4d (without the "t") aka the man in the mirror♪ [i'm asking him to change his ways] and i'm excited to have a community manager to wax philosophical with!

    My goal is simple: i will be the Hokage <and Pirate King> of MPQ. (i hope you noticed the picture) i am neither the strongest, nor smartest nor the best looking character on this forum but i think i may be having the most fun. Why you ask? Good question! because life is too short to get your britches in stitches, yaknowwaddamean? MPQ is fun! <well not so fun when the cascades of DOOM fall upon you> Speaking of DOOM, i hear Dr. DOOM is not too happy to be considered a 2nd tier character in this game. You may want to tell the Hatman [IceIX] and DW [Demiurge_Will] because you and i both know it's not wise to make the good doctor angry. *whispers* he is a bit of sourpuss and has inferiority complex issues but you didn't hear that from me*end whispers*

    Anywhoo, if you are the grease on the squeaky wheel then i am the monkey with a wrench banging and tapping and jiving and dancing ~oh yeah♪ └@(・ェ・)@┐♪

    A bit about me, if i may. i love pepperoni pizza and tacos, going for long walks on the night beach, reading, pr0n and other XXX related activities, singing, dancing and most of all having fun. i like to do it anytime, anywhere. some people accuse me of living in my own little world but i assure you that size is mostly a matter of perspective hehe. my all time favorite super-hero is Spidey <3 who i am currently campaigning for a buff. if there's a way i can get you on my team *cough* money, donuts, VIP pass to Britney Spears concert*cough wink wink* just let me know! haha

    Well, i think that's about it for now [sorry he tends to ramble]. Congratulations on the new job and i wish you all the best with your new duties! Please give my best regards to the Hatman [IceIX], DW [Demiurge_Will] and the rest of the Demiurge/D3 crew.゙☆⌒o(*^ー゚)v

    A true believer,
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Hi David, and welcome. I read that you are still getting acquainted with the game. Can we ask you a favour? Please start from the very beginning, like a regular player. I'm guessing that D3 has provided you with a fully unlocked game so you can test all features and characters as necessary, but I believe that approach conveniently avoids many sinkholes that progressing players experience. So please, go ahead and start a new game, be one of us.

    Experience the disappointment that is finding a pay-barrier early in the game when you get many covers but the slots to place them are lumped up together costing much more of the early-game rare currency that HP is, than players can possibly get before the covers expire. Experience being a transitioning 2* to 3* player and being punished for winning by entering mmr hell. Experience crazy event end times. Experience the uselessness of non "true-healing" abilities when you only have a few characters that are battle-ready and every single game represents a loss of the limited health packs meaning that you cannot play as much as you'd want (unless you pay, over and over). Experience upgrading the first characters you get, all wide eyed and hopeful and eventually learn that they are completely worthless, like Bullseye, Moonstone, Yelena, Bagman and others. Experience becoming a competitive player and seeing the same 2-4 overpowered characters over and over and over, because the rest simply are not good enough to compete.

    These and many other things are experienced by a progressing player but not by a developer with all the tools and inside knowledge they have at hand. Even if some "features" that cause grief to players are entirely necessary for one reason or the other, it's your (D3's, not only you) job to make sure players understand and are given reasons to be happy about it.

    Hi Pylgrim,

    When I joined D3 I began a new game of MPQ on both my mobile phone and PC. I'm experiencing the game as any player would.

    You might want to get a higher level account, or else we're going to have to wait for another half a year for you to get a max level Sentry before we'll actually see something done about him icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    You might want to get a higher level account, or else we're going to have to wait for another half a year for you to get a max level Sentry before we'll actually see something done about him icon_e_biggrin.gif
    "David wrote:

    No, no, this is fine. Sentry must be experienced from far away to see what it does to the game. If you have one, you are having a blast and wouldn't see any necessity for change, same as happened with the enfranchised users of c.Mags.
    wymtime wrote:
    Dave for rebalancing are they looking at older characters that are not being used as much because they are too slow or under powered like BWGS IM40, LCap, or are they focusing on people who are being abused like Sentry?

    Also any update on when the next new story will come out in PVE? New content is very welcomed.

    Hi Wymtime,

    Regarding rebalancing, both older and newer characters are being looked at.

    New PvE story content IS under development. Sorry, no dates to share on that yet.

    Hi David, would you be able to give us some names/request permission to do so? We've been lobbying for a while as a community to get some characters like Daredevil, Loki, and the newly released Beast buffed/fixed among several others and it would be nice to get an acknowledgement of this and something to look forward to now that the this big round of balancing is done.

    It is good practice to introduce oneself bearing gifts, so throw us a bone here, when will we be seeing Colossus? icon_e_smile.gif
  • I just hope David will be active on the forum, and actually brings information and news. Like the release date of some characters, fun PvPs when there are new ones (like Balance of Power)...

    But all of this will depend on what D3P allows him to post here.

    I don't see much difference as of now.

    Are we going to have a new 4* as Alliance Season Reward in S6 ?

    Will the next PvE bring a new character ?

    If we discover that when opening the game, I don't see the point of having a community manager... And yet, another promise broken...
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Hi David,

    Can you find out why the cover rewards were recently changed in PVP?

    It used to be that for top 100 you would get cover A, at top 25 you would get covers A and B, at top 5 you would get A, B, and C, and for alliance top 100 you would get cover C. Now, top 100 alliance gets you cover A. This can be beneficial when the top 100 cover is the better power (as in the recent Captain Marvel and Falcon rewards), but it makes the top 5 cover really hard to attain for transitioning players.

    I was just wondering if this change was intentional or not.
  • Nighthawk81
    Nighthawk81 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    Hi David,

    Can you find out why the cover rewards were recently changed in PVP?

    It used to be that for top 100 you would get cover A, at top 25 you would get covers A and B, at top 5 you would get A, B, and C, and for alliance top 100 you would get cover C. Now, top 100 alliance gets you cover A. This can be beneficial when the top 100 cover is the better power (as in the recent Captain Marvel and Falcon rewards), but it makes the top 5 cover really hard to attain for transitioning players.

    I was just wondering if this change was intentional or not.

    Working as intended...

    But seriously, I don't like it either but D3 doesn't do anything unintentionally. It is a **** move and to top that there was no warning or even a simple justification.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]I can confirm that there is indeed discussion going on about balancing Sentry. It's on the "To Do" list.
    Can you tell us if there are also plans to make a change to the PvP mechanic if this rebalance is successful in dragging out matches? Or is the goal going to be to make the 1300 award something very, very difficult to achieve?
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Hi David, and welcome. I read that you are still getting acquainted with the game. Can we ask you a favour? Please start from the very beginning, like a regular player. I'm guessing that D3 has provided you with a fully unlocked game so you can test all features and characters as necessary, but I believe that approach conveniently avoids many sinkholes that progressing players experience. So please, go ahead and start a new game, be one of us.

    Experience the disappointment that is finding a pay-barrier early in the game when you get many covers but the slots to place them are lumped up together costing much more of the early-game rare currency that HP is, than players can possibly get before the covers expire. Experience being a transitioning 2* to 3* player and being punished for winning by entering mmr hell. Experience crazy event end times. Experience the uselessness of non "true-healing" abilities when you only have a few characters that are battle-ready and every single game represents a loss of the limited health packs meaning that you cannot play as much as you'd want (unless you pay, over and over). Experience upgrading the first characters you get, all wide eyed and hopeful and eventually learn that they are completely worthless, like Bullseye, Moonstone, Yelena, Bagman and others. Experience becoming a competitive player and seeing the same 2-4 overpowered characters over and over and over, because the rest simply are not good enough to compete.

    These and many other things are experienced by a progressing player but not by a developer with all the tools and inside knowledge they have at hand. Even if some "features" that cause grief to players are entirely necessary for one reason or the other, it's your (D3's, not only you) job to make sure players understand and are given reasons to be happy about it.

    Hi Pylgrim,

    When I joined D3 I began a new game of MPQ on both my mobile phone and PC. I'm experiencing the game as any player would.

    You might want to get a higher level account, or else we're going to have to wait for another half a year for you to get a max level Sentry before we'll actually see something done about him icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I would guess that getting new and transitioning players is a bigger priority right now. Considering all the changes over the past few months, I'm sure it'll help having someone starting fresh to look at how players new to the game experience it. Top level players with max level Sentry to deal with is frustrating to us, but it's a different type of problem. More about retention of high level players who have made that 3* transition. I don't have any of the data I'm sure that D3 does, but I would suspect that they hope to increase revenue from newer players, there isn't much that could be done to increase revenue from players who are at higher levels.